
Oct 27, 2017
Use to love Chappelle, it's some real monkeypaws shit to have this guy come back after retirement with 6 specials and have them get progressively worse. It's frustrating because he's such a good orator, he's capable of so much better insight but he just won't let this issue go.

And it's already been called out, but the irony that this is all happening with the man who got too sensitive about how someone laughed at a joke 20 years ago makes it all more insane.
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
3 years ago I could say that at least he was funny even when talking crap, like, the delivery and punchlines were there, but lately he really became Stephen Crowder.
What a shitty end for my favorite comedian.

3 years ago he released The Closer which was still full of transphobic garbage. It's the one we were getting really mad about in the first place and even Netflix had to acknowledge the issue, and it had so many era members constantly driving by to talk about how funny it was and how much they loved it. A lot of people don't think it was funny at all. He was already very clearly a hateful bigot then.


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
I hate how this stuff forces us into this position where there's this idea that you can't make fun of trans people or our lives and situations. It gives this shitty impression that we're joyless and humorless when that couldn't be further from the truth. We have a very wacky culture and I personally joke about trans stuff all the time. We're very aware we have unusual lives. The problem isn't simply "you can't joke about this group" it's that the jokes are nothing but "aren't these people dangerous?".
It really sucks! Trans comedy is some of the funniest shit I've heard!

Osu 16 Bit

QA Lead at NetherRealm Studios
Oct 27, 2017
Chicago, IL
but Chappelle's audience, the tweet being replied to, always gives up the game when they say "he's telling the truth about trans". Like which is it - is he just telling jokes that mean nothing, or is it the truth?

This is a great point and it touches on something I rant about every time...we are stuck in an endless loop where the discourse is "can he say this?". JK Rowling is the same thing. It's been years of "should they be allowed to say this?" controversy which goes no where and only serves to frame us as humorless, overly sensitive scolds. It helps continue the idea that they are "just asking questions" or "have concerns" ect they are never confronted with or forced to articulate their actual feelings or policy wishes. There's no endgame or solutions presented.

We are constantly told comedy is deeply important and Chappelle has insight to teach us if we'd just get over ourselves and let him tell the jokes. what are the messages? What is the actual point? I'd love to see an piece where the question isn't "can he say this?" and actually drills down what he means and wants from us.

But we won't get that ever. Because, as you pointed out, we know what they want and think of us. The actual "truth tellers" are the randoms on the internet who say that terrible stuff.


Oct 27, 2017
The random stray thrown at gamers seemed particularly out of touch and frivolous.

"Progressive / liberal" podcasters.

May 14, 2021
Best review I've seen of the new special compares him to a once skilled physicist now using his skills to aid the Nazis.

"Like a theoretical physicist helping the Nazis during World War II, or a surgeon dedicating his life to stealing kidneys, the legendary comedian isn't exactly putting his skills to good use."


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I hate how this stuff forces us into this position where there's this idea that you can't make fun of trans people or our lives and situations. It gives this shitty impression that we're joyless and humorless when that couldn't be further from the truth. We have a very wacky culture and I personally joke about trans stuff all the time. We're very aware we have unusual lives. The problem isn't simply "you can't joke about this group" it's that the jokes are nothing but "aren't these people dangerous?".

Yeah. The trans YouTuber that I watch are funny and have smart things to say about various topics, and make jokes about the trans community that are actually funny.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm disappointed at Oswalt over this. It's not enough to say you disagree with him when it's rancid bigotry and you overtly support him generally. Especially when it's causing significant harm from a privileged public platform.
A lot of people are more willing to ignore shitty behavior/beliefs when it comes to family or friends. Lots of people who "don't discuss politics/religion" in their relationships, lots of people who pretend their racist/phobic uncle at Thanksgiving is just a minor nuisance, and so on.
You know what's weird, even as far back as Chappelle show, he was mocking conservatives for their bigotry against gay people. It's right there in the Clayton Busby sketch.

What a strange U-turn he has done. Surely he realises how contradictory his newer stuff is compared to his old work.
I'm not an expert, but some people are pro-gay while also being anti-trans, sometimes vehemently so.


Dec 22, 2017
I'm not an expert, but some people are pro-gay while also being anti-trans, sometimes vehemently so.
It's pretty common too.

So many people and organisations act incredibly smug as if they are the pinnacle of progressiveness to be tolerant towards gay people but are absolutely venomous against trans people.


