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Mar 30, 2018
it won't be for long. MO is already at almost 200, and a week ago we had like 1. Red states/rural areas will get it worse because cities have some resources by the nature of being cities, those rural communities who only have like 1 rural doctor's office or the next main ER is like 45 min away are going to be decimated especially since they seem to not really believe its serious or matters.

Hell i think he doesn't get that if the hospitals are overrun and basically in crisis, the country can't function. Imagine covid illness on top of the usual 40k gunshot injuries, heart attacks etc per year. they are delusional if they think this will be easily over "By the weekend" especially if they aren't willing to help.
Long-time lurker, (maybe?) first time poster. Here in Arkansas we hit 200 cases yesterday, and 30+ of those stem from a church in a rural town of about 900 residents. There's already been some closings and consolidations of hospitals before this, but we are going to see some terrible numbers because our governor is hesitant to shut down anything more than restaurants, bars, and salons.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
If Schumer can get four months of full payment in the stimulus bill, the entire Dem caucus should get a ton of credit for holding firm the last two days.

Hot take: if given the opportunity, Schumer will probably be fine as Majority Leader.

Note that I said "fine." I don't say "great." He will very likely come up short in some important regards. But I think most of the time when people complain about him, it ignores that he (and the rest of the caucus) basically has zero leverage outside of the filibuster.

The fact that Mnuchin is going to him to hash this out and not even bothering with McConnell is pretty significant.

If Schumer even gets a bare majority and is able to kill the filibuster, that opens the floodgates for a ton of progressive legislation, even acknowledging the more conservative members of the caucus. Looking at the first ten HR bills for example, it's hard to see like, Manchin being a hard vote on most of them. Maybe the bill rejoining the Paris Accord.


Election Thread Watcher
Aug 6, 2018
States STILL need to step their testing up. There is no way DC and especially the entirety of PA to have less than 1k when NY is next door with tens of thousands.

PA testing is nowhere near sufficient. The numbers aren't reflective of where we believe the infection rates to be, and i'm speaking from a position to know, here.

That being said, the other poster is correct. PA's population is EXTREMELY low density outside of the 5 county Philadelphia area and allegheny county, and there's very little tourism in February/March.

NJ is in terrible shape because north jersey is high density NY metro (which is catastrophic right now) while the PA/NY border is vast stretches of nothing.

Louisiana seems to be in horrible shape because of mardi gras, and FL refused to shut down spring break tourism.


Oct 27, 2017
there are some that can only see the negative
Or there are some that remember Hillary losing 2016 with a similarly small national vote lead.

Biden outperforming Hillary in swing states and counties is good, and a more positive (and more meaningful) number than the top-line 48-45 split. But if you were just looking at that top-line number, it's not unreasonable to be concerned about that narrow of a lead given the geographic EC challenges Dems face, and it's not reasonable to immediately handwave those concern away as bedwetting or overdone pessimism. It is just one poll, and the national vote difference isn't as important as the swing state numbers, but a 3-point lead where Biden is still under 50 is not immediately confidence inspiring either.


Oct 25, 2017
Or there are some that remember Hillary losing 2016 with a similarly small national vote lead.

Biden outperforming Hillary in swing states and counties is good, and a more positive (and more meaningful) number than the top-line 48-45 split. But if you were just looking at that top-line number, it's not unreasonable to be concerned about that narrow of a lead given the geographic EC challenges Dems face, and it's not reasonable to immediately handwave those concern away as bedwetting or overdone pessimism. It is just one poll, and the national vote difference isn't as important as the swing state numbers, but a 3-point lead where Biden is still under 50 is not immediately confidence inspiring either.
We're also, like, in the middle of a crisis where an incumbent shouldn't be trailing at all, and where he's still underperforming his approval (46/48 in the Monmouth poll, largely because of 11% of Democrats being goofy). This should be Trump's high point and our low point, and if this is his high point...

Arm Van Dam

self-requested ban
Mar 30, 2019
Those NC numbers are goddamn dire for the GOP and Tillis especially the longer Burr stays in


POLL: A new poll from MRG done last week, shows Gov. Gretchen Whitmer with significantly higher job approval rating than in October.
Oct: 42% approval, 34% disapprove
March: 60% approve, 22% disapprove
Poll was done as #COVID19 really emerged in the state: March 16-19
B/C pollster

Rally around the flag effect is real for governors but not for Trump


Oct 27, 2017
Yes and I appreciate him asking for the feds to release the stockpile, I'm just not to keen on him saying give us all of them and then I'll distribute them as needed.
I think what was trying to communicate there is that as their need diminished he wouldn't let them fall into some bureaucratic crack but would instead personally make sure they left the state in a timely manner.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
Rachel Bitecofer released her post-primary Electoral College projection:


Praise be Bitecofer

Projected Democratic vote share in the Lean/Likely/Tossup states:

Minnesota - 55.24%
New Hampshire - 53.9%
Michigan - 53.24%
Nevada - 52.96%
Pennsylvania - 52.47%
Florida - 51.68%
Wisconsin - 51.61%
Nebraska's 2nd - 51.31%
North Carolina - 50.57%
Iowa - 49.59%
Ohio - 49.06%
Georgia - 48.88%
Arizona - 48.71%
Maine's 2nd - 48.26%
Texas - 46.16%
Montana - 42.42%


Oct 28, 2017
People with bad ideas can occasionally do good things. (I'm trans too)

Good people can occasionally do dumb things, too. I like to balance people's actions with their words, to decide their character, rather than just taking the last thing they said, and claiming it's the entireity of their world view. Unless it's trump, cause fuck that shitbag.
Oct 25, 2017
Iowa is a stretch. Those DMR polls were awful for Dems. Maybe they hold a grudge for Democrats ruining their stupid caucus process.


Oct 25, 2017
OK after Hillary is banished from public life, can we discuss this new phenomenon of like so many undecided? I guess it's still early so that's not the end of the world. But if this is like last time I will have 0 faith in this process. We can't see 45-42 with 8% republicans being all "lol i dunno i guess racism is ok but dont tell anyone" undecideds.

Also I love Rachel Bitecofer but why is she so confident in Wisconsin? That is scary city.


Mambo Number PS5
Oct 27, 2017
I mean it makes sense that they would look up to a limit, which appears to be near or above the average salary.


Oct 25, 2017
So is the House not even going to vote on their bill? Pelosi on CNN sounds like it is just a messaging exercise to get some changes in the Senate bill (which really shouldn't be the base for negotiation) and they want it passed unanimously (consent or voice vote)

Would much rather have gone into conference because the Senate bill sucks (with today's changes)


Oct 26, 2017
So is the House not even going to vote on their bill? Pelosi on CNN sounds like it is just a messaging exercise to get some changes in the Senate bill (which really shouldn't be the base for negotiation) and they want it passed unanimously (consent or voice vote)

Would much rather have gone into conference because the Senate bill sucks (with today's changes)

I don't think the house is currently in session as a measure to protect the house members. A bill can only pass with unanimous consents otherwise they have to bring everyone in
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