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Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
Unless the suburbs permanently go Democrat.
Nah, many Dems will stop voting once Trump is out of office and they go back to a normal life ignoring politics. Meanwhile Republicans will be fired up and they always vote. Democrats will need to take drastic actions if they win control of every branch of government. They have 2 years before the pendulum starts swinging back


Oct 25, 2017
Democrats potentially have 2 years to push forward legislation on everything to help the country like DC and PR statehood, voting rights, immigration, and marijuana before Republicans start winning again. One of my worst fears is they waste the 2 years and don't do anything because they are afraid of losing in 2022
I don't think it's possible for the democrats to get 60 votes in the Senate so there's probably only so much they will be able to do.

DC statehold should be a pretty high priority I think. The 2 extra Senate votes are nice but it's really awful everyone living there doesn't get any real say in congress.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think it's possible for the democrats to get 60 votes in the Senate so there's probably only so much they will be able to do.

DC statehold should be a pretty high priority I think. The 2 extra Senate votes are nice but it's really awful everyone living there doesn't get any real say in congress.
Democrats will have to kill the filibuster. Should be the first thing done if Democrats get control

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
Dems need to try to pass a couple bills, watch them fail. Then they have the public incentive to kill the filibuster. And then pass the original bills.


Oct 25, 2017
New York



What's up with Minnesota tightening for Trump? If anything, I would have thought his numbers would sink there since the murder of George Floyd with how horrible he handled it.


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017

I know that looks bad (Thanks fellow white men!) but it's good. We can make change happen with a slim minority of white folk agreeing enough is enough.

Overall, BLM still enjoys a 50% to 30% positivity.


Nov 5, 2017
New Zealand

I know that looks bad (Thanks fellow white men!) but it's good. We can make change happen with a slim minority of white folk agreeing enough is enough.

Overall, BLM still enjoys a 50% to 30% positivity.

A bigger chunk of the population actually deciding to take and declare a stance on the issue is probably a good sign. 25% of people being "neutral" isn't helpful.


Oct 25, 2017
Language like that is how you win national office as a Democrat in this country
Only in the US the double standard exist where 1 party can be a racist bigoted piece of shit and win the presidency and the other side can only win if they cater to that section lowkey as well. And then at the same time people constantly talk down minorities on them feeling getting fucked by the DNC over and over and over and over and over and over and over. But it's all good cause at the end of the there is no choice but to vote for the person that isn't an openly racist bigoted piece of shit. USA!


Oct 25, 2017

Why were there people defending Chapo again?


Judging by their patreon numbers, even their fans are tired of their bullshit. I read both the threads of that breakdown and it basically confirms what has been the criticism of them for years—that they feign caring about leftist issues while criticizing anyone doing actual work on those issues, because if you don't try you can't fail right? Additionally, their hosts spreading right wing talking points is fairly on brand at this point. They're a caricature of online leftism that leftists are getting tired of and tired of being equated to. I'm fine with them being relegated to the dustbin.


Oct 28, 2018
The second entry in @JoanBiskupic's four-part series has more revelations: Kagan helped Gorsuch see the light on LGBTQ employment discrimination, and Roberts assigned Gorsuch the opinion from the start. The chief wasn't a late crossover, as I'd suspected.
SCOTUS also considered ruling that the Civil Rights Act protects gay employees—but punting on the question of transgender employees. Eventually Gorsuch decided it protected both equally (perhaps with more coaxing from Kagan).

EXCLUSIVE: Anger, leaks and tensions at the Supreme Court during the LGBTQ rights case

The court did not initally decide to protect transgender employees when they expanded civil rights protections to gay and lesbian workers.

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
It's....REALLY weird we're getting insider shit on the court. Someone is leakin'


Oct 27, 2017
Are there any outstanding cases that we need to be worried about? All the Trump cases are over and done with aren't they?


Oct 25, 2017
Only in the US the double standard exist where 1 party can be a racist bigoted piece of shit and win the presidency and the other side can only win if they cater to that section lowkey as well. And then at the same time people constantly talk down minorities on them feeling getting fucked by the DNC over and over and over and over and over and over and over. But it's all good cause at the end of the there is no choice but to vote for the person that isn't an openly racist bigoted piece of shit. USA!
I mean...yes, yes it sort of is. This is the landscape we have to deal with right now. You have to figure out how to get the votes. Right now the way the system is set up, for a variety of reasons, you have to get votes across a spectrum from center to left and even a little center-right. There are ways to fix that. DC and Puerto Rico statehood and reinforced federal voting protections are big parts of that, which is why I'm glad to see that they're not off the table with Biden because they're the single most impactful things the Ds could do with their early control if they win in November, but until then you do need to find the votes wherever you can get them.