Oct 25, 2017
A lot of people are more willing to ignore shitty behavior/beliefs when it comes to family or friends. Lots of people who "don't discuss politics/religion" in their relationships, lots of people who pretend their racist/phobic uncle at Thanksgiving is just a minor nuisance, and so on.

I'm not an expert, but some people are pro-gay while also being anti-trans, sometimes vehemently so.
I understand that, but he's now referring to the whole LGBTQ community as "the gays"


The Fallen
Oct 5, 2018
This was actually very bad. It felt like jokes that were written specifically for old conservative boomers which was surprising considering Chappelle is actually a talented joke writer (before the anti trans stuff anyway)


Dec 22, 2017
I understand that, but he's now referring to the whole LGBTQ community as "the gays"
I'm almost certain he wasn't honest back then and now that hating queer people gets more "acceptable" again he's propably slowly backtracking on whatever lazy support he once showed for gay people.

I mean I heard he shits on Lil Nas X too (while at the same time taking credit for Nas following his dreams, like the aggrandizing pos that he is).

Love Machine

Oct 29, 2017
Tokyo, Japan
A mix of thinking he's the smartest guy in the room, ingrained bigotries reinforced by a fucked society, a general case of assholeishness, and a defensive propensity for taking rightful and justified criticism not as a chance to challenge ingrained notions and bigotries and to reflect on himself, but as a personal attack on his towering intellect and moral superiority by extremists, leads to this kind of extreme brain rot in pretty short order.
Now his whole personality is just punching down on the people that rightfully told him to check himself. Pathetic and the peak of intellectual laziness - he's been this way for a long while, but boy is it blatant in the past couple of years - what a fucking tool.

Sadly as much of a washed up hack as he is, he still holds his place in comedy royalty for many many people, and is still loved by many more. I doubt his recent-ish transformation into a giant unfunny cockwomble has impacted his overall fanbase numbers much, considering personal experience tells me that the audience for supporting giant unfunny cockwombles is more sizeable than the audience that rightfully tells them to wobble off into the sun - sadly. Best most of us can do as individuals is cancel our Netflix subscriptions and make as much noise as possible whenever we can.
See also: Ricky Gervais
Just putting a bookmark in this one. Some of y'all have a really good way with words lol


Oct 25, 2017
I hate how this stuff forces us into this position where there's this idea that you can't make fun of trans people or our lives and situations. It gives this shitty impression that we're joyless and humorless when that couldn't be further from the truth. We have a very wacky culture and I personally joke about trans stuff all the time. We're very aware we have unusual lives. The problem isn't simply "you can't joke about this group" it's that the jokes are nothing but "aren't these people dangerous?".

Why Galaxy Quest is both the best star trek parody and an awesome star trek movie?
Because to make jokes you have to know what you are talking about.
And to transphobes trans people is just a dude who want to be called ma-am.

When you know some trans people personally you realize super fast how much jokes you can make by showing how we are crazy about gender as a society.
Like from "this person must be desperate if they choose to go on a second puberty" to the insane ways society makes it harder to change a single letter on your name..... but for these types of jokes the likes of Chappelle and Gervais would have to see anything past the "people are being mean to me on twitter i am clearly the next jesus being crucified"


Oct 25, 2017
The good thing about the kat Williams interview is that nobody is talking about Dave Chappelles new stand up. Hell many are realizing he isn't very funny anymore.


Oct 25, 2017
The good thing about the kat Williams interview is that nobody is talking about Dave Chappelles new stand up. Hell many are realizing he isn't very funny anymore.
I didn't think about that. Yeah, that Katt Williams interview sucked what little oxygen there was in the room for Dave. Even before that it felt like this special made the smallest splash in his transphobia series.

Melody Shreds

Oct 25, 2017
Terminal Dogma
We can be fucking hilarious, even when making fun of ourselves and our own community, but it seems like Dave Chappelle has either lost his (formally) amazing gift for comedy, or solely uses it for hate now.

I used to love his show, I loved his first HBO special too, He wrote some brilliant material even in the earliest days. But while someone like George Carlin continued to grow as a person and adjust his acts accordingly, growing all the way until his death, Dave just stayed the same, the world has passed him by and he adjusts by punching down and hating on groups he has know familiarity for. he doesn't even acknowledge that not only do trans black woman exist but they are literally the most vulnerable minority in the world and are murdered horrifyingly often.

