
Oct 25, 2017
Calling Chappelle a conservative is kind of ridiculous it's like calling someone like Malcolm X or Louis Farrakhan conservative. Dave is pro black and a lot of his grievances are legitimate. I think he should probably lay off trans people going forward he's run it into the ground. But like most black folks he's going to have a problem with white people laughing at his material where he's clowning black people or doing black caricatures then try to cancel him because of the trans jokes. It's kind of like how white kids listen to rappers talking about blacks killing each other and selling drugs to their community and all that shit was cool and then they say something about the LGBTQ community then trying to cancel them. Its kind of like oh all that other shit was cool? Y'all love that huh? But that other shit was taking it to far? If you don't like Dave that's fine but I think both sides need to find common ground because both sides have legitimate grievances.
Blacks huh

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Calling Chappelle a conservative is kind of ridiculous it's like calling someone like Malcolm X or Louis Farrakhan conservative. Dave is pro black and a lot of his grievances are legitimate. I think he should probably lay off trans people going forward he's run it into the ground. But like most black folks he's going to have a problem with white people laughing at his material where he's clowning black people or doing black caricatures then try to cancel him because of the trans jokes. It's kind of like how white kids listen to rappers talking about blacks killing each other and selling drugs to their community and all that shit was cool and then they say something about the LGBTQ community then trying to cancel them. Its kind of like oh all that other shit was cool? Y'all love that huh? But that other shit was taking it to far? If you don't like Dave that's fine but I think both sides need to find common ground because both sides have legitimate grievances.
I kind of get what you're saying, "conservative" is kind of an oversimplification for the views Chappelle has expressed over the years and he's certainly better on issues that are personally closer to him, but that's also what his style of comedy has largely degraded to. This witless antagonism hackery is what you'll find whenever you go anywhere trying to market themselves as conservative comedy. He's absolutely peddling in stock old man routines now, not substantially different than those boomer comics complaining about kids and their cell phones, same as any so many comedians past their prime trying to pretend that they're still on the cutting edge as they're long out of touch.

Any reference to "both sides" here is absolute bullshit and it's playing into Chappelle's hands. He's tried to present this as his position representing the Black community and the trans community as attacking him, but in order to do that, he has to throw Black trans people under the bus. He has to turn to the people he says he's supporting and say that he doesn't respect their humanity anymore. You can't try to present Dave Chappelle as a more complex figure and then reduce the situation he's placed himself in to simply a black and white conflict.


Oct 25, 2017
Calling Chappelle a conservative is kind of ridiculous it's like calling someone like Malcolm X or Louis Farrakhan conservative. Dave is pro black and a lot of his grievances are legitimate. I think he should probably lay off trans people going forward he's run it into the ground. But like most black folks he's going to have a problem with white people laughing at his material where he's clowning black people or doing black caricatures then try to cancel him because of the trans jokes. It's kind of like how white kids listen to rappers talking about blacks killing each other and selling drugs to their community and all that shit was cool and then they say something about the LGBTQ community then trying to cancel them. Its kind of like oh all that other shit was cool? Y'all love that huh? But that other shit was taking it to far? If you don't like Dave that's fine but I think both sides need to find common ground because both sides have legitimate grievances.
'everyone who attacks my favorite comedian is white' is some dusty ass shit man.


Oct 25, 2017
Calling Chappelle a conservative is kind of ridiculous it's like calling someone like Malcolm X or Louis Farrakhan conservative. Dave is pro black and a lot of his grievances are legitimate.
I think you'll have to elaborate on how that strain of Black nationalism isn't conservative. (And I think blaming all white racism on an evil Black scientist is kind of whack.)

Its kind of like oh all that other shit was cool? Y'all love that huh? But that other shit was taking it to far? If you don't like Dave that's fine but I think both sides need to find common ground because both sides have legitimate grievances.
I'd say there's a difference between joking about one's own community or culture vs. plainly hateful rhetoric about communities you aren't a part of.


Oct 26, 2017
Is he really still *that* famous and marketable that Netflix would still platform him regardless of his content?

