
Oct 25, 2017
1. He isn't an employee of Funimation to be rehired

2. Where is this "The lawyer threatened to sue them" coming from? If it's the Vic defenders, I wouldn't believe it without some solid proof

3. Even if there is a contract with Vic, I'm pretty sure the health and safety concerns would allow them to get out of it. At least I can't imagine there is a contract without a get out clause (exceptional circumstances or some shit)


Oct 26, 2017
So apparently Vic's lawyer threatened to sue the con if they didn't invite him back. Ugh.

He almost certainly has no actual legal recourse but sometimes people will just back down, even if they're entirely in the right, because then they don't have to pay a lawyer. So that's possibly true, I guess.

Some random Con might make that choice, but there's no way a business will open the door to being blackmailed in that way. Not if they have any common sense.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think there's anything to actually substantiate this assertion and it's not really helping discourse to keep downplaying people with opposing viewpoints without merit.

EDIT: to make this clear, I am absolutely not defending any specific gamegater or gamegater adjacent person. I'm only stating a belief that a majority of people are just parroting the beliefs of the larger personalities out of ignorance, and immediately dismissing them as the same type of garbage means no one is there to talk to them to explain why it's garbage and they never learn how incorrect those views are.

This all goes back to my earlier statements on how I worry this situation is essentially a huge alt-right breeding ground because if you assume everyone out there is arguing in bad faith, you start looking like a fanatic and unintentionally reinforce the "me vs. the world" mentality.
Wait, you're seriously calling me a gamergater now? Just because I don't think a majority of people are terrible?

With allies like these, who needs enemies?

I literally never defended anyone who is actually legit saying terrible stuff. I just think there are a lot of people who don't know any better that get caught up in the big personalities and endless drivel being spit out by those that are.

If you want to think the worst of me for having some hope in humanity, then hate away. See how far that gets you. I hope you don't turn into what you hate while you're at it.
I want to make this perfectly clear because I think my viewpoints are being grossly misrepresented:

I am absolutely not defending any specific gamegater or gamegater adjacent person. I'm only stating a belief that a majority of people are just parroting the beliefs of the larger personalities out of ignorance, and immediately dismissing them as the same type of garbage means no one is there to talk to them to explain why it's garbage and they never learn how incorrect those views are.

This all goes back to my earlier statements on how I worry this situation is essentially a huge alt-right breeding ground because if you assume everyone out there is arguing in bad faith, you start looking like a fanatic and unintentionally reinforce the "me vs. the world" mentality.

So I think L Thammy's covered this very well, but I just wanted to say that while I appreciate that you are saying this in good faith, you are being naive and pretty insulting on top of it.

What is the "ignorance" here? What are they "ignorant" about? The fact that Vic did do these things? Because that's not really the problem. They are completely willing to disregard anything many many people say, many women in particular, because they inherently distrust their accusations of sexual harassment/assault. No matter how many people back it up or what reputation those people have, they are absolutely ready to ignore the facts and instead buy into conspiracy theories that explain it away. To operate that way is not good faith on their part. Some of these people may be "reasonable" to talk to, but it is hard to reason with someone when this is their default.

And I just cannot believe that many of these people are actually fans of him. Now, it'd be very reasonable to assume that a large portion of them watched and enjoyed the dubs of FMA and DBZ. But I do not think they care about him in particular; I believe that's not what's clouding this for them. And I do think, in comparison, there is a lot of overlap with GG- not necessarily the earlier stuff (though the conspiracy theories about people involved certainly is similar), but the later "they're censoring my anime games!!!" crowd certainly gets pulled in here. Or else - they might not be channers, but channer idealogy has trickled down to them and they buy into it.

Are these people lost causes? No. But miss us with this "don't turn into what you hate", "if you assume everyone out there is arguing in bad faith you start looking like a fanatic", etc. garbage. They readily believe some vile nonsense and that's on them. We're not reaching out to them in our discussions here, so we're free to call a spade a spade. If you want to spend your time trying to get them to see how fucked their beliefs are, go for it; it might not be entirely wasted. But please don't get all high and mighty about how everyone else is becoming "the same type of garbage" when they write off people who are readily believing in hateful conspiracy theories, because that is some incredibly gross bullshit.