I'm white and trans, so I have some privilege they don't and and yet, at this moment i don't feel it. its like the world currently hates me and wants me to fucking die. I can only imagine what trans people of color are fucking feeling right now with this and everything else.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
We can be fucking hilarious, even when making fun of ourselves and our own community, but it seems like Dave Chappelle has either lost his (formally) amazing gift for comedy, or solely uses it for hate now.

I used to love his show, I loved his first HBO special too, He wrote some brilliant material even in the earliest days. But while someone like George Carlin continued to grow as a person and adjust his acts accordingly, growing all the way until his death, Dave just stayed the same, the world has passed him by and he adjusts by punching down and hating on groups he has know familiarity for. he doesn't even acknowledge that not only do trans black woman exist but they are literally the most vulnerable minority in the world and are murdered horrifyingly often.

I'm white and trans, so I have some privilege they don't and and yet, at this moment i don't feel it. its like the world currently hates me and wants me to fucking die. I can only imagine what trans people of color are fucking feeling right now with this and everything else.

It's ego. He refused to recognise that he is wrong and is now doubling down on his views by using his talents and platform to continuously show the world that he will never admit that he is wrong. So much so that he can't possibly use whatever talent he has in other ways.

It's the same with JKRowling, and how she inserted herself in her book as a murder victim and wrote a book that was filled with pages upon pages of fake twitter posts lol. These people are willing to drop quality control and good sense just to torment trans people because their pride and ego were damaged.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Got to admit it's a little awkward watching a video criticising Chappelle for his transphobia while putting Bill Burr on a pedestal for not making jokes that "hinge on lazy stereotypes" 🤦‍♀️ His first example was even trans women cutting off our penises when Burr has made that joke several times.


Oct 25, 2017
Got to admit it's a little awkward watching a video criticising Chappelle for his transphobia while putting Bill Burr on a pedestal for not making jokes that "hinge on lazy stereotypes" lol. His first example was even trans women cutting off our penises when Burr has made that joke several times.
Yea not a good look. In my experience if people point out things like that to FD Signifier he ends up acknowledging his error and discussing/even apooigising for it later on. I think he genuinely does care to come across as sensitive and respectful to everyone.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Yea not a good look. In my experience if people point out things like that to FD Signifier he ends up acknowledging his error and discussing/even apooigising for it later on. I think he genuinely does care to come across as sensitive and respectful to everyone.
For sure. He seems a decent guy and makes well produced and informative content, which is why it's less like anger and more just awkward to watch. It wouldn't have taken long to research Burr when it comes to trans comedy, which is a shame as I could do with fewer people plucking Burr out as some exception to comedians when he's crop dusted transphobia across his content for years.


Oct 25, 2017
Got to admit it's a little awkward watching a video criticising Chappelle for his transphobia while putting Bill Burr on a pedestal for not making jokes that "hinge on lazy stereotypes" 🤦‍♀️ His first example was even trans women cutting off our penises when Burr has made that joke several times.

He is not saying Burr is perfect, he is saying that Bill Burr jokes on black people are a good example on how to make jokes about a community you don't belong. Just that.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
Burr's jokes about Black people, assuming that example is a typical example of what he does, hinge more on observational humor that comes at his own expense, rather than punching down using cheap and offensive stereotypes, and as a result, Black folks don't complain about Burr so much. It's to contrast with Chappelle who clearly can't be assed to learn anything about trans people to be able to have the context for interesting observational humor.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
He is not saying Burr is perfect, he is saying that Bill Burr jokes on black people are a good example on how to make jokes about a community you don't belong. Just that.
I know, I got that. I still think it's awkward to spotlight a transphobic comedian while criticising a different comedian for their transphobia.


Oct 25, 2017
I know, I got that. I still think it's awkward to spotlight a transphobic comedian while criticising a different comedian for their transphobia.

to be fair, Burr's transphobia is very different from Chappelle and Gervais style of transphobia

In the sense that Burr didn't forgot that he is a comedian and went full "i am against the system saying what can't be said"


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
to be fair, Burr's transphobia is very different from Chappelle and Gervais style of transphobia
Not sure I really see it tbh.
"Right, what is up next for you?" "Oh, well, they're gonna do a reboot of Top Gun. Uh, I'm gonna fly… [mumbling] And, uh, the copilot's gonna be transgender. So everybody will be happy. She won't die. Her discarded dick will block her head from the canopy. There'll be a gender-neutral bathroom on the plane."