It's disheartening to see him turning out like this, I did once like him the most among all the famous comedians. Shame.
Within this thread there was several progressive (I assume) people watching his materiał. Netflix doesn't care if they enjoyed it or just hatewatched it.
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
Calling Chappelle a conservative is kind of ridiculous it's like calling someone like Malcolm X or Louis Farrakhan conservative. Dave is pro black and a lot of his grievances are legitimate. I think he should probably lay off trans people going forward he's run it into the ground. But like most black folks he's going to have a problem with white people laughing at his material where he's clowning black people or doing black caricatures then try to cancel him because of the trans jokes. It's kind of like how white kids listen to rappers talking about blacks killing each other and selling drugs to their community and all that shit was cool and then they say something about the LGBTQ community then trying to cancel them. Its kind of like oh all that other shit was cool? Y'all love that huh? But that other shit was taking it to far? If you don't like Dave that's fine but I think both sides need to find common ground because both sides have legitimate grievances.

there's no common ground when one side's endgame is the eradication of trans people

Randy Savage

Feb 6, 2023
What the fuck are you even talking about?

There is no common ground here, if you're a bigot then you can get fucked.

I could not give less of a shit about his insecurities about being black and having white people laugh at his jokes, he can quit comedy if he's going to be a crybaby about it. Like I'm going to feel bad about a fucking millionaire like him.

That's also just whataboutism, there's no excuse for bigotry. He's a bigot and he deserves nothing.

Like I said you don't have to like Dave you can say fuck him all you want. As for the bolded part you can feel that way if you want. If you have any black friends I would talk to them about that if you ever get the opportunity though. It's something that's been bothering a lot of my black friends and they have been very vocal about it in recent years
Oct 25, 2017
Like I said you don't have to like Dave you can say fuck him all you want. As for the bolded part you can feel that way if you want. If you have any black friends I would talk to them about that if you ever get the opportunity though. It's something that's been bothering a lot of my black friends and they have been very vocal about it in recent years

There's no excuse for intolerance, again, your "concern" is a completely different thing that is unrelated and it's in no way a reason to be a bigot.

There is no scenario in which I will go "okay it's understandable/okay for Dave to be a bigot", it's not okay, period.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Like I said you don't have to like Dave you can say fuck him all you want. As for the bolded part you can feel that way if you want. If you have any black friends I would talk to them about that if you ever get the opportunity though. It's something that's been bothering a lot of my black friends and they have been very vocal about it in recent years
What's bothering your friends, the idea that Dave Chappelle is conservative?

Ultimately, I'm not convinced it matters. Who the fuck is Dave Chappelle? Why is it important that we label the entirety of his politics as specific as possible? Is he an important historical figure?

When we're dealing with his abuse towards trans people, those are the people that we should be focused on, and we're viewing things from that perspective. To trans people or to women, is there a substantial difference between Dave Chappelle being progressive or conservative about race issues as they pertain to cisgender men specifically when he is clearly conservative in his approach to them?


Oct 25, 2017
Calling Chappelle a conservative is kind of ridiculous it's like calling someone like Malcolm X or Louis Farrakhan conservative. Dave is pro black and a lot of his grievances are legitimate. I think he should probably lay off trans people going forward he's run it into the ground. But like most black folks he's going to have a problem with white people laughing at his material where he's clowning black people or doing black caricatures then try to cancel him because of the trans jokes. It's kind of like how white kids listen to rappers talking about blacks killing each other and selling drugs to their community and all that shit was cool and then they say something about the LGBTQ community then trying to cancel them. Its kind of like oh all that other shit was cool? Y'all love that huh? But that other shit was taking it to far? If you don't like Dave that's fine but I think both sides need to find common ground because both sides have legitimate grievances.

What in the ever loving fuck is this post

Randy Savage

Feb 6, 2023
What's bothering your friends, the idea that Dave Chappelle is conservative?

Ultimately, I'm not convinced it matters. Who the fuck is Dave Chappelle? Why is it important that we label the entirety of his politics as specific as possible? Is he an important historical figure?

