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Oct 26, 2017
South Carolina

Feinstein sent this letter on January 17, a week before the meeting, expressing concerns about the coronavirus. As you can see, she wasn't lying to prop up the market while selling her stock on the downlow. The stock also increased in value after she/her husband sold it and bottomed out only recently.

I don't think she did the same thing and shouldn't be lumped with Burr and Loeffler.

Exactly. Going after her would even water down the charge against burr and loeffler.

Besides, we have no guarentee that a legit dem didnt do this for real. "Powder dry" and all that.


Oct 25, 2017


"3 Senate colleagues" lmao.


Oct 25, 2017

Steven Mnuchin @stevenmnuchin1

At @realDonaldTrump's direction, we are moving Tax Day from April 15 to July 15. All taxpayers and businesses will have this additional time to file and make payments without interest or penalties.

10:04 AM - Mar 20, 2020

What about property tax?
I know that's a state thing (I'm in CA), but for me, that's a far bigger payout than income tax right now, and I can afford it less than ever due to not working.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't care if she didn't do anything wrong but Dianne Feinstein is a terrible politician and this is bad optics regardless. She should also resign. It's not as if there is a chance that we would lose California. I'm tired of always hearing her name when something bad happens, she's usually the ones repubs pin their own faults to.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't care if she didn't do anything wrong but Dianne Feinstein is a terrible politician and this is bad optics regardless. She should also resign. It's not as if there is a chance that we would lose California. I'm tired of always hearing her name when something bad happens, she's usually the ones repubs pin their own faults to.
Let's just give into Strong White Daddy Republican lies and sacrifice one of our own for no good reason; excellent precedent to set.

I have no love for Dianne Feinstein, but this post makes me deeply uncomfortable.
Oct 27, 2017

Phil Mattingly @Phil_Mattingly

Kevin Hassett, former chair of Pres. Trump's Council of Econimic Advisers, is returning to the White House, @PoppyHarlowCNN reports. He's returning at Pres. Trump's request.

9:44 AM - Mar 20, 2020

Justin Sink @justinsink

Hassett yesterday on CNN predicted 2 million additional people unemployed in the April jobs report and warned that if everyone was home for six months, it would be a Great Depression-like event …

9:46 AM - Mar 20, 2020

Kaitlan Collins @kaitlancollins

Hassett recently warned that the U.S. could lose up to a million jobs in March and said, "The odds of a global recession are close to 100% right now." Hassett left the WH last summer after nearly two years as chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers.

9:44 AM - Mar 20, 2020

The cynic in me says this move is just to get the guy off of tv.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't care if she didn't do anything wrong but Dianne Feinstein is a terrible politician and this is bad optics regardless. She should also resign. It's not as if there is a chance that we would lose California. I'm tired of always hearing her name when something bad happens, she's usually the ones repubs pin their own faults to.

Umm, you don't care if she did anything wrong and she should resign anyway?

Sure, great idea. Excellent precedent to set, as Auto noted.


Oct 27, 2017
Let's just give into Strong White Daddy Republican lies and sacrifice one of our own for no good reason; excellent precedent to set.

I have no love for Dianne Feinstein, but this post makes me deeply uncomfortable.
This is a game of optics. We wont lose anything by Feinstein resigning and then the pressure is entirely on the repubs. There will be more pressure on their actually corrupt senators to resign.


Oct 27, 2017
This is a game of optics. We wont lose anything by Feinstein resigning and then the pressure is entirely on the repubs court. There will be more pressure on their actually corrupt senators to resign.

Narrator: There was not any more pressure on the actually corrupt senators to resign because they don't care and Democrats just gave Republicans a free PR victory for no reason.

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
This is a game of optics. We wont lose anything by Feinstein resigning and then the ball is entirely on the repubs court. There will be more pressure on their actually corrupt senators to resign.

Agreed, if shame worked. The rules differ for R's and their supporters. Though this sort of clear corruption and abuse of power may piss off the 'Fuck you where's mine??!" crowd more than some sexual assault allegations they often ignore or downplay.


