
Oct 28, 2017
I use the guide way too much than my liking. If I can' find a way in under 5 mins while stumbling inside a tiny room wondering how on Earth one would get out of here, I just press fuck it - and Google's it.

And playing Persona had been such a challenge to not look into guides for the exact response which might gives you 3 points towards confidants. I HATE myself for this...I hate it.

Rayman not Ray

Self-requested ban
Feb 27, 2018
I use the guide way too much than my liking. If I can' find a way in under 5 mins while stumbling inside a tiny room wondering how on Earth one would get out of here, I just press fuck it - and Google's it.

And playing Persona had been such a challenge to not look into guides for the exact response which might gives you 3 points towards confidants. I HATE myself for this...I hate it.

Too real. I think I ruined Persona 5 with my guide addiction.

But then I played Breath of the Wild. Somehow it freed me from the tyranny of walkthroughs. There's hope for you yet!

Deleted member 49970

User requested account closure
Nov 26, 2018
Here's some of my worst:

I've played Pokemon for maybe a total of 2 hours lifetime (could remedy this in the future).
From 2011 to 2013, my competitive fighting game of choice was the Mortal Kombat reboot. Keep in mind that I could've been playing UMvC3, SF4:AE, or Skullgirls.
I became weirdly obsessed with Black Ops II on the Wii U for a year or so. Played it for hundreds of hours and got pretty high on the leaderboards.


Oct 25, 2017
I almost exclusively play horror games and character action games on easy

I spent $15 on the XP/money booster in Assassin's Creed Odyssey

I bought all the DLC for StarLink and still only used Fox McCloud

I quit Persona 5 after an hour even though I'm sure I'd enjoy it


Oct 27, 2017
I see you this and raise you with I've never played a single entry in the series unless you count kingdom hearts.
I'll see you this and raise you with I've never played a single entry in the series or a single game in the Kingdom Hearts series.

I also cannot make it through the Last of Us, I have tried 3-4 times. Can't get passed the 2-3 hour mark.

Deleted member 11008

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I didn't finished Ocarina of Time. I think the furthest I went was in Ganandorf's Castle. I should finished it.

In fact, I haven't finished any Zelda game post Zelda 2, except Phantom Hourglass (my first Zelda and my first DS game, good times)


Oct 27, 2017
United States
I skipped work for almost a week when Mass Effect Andromeda was a thing.

I regretted doing that when i found out which disappointment the game was.
aw man


Well I actually enjoyed Kayne and Lynch 2 so...


Oct 28, 2017
I hate JRPGs. I think most if Sony's 1st party games are a bore. I don't like Mario. I prefer VR to normal games. Handhelds over console's anytime. Viva Pinata is the best RTS ever, with Theme Park World for ps1 coming in a close 2nd. I think all 1st person shooters are just the same shit with a different skin. I play COD for the stupid stories. I prefer championship manager 03/04 over any of the footy managers from the last decade. I hate crash bandicoot and see Spyro as the real PS1 mascot.

Come on you slags. FIGHT ME.
Hoo boy, those are some takes.


Oct 25, 2017
Hot Take Post:

Pokemon is boring and not very good. It both progressed and conserved in the wrong ways. Let's Go is the closest I've been to reigniting an interest in it, but it's still the same old Pokemon at the core. Can you imagine if every Final Fantasy game had the exact same battle system?

What The Thread Is Actually About Post:

Despite putting at least a hundered hours into it, I've never completed Doom II. The levels just suck. Visual garbage, loose messes of design. User created .Wads give that game life.


Dec 17, 2017
never played a jrpg to the end includig the classics like ff7 and chrono trigger.
most of the time in games I skip the story because I want to play a the game and gameplay is the only thing that matters to me.
I thin hollow knight is a good game but is seriously lacking any kind of feeling of where to go and what to do next, something that will propably makes me skip this game. I feel im walking an hour for 10 minutes of fun.


Is this a test?
Oct 25, 2017
I'll see you this and raise you with I've never played a single entry in the series or a single game in the Kingdom Hearts series.

I also cannot make it through the Last of Us, I have tried 3-4 times. Can't get passed the 2-3 hour mark.
You should really play kingdom hearts, it's good. I also have an identical confession for the last of us. In fact Zombie games do not do anything for me. The only zombie game I've ever enjoyed is Resident Evil 3.


Nov 20, 2017
• Most Nintendo games are too cartoony for me to ever take them serious. I keep hearing great things and then look at the art direction and give them a hard pass.

• I have never played nor aspirations to play TLOU, BotW, nor GTA V.

• I like cooperative multiplayer games in theory but it's usually the other people and their fuckery that turns me off to the idea. Even friends are included. Some putz around and waste too much time while other treat it like it's a fucking job and are overbearing. And PUGs are always a joke.

• 90% of the competitive multiplayer games I play bore me after the first 4 days. Same specific gameplay loop and a handful of maps. It's the definition of mindless repetition. No amount of faux progression can change that fact. Leaderboards mean fuck all to me and winning or losing a match doesn't moves me either way.

• Achievements/Trophies do effect my purchasing decisions - not as much as it once did.

• The Final Fantasy series has had more average to bad entries than good ones.

