For US politics and election threads
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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
All the "he won" doomers are really going to be insufferable for the next few weeks...
I'm not sure how wrong they are at this point tbh. Trump dodging a bullet and pumping his fist to the crowd. Biden continuously having cases where he struggles to put sentences together. Democrats need some kind of huge unforeseen event that swings in their favor


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not sure how wrong they are at this point tbh. Trump dodging a bullet and pumping his fist to the crowd. Biden continuously having cases where he struggles to put sentences together. Democrats need some kind of huge unforeseen event that swings in their favor

A lot depends on who the shooter is and what motivated them. Biden needs to go regardless.


Nov 27, 2017
Breathe folks. This doesn't help him outside of his baked in base. I mean this is going make his base rabid but it doesn't help him with independents which he needs cause him and his base are going to be calling for blood in the most offputting way. Independents are gonna be this guy is a violent idiot who suffered violence and promises violence, who the heck wants to vote for him


Mar 10, 2024
User banned (2 weeks): conspiracy theories
Everything about this seems staged.

Happens in PA the most important state, target missed, SS allows him to stay on stage to get the photo. You would think they would rush him off. Yeah I can see it.

Would not be surprised if they soon find the "shooter" and they are every stereotype the right has been hammering for years.

Or someone views him as a direct threat and decided to take action themselves. I can fit both into my viewpoint


Graphics Engineer
Oct 27, 2017
Breathe folks. This doesn't help him outside of his baked in base. I mean this is going make his base rabid but it doesn't help him with independents which he needs cause him and his base are going to be calling for blood in the most offputting way. Independents are gonna be this guy is a violent idiot who suffered violence and promises violence, who the heck wants to vote for him
Its not going to help him. He's disliked and will continue to be disliked. How many people are actually going to change their vote because of this? You either dislike the guy or don't. It's not going to be a landslide at all.

Tom Penny

Oct 26, 2017
Trump was likely going to win cuz Biden is old and basically cooked mentally / physically anyway.This certainly didn't hurt Trump in voting.


Oct 28, 2017
Breathe folks. This doesn't help him outside of his baked in base.

This absolutely helps with independent voters who had any concerns about crime. I don't think the election is over or anything but check out what happened with Bolsonaro in 2018. Could draw undecideds or maybe people from RFK.

Anyone thinking this won't give Trump a poll boost is naive. Him telling Secret Service to wait so he could get that picture was brilliant. Like I said last week, he is brilliant at marketing himself.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
REALLY difficult to know how this will play out.

Trump might end up doing less of their rallies... or he might double down.

Trump might ramp down the violence and retribution rhetroic.. or he might ramp it up.

This might unify the country to think about gun safety laws... or Republicans triple down on guns.

Does Trump get more scared/cautious or more bold?


Jun 1, 2024
all conspiracy theorists sound stupid lol

No this was not staged

You don't risk something like this when you're cruising to a win

You don't risk something like this when the primary is draft dodger who puts ketchup on steaks


Oct 25, 2017
REALLY difficult to know how this will play out.

Trump might end up doing less of their rallies... or he might double down.

Trump might ramp down the violence and retribution rhetroic.. or he might ramp it up.

This might unify the country to think about gun safety laws... or Republicans triple down on guns.
You're kinda coping if you don't think it's gonna be the latter option in all of those cases lol


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I am more worried about his personal reaction to this. I don't think even the image works well enough for ads, it's too gruesome. It is sadly 'iconic' tho. Can't see this as anything but bad but I don't think it changes the electoral side of things much not that it matters when we know literally nothing right now.

And I say this as someone this thread probably would see as a 'doomer'


Mar 17, 2018
We still don't know if it was even a serious assassination attempt or just someone with a pellet gun.

Edit- if it's true that someone was killed, it's very possible that it was some of his supporters getting in a fight.


Sep 5, 2019
The Bolsonaro Strategy.

Same thing that happened in Brazil will happen in USA. He's going to milk that everyday until the election day.
Jan 15, 2019
Breathe folks. This doesn't help him outside of his baked in base. I mean this is going make his base rabid but it doesn't help him with independents which he needs cause him and his base are going to be calling for blood in the most offputting way. Independents are gonna be this guy is a violent idiot who suffered violence and promises violence, who the heck wants to vote for him

There's a possibility his supporters start lashing out in ways that are obviously dangerous and concerning but would just as quickly dry up any "sympathy for Trump" reaction people are worried about here.


Oct 25, 2017
Its not going to help him. He's disliked and will continue to be disliked. How many people are actually going to change their vote because of this? You either dislike the guy or don't. It's not going to be a landslide at all.

This is not about changing anyone's vote. This is literally about turn out.

Democrats have no fucking enthusiasm for this ticket right now and Republicans have all of it and now they're going to get even more.
Oct 25, 2017
that locked thread is pure liberal q anon good grief, right down to the people who are trying to say with a straight face that those who are concerened about it are plants who are concern trolling. fuck all the way off.


Oct 25, 2017
New York
Getting convinced Trumps just the anti christ at this point with these close calls with Covid and being shot at. How the fuck is one giant piece that has enough bad karma for 10 lifetimes that lucky?


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not sure how wrong they are at this point tbh. Trump dodging a bullet and pumping his fist to the crowd. Biden continuously having cases where he struggles to put sentences together. Democrats need some kind of huge unforeseen event that swings in their favor

He ain't gonna win because of this. He's gonna win because the Democrats are in shambles right now bickering back and forth over Biden's condition.


Feb 20, 2020
The picture on of him pumping his fist, blood on his face in front of the American flag will win him the election.. God damn


Nov 30, 2017
Even if it was 'just' an air-powered gun, those can be powerful. I was looking into a bullpup a few years ago that could easily drop a grown buck with a good shot at a very respectable range.

Honestly, I feel thankful that the injury wasn't too bad. America is not in a place right now for an assassination like this to not harden people's opinions on the 'other side' and take it to hate filled degree.


Oct 25, 2017
Just walked out of a theater and looked at my phone at all the alerts, holy shit I'm deeply uncomfortable right now.


Oct 29, 2017
Do we have any idea if anyone else was shot? That was a lot of gunshots
I don't think he was grazed by a proper bullet. That would have taken a piece of his ear off if that was the case, and the following shots would have injured the crowd behind him.

I think this was a direct ear shot, from someone standing to his right, fired from a low powered firearm like a BB gun.


Oct 25, 2017
Biden needs to come out with a quick condemnation of this.

I'm definitely worried how Trump's voter base will react to this. A lot of these people are the types that will say they'll die for Trump.


Oct 27, 2017
The picture on of him pumping his fist, blood on his face in front of the American flag will win him the election.. God damn

Yup. Can't help but feel that's a nail in the coffin. Unfortunately that pic will be used widely and it will get eaten up.

Even if its probably from him slamming into the stage floor, doesn't matter

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Agreed. Trump could get even just a good fortune cookie and people would at once start hyperventilating into a paper bag about how "this it. We're fucked."

Theres a lot of things to consider, don't immediately jump to paranoia. Bad for your mental state.
Nah man near constant dooming is famously super healthy for a person's wellbeing. /s


Oct 25, 2017
In an ideal world the image of a bleeding fascist would embolden those who stand against fascism.

Unfortunately I understand that this is America.


Oct 30, 2017
A coup, soft auto coup, my airgun 0.22 rifle is capable to infringe very signifant damage at 50 meters. He will overthrow all existing laws.


Oct 27, 2017
Let's put the election speculation to rest. None of you know how this will affect the election. Lots of details to come out as well
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