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Aug 12, 2019
These aren't the type of charges you wriggle out of.

Hence why his lawyers bolted.

I mean, Trump just as easily could have had a tantrum and fired them after getting indicted officially. Or its not even particularly uncommon for legal teams to change up once a formal indictment comes after the early stages of opposing that action. Both of which were theories posited by NPR commentators over the weekend trying to tell people to be careful about reading their departures as a smoking gun.


Nov 27, 2017


Bill Barr tries to help the Fox audience realize how bad these charges are.

"Doomers" have literally no effect on any of the proceedings so I'm not sure why they're being blamed for "doing damage." That's absurd.

In fairness to people like the poster above, when they see people like Trump commit crimes throughout their life with absolutely no repercussions and then somehow draw the only MAGA judge in that area (the one that already did her best to derail the last case), it's easy to see why they'd feel that way.

To be fair if the odds were as high of that as they were(sounds like 25-30% chance), I'd be shocked if Jack Smith and the DOJ didn't already have contingencies in place after the previous fracas, especially since they chose to file in Florida when they could've arguably filed in DC. So let's wait and see what happens this week cause whatever happens will be quick and most likely drastic from either side


Feb 28, 2018
Why even participate in a debate when you're up like that?
For the fun of it. I bet Trump would love to embarrass DeSantis on stage in front of everyone.

Best case scenario for Biden and the Dems - the one candidate who can't possibly win in the General is absolutely crushing it in the Republican primary.
Hilarious. I can't wait for Trump to annihilate DeSantis at the debates.
Why even participate in a debate when you're up like that?
For the fun of it. I bet Trump would love to embarrass DeSantis on stage in front of everyone.
It should be noted that Trump is an excellent debater within the specific context of the GOP primaries, where nobody will actually meaningfully challenge him on any of his major vulnerabilities and a majority of the debate audience doesn't want to hear that anyway. It's pretty much a free pass to belittle his opponents and play to the crowd.


Oct 27, 2017
It should be noted that Trump is an excellent debater within the specific context of the GOP primaries, where nobody will actually meaningfully challenge him on any of his major vulnerabilities and a majority of the debate audience doesn't want to hear that anyway. It's pretty much a free pass to belittle his opponents and play to the crowd.
The moderators will even ask questions to his opponents in which the opponents will spend time defending trump. "Do you think mishandling documents is wrong" "is it right to ask sos to find votes". Etc.
Oct 25, 2017
Only 63% of independents think stealing/hiding classified information that puts us and our allies at risk is serious? There is 100% proof that a lot of independents are embarrassed republicans.
Honestly curious how well stuff breaks through the noise.

My dad hates hates Trump. He thought Trump won the popular vote in 2020? Like I corrected him about this a few weeks ago.


Oct 27, 2017
For the fun of it. I bet Trump would love to embarrass DeSantis on stage in front of everyone.

Best case scenario for Biden and the Dems - the one candidate who can't possibly win in the General is absolutely crushing it in the Republican primary.
I know this is a totally different scenario, but this was the exact thought process when Trump started performing well in 2015.


Dec 23, 2018
I don't like that question. Depending on time of day, I might have answered yes just because a conviction doesn't prevent one from office.
Oct 27, 2017
The World

Ignatz Mouse

Oct 27, 2017
God, I love how this issue is driving a wedge between the base who nominates, and the centrists and independents who are necessary to win.

I bet a lot of GOP strategists are drinking heavily these days.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 28, 2017
I find it quite funny that the only response republicans now have is to circle back to "But Hillary Clinton!" and to use disproven conspiracies like the "she personally smashed servers with a hammer." That doesn't appeal to any voting bloc but the people who will always vote republican.


Oct 27, 2017
Imagine GOP debates without Trump there. Just a gaggle of headless chickens all attacking each other but expecting to win despite saying nothing about Trump.


Oct 25, 2017
Imagine GOP debates without Trump there. Just a gaggle of headless chickens all attacking each other but expecting to win despite saying nothing about Trump.
Cant, too busy enjoying the idea of these fools "debating" Trump while kissing his ass at the same time.

"Look we all know you were the greatest president of all time. You are so magnifecent and possibly still president..."

"Your time is up"

"thank god".


Oct 25, 2017
I definitely think it's wise for Dems in Congress to refrain from constantly talking about the Trump indictment. You don't want to add extra fuel to the Trump and GOP argument that the whole thing is politically motivated and spearheaded by the Dems to disqualify him.

The average American will absolutely think the Dems are just "ganging up" on Trump if they're all on TV cheering on the "Biden DOJ."


Jul 25, 2018
Dems can talk about Trump without talking about Trump.

"The law applies to everyone."

"Our nuclear and military classified data must be kept secure."

"National security is important to us all."



Oct 25, 2017
Honestly Dems should focus relentlessly on what they've done and their vision for the country and let the contrast make itself with the GOP flailing to defend Trumps various crimes.

There will be a time to switch to some negative messaging about his legal issues, but I'd wait a while for more chips to fall into place before doing that.
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