When we're dealing with his abuse towards trans people, those are the people that we should be focused on, and we're viewing things from that perspective. To trans people or to women, is there a substantial difference between Dave Chappelle being progressive or conservative about race issues as they pertain to cisgender men specifically when he is clearly conservative in his approach to them?
I'm getting a lot of responses I'm not going to go back and forth with people so this is my last response. No it's not about Dave being labeled a conservative idk where you got that from it's about white people laughing at black caricatures or stereotypes then trying to cancel him. It rubs people the wrong way like oh it's cool we can be the butt of the joke or go up here and be a clown and entertain you but it's a problem when we make a joke about you. Like I said I don't entirely agree but some of it is valid (regardless it's not my place to tell either side how to feel about the subject) but I do think Dave and some type of Trans social rights leader should have a sit down and explain how both sides feel and I think they would come to common understanding (what I mean by common understanding is Dave working out either completely removing the bits from his set or if theirs a way to make jokes that aren't offensive about the LGBTQ community) because black folks or all minorities in general do have similar issues and struggles I think they can find common ground in

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
I'm getting a lot of responses I'm not going to go back and forth with people so this is my last response. No it's not about Dave being labeled a conservative idk where you got that from it's about white people laughing at black caricatures or stereotypes then trying to cancel him. It rubs people the wrong way like oh it's cool we can be the butt of the joke or go up here and be a clown and entertain you but it's a problem when we make a joke about you. Like I said I don't entirely agree but some of it is valid (regardless it's not my place to tell either side how to feel about the subject) but I do think Dave and some type of Trans social rights leader should have a sit down and explain how both sides feel and I think they would come to common understanding (what I mean by common understanding is Dave working out either completely removing the bits from his set or if theirs a way to make jokes that aren't offensive about the LGBTQ community) because black folks or all minorities in general do have similar issues and struggles I think they can find common ground in
No, I don't believe it is about white people laughing at Black caricatures or stereotypes then trying to cancel him, because that would require all of Dave Chappelle's critics to be white. That's not the world we live in. That's not the conflict that Dave Chappelle has started.

So again I have to bring up, why do we care about this complaint? What does it have to do with the topic of Dave Chappelle's transphobia, which cuts across ethnic or racial lines?
Oct 25, 2017
I'm getting a lot of responses I'm not going to go back and forth with people so this is my last response. No it's not about Dave being labeled a conservative idk where you got that from it's about white people laughing at black caricatures or stereotypes then trying to cancel him. It rubs people the wrong way like oh it's cool we can be the butt of the joke or go up here and be a clown and entertain you but it's a problem when we make a joke about you. Like I said I don't entirely agree but some of it is valid (regardless it's not my place to tell either side how to feel about the subject) but I do think Dave and some type of Trans social rights leader should have a sit down and explain how both sides feel and I think they would come to common understanding (what I mean by common understanding is Dave working out either completely removing the bits from his set or if theirs a way to make jokes that aren't offensive about the LGBTQ community) because black folks or all minorities in general do have similar issues and struggles I think they can find common ground in
It isn't white people trying to cancel him, its the simple fact that he is offering up piece of shit views. It really isn't that complicated...


Oct 25, 2017
Nothing sticks it more to the white people laughing at (and not with) Chapelle than…lazy, humorless transphobic rhetoric, I guess.

Quiet Storm

Oct 28, 2023
Why is he like this? Who hurt you, Dave?

It's so extremely disappointing. I just expect more from people who used to be beloved.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Nothing sticks it more to the white people laughing at (and not with) Chapelle than…lazy, humorless transphobic rhetoric, I guess.
It's fundamentally rooted in the same transphobic ideas that Dave Chappelle tries to defend himself on, I think; that trans people are exclusively a white phenomenon, and presumably also exclusively a modern phenomenon, which lets it be framed as having no legitimacy as it's just some local craze rather than anything endemic on a greater scale like the formation of ethnic groups.

Of course, this is all easily disproven as soon as you point one of the numerous historic worldwide gender concepts that have resemblance to our modern concepts of trans or nonbinary people. Look at the two-spirit people in Native American communities, or the Hijra of South Asia.
Oct 25, 2017
I haven't heard much from him in decades but from what I remember he was pretty scathing of Republicans and Dems. Maybe that has changed but idk I don't listen to or follow the guy if he is conservative now or was back then it was a bad example.
He is conservative, it has nothing to do with political parties. Look at his ideas, tell me how that isn't conservative.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
against both parties
scathing of Republicans and Dems.
Democratics and Republicans aren't yin and yang. They aren't innate forces of the universe. They're simply political parties, the current result of people attempting to secure the history of the American political system as people attempt to secure power by banding together or reject groups which have lost favour.

