
Nov 6, 2017
With two months to go before a presidential handover from Donald Trump to Joe Biden, the federal government's strategy for containing the virus has experts worried.

Outside of embracing conspiracy theories, Trump administration officials appear to have pinned their hopes on improved testing and eventual vaccine approval.

"The strategy, if you can summarize in one word, is hope," said Dr Carlos del Rio, executive associate dean of the Emory School of Medicine and Grady Health System in Georgia. "And hope is not a strategy."

The swell of autumn Covid-19 cases is already proving to be the most intense period for new infections of the entire pandemic. By various counts, the US broke a world record for new cases – 100,000 in a day – this week. Those new infections will portend new hospitalizations, and eventually deaths. Already, more than 230,000 Americans have died from Covid-19.

"If we don't do anything to stop it, we are in the trajectory going straight up," said Del Rio.

Del Rio predicted the United States could see 200,000 cases a day by Thanksgiving, if Americans do not adopt social distancing and universal masking immediately.

There are other grim signs. The nursing home industry, which cares for America's most medically fragile residents, has warned that Covid-19 cases among the elderly and infirm are growing because of intense spread in surrounding communities.

"It is incredibly frustrating," said Mark Parkinson, president and CEO of the American Health Care Association, an industry group for private nursing homes. "If everybody would wear a mask and social distance to reduce the level of Covid in the community, we know we would dramatically reduce these rates in long-term care facilities."

"Thanksgiving is basically set up to be a chain reaction of super-spreader events across our country. And if this is happening across the country, we're not going to have [traveling health workers] or extra staffers," said Ranney, even as "everyone is needed in their own hospitals or their own communities".

Nationwide hotspots could also bring shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE).

"One of the biggest trends we're seeing is people are really ready to pretend the [pandemic] is over,"
said Gupta.

'Very worst of the pandemic' ahead in US with no apparent strategy, experts say

After Trump’s election loss, no plan visible for next two months as cold weather and holidays approach

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
It really seems like the plan is to just wing it until a cure rolls around. I'm afraid Biden won't be able to do much because half of the country is convinced it's not a serious issue. We need that half to cooperate for anything to be effective and they wont.


Oct 25, 2017
"Ignore and downplay" is a strategy, just not a very good one. It seems Trump is planning to ignore the election results as well.


Oct 27, 2017
One of my best friends kids brought it home from school and they are all now infected. I hate Trumps apathy for all of this.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
I think what matt christman said is how a lot of Americans are going to treat co I'd as just another risk of the world like just a random heart attack or a car crash


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
It really seems like the plan is to just wing it until a cure rolls around. I'm afraid Biden won't be able to do much because half of the country is convinced it's not a serious issue. We need that half to cooperate for anything to be effective and they wont.

The virus will be well and truly out of control by January even more so than now. With people basically refusing to lockdown I don't see Biden fixing this problem, it's just too late.

I think things will be slightly better but Trump is leaving him a HUGE mess to clean up.
Aug 30, 2020
Here in PA the infection rates are higher than ever by a large margin, AND my kid's school is planning on opening full time! (my kid's in virtual school)

With the dry winter air, and the holidays, infection rates are going to skyrocket like never before.


It's Happening
Oct 25, 2017
More things continue to open up here. November and December is a huge 2 months for retail, and they all want lots of traffic into their stores during this season to minimize their losses.


Official ERA expert on Third Party Football
Nov 2, 2017
I'm legit worried about the next 3 months, between Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Years. Our hospitals have been relatively calm lately, but that won't last at this rate.

We're going to be in for a world of hurt


Lead Designer, Iridium Studios
Oct 25, 2017
I'm just staying inside till a vaccine hits. Everyone else can go kick rocks, fucking idiots.


Oct 26, 2017
I swear once they allowed in person school to start back here people just stopped caring. Football homecomings, sleepovers, etc. all over my FB with no masks. Completely unnecessary shit. I'm just keeping me and my son safe, feel like the ship has sailed on convincing anyone without government intervening.


Oct 25, 2017
Combine American disinterest in communal good, rampant conspiracy nonsense, and general ignorance, and we're set to be fucked royally. And If Biden mandates a lockdown or national mask order, we'll see nationwide what we've seen here in Michigan with the "yer takin' muh freedom" dipshits out in force. It will get very ugly one way or the other.