Oct 25, 2017


Still all transphobia

Sorry, i misscomunicated myself

I mean in the sense that bill burr, when you look at his specials, is still trying to make jokes.
He fails, he is a bigot, what is he saying is still transphobic, but he still try to make the basic flow of a joke.
Is it a good one ? No, because he comes from a place of not knowing shit.

Gervais and Chappelle think that just saying "trans people sux" will get you a laugh.
They couldn't even bother to try to make it look like a joke


Oct 25, 2017
Sorry, i misscomunicated myself

I mean in the sense that bill burr, when you look at his specials, is still trying to make jokes.
He fails, he is a bigot, what is he saying is still transphobic, but he still try to make the basic flow of a joke.
Is it a good one ? No, because he comes from a place of not knowing shit.

Gervais and Chappelle think that just saying "trans people sux" will get you a laugh.
They couldn't even bother to try to make it look like a joke
I get what you mean, although the thing is that people are still cracking up at those not jokes by Chapelle.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Sorry, i misscomunicated myself

I mean in the sense that bill burr, when you look at his specials, is still trying to make jokes.
He fails, he is a bigot, what is he saying is still transphobic, but he still try to make the basic flow of a joke.
Is it a good one ? No, because he comes from a place of not knowing shit.

Gervais and Chappelle think that just saying "trans people sux" will get you a laugh.
They couldn't even bother to try to make it look like a joke
Idk. In the video example it's literally him just saying all the things transphobes say about trans athletes just dressed up with a few actions at the end.
You can be a dude, ranked 80th in the world, you have your dick cut off and put on a sporta bra and now you're the #1 tennis player in the world. Just coming out with your man shoulders, that just doesn't seem fair.
I'm hearing rumours like some of them are getting into that MMA. You can't have that shit. That is a dickless dude beating the shit out of a woman
Could literally be tweets from any bored TERF on a Tuesday. Oh but that was just a set up for the punchline of...
He may as well hit her with his discarded dick like a flashlight

Which, you know, considering he was using Burr to contrast against Chappelle as someone who doesn't "hinge on lazy stereotypes" where his first example is trans women cutting off their penis, is a little awkward at best.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Got to admit it's a little awkward watching a video criticising Chappelle for his transphobia while putting Bill Burr on a pedestal for not making jokes that "hinge on lazy stereotypes" 🤦‍♀️ His first example was even trans women cutting off our penises when Burr has made that joke several times.

I've always found the "but Bill Burr!" defenses from people in comedy confusing, and I've been hearing them for literally a decade or more.

Maybe it's just because I've been following the comedy scene for a really long time, but Burr gets away with a LOT of bigotry in his comedy, and I've never fully understood why he's able to skate around criticism. Yes, F.D. points out that his jokes about black folks do tend to make himself the butt of the joke, but that's not the only minority group Bill tells jokes about, and a lot of his stuff in that dimension is really thoughtless and mean, and blatant punching down to boot.
May 26, 2018
Idk. In the video example it's literally him just saying all the things transphobes say about trans athletes just dressed up with a few actions at the end.

Could literally be tweets from any bored TERF on a Tuesday.

Oh but that was just a set up for the punchline of...

Which, you know, considering he was using Burr to contrast against Chappelle as someone who doesn't "hinge on lazy stereotypes" where his first example is trans women cutting off their penis.

Yeah. Just the same old "trans people are dangerous" rants.

Bill Burr deserves no slack on this.


Mar 23, 2018
The fact that he mentions "punching down" shows me he is listening to the criticism, he just doesn't give a shit. Too bad.


Oct 25, 2017
I get what you mean, although the thing is that people are still cracking up at those not jokes by Chapelle.

Absolutely, because some people think saying "the goverment is corrupt" is funny.
Most times the Right try to make a joke you get this type of non-joke. It has been studies =P

Still not the type of joke i am talking about, which requires .... effort

Idk. In the video example it's literally him just saying all the things transphobes say about trans athletes just dressed up with a few actions.

Could literally be a tweet from any bored TERF on a tuesday.

No, because he goes for the exageration. No bored terf thinks a trans woman will actually use her "discarted penis" as a weapon on the UFC ring because using weapons is agains't the basic rules of the sport.

It is subtle because Poe's law, but you can understand that the image of someone beating another person with a dildo in a UFC cage is someone trying to create a funny image.

Do I think this joke works? No.
It is transphobic? Absolutely.
Can a more skilled comedian make a good joke that ends in a person beating another with a dildo in a ufc match? Yes

But there is the minimum amount of effort of trying to make a joke.