Conservatism is a description of someone's political beliefs, which exist regardless of the specifics of the system they're in; they aren't conservative because they vote Republican, they vote Republican because it serves conservative interests. If the Republican party was to collapse but conservative interests remain, people would still be conservative if they vote for whatever party tries to represent those interests afterward.


very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone
I haven't heard much from him in decades but from what I remember he was pretty scathing of Republicans and Dems. Maybe that has changed but idk I don't listen to or follow the guy if he is conservative now or was back then it was a bad example.

Bad example is understating it, it's pretty weird that you would just throw out a couple of random names of Black men to make your point.
Oct 25, 2017
He was a Trump supporter. You're a fucking moron dude.

Democratics and Republicans aren't yin and yang. They aren't innate forces of the universe. They're simply political parties, the current result of people attempting to secure the history of the American political system as people attempt to secure power by banding together or reject groups which have lost favour.

Conservatism is a description of someone's political beliefs, which exist regardless of the specifics of the system they're in; they aren't conservative because they vote Republican, they vote Republican because it serves conservative interests. If the Republican party was to collapse but conservative interests remain, people would still be conservative if they vote for whatever party tries to represent those interests afterward.

Bad example is understating it, it's pretty weird that you would just throw out a couple of random names of Black men to make your point.
The broader point is I don't even know why we are discussing: Conservative/Progressive, Democrat/Republican, White/Black. Dave is getting shit on because his views are shit and he won't fucking stop. It is his entire persona now, it is punching down, shitting on people who are vulnerable. I'm not going to act dumb, I was much younger and naïve I watched Half Baked and the Dave Chappelle Show with out much thought other than smoking and laughing. But we aren't kids anymore, and he knows exactly what he is doing. This isn't the first time he is doing this, it has turned into his persona, its gross and hateful. He doesn't give a shit. Fuck him.

Randy Savage

Feb 6, 2023
Bad example is understating it, it's pretty weird that you would just throw out a couple of random names of Black men to make your point.
I don't think their random like I said they are pro black who I don't think would identify as liberal or conservative.

Like I said tho this is my last response I really don't want to go back and forth about it anymore. I'm really just trying to show empathy with my black friends and understand where they are coming from. And like I said before it's not my place to really speak on either side so if you have the chance to I would just discuss it with your friends if it ever comes up they can explain it better then I ever can.


very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone
I don't think their random like I said they are pro black who I don't think would identify as liberal or conservative.

Like I said tho this is my last response I really don't want to go back and forth about it anymore. I'm really just trying to show empathy with my black friends and understand where they are coming from. And like I said before it's not my place to really speak on either side so if you have the chance to I would just discuss it with your friends if it ever comes up they can explain it better then I ever can.

Again lib/con =/= gop/dem, not at all. Your conflation of those ideas is a major flaw in your logic. I think the generalizations you have made in this thread are really offensive, and I agree that you have already spoken on them enough.


Jan 6, 2018
United Kingdom
I'm getting a lot of responses I'm not going to go back and forth with people so this is my last response. No it's not about Dave being labeled a conservative idk where you got that from it's about white people laughing at black caricatures or stereotypes then trying to cancel him. It rubs people the wrong way like oh it's cool we can be the butt of the joke or go up here and be a clown and entertain you but it's a problem when we make a joke about you.

Who is "we" and "you" in this situation?

You're pulling the same shit that Chapelle does to defend his focus on punching down against trans people, which is to insinuate that LGBTQ identities are an exclusively white thing. Which completely ignores the existence of black trans people.

Not just that though, but as has been noted in this thread, Chapelle stopped doing caricatures of black stereotypes upon the realisation it was white people who mainly found those bits funny. Yet he hasn't extended that kind of introspection about his comedy to communities he isn't part of. Not to mention his bits about trans women aren't caricatures, they're just anti trans talking points. I will ask this of anyone who dismisses his transphobia as jokes, where is the joke in saying that he will claim to be a trans woman so that he can assault cis women? What is he saying about trans women that makes that statement a joke?
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think their random like I said they are pro black who I don't think would identify as liberal or conservative.

