
Oct 28, 2017
I really only read this as 2 possible things:
1. Putin is cashing in before it's too late.
2. Trump has no allies and is going insane.

Either way I hope Graham and Romney can build up a group of 20 Republicans to remove this bitch from WH already and lock him away along with basically everyone but Baron Trump.


Oct 26, 2017
Brock Reiher As a fellow Frankie stan, the shit you're trying to pull in here is not cool dude. Like, "why don't you come over here to fix our shit if you like fixing shit so much lul" is some grade A trolling in a very serious topic.


Oct 25, 2017
Starting to see tweets indicating Turkey has begun air attacks on Kurd areas on the Syria/Iraq border.


Oct 26, 2017
There's no point in attempting to have a serious conversation with someone who isn't open to learning.
I get being frustrated at people who don't realize people would end up on the street in a weeks notice (or in jail) if they dared to demonstrate instead of going to work...But people get frustrated at how nothing about any of this is done. It sucks to watch such a large country with so much influence burn to the ground and taking everyone else with them, and noone can (or in sadly a lot of instances don't want to) do anything about it.


Oct 28, 2017
Oh wow, I can't keep up with this thread. Already too late.

Moscow Mitch time to fucking remove this traitor from office. Even for you this is unacceptable, come on now. Insult Obama as much as you want with whatever bombastic bullshit speech as you do it.

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Oct 25, 2017
I get being frustrated at people who don't realize people would end up on the streets in a weeks notice (or in jail) if they dared to demonstrate instead of going to work...But people get frustrated at how nothing about any of this is done. It sucks to watch such a large country with so much influence burn to the ground and taking everyone else with them, and noone can (or in sadly a lot of instances don't want to) do anything about it.
Yup, I completely agree. I think people are doing what they can a lot of the time though, which is what makes ignorant posts like we've seen in this thread so frustrating.


Oct 27, 2017
I get being frustrated at people who don't realize people would end up on the street in a weeks notice (or in jail) if they dared to demonstrate instead of going to work...But people get frustrated at how nothing about any of this is done. It sucks to watch such a large country with so much influence burn to the ground and taking everyone else with them, and noone can (or in sadly a lot of instances don't want to) do anything about it.

The claim that nothing is being done is simply wrong and serves to illustrate the point being made. Why seriously engage when that's the kind of dishonesty being confronted from the getgo?


Oct 27, 2017
The Kurds allying with Assad and Iran probably draws Iraq and the Gulf states into a conflict. This could get out of control quickly.

If in 5 years, We look back at this being the cause of WW3, Im going to be pissed. This. Of. All. Things. US abandoning an ally thanks to a madman that went behind the back of so many leaders of nations and commanders of troops.


Oct 25, 2017
This could sink Trump. This is BAD. I can see congress impeaching and removing now.


Sep 24, 2019
Oh wow, I can't keep up with this thread. Already too late.

Moscow Mitch time to fucking remove this traitor from office. Even for you this is unacceptable, come on now. Insult Obama as much as you want with whatever bombastic bullshit speech as you do it.

He wouldn't be Moscow Mitch in that case.


Oct 26, 2017
The claim that nothing is being done is simply wrong and serves to illustrate the point being made. Why seriously engage when that's the kind of dishonesty being confronted from the getgo?
I think some people outside of the US are just used to... a different form of protest. We don't even have to look at France or Hong Kong for this, but in a lot of people's eyes, protests there can actually be called that. I think people just see a lot of US citizens complain on Twitter and that's the extent of it, because people are too busy working and surviving to actually start serious shit.

It's not dishonesty, maybe a bit misguided because they ignore the situation people in the US actually are in, and how the country is too big to make any concentrated form of protest have actual impact. But I can see why they see it that way.


Oct 27, 2017
Did he see this with his infinite wisdom?

They didn't even wait 24 hours. They're smart enough to understand that things can change after a news cycle or two.


Oct 27, 2017
It's bad but it won't remove him. BUT the fear that it could remove him might be a big factor.

So I'm guessing we're going to have a majority of senators and House of Representative of Democrats in 2020. Previously the Outlook was Republican still hold the Senate and we hold presidency and the house. If this is allowed buy by Moscow Mitch, there will be hell to pay in 2020. Especially if this starts a World War 3.


Oct 25, 2017
But are Republican voters in red states with Republican senators going to give a damn? (These aren't white Americans dying, after all.)
This is a greater threat to his Presidency then his other crimes to be totally honest. The Right Wing Kook leadership like Pat Robertson etc. are already condemning Trump and suggesting he faces the wrath of God if he continues.

The Kurds as freedom fighters have alot of respect and allies even if the US dicks them over time after time


Oct 25, 2017
This is leading to people actually dying. This could sink Trump. and its all his fault.


Oct 25, 2017
This is the most helpless/angry/frustrated/sad I've been since the day Trump took office.

Good people are being massacred by a fascist as we speak.


Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
This is really fucking bad and honestly Trump just handed the GOP a pretty rock solid reason to out him.


Oct 26, 2017
Honestly fuck this so god damn much...
This is leading to people actually dying. This could sink Trump. and its all his fault.
Nah, Bush got a metric fuckton of people killed, including his own troops, and he didn't sink either. Most of Trumps base don't even know what a Kurd is.


Oct 26, 2017
So beyond fucked. America has back stabbed the Kurds too many times to count now. You'd be nuts to trust this pile of stinking dog shit of a country ever again.