Bernie's entire strategy was based around activating traditional non-voters, and he ran one of the best, most dedicated efforts at it that I've ever seen. It didn't work, the turnout wasn't there, and I don't blame anyone who looks at those results, who looks at the results of the last several elections, and says "okay how do we build our strategy around who's going to actually be at the polls in November?". If you do that part of your strategy does become not scaring off a lot of the centrist types in a country where our ethical framework has been so fucked since inception that centrism comes with an implicit racism

I'm not happy about this. But at the very least the party as a whole seems to be behind things like DC statehood that will, over time, make this less of an issue. This is maybe the most impactful election of our lives because of that. This is where stuff can start to change, if we make them actually do it. We can make progress on it. But I don't see how you change it in three months. I just don't
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Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
What's up with Minnesota tightening for Trump? If anything, I would have thought his numbers would sink there since the murder of George Floyd with how horrible he handled it.
I don't think there's necessarily a trend in Minnesota towards Trump, but it wouldn't surprise me. George Floyd's death happened under a democratic trifecta, regardless of how Trump made things worse after the fact. Covid also doesn't exist for the average person in MN, since things have been more or less running as normal for a few months now and with MN projected to have low unemployment/eviction levels compared to other states. So if there was a tightening in the race in MN, which I'm not sure there is, it could be a mix of a failure of local democratic leadership and covid being less of a stain on Trump.
Oct 25, 2017
Trump going back to North Carolina to accept the nomination?

In a reversal, Trump says he'll accept GOP nomination in North Carolina

President Donald Trump on Monday night said that he will accept the Republican nomination in North Carolina as initially planned, marking a reversal after he attempted to move portions of the party's convention out of the state.

I don't think there's necessarily a trend in Minnesota towards Trump, but it wouldn't surprise me. George Floyd's death happened under a democratic trifecta, regardless of how Trump made things worse after the fact. Covid also doesn't exist for the average person in MN, since things have been more or less running as normal for a few months now and with MN projected to have low unemployment/eviction levels compared to other states. So if there was a tightening in the race in MN, which I'm not sure there is, it could be a mix of a failure of local democratic leadership and covid being less of a stain on Trump.


Minnesota Polls

The latest political polls and polling averages from FiveThirtyEight.


Oct 24, 2017
morning consult is trash, there is no real world where biden is up in minnesota less than Arizona, for one example.


Oct 25, 2017
This is the closest we have ever gotten to diminishing the influence of the "white moderate". If we just drag stuff over the finish line we finally have the party in a spot where they might make some substantive changes to start tilting the balance of power


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017

Donald Trump Jr. has been suspended from Twitter >


Andrew Surabian
BREAKING: @Twitter & @jack have suspended @DonaldJTrumpJr for posting a viral video of medical doctors talking about Hydroxychloroquine. Big Tech is the biggest threat to free expression in America today & they're continuing to engage in open election interference - full stop.


9:32 AM · Jul 28, 2020

Doomguy Fieri

Nov 3, 2017

Why were there people defending Chapo again?


Chapo is just notoriously nice to anyone that comes on the show. Taibbi is like hilariously reactionary in this interview. He's pro-cop, he's pro Founding Fathers, he's whining about cancel culture, and Will is just nodding along deferentially trying to draw up some specious connections between that stuff and the failure of M4A. I was howling at this episode because it wasn't even a month ago they were full on ACAB, jack booted thugs, killer cops, blah blah blah and here comes Matt Taibbi saying AKSHULLY a lot of poor communities want there to be MORE COPS and the Chapo folks are just nodding along.


Jul 25, 2018
Is it so much to ask for a democrat to take the same hardline "Fuck you and die, no compromise on anything under any circumstances" approach toward republicans that republicans take toward them? Stop taking the high road, building coalitions, and compromising, just pursue the most extreme possible version of your agenda at all times. It works for them.
That double standard frustrates me a lot too. I imagine a lot of it comes from the Senate's malapportionment. When Gorsuch and Kav got in, the Republican majority represented almost 40 million fewer Americans than the Democratic minority. Without the Senate, a POTUS can't do much of anything.


Oct 25, 2017
More than anyone else in administration, I want to see Barr put on trial and then sent to prison for the rest of his life.
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