Oct 25, 2017
Trump supporters who pushed the conspiracy theory that after the election, coronavirus will just disappear are in for a rude awakening.

Deleted member 46493

User requested account closure
Aug 7, 2018
This is a bipartisan thing. Sure, people here in NYC wear masks, but people have been back to house parties, indoor gatherings, dating multiple people, etc.


Mar 10, 2018
Someplace Far Away
Glad Biden is assembling a covid response team right now, but without the power of the executive branch in their hands right now, there's little that can be done.

Trump is going to let people die because he is spiteful they didn't vote for him enough.


alt account
Aug 1, 2020
This is truly going to be Biden's Great Recession recovery. Inherit an absolute steaming shit-pile and be forced to clean it up while dealing with obstructionist Congress and being blamed by Fox pundits for not doing enough when what little you can get done is helping the economy recover at a snail's pace. Then Republicans get into office so they can fuck up the country again. The cycle repeats ad infinitum

I think sadly it is going to be this way. Gotta look out for yourself and your family at this point and hope for a competent state level government.
I live in Texas :(


Oct 28, 2017
This is a bipartisan thing. Sure, people here in NYC wear masks, but people have been back to house parties, indoor gatherings, dating multiple people, etc.

Yeah I just walked by a park and there's been a gathering of like 100+ people in the handball courts two nights in a row.....


Oct 26, 2017
Biden is coming but we still have 2 more months of the shitshow and it's also peak flu season and the Holiday Triad...

The powder keg is about to go off and the fuse was lit last week.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
Trump is going to let people die because he is spiteful they didn't vote for him enough.

Bruh, the election ain't got shit to do with why people are dying so much as why more people will die. Its because Trump dismantled our ability to respond to viral outbreaks 2 years prior then did absolutely nothing about it when it hit our shores. He let almost a quarter of a million people die before his election. He ain't been doing shit about shit from the jump. Trump already pulled shit like this by trying to withholding funds for disaster relief from California when they're struggling with wildfires. He's vindictive to the point that it kills people.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
Glad Biden is assembling a covid response team right now, but without the power of the executive branch in their hands right now, there's little that can be done.

Trump is going to let people die because he is spiteful they didn't vote for him enough.

If it makes you feel better, he would let people die even if he had been reelected.


Jan 3, 2019
New York City
This is a bipartisan thing. Sure, people here in NYC wear masks, but people have been back to house parties, indoor gatherings, dating multiple people, etc.
Queens here. Masks are still going strong, but one of my neighbors is having a house party right now.
I once had hope of things getting better, or at least squashing this thing down to more manageable numbers.
Not anymore sadly.


Oct 27, 2017
Things are so fucked. Here in my section of central Illinois, things have gotten bad enough that restaurants are supposed to be closed to indoor dining. But, most places have just said "fuck that" and are proudly out there staying open. And nobody is enforcing shit. I don't know what Biden can do about local governments/police not enforcing anything and knowing that it going to court can easily wind up in front of a McConnell/Trump flunky judge who sides with the crazies.
Nov 19, 2019
It really seems like the plan is to just wing it until a cure rolls around. I'm afraid Biden won't be able to do much because half of the country is convinced it's not a serious issue. We need that half to cooperate for anything to be effective and they wont.
It's way over half the country at this point. I live in a very blue area and it has disappeared like a miracle as far as the people around us are concerned.


Oct 27, 2017
Los Angeles
It's fucking tragic that the person we elected president, the person who has a science-backed plan, won't be able to do anything about the tens of thousands of people dying this season. I do everything I can in terms of safety, but I'll still feel very powerless this winter, especially with family members working at schools.


Apr 16, 2020
Yeah I think a lot of us are in denial. Where we're heading is predictable, but we're still going to get blindsided because things felt relatively safe toward the end of summer.
May 21, 2018
The chance to bring it under control was when it first started, but after Trump made the virus a political issue there's just no reasonable path to bringing it under control. Even if Biden puts out a plan with mandates and enforces them, you're going to have people who defy those mandates en mass. Hell, you have people willing to kill each other over having to wear a piece of cloth over their face. Being anti-mask has become part of the identity of half the country's people.