Deleted member 8001

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017

These people lol.

Deleted member 8001

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Lol "intelligent debate"
I assume he blocked you too?

But yeah, the default mindset of these people are that women are scheming liars and that "advancing an agenda" is the "obvious" reason he's alluding to.
Yeah lol I asked them a question and apparently that's not intelligent enough!

It's a shame but yeah that's what she's doing. What I was trying to do is to get her to admit this cause when you do the argument falls apart.

"I've been sexually assaulted" = famous + become rich to these people lmao, they don't even think. Imagine if everyone said that how successful we'd all be!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
lol it's so easy to deal with them. They don't want to debate someone actually willing!
Some of them will try to "debate", but it's really just cyclically regurgitating the evidence nonsense. When they can't actually argue you, they'll resort to posting screenshots of your posts as some kind of pathetic gotcha.



Mar 4, 2019
Good god, 200K for Vic and a blackface laywer? My god, this is why nerd culture has such a bad reputation

Deleted member 32561

User requested account closure
Nov 11, 2017
Hm, do we want a guy who said 15 lines in the series total, which like half were "Kalarot!!!" and did a bunch of screams?

Or the actress of most major female character and the people who support her (I fully expect other VAs to pull out)?

Like. This is specifically a fucking DRAGONBALL con. Fucksake.

I will feel sympathy for the con if they were legally threatened legitimately, but as we don't know the deets, they can fuck off until they clarify.

And if all the legal action is just targeting cons... lol. Like I said it's the only legit tactic they have to "salvage" his career, and they'll just look like bullies.

We'll have to see if any major cons book him going forward, but my guess is only extremely desperate small cons and those connected to Anime Matsuri shall continue to. Maybe comic cons as well due to not being as in the loop. So it'll only salvage his career for like a year.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I'm too afraid to read the comments, is any dumbass Vic Standers spinning this as "She's not leaving voluntarily, the con kicked her out cause they stand with Vic!"?
Didnt see those comments oddly enough when I read them, more of them were understanding and actually sympathetic, that'll change later in the day though since it happened late at night.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm too afraid to read the comments, is any dumbass Vic Standers spinning this as "She's not leaving voluntarily, the con kicked her out cause they stand with Vic!"?
There are some idiots with "AREN'T YOU AFRAID OF THE CONVENTION SUING YOU DUE TO BREACH OF CONTRACT BY NOT ATTENDING!?" and random crap, but it's mostly positive.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Hm, do we want a guy who said 15 lines in the series total, which like half were "Kalarot!!!" and did a bunch of screams?

Or the actress of most major female character and the people who support her (I fully expect other VAs to pull out)?

Like. This is specifically a fucking DRAGONBALL con. Fucksake.

I will feel sympathy for the con if they were legally threatened legitimately, but as we don't know the deets, they can fuck off until they clarify.

And if all the legal action is just targeting cons... lol. Like I said it's the only legit tactic they have to "salvage" his career, and they'll just look like bullies.

We'll have to see if any major cons book him going forward, but my guess is only extremely desperate small cons and those connected to Anime Matsuri shall continue to. Maybe comic cons as well due to not being as in the loop. So it'll only salvage his career for like a year.
Those 15 lines and the bad English opening of kia for a few episodes are very important you see!!!!!!!@!!!!!!!!!!!!


Looking for a better cartoon show.
Oct 25, 2017
there's no universe in which Broly is more important than Bulma, they fucked up imo


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
So they're gonna end up having Broly and none of the actual main cast. Good job, dumbasses
Oct 25, 2017
The organizers for this were stupid as all fuck. How do you withdraw his invitation, and then announce he'll be back within days like shit was gravy? I mean the right thing to do is toss his ass from the show. But you make a decision one way or the other.

Now it's a clusterfuck and I'm sure more VA's beside Monica will pull out now. You also have to take safety into account. There will be underage con goers here. They should be your first priority with allegations like this.

