L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Really I don't know how any of these work, like what did ComicGate and Gamergate do besides harass people?
Dunno about Comicgate because I didn't follow that, but a lot of Gamergate's visibility worked by confusing people as to what they were supporting. They claimed Zoe Quinn was a journalistic ethics issue, they claimed that they actually formed after some articles that were mean to gamers. They had a bunch of useful idiots who were really just angry that their favourite games got bad review scores. Once Anita was on Colbert or so, all the diehards couldn't do anything except retreat to their own websites because no one would buy their stories anymore.

How is Animegate going to pull that off? Is the whole thing going to hinge on this being an assault on '90s dubs?


Uncle Beerus
Oct 25, 2017
Dunno about Comicgate because I didn't follow that, but a lot of Gamergate's visibility worked by confusing people as to what they were supporting. They claimed Zoe Quinn was a journalistic ethics issue, they claimed that they actually formed after some articles that were mean to gamers. They had a bunch of useful idiots who were really just angry that their favourite games got bad review scores. Once Anita was on Colbert or so, all the diehards couldn't do anything except retreat to their own websites because no one would buy their stories anymore.

How is Animegate going to pull that off? Is the whole thing going to hinge on this being an assault on '90s dubs?
I've run into multiple people defending Vic that weren't even aware of the breadth of accusations against Vic and when you explain it to them they change sides, so the misinformation thing is a big part of "Animegate" as well.
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Oct 28, 2017
Dunno about Comicgate because I didn't follow that, but a lot of Gamergate's visibility worked by confusing people as to what they were supporting. They claimed Zoe Quinn was a journalistic ethics issue, they claimed that they actually formed after some articles that were mean to gamers. They had a bunch of useful idiots who were really just angry that their favourite games got bad review scores. Once Anita was on Colbert or so, all the diehards couldn't do anything except retreat to their own websites because no one would buy their stories anymore.

How is Animegate going to pull that off? Is the whole thing going to hinge on this being an assault on '90s dubs?
ComicGate itself started when a bunch of losers got pissed off about the lack of Sexualized females in modern comics, in their words it was because of "censoring art" and "forced diversity", a bunch of alt right comic book artist and writers that were shunned from the industry wanted to capitalize on this and make their own comic line(they failed)

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
I've run into multiple people defending Vic that weren't even aware of the breadth of accusations against Vic and when you explain it to them they chance sides, so the misinformation thing is a big part of "Animegate" as well.

Maybe I'm being overoptimistic, but I don't think it'll do anything except push the members of the anime community who are already okay with this stuff closer together. Misinformation will work, but I think it's harder to reframe these allegations as being about something else; if you see the evidence you know what it's about.


Oct 25, 2017
Studiopolis in LA, from my recollection he has done work for Digimon (Fusion and the Tri movies) and Sonic (he's E-123 Omega, who is in the upcoming TSR), among other stuff.

Deleted member 1041

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yup, and anime tends to be really centralized around a few corps who can afford licensing and dubbing. So Vics career is done. At the most he might be able to find work in other cartoons or video games, but he'll have this spectre haunting him. He will be done.


Oct 25, 2017
My biggest fear in this whole mess is that this is turning all of Vic's fanbase into lifelong alt-righters. They're mostly of that age where their political views get set in stone, and it looks like there are some Trump-esque sock puppets trying to steer the Vic defenders that way.


Oct 25, 2017
Yup, and anime tends to be really centralized around a few corps who can afford licensing and dubbing. So Vics career is done. At the most he might be able to find work in other cartoons or video games, but he'll have this spectre haunting him. He will be done.
Anime is typically bottom of the barrel. Cartoons and VG are above it. There is a reason why he never moved on like a lot of his cohorts.


Oct 25, 2017
My biggest fear in this whole mess is that this is turning all of Vic's fanbase into lifelong alt-righters. They're mostly of that age where their political views get set in stone, and it looks like there are some Trump-esque sock puppets trying to steer the Vic defenders that way.
That fear is likely to be actualised, unfortunately. We're talking about a fanbase that was reportedly madly into mocking one of their own simply for having dyslexia, something Vic not only didn't intervene in, but actively encourages. They've been on this trajectory for years already that, even if nothing came out about Vic, many would be carrying echo-chamber induced prejudices by now that the alt-right would swallow right up.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
That's the thing, though. Within GG you had big names that ran sites, were ostensibly making games, etc. etc. Comicsgate, same sort of thing with people talking about and making comics. People serving as authority figures, playing the others into giving them money.

What can Animegate do? Some alt-right web series...? Good fucking luck producing that, especially when most of your own group actually doesn't like dubs or original Western stuff anyway! There's nothing for people to make money off of beyond like... YouTube coverage of recent shows? And there's nothing for Vic to make money off of in particular.