• Spoiling a story means nothing to me and sometimes makes me want to play a game I'd otherwise have overlooked if the end game sounds good.

• I spend more time researching a game I want to buy than should be necessary. Even if I am hyped at first, when the game launches I have to check gameplay footage, read reviews, and croudsource impression before I buy. And I easily have the money for it but there is some irrational fear of it ending up sucking.
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Oct 25, 2017
I never played chrono trigger and I don't have any interest to do it.
Pokemon gen 1 is the only pokemon game I played.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
I used my Master Ball on a Ditto I found on that bike route. 6 year old me thought it was a legendary Pokemon that could adapt the level/skills of the opponent.

I've never beaten Ceaseless Discharge in DS1 without the secret cheap kill.

I haven't played a competitive online game seriously since Gears of War 2 in 2008 ;__;

I don't own a TV and game on a stretched out 1200x1080 monitor :/

I'm too afraid of being completely crushed by the competition to even attempt to get into any online game.

The most recent Pokemon games I've played are Emerald and Fire Red :[. These games just haven't evolved in any exciting ways in the past decade.


Oct 28, 2017
I never made it much further than the Golden Saucer in FFVII. I was too bored with the story, characters, and setting, so I just stopped. I've tried multiple times since to play the game again, and I just can't. I always get bored and move on.


Aug 5, 2018
I will never understand people's obsessions with graphics at the cost of gameplay, or have a good story forgive terrible/clunky controls.


Aug 11, 2018
I've tried multiple times for hours but I can't do quarter circles.

The number one reason I don't like Monster Hunter is because there's no lock on, and it feels like it's making artificially difficult.

I firmly believe most Zelda games aren't actually great and people's love for the series is mostly fueled by nostalgia.
Nov 22, 2017
Deep inside, I hate video games, they are a waste of time. Almost ever y single one of them, with their weak ass infantilizing plots and recurring tropes. I would be better off reading good books... so God forgive me because I sin on a daily basis ...


Oct 4, 2018
The only Turn-based RPG series I like is the Mario & Luigi series, in fact I can't stand classical RPGs.

I also have an admiration for the Final Fantasy series, in spite of its gameplay.

Deleted member 17210

User-requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I pirated hundreds of Commodore 64 games in the '80s. I don't regret it at all as it gave me much more experience and appreciation for games than I would have had otherwise.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
The only soulsborne game I've played is bloodborne. Got all the way past Rom, then my save got corrupted and reverted to before I beat Rom.

I tried over and over to beat it again, but I just couldn't. So I set the game down and haven't picked it up since.

Agni Kai

Nov 2, 2017
I used cheats in Final Fantasy XIII to give almost infinite CPs to my characters. Maxing my characters' abilities and breezing through the enemies was the only correct way to play that game.
Jan 15, 2018
I reached the true final boss of Persona 4, and I did not have the right personas for that fight. I didn't want to go and level up so I just searched the ending on youtube.


Oct 26, 2017
-I fucking love the Final Fantasy XIII series.
-I haven't touched my Switch since beating Xenoblade 2 back in February

Deleted member 1102

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
I've tried to play Bloodborne four separate times and have hated every second of it. Love Dark Souls though.

Aaron D.

Oct 25, 2017
I never played a Pokemon or Smash Bros. title and am just fine with that.



Also, I'm a hopeless Paradox whale.

(Those gray boxes [minus 2 e-books] should all be green but they bundled all their Portrait, Shield, Unit, etc. DLCs into packs well after I owned them all individually.)
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Oct 27, 2017
I think FF7 is the worst FF ever.
I really don't understand why everyone likes TLOU.
I have an obsession with buying games and not finishing them.

Treasure Silvergun

Self-requested ban
Dec 4, 2017
I love Pokémon Gen 1.

I played MGS2 to completion at release and didn't enjoy a single minute of it.

I am adamant in my opinion that Silent Hill 2 doesn't hold a candle to SH1.

I don't have a PS4.

I have about 150 games on Steam and I've probably played less than 15.

I have never played Half-Life nor Portal.

I like SNES StarFox more than any other game in the series.

I think the OST to Yoshi's New Island is perfectly fine, and I liked the game better than any other YI game except the SNES one.

I never liked SMB3 and SM64 as much as the rest of the world.

I don't enjoy JRPGs that are constantly challenging and force you to pay attention in battles against common mobs instead of just mashing attacks. I don't remember ever playing a single Atlus JRPG, and what I read about them makes them completely unappealing to me.

I adore Zelda 2, while ALTTP is probably my least favorite mainline Zelda game.

I sincerely enjoyed Tomb Raider 2013.

I love unconventional control methods when they work well, so I loved playing Wii games (Twilight Princess Wii is much better to me than its standard-controller versions).

Despite years of tries and efforts, I still don't see what would make classic Sonic games so good that the character actually dethroned Mario for a while.

I prefer gaming on small screens, no matter the image quality of any given game.
May 21, 2018
Baltimore MD
Oh you want more?

I also think Resident Evil 4 is overhyped, and God of War is not a particularly good action game.

I have said this before in other spaces. I have purchased this game 3 times. And all three times I have gotten to the castle siege, and stopped playing. I spent more time fighting the controls then ever having fun playing it. Why it is so monumental in gaming history is beyond me.