For US politics and election threads
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You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Some are downplaying how good this will be for Trump's re-election. This is massive
No, we are just taking a wait and see approach from a US voting populace that has the attention span and memory of a horsefly.

Hot Take culture has affected political coverage so badly. It's always about that one big thing. Elections are complex.


Aug 7, 2023
How has Biden not said anything at this point? A small statement, glad he's ok, something?
I imagine Secret Service is trying to keep Biden safe from becoming a victim himself. No way they aren't beefing up security for politicians to the max after this. It's probably for the best to wait before making any moves.


Oct 25, 2017
Because an accidental discharge or some other short of altercation in such a large space just happening to hit the most important person there is so improbable it strains credulity.

This is America. It's very much not the likely answer but it's far from impossible. The only thing we can confidently say is no matter what it was (short of an electrical accident or something weird) the secret service fucked up royally


Oct 26, 2017
Because an accidental discharge or some other short of altercation in such a large space just happening to hit the most important person there is so improbable it strains credulity.

The person being carried out and the other person with blood on their face looked pretty close up to the front. Could easily have been two people getting into with each other and Trump got caught in the line of fire. Innocent bystanders get hit all the time.

Rune Walsh

Too many boners
Oct 25, 2017
No, we are just taking a wait and see approach from a US voting populace that has the attention span and memory of a horsefly.

This is where I'm at. Everyone's first reaction is how much worse this makes things for us, but I'll wait it out because my mental state can't stand four months of just accepting it's all over.


Oct 30, 2017
The image of a bloodied Trump is incredibly powerful, as much as I despise him and his politics. It will be morbidly fascinating to see how this affects both the election and politics in general.
Oct 25, 2017
People are not going to suddenly forget about project 2025 or women losing all their rights. Trump may see a small bump at best.

if that were the case why the fuck was/is he leading in the polls? the average voter has goldfish levels of recall. hell even being relatively politically engaged it's hard to remember a significant amount of what has happened over the past 8 years.
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Oct 25, 2017
No, we are just taking a wait and see approach from a US voting populace that has the attention span and memory of a horsefly.

Hot Take culture has affected political coverage so badly. It's always about that one big thing. Elections are complex.

Saying "this won't change literally anything" is not taking a wait and see approach.


Feb 28, 2018
If he was shot by a MAGA chud, the narrative is going to be "Donald Trump almost got killed by the monster he created" or something like that.

I think this is going to have an effect on some independents. Americans care about optics and heroics and Trump got the best possible.
Jun 1, 2023
No, we are just taking a wait and see approach from a US voting populace that has the attention span and memory of a horsefly.

Hot Take culture has affected political coverage so badly. It's always about that one big thing. Elections are complex.

Something like an assassination attempt is a lot different than moving on from the latest gaffe or other scandal.


Mar 17, 2018
Guns aren't nearly as accurate as video games would like you to believe, especially if they're in the hands of ameteures
I get that and that's why a bullet from an altercation grazing Trump isn't that unlikely. Especially when you consider the type of nutcases Trump draws to his rallies.

Either way, we still have very little information on what happened.


Jun 7, 2022
Yep. Now I've made peace with Trump winning this. Anyone saying otherwise is in denial mode.

With this incident and that picture, it's not even going to be close.
Oct 25, 2017
I need to get off the internet because all these hot takes are giving me massive anxiety. Literaly nothing good has come out of what happened today. And I fear for the long term impact of todays events.


Oct 25, 2017
if that were the case why the fuck was/is he leading in the polls? the average voter has goldfish levels of recall. hell even relatively politically engaged it's hard to remember a significant amount of what has happened over the past 8 years .
The Project 2025 stuff has only really started breaking into into public consciousness in like the last eight days. If it has an effect on polling I wouldn't expect to see it before late July


Mar 10, 2024
I hate how this has to be framed as like, an inciting incident that Republicans will now be galvanized to "retaliate" against.

You know, like they haven't been calling for our fucking heads for fucking years. Like all the shit they've done to us, all the shit they openly plan to do to us, doesn't matter. Now it's all on us. Because the violence enacted on us isn't real.

Fuck this.

THANK YOU! they have been attacking for years, been committing killings, and mobs, but now it's going to get bad?

It's more surprising it hasn't happened more as it is. At some point the groups being targeted are going to fight back. All it takes is one person being targeted to go "well I'll get you first" and they have been targeting MILLIONS of people.

You have sitting congress people saying to get your enemies, kill them, lock them up. Someone is eventually going to believe them.

Gabby Giffords was shot in the face 10 years ago by a right wing nutjob thanks to the GOP putting a target on her face.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Honestly if we're talking about how this could effect the Election I weirdly think this opens up an avenue for Biden to win.

For here it allows Biden to relitigate being a peacekeeper/sensible voice in the room. Trump's biggest boon rn is that he could use this to galvanize his base but everyone knows his base is fucking crazy and they're going to try some fucked up shit and Trump will be more likely to act like they're in the right. The idea Trump is attempting to moderate himself could blow off and he could be unhinged in his response.

People haven't felt the existential possibility of Trump winning but this could potentially be the thing to remind people the stakes of the Election and why it's crucial to stick with our old man to the end and not let someone like Trump into the White House


Oct 28, 2017
Worst-case scenario in so many different respects today. Just awful for the country.

I feel like each day I'm saying that now, and I fear that I'm going to be saying that a lot over the next decade.
Oct 25, 2017
The Project 2025 stuff has only really started breaking into into public consciousness in like the last eight days. If it has an effect on polling I wouldn't expect to see it before late July

I mean more gutting abortion right due to his supreme court appointees rather than project 2025. . If that were something that harmed trump the candidate (rather than the republican party in general) he wouldn't have been leading in the polls for most of the last 18 months.


Oct 25, 2017
I think it's wildly premature to spectate about how this affects the election. As someone else said, maybe this results in the RNC being an unhinged revenge screed that turns off moderates. Can everyone please slow down?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly if we're talking about how this could effect the Election I weirdly think this opens up an avenue for Biden to win.

For here it allows Biden to relitigate being a peacekeeper/sensible voice in the room. Trump's biggest boon rn is that he could use this to galvanize his base but everyone knows his base is fucking crazy and they're going to try some fucked up shit and Trump will be more likely to act like they're in the right. The idea Trump is attempting to moderate himself could blow off and he could be unhinged in his response.

People haven't felt the existential possibility of Trump winning but this could potentially be the thing to remind people the stakes of the Election and why it's crucial to stick with our old man to the end and not let someone like Trump into the White House

I'm not willing to discount anything at this point. The one thing Biden could point to here is Trump's speech in 2016 when he suggested '2nd amendment folks' killing Hilary.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly if we're talking about how this could effect the Election I weirdly think this opens up an avenue for Biden to win.

For here it allows Biden to relitigate being a peacekeeper/sensible voice in the room. Trump's biggest boon rn is that he could use this to galvanize his base but everyone knows his base is fucking crazy and they're going to try some fucked up shit and Trump will be more likely to act like they're in the right. The idea Trump is attempting to moderate himself could blow off and he could be unhinged in his response.

People haven't felt the existential possibility of Trump winning but this could potentially be the thing to remind people the stakes of the Election and why it's crucial to stick with our old man to the end and not let someone like Trump into the White House
him inciting violence before the election is probably the only thing that'd change perceptions, yeah

but biden is still losing way too hard in the "image" category and i think it's time we take our heads out of the sand there lol
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