I also don't think this turns his fans/the Rangers alt-right, since as horrible as their behavior is, I don't think that's exactly Vic's image. Sure, I bet he'll indulge in some of the stuff about not believing accusations... but it's hard to pretend to be innocent and wholesome and a good Christian man if you suddenly fully take that turn, y'know? And anyone outside them who's just come along for the ride was already almost there thanks to GG/channer culture seeping out.

Really if any Animegate forms, it's basically just GG+channer shit back at it again. Which, don't get me wrong: it's worrying! People will be harassed due to it if it does. But at the same time... it can't sustain itself.
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
Considering how much smoke he generated, I'm honestly surprised it took this long for everyone to abandon him.

And he voiced Junpei too in Persona 3, one of my personal favorite character... sigh.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
I see so many people defend Vic what the actual fuck ? And ask for Monica to be fired.

Even mutuals on twitter, I have no fucking idea how they can be so stupid.

Deleted member 6730

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Remember how Edward Elric explicitly said he was an athiest in FMA but Vic was having none of that shit so Funimation had to change the script.


Oct 30, 2017



The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Happy to see that RT and Funi cut him out. Reading the Vic defense tweets in response to Funi's statement sure is something else though.


Oct 27, 2017
I wonder if these defenders felt the same way about Bill Cosby....
Celebrities who paint a positive figure in fans life in some way will always garner defenders.

Vic has years of cons and engaging positively to fans (and disgusting acts as all the allegations and many of my friends have experience). A lot of fans are also just aware of Vic through his voice work as popular characters and have a special connection to said character or anime.

Just like it people had a hard time picturing their TV Dad Bill Cosby of raping women, Vic's defenders have a hard time picturing Vic as the same. Also remember a lot of these defenders are prrobably very young and don't know Vic outside what they see in media.


Oct 28, 2017
Whenever I see one pop up on reddit it's usually the same talking points.

Innocent until proven guilty

Chatlogs showing conspiracy against vic slash falsified photos.

Why didn't they report to police

Just after 15 mins of fame


Most devolve into circular arguments of victim blaming. It's like arguing with antivax or flat earth people at times.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
Are there any other companies Vic works with?
Studiopolis in LA, from my recollection he has done work for Digimon (Fusion and the Tri movies) and Sonic (he's E-123 Omega, who is in the upcoming TSR), among other stuff.
Viz Media, any connection to gaming roles outside voicing characters from anime he has voiced for.

Viz Media will most likely follow suit following both Rooster Teeth and Funimation. Once Viz goes he will probably not find any work
I know Vic hasn't done much for them recently but he did get his start in Houston with Sentai Filmworks (which rose from the ashes of ADV), so it would be nice to get them on record as well.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Whenever I see one pop up on reddit it's usually the same talking points.

Innocent until proven guilty

Chatlogs showing conspiracy against vic slash falsified photos.

Why didn't they report to police

Just after 15 mins of fame


Most devolve into circular arguments of victim blaming. It's like arguing with antivax or flat earth people at times.
Legit would not be surprised if they're also antivaxxers or flearthers.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
I love how these idiots, even after Funi says they conducted an investigation, still demand proof. What, did you want live footage of him sexually assaulting somebody right now? I'm sure even if they got that footage, they would still find a way to deny it by saying something like "she's just a plant"


Oct 25, 2017
Well on the bright side, both cons and companies may have to think twice about having Vic IF they want other VAs to work for them/attend cons.

I doubt many of the VAs will let this go now that it's out in the open regardless of what Vics fanbase thinks.


Oct 27, 2017
I love how these idiots, even after Funi says they conducted an investigation, still demand proof. What, did you want live footage of him sexually assaulting somebody right now? I'm sure even if they got that footage, they would still find a way to deny it by saying something like "she's just a plant"

I stupidly wandered into the ANN thread on this, and basically there's some half-wit on there who simply said that 'An investigation isn't evidence of anything'. There's no point trying to find reason in what any of these idiots are saying.


Jan 23, 2019
Long Beach, CA

You made it Marzgurl.
You're welcome, I guess. As if I was the first person to ever talk about Vic ever in the Year of our Lord 2019 and earlier.

Never forget that all the anti-SJW sentiment came because I accidentally pissed off YellowFlash2, who formerly declared himself the leader of comicsgate, and left comicsgate when it became boring and unfun to him (and less profitable for his YouTube channel). And now suddenly we're in animegate because that's just the hottest steaming pile of anti-SJW drama.

Bonus round: He seems like a truly level-headed guy.

Sep 12, 2018
You're welcome, I guess. As if I was the first person to ever talk about Vic ever in the Year of our Lord 2019 and earlier.

Never forget that all the anti-SJW sentiment came because I accidentally pissed off YellowFlash2, who formerly declared himself the leader of comicsgate, and left comicsgate when it became boring and unfun to him (and less profitable for his YouTube channel). And now suddenly we're in animegate because that's just the hottest steaming pile of anti-SJW drama.

Bonus round: He seems like a truly level-headed guy.

Buying comics you irrationally hate and then stabbing them to own the libs.