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Arm Van Dam

self-requested ban
Mar 30, 2019

GOP lawmakers making clear they believe Trump should listen to medical professionals before reopening economy. Joni Ernst to me: "I think we need to be very cautious about that I want to make sure that we are putting the safety health and well-beings of Iowans, Americans, first."

Ernst: "I think we do need to follow CDC guidelines and watch what our experts are saying. I would love to see the economy up and going as soon as possible, but lets make sure we're taking care of people first."
Sen Deb Fischer: "I believe that we should be following the advice of medical professionals... I think this next week is going to be tough..I anticipate that is going to continue to grow, and we should be listening to medical professionals"


Dec 3, 2018
I am not a religious man, but I kind of hope there really is a hell so Trump and the GOP trashbags can spend the rest of eternity there in absolute misery, they deserve it. If Trump sends people back out to their possible death to try and save his re-election chances, he deserves pain and suffering.


Oct 25, 2017

Someone check the temperature in hell. No wait, I have a thermometer right next to me.

Its a shame

I was listening to his speech and the majority of it was indeed well meaning and thought out

Outside of that particular part... Its like he wants "young" people to bear all the risk and restart the economy

The fuck you say boomer?


Oct 27, 2017
By then it will be even worse with thousands upon thousands of new cases and hospitals overflowing with people dying left and right.

it will seem like a terrible idea at that point!

Arm Van Dam

self-requested ban
Mar 30, 2019

Asked if opening the country by Easter is possible, Trump says "absolutely," and "Why isn't it?" He says it is "not a controversial thing" to say people want to go back to work. "This cure is worse than the problem," he says.

Trump, touting his proposal to quickly reopen things, turns to his favorite anonymous validators: "I've had many, many people...most people think I'm right about it."

Trump: "You can't compare this to 1918" because if you got that flu, you had a 50% chance of dying. (Mortality rate estimates vary, but they are all way below 50%.


Oct 27, 2017
Bernie should be allowed to decide when and how he suspends his campaign, but I genuinely don't understand what an extra month of campaigning is supposed to do for him, particularly now that all the oxygen for anything but coronavirus coverage has been sucked out of the room. Odds are Cuomo will end up delaying that primary anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
Only the dumbest of the dumb, like Dan Patrick, are going to go along with him wanting to reopen everything.


Oct 25, 2017
I tuned into this garbage event

They go to some doctor for a question, which starts with "I do believe as a nation are beholden to you, for your decisive, swift, action in the beginning with your travel ban. I do think we would have been in much different worse situation had that not happened. However we do still have a lag in the testing, which of course does not have anything to do with you..."

that's an actual quote

fuck this noise


Oct 25, 2017
I tuned into this garbage event

They go to some doctor for a question, which starts with "I do believe as a nation are beholden to you, for your decisive, swift, action in the beginning with your travel ban. I do think we would have been in much different worse situation had that not happened. However we do still have a lag in the testing, which of course does not have anything to do with you..."

that's an actual quote

fuck this noise
It's some North Korean shit we're witnessing.


Oct 25, 2017
Is there any actual news on the stimulus package? If Schumer got 4 months of 100% unemployment in there, my anxiety levels completely drop


Oct 25, 2017
Lol a Bernie 2020 person texted me out of the blue. I wonder how he got my number. I told him Bernie has no chance of winning and should drop out and stop wasting his supporters' money. He argued with me that the race isn't over and only Bernie can defeat Trump. I said Bernie can't even defeat Biden and asked to be removed from the texting list.

I was kind of mean and now I feel bad but the fucking balls on this guy to keep up these efforts during this crisis when he already lost.


Dec 3, 2018
Yup, Trump is impulsive he doesn't think about the future unless it relates to him. Once it gets to over 100,000 cases and thousands dead he might not just be so brazen. Although, he might BS and say that the virus is peaking when its not.
I honestly think the only way he is going to take this seriously is if he gets the virus and it kicks his ass and almost kills him. Then it will affect what he cares about. I honestly think the virus could kill Melania and his kids, he would still only be worried about re-election and staying out of jail. Unless he gets it we can not count on him doing the right thing ever.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Lol a Bernie person texted me out of the blue. I wonder how he got my number. I told him Bernie has no chance of winning and should drop out and stop wasting his supporters' money. He argued with me that the race isn't over and only Bernie can defeat Trump. I said Bernie can't even defeat Biden and asked to be removed from the texting list.

I was kind of mean and now I feel bad but the fucking balls on this guy to keep up these efforts during this crisis when he already lost.
I did the same a week ago and threw in how selfish it was to have people canvassing and sending people to the ballots during corona for a losing election.


Oct 25, 2017
I did the same a week ago and threw in how selfish it was to have people canvassing and sending people to the ballots during corona for a losing election.
I was way too nice apparently. I got a text asking if I will support Bernie in the upcoming primary. I just wrote back "I will not"


Oct 27, 2017
What a stark choice for municipalities and states, and I almost can't believe I'm typing this because it sounds so crazy. But those who follow Trump's advice on covid are choosing death. That's really the bottom line after watching all this unfold. Those who listen to him or to their own official laziness are condemning themselves.


Oct 25, 2017
Bernie should be allowed to decide when and how he suspends his campaign, but I genuinely don't understand what an extra month of campaigning is supposed to do for him, particularly now that all the oxygen for anything but coronavirus coverage has been sucked out of the room. Odds are Cuomo will end up delaying that primary anyway.
A campaign run by completely unqualified social media trolls that was only ever interested in campaigning to people who were already on board with Bernie?

Yeah this is completely on-brand.
Oct 27, 2017
Twitter has told me he'll be replacing Biden as the nominee at the convention!
Amazing, so during a pandemic the Governor of the (potentially) epicenter of coronavirus is going to abandon the suppression and recovery effort to follow political ambitions and bust up the surely-social-distanced convention in order to snatch the nomination from Biden.


Oct 25, 2017
Twitter has told me he'll be replacing Biden as the nominee at the convention!

lol, wait until they hear what he thinks of the left

I think he has shown great leadership through this crisis, even with his many mistakes, but he should be nowhere near higher office if anyone wants progress in this country

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017

Josh Hawley @HawleyMO

Today I will introduce a resolution calling for full investigation of #China Communist Party's lies & actions that killed thousands of their own people & turned #CoronavirusOutbreak #COVID19 into a global pandemic

The cost of Beijing's criminal conduct should be assessed and they should pay damages to USA and the world

9:34 AM - Mar 24, 2020

Blaming a government for mishandling this pandemic? Boy do I have a perfect suspect for you!


Oct 25, 2017
lol, wait until they hear what he thinks of the left

I think he has shown great leadership through this crisis, even with his many mistakes, but he should be nowhere near higher office if anyone wants progress in this country

Nah, it's some dumb conspiracy theory from Rose Twitter where they think Cuomo is being set up to replace Biden, because obviously he has dementia and is falling apart, at the convention as the nominee by #theestablishment.
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