Like I said tho this is my last response I really don't want to go back and forth about it anymore. I'm really just trying to show empathy with my black friends and understand where they are coming from. And like I said before it's not my place to really speak on either side so if you have the chance to I would just discuss it with your friends if it ever comes up they can explain it better then I ever can.
It is amazing to me that you are looking at this through the lens of being pro/anti black and not through the lens of being pro/anti LGBTQ+.

This has nothing to do with Dave being black. It has everything to do with the fact that he cannot stop being an anti LGBTQ+ bigot. It isn't that hard.

His entire persona now is punching down, specifically towards a specific community. If you want to get political, I wonder why a specific conservative subset is loving this shit.


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
The broader point is I don't even know why we are discussing: Conservative/Progressive, Democrat/Republican, White/Black. Dave is getting shit on because his views are shit and he won't fucking stop. It is his entire persona now, it is punching down, shitting on people who are vulnerable. I'm not going to act dumb, I was much younger and naïve I watched Half Baked and the Dave Chappelle Show with out much thought other than smoking and laughing. But we aren't kids anymore, and he knows exactly what he is doing. This isn't the first time he is doing this, it has turned into his persona, its gross and hateful. He doesn't give a shit. Fuck him.
No shit Dave is a transphobe. And Randy Savage is in here defending transphobia. He's not fooling anyone. I'm just pointing out how fucking stupid he is.

He's defending bigotry with shitty strawman arguments, so I imagine we're not dealing with a very high degree of intelligence.

I've reported him already.


Aug 3, 2021


Oct 25, 2017
Calling Chappelle a conservative is kind of ridiculous it's like calling someone like Malcolm X or Louis Farrakhan conservative. Dave is pro black and a lot of his grievances are legitimate. I think he should probably lay off trans people going forward he's run it into the ground. But like most black folks he's going to have a problem with white people laughing at his material where he's clowning black people or doing black caricatures then try to cancel him because of the trans jokes. It's kind of like how white kids listen to rappers talking about blacks killing each other and selling drugs to their community and all that shit was cool and then they say something about the LGBTQ community then trying to cancel them. Its kind of like oh all that other shit was cool? Y'all love that huh? But that other shit was taking it to far? If you don't like Dave that's fine but I think both sides need to find common ground because both sides have legitimate grievances.
This is a take that somehow doesn't assume that most fans of Chapelle, then and especially now, are white (white cis people LOVE punching down on trans and non-binary people, are you kidding me?) and that there aren't black trans people that need a voice too. It falls into the trap that Dave has set up: that trans outrage is artificially propped up by white progressives. It's an inherently conservative, anti-intersectional perspective.


Oct 30, 2017
Man… why don't these people use their fame, power and influence to be a force for good? Such a massive disappointment.


Oct 28, 2017
Bay Area
I don't think their random like I said they are pro black who I don't think would identify as liberal or conservative.

Like I said tho this is my last response I really don't want to go back and forth about it anymore. I'm really just trying to show empathy with my black friends and understand where they are coming from. And like I said before it's not my place to really speak on either side so if you have the chance to I would just discuss it with your friends if it ever comes up they can explain it better then I ever can.
There's a grand irony in you going to bat for hoteps over whether they identify as liberal or conservative but don't give a shit about marginalized groups being attacked for their sexuality or gender identity.
Nov 1, 2017
Dave's so pro Black that his bigoted bullshit overlooks all the trans and queer Black people who have been far more important to Black civil rights than his currently pathetic attempts at comedy. And the number of Black trans and queer people disproportionately targeted with violence that he doesn't give a shit about.

He's pro him and anyone that will inflate his ego.


Oct 26, 2017
I came upon this clip of Daniel Tosh and was very impressed by his response on cancel culture.


I completely agree with your reaction. Even being 'apolitical,' the default reaction for all these comedians should be to be willing to step up to meet the challenge of crafting new material — not pissing and moaning that they are being silenced or something.