Oct 27, 2017
I keep looking at the banner and I know Gaetz's district is very red, but with how COVID-19 could slam Florida I would love to see photos of him in that gas mask plastered all over the place for the elections. It is likely a pipe dream but I would love to see his sycophantic, useless ass go down.
Oct 27, 2017

Laura Ingraham @IngrahamAngle

Americans need to know date certain when this will end. The uncertainty for businesses, parents and kids is just not sustainable.

7:45 AM - Mar 20, 2020

Matt Gabriele @prof_gabriele

Laura wants to speak to the virus' manager …

9:31 AM - Mar 20, 2020

This is more or less what I meant before too. I think the entire country is only going to be willing to "give this a shot" for a few weeks.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah it sucks that because of Feinstein this otherwise huge political shitstorm that has actual potential to sink republicans, and Fox fucking news realizes this because they are talking about it but of course the headline implies that it's the democrats fault. But now it will get downplayed because of 'both sides' so at best we will end up where we started. Optics is important now more than ever.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

Coronavirus Stimulus Package Spurs a Lobbying Gold Rush (Published 2020)

Some industries are in dire need of a bailout. Others see a rare chance to win special breaks at a moment when the fiscal spigots are open.

WASHINGTON — Restaurants say they need $325 billion in federal assistance. Boeing wants $60 billion. The travel industry has requested $250 billion and manufacturers are seeking $1.4 trillion in loans to deal with the economic devastation being wrought by the coronavirus.
And that's to say nothing of the casinos, airlines and franchise owners, all of whom have signaled that they, too, will need relief from the federal government to survive.
Then there are the industries and companies that do not immediately come to mind as front-line casualties but are nonetheless lobbying for their causes to be addressed as Congress prepares to allocate $1 trillion or more in response to the crisis.
The prospect of a bailout of a scale without precedent has set off a rush to the fiscal trough, with businesses enduring undeniable dislocation jostling with more opportunistic interests to ensure they get a share.
The sportswear company Adidas is seeking support for a long-sought provision allowing people to use pretax money to pay for gym memberships and fitness equipment — despite the mandatory closure of fitness facilities in many jurisdictions during the outbreak.
Drone makers are urging the Trump administration to grant waivers they have been seeking that would allow them to be used more widely — including to deliver medical supplies or food without risking human contact that could spread the virus.
Movers are requesting $187 million in assistance to make up for revenue lost as a result of a Defense Department order halting moves, while Airbnb is asking Congress to give tax breaks and access to small business loans to people who lost income from a decline in home rentals.
Then there are the pig farmers. They are citing coronavirus in renewing their call for the federal government to expedite foreign worker visas, with an executive at the National Pork Producers Council noting in an email "many Americans have experienced empty meat cases in recent days, as we adapt to the surge in demand."
While the halls of the Capitol are eerily quiet, lobbyists are burning up the phone lines and flooding email inboxes trying to capitalize on the stimulus bills moving quickly through Congress. President Trump has already signed into law a coronavirus relief package including funds to provide sick leave, unemployment benefits, free coronavirus testing and food and medical aid to people affected by the pandemic.


Oct 25, 2017
Not a Feinstein fan but we gain nothing by making her resign, republicans won't budge on the issue and it's deeply troubling to force someone out when there's no evidence of wrong doing.


Oct 27, 2017
What about property tax?
I know that's a state thing (I'm in CA), but for me, that's a far bigger payout than income tax right now, and I can afford it less than ever due to not working.
The feds would be unable to change local/state tax filing deadlines. So this is probably just going to confuse people and get who knows how many fines for late filing on that stuff.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly, I want Diane Feinstein gone for completely unrelated reasons anyway, so I'd be fine with throwing her under the bus if it would actually help (which I'll admit I'm unsure of). So many better options for California senator.

She's an extremely out of touch zillion year old who's waaaaay too conservative to be occupying one of our Senate seats from California, of all places. She had no business running for reelection in 2018 and should have just retired in dignity.


