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Oct 25, 2017
AoC should primary Schumer in 2022 :-}
And have Gillibrand be the Majority Leader

This is an AU fanfic I can get behind


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 29, 2017
I don't know anything but judging from the court documents over the last month, I could see the following people getting indicted in the near future:

- Jerome Corsi (May be a plea deal.)
- John Powers-Middleton.
- Paul and Pamela Jensen.
- Michael Caputo.
- Probably Roger Stone, although they're still trying to get testimony from Andrew Miller.
- Maybe Sam Nunberg?

I think they're still building a case against Jr., but they're probably close to indicting him once they finish the Roger Stone saga which has been active since last February.


Feb 28, 2018
If the senate is at 47-53 right now, and Susie loses + CO gets a Dem senator + DJ loses in AL, Dems will only need to flip 3 seats to gain a majority (two if a Dem is president)

those are good odds

Deleted member 5666

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Oct 25, 2017
Bro you got that reversed.

I'm so excited to watch them debating each other. I do think that Beto is kinda boring when he's debating. Meanwhile Kamala is goddamn intimidating and exhilarating and I think I have a crush on her,
Yep! Love em both. Really happy to see the top two likely ones are candidates I both adore (go away Bernie and Biden).

Kamala is a way better debater. She will clean up the debates. Betos stomping ground will be whipping up large rallies into a frenzy, where in she really doesn't have that strength there.


Oct 25, 2017
Jacksonville, Florida
Yep! Love em both. Really happy to see the top two likely ones are candidates I both adore (go away Bernie and Biden).

Kamala is a way better debater. She will clean up the debates. Betos stomping ground will be whipping up large rallies into a frenzy, where in she really doesn't have that strength there.

It's gonna be 2008 all over again.

White Obama vs Black Hillary

Deleted member 5666

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Oct 25, 2017
It was that shitty ballot design. Machines not counting them right was always kind of false hope soon as I saw that awful design.

It's gonna be 2008 all over again.

White Obama vs Black Hillary
It's weirdly reminiscent of it. Right down to their strengths and weaknesses. Whole thing is giving me deja vu already.

Beto is at best giving speeches about hope and whipping up massive rallies of young people. Kamala best discussing policy and in the debate format.

I am curious what the PoliERA split will be. I am guessing about 60% Beto 40% Kamala here. I just hope it doesn't devolve to infighting here.


Oct 27, 2017
It was that shitty ballot design. Machines not counting them right was always kind of false hope soon as I saw that awful design.

Shit. I know it was a long-shot that any recount would change the results, but it's still disappointing nonetheless.

It's weirdly reminiscent of it. Right down to their strengths and weaknesses. Whole thing is giving me deja vu already.

Beto is at best giving speeches about hope and whipping up massive rallies of young people. Kamala best discussing policy and in the debate format.

I am curious what the PoliERA split will be. I am guessing about 60% Beto 40% Kamala here. I just hope it doesn't devolve to infighting here.

I remember the Obama vs Hillary drama back in the day (and the division it caused). I really like both Beto and Kamala (though likely would lean Beto for a primary vote), so I'd be happy with any result.


I shed
Oct 25, 2017
How do you go in to vote for a senator and not find it odd that you didn't vote for senator? Baffling.

Deleted member 5666

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Oct 25, 2017
Kamala ain't no Hillary. I love Hildawg but the Queen of the West, has a certain type of vibe that's gonna sway the entire country towards her! All hail Queen Kamala!
She will have a similar weakness Hillary had vs. Obama if it is her vs. Beto though. Rally optics which lead to media giving favoritism to one over the other in tv coverage.

The optics of her events compared to stadium filled rockstar screaming rallies of young people that Beto gets will be tough. The media will flock to Beto rallies as they are more like concerts while her events are more like traditional political speeches/rallies. Beto starts rocking out on a guitar at his rallies while dripping in sweat. Media will eat that shit up.

She just won't be able to do the rockstar stadium sort of events like Beto will do. Her strength will more in the debates and those sort of settings. I love Kamala to death but she isn't going to be filling stadiums full of screaming millennials, that isn't her scene.

Crushing debates will be her best path.


Oct 25, 2017
She will have a similar weakness Hillary had vs. Obama if it is her vs. Beto though. Rally optics which lead to media giving favoritism to one over the other in tv coverage.

The optics of her events compared to massive stadium filled rockstar screaming rallies of young people that Beto gets will be tough. The media will flock to Beto rallies as they are more like concerts while her events are more like traditional political speeches/rallies.

She just won't be able to do the rockstar stadium sort of events like Beto will do. Her strength will more in the debates and those sort of setitngs.

Like Obama, if Beto runs he'll get better in the debates as it goes on. Granted I think he was pretty solid against Cruz.

Deleted member 5666

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Oct 25, 2017
Obama's first debates were soooooooooooo bad. Even Bill Richardson was outplaying him at first.
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Oct 26, 2017
Pretty much confirmed that poor ballot design cost us a senate seat for 6 years at this point.

Yea it's really dumb. To many of us it seems like it would be obvious to miss voting for the senate race and would ask for help, but for many they likely wouldn't even know what races were up until they see the ballot. And Broward is a Dem stronghold, so it's likely not even malicious in design...just incompetence.

How do you go in to vote for a senator and not find it odd that you didn't vote for senator? Baffling.

Sometimes people are turned out to vote by a local candidate and are encouraged to vote along party lines, but may not be aware of all the races the party is participating even the big ones.

Deleted member 5666

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yea it's really dumb. To many of us it seems like it would be obvious to miss voting for the senate race and would ask for help, but for many they likely wouldn't even know what races were up until they see the ballot. And Broward is a Dem stronghold, so it's likely not even malicious in design...just incompetence.
Yep, a lot of people just show up and know to vote their preferred party over the other and dont really pay attention to what races are going to be on the ballot.

Debates are 100% irrelevant unless you're a nobody who needs the name recognition they bring. Beto will get by just fine.

It's the packed stadium rallies that will push him over the top.
If he wins it will be due to packed stadiums and pumped up millennials. He is not going to be winning any debates.
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Feb 28, 2018
Debates are 100% irrelevant unless you're a nobody who needs the name recognition they bring. Beto will get by just fine.

It's the packed stadium rallies that will push him over the top.


Oct 25, 2017
The walls of time are going to start closing in around Trump if they haven't. Even if he were to blow everything up and try to stop the mueller investigation now, we are now less than two years away from probably having a democratic president-elect who should vow on the campaign trail to fully complete the investigation if elected. He's two short years away from losing all the protection he has.


I shed
Oct 25, 2017
You go in to vote for Governor or whatever.

Yea it's really dumb. To many of us it seems like it would be obvious to miss voting for the senate race and would ask for help, but for many they likely wouldn't even know what races were up until they see the ballot. And Broward is a Dem stronghold, so it's likely not even malicious in design...just incompetence.

Sometimes people are turned out to vote by a local candidate and are encouraged to vote along party lines, but may not be aware of all the races the party is participating even the big ones.

Old people watch TV, old people bitch about all the political ads, old people live in Florida. I'm sorry but how do you not know there's a very important senate race going on in your state?
Let's say you're one of the Dems living in Broward: "Gee, I sure hate that Trump! We need to put a check on him!" Again, how do you not know there's a senate race?
Even when I was not plugged into politics, I knew when there was an important race because there is no escaping the metric shit ton of political ads.
Sorry, I just don't get it.
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