Any recovery the United States will make from the covid pandemic is going to be long and painful, and I think in the end half the country still wouldn't have learned its lesson.


Oct 25, 2017
Biden can't stop mass stupidity, I mean look at last nights ND/Clemson game.

Folks have stopped giving a shit.
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Oct 30, 2017
Yeah. My s/o and I are quarantining after a few of her students tested positive. They're up to 15 positives now, that my s/o has had direct contact with. I'm surprised they lasted as long as they did, with the in-person stuff.

We're basically free-falling/on our own til February huh?


Oct 27, 2017
Trump is so bad that the bare minimum he could have done is be truthful about the virus and encourage the usage of masks, and the pandemic would not have been as bad as it is now in the the US. But nope, he had to make it into a political issue instead.

Little comfort to the families who have and will lose loved ones, but when historians look back on the Trump presidency they will not be kind to him.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Its insane, in my medium sized county in southern Ohio all the nearby hospitals are full...this weekend they started sending overflow to another county hospital, a hospital that is so small it has only...30 beds. So u know itll be full like tomorrow.


Oct 27, 2017
Trump supporters who pushed the conspiracy theory that after the election, coronavirus will just disappear are in for a rude awakening.

I'm kind of surprised it hasn't occurred to them they can use COVID-19 to attack Biden.

He's about to inherit the Presidential office right when COVID-19 will be at its worst. Republicans can just blame it all on him at that point, if they'd just acknowledge it was real in the first place.


Apr 1, 2019
It really seems like the plan is to just wing it until a cure rolls around. I'm afraid Biden won't be able to do much because half of the country is convinced it's not a serious issue. We need that half to cooperate for anything to be effective and they won't.

I agree. And Biden can't exactly be blamed for it, as he won't be officially sworn in office for another two months on January 20th.

This holiday season is going to get ugly.
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Oct 25, 2017
I'm kind of surprised it hasn't occurred to them they can use COVID-19 to attack Biden.

He's about to inherit the Presidential office right when COVID-19 will be at its worst. Republicans can just blame it all on him at that point, if they'd just acknowledge it was real in the first place.

Oh, they'll do that anyway. Here in Australia, when our left-leaning-led state of Victoria started spiking in coronavirus cases and we were forced back into severe lockdown, conservatives and Murdoch media simultaneously hit our premier with "Covid isn't a big deal, we're locking down for nothing" and "all these spiking deaths as a result of Covid are the premier's fault" at the same time.

The double-think is brazen and swift, and now that the narrative "Covid is just a political attack from the democrats and will suddenly go away if Trump loses" is about to be blatantly disproven, the Republicans/Murdoch media will gaslight the public, pretend that was never the angle, and move onto "Biden is handling the pandemic terribly."


Oct 27, 2017
the Republicans/Murdoch media will gaslight the public, pretend that was never the angle, and move onto "Biden is handling the pandemic terribly."

At least conservatives will pretend COVID-19 is real, and pretend to care about it, and actually discuss it in public if it means they get to attack Democrats, so... win-win?


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah around where I live in PA no one gives a shit

Yep PA is bad, I'm seeing people all around here every day without even a mask on. Many of my friends are acting like the pandemic is over, they're going out to eat and going to bars and having parties where no one has masks on. The ignorance is strong here in PA and I think it's terribly sad.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
For the US, Thanksgiving, holiday shopping and Christmas will continue as if nothing is happening and of course, infections will continue to skyrocket

Biden is inheriting one helluva trashfire


Oct 25, 2017
I think also people have seen the government doesn't care about the virus or giving them relief so they don't care about it or themselves or others either and are just partying. It's like an extension of his death cult, even beyond just Trumpers.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It really seems like the plan is to just wing it until a cure rolls around. I'm afraid Biden won't be able to do much because half of the country is convinced it's not a serious issue. We need that half to cooperate for anything to be effective and they wont.

If we have 200k a day infected a day and start seeing like 10-20k deaths a day people will start to panic and the government will have to step in. I doubt even a republican majority senate would be able to stone wall funding and lock downs if positive cases and death start spiking like that.