I don't see this minimum effort with both chapelle and gervais because they..... are not giving the minimum effort to almost anything these days since they discovered the previously mentioned "right wing no-joke" of just saying mean things that will get you an applause.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
No, because he goes for the exageration. No bored terf thinks a trans woman will actually use her "discarted penis" as a weapon on the UFC ring because using weapons is agains't the basic rules of the sport.

It is subtle because Poe's law, but you can understand that the image of someone beating another person with a dildo in a UFC cage is someone trying to create a funny image.

Do I think this joke works? No.
It is transphobic? Absolutely.

But there is the minimum amount of effort of trying to make a joke.

I don't see this minimum effort with both chapelle and gervais because they..... are not giving the minimum effort to almost anything these days since they discovered the previously mentioned "right wing no-joke" of just saying mean things that will get you an applause.
You could use this excuse for when Chappelle said this:
Now, I am not saying that to say trans women aren't women, I am just saying that those pussies that they got … you know what I mean? I'm not saying it's not pussy, but it's Beyond Pussy or Impossible Pussy. It tastes like pussy, but that's not quite what it is, is it? That's not blood, that's beet juice.
So I'm still not really getting where this wide gulf between Chappelle and Burr's transpobia is supposed to be.


Oct 25, 2017
Absolutely, because some people think saying "the goverment is corrupt" is funny.
Most times the Right try to make a joke you get this type of non-joke. It has been studies =P

Still not the type of joke i am talking about, which requires .... effort

No, because he goes for the exageration. No bored terf thinks a trans woman will actually use her "discarted penis" as a weapon on the UFC ring because using weapons is agains't the basic rules of the sport.

It is subtle because Poe's law, but you can understand that the image of someone beating another person with a dildo in a UFC cage is someone trying to create a funny image.

Do I think this joke works? No.
It is transphobic? Absolutely.
Can a more skilled comedian make a good joke that ends in a person beating another with a dildo in a ufc match? Yes

But there is the minimum amount of effort of trying to make a joke.

I don't see this minimum effort with both chapelle and gervais because they..... are not giving the minimum effort to almost anything these days since they discovered the previously mentioned "right wing no-joke" of just saying mean things that will get you an applause.

A trans woman using her penis as a distraction in a MMA fight is quite literally one of the most basic transphobic jokes you could make.


Oct 25, 2017

A trans woman using her discarded penis as a distraction in a MMA fight is quite literally one of the most basic transphobic jokes you could make.

But it COUNTS as a joke.
And that is all my argument is.
I am not saying it is not basic
I am not saying it is good
I am saying it reaches the lowest of lowest requirements of counting as a joke

Which "there are only 2 genders" or "i identify as X" ("jim carrey identified as andy kauffman") non-jokes don't even reach


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
lets try a different approach then,
Bill Burr is not obsessed with being transphobic, so there is a chance he will learn more and do better someday.
Chappelle is obsessed.
I don't need to try any approach though. I'm intimately familiar with the transphobia of each. I just thought it was awkward – literally the most benign criticism I think I could offer on the topic – in a video dedicated to criticising one comedian's transphobia by highlighting how it hinges on stereotypes like trans women cutting off their penis, to elevate a comedian who's also transphobic and uses jokes of the same nature.

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
lets try a different approach then,

Bill Burr is not obsessed with being transphobic, so there is a chance he will learn more and do better someday.
Chappelle is obsessed.
It's 2024. How have we still not learned to stop giving comedians with a history of making transphobic jokes the benefit of doubt?


Oct 25, 2017
But it COUNTS as a joke.
And that is all my argument is.
I am not saying it is not basic
I am not saying it is good
I am saying it reaches the lowest of lowest requirements of counting as a joke

Which "there are only 2 genders" or "i identify as X" ("jim carrey identified as andy kauffman") non-jokes don't even reach
Hack shit is still hack shit. Are we gonna really fucking argue semantics when you yourself admit it's not even funny?

Also, how the fuck is the joke "beating someone with a dildo in a MMA fight" actually funny? Like the underlying joke (EDIT:seen through a non-transphobic lense) is... bad.

EDIT: Saints Row The Third was over a decade ago.
Last edited:
Nov 8, 2018
I bet people here wouldn't be defending him if he'd made fun of any other minority. My point being hating and discrimination against my kind is still socially acceptable even amongst many era members.