Seriously he's not even that important when it comes to DB. He voiced a character that doesn't even say shit. "But lets keep him on at the risk of having the main cast pull out"


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Good on Jason douglas, and he's getting attacked by vic stans :/. I'm going to assume chris rager (Hercule) will announce him not showing up too shortly.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I live in a giant bucket.
There are some idiots with "AREN'T YOU AFRAID OF THE CONVENTION SUING YOU DUE TO BREACH OF CONTRACT BY NOT ATTENDING!?" and random crap, but it's mostly positive.

Don't forget "Arrrgh you're betraying the fans they're your No. 1 priority!!!"

I imagine a con's responsibility not to invite a predator would a bigger concern, but y'know, decade-long conspiracies and all that.


Oct 25, 2017
The organizers for this were stupid as all fuck. How do you withdraw his invitation, and then announce he'll be back within days like shit was gravy? I mean the right thing to do is toss his ass from the show. But you make a decision one way or the other.

Now it's a clusterfuck and I'm sure more VA's beside Monica will pull out now. You also have to take safety into account. There will be underage con goers here. They should be your first priority with allegations like this.

Seriously he's not even that important when it comes to DB. He voiced a character that doesn't even say shit. "But lets keep him on at the risk of having the main cast pull out"
If it's true and that's If they seem to be afraid of getting sued and regardless whether they were right or not it's too much of a hassle and money to counter it

That depends how big that particular con is
Oct 25, 2017
If it's true and that's If they seem to be afraid of getting sued and regardless whether they were right or not it's too much of a hassle and money to counter it

That depends how big that particular con is

Here's the thing. They could have handled this one of two ways. Withdraw his invitation. Is what they originally did. OR. Say "hey we have contracts in place and we can't remove him from the con etc, but going forward we'll have no business with Vic after this."

But you don't kick him from the con and then announce that he's coming back within days lol. a lot of people I follow are disappointed they got him back. And now rightfully so. Other VA's are pulling out. They single handily turned this con into a disaster. I don't know how much Geekdom is involved but if he has a SHRED of integrity or cares about his name. He needs to pull himself away from this. Even for the simple fact that you shouldn't want your name associated with this shit show.


Oct 25, 2017
Here's the thing. They could have handled this one of two ways. Withdraw his invitation. Is what they originally did. OR. Say "hey we have contracts in place and we can't remove him from the con etc, but going forward we'll have no business with Vic after this."

But you don't kick him from the con and then announce that he's coming back within days lol. a lot of people I follow are disappointed they got him back. And now rightfully so. Other VA's are pulling out. They single handily turned this con into a disaster. I don't know how much Geekdom is involved but if he has a SHRED of integrity or cares about his name. He needs to pull himself away from this. Even for the simple fact that you shouldn't want your name associated with this shit show.

This is his last year of getting a paycheck. No one is really going to be hiring him or inviting him after this year. It is 100% a scorched earth move, if true. But for all purpose, his career is done and many conventions do not have the operating costs to entertain a lawsuit.
Oct 25, 2017
This is his last year of getting a paycheck. No one is really going to be hiring him or inviting him after this year. It is 100% a scorched earth move, if true. But for all purpose, his career is done and many conventions do not have the operating costs to entertain a lawsuit.

Depending on how many more VA's pull out. This con has potentially destroyed its reputation.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
As usual the shit stains are attacking everyone against the move and deciding not to attend lol.
Hm, do we want a guy who said 15 lines in the series total, which like half were "Kalarot!!!" and did a bunch of screams?

Well that's not fair at all....

Thanks to the Broly movie, he has become a very deep and incredible character.

He had a total of 13 lines in the entire movie and none featured Kakarot !!!


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
A shame really. It's only it's second year.
This is the hill they chose to die on. Unless of course they were really forced into it via contract breach like dickhead lawyer stated.

Which also brings up the question... was only Vic under contract for this event? Everyone I see pulling out of it publicly don't even mention it.

Uzumaki Goku

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
This is the hill they chose to die on. Unless of course they were really forced into it via contract breach like dickhead lawyer stated.

Which also brings up the question... was only Vic under contract for this event? Everyone I see pulling out of it publicly don't even mention it.

Daman Mills just pulled out as well.