Oct 25, 2017
She had no business running for reelection in 2018 and should have just retired in dignity.
So because she didn't retire with dignity like she should've, it's okay to allow her reputation to be destroyed and subject her to the indignity of resigning under lies and fabricated scandal?

What a nice person you are.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, I want Diane Feinstein gone for completely unrelated reasons anyway, so I'd be fine with throwing her under the bus if it would actually help (which I'll admit I'm unsure of). So many better options for California senator.
I'm 100% sure it wouldn't help. It would confirm "both sides do it" even though she didn't really. Not comparatively anyway.

Amibguous Cad

Oct 25, 2017
I think the problem is that Trump tracked public opinion pretty well on Coronavirus. He validated denial when most of the country was in denial and he shifted gears when people got genuinely worried. You can't accuse him of negligence without, on some level, accusing a bunch of Americans of the same.


Oct 25, 2017

Richard Burr on Twitter

“My statement in response to reports about recent financial disclosures:”

He just made himself forget everything that was in the briefing? Like, what kind of defense is that?
I think the problem is that Trump tracked public opinion pretty well on Coronavirus. He validated denial when most of the country was in denial and he shifted gears when people got genuinely worried. You can't accuse him of negligence without, on some level, accusing a bunch of Americans of the same.
Much of the public takes its cue from the President (directly or indirectly). If they didn't think it was a big deal, it's because he was talking about it being a partisan hoax. Second, the President should be smarter than the average citizen. I mean, I understand that not everyone feels this way, but I'm tired of having an idiot in the White House. People are too stupid and insecure.


I haven't been following their approval ratings throughout their term but most elected officials don't have 71% approval ratings, even in super good outlier polls, so I figured they must have been given a pretty big, recent boost. Am I wrong?

The Italian president is mainly a figurehead, the prime minister is the one with the power.

Edit: The PM Conte has a 45% approval eating according to And keep in mind Conte is not a traditional Italian PM.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
I think the problem is that Trump tracked public opinion pretty well on Coronavirus. He validated denial when most of the country was in denial and he shifted gears when people got genuinely worried. You can't accuse him of negligence without, on some level, accusing a bunch of Americans of the same.

That's not how leadership works. You can absolutely accuse those who should be leading us on the right path of harming those they should be leading. It's called accountability.


Oct 25, 2017
Trump is America's dad, he's supposed to inform and take care of you.

if he's acting negligent, the Americans should despise him.


Oct 27, 2017
So because she didn't retire with dignity like she should've, it's okay to allow her reputation to be destroyed and subject her to the indignity of resigning under lies and fabricated scandal?

What a nice person you are.
I'm still undecided on that, but if it became clear that doing so would also significantly help our Senate chances in NC and GA, then sure. Bonus would be getting a better Senator out of CA too.

I don't think Feinstein is the worst person in Congress by any means, but she's also been a frequently hostile towards the progressive agenda and holds a lot of absolutely shitty views. I wouldn't be shedding crocodile tears if she went down.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm still undecided on that, but if it became clear that doing so would also significantly help our Senate chances in NC and GA, then sure. Bonus would be getting a better Senator out of CA too.

I don't think Feinstein is the worst person in Congress by any means, but she's also been a frequently hostile towards the progressive agenda and holds a lot of absolutely shitty views. I wouldn't be shedding crocodile tears if she went down.
Crazy that "Only the people who actually did something wrong should be punished" has become a hot take in 2020. Maybe Trump has affected your moral standards more than you realize.

Also, you know "crocodile tears" means fake tears, right? So those are the kind you would be shedding if you weren't upset about someone being forced to resign for something they didn't do. Kindly brush up on your idioms.
Oct 27, 2017

I am calling on every CEO in America to publicly commit now to not buying back their company's stock over the course of the next year. As workers face the physical and economic consequences of the coronavirus, our corporate leaders cannot cede responsibility for their employees.


Oct 28, 2017

I am calling on every CEO in America to publicly commit now to not buying back their company's stock over the course of the next year. As workers face the physical and economic consequences of the coronavirus, our corporate leaders cannot cede responsibility for their employees.

Bwahahaha good luck with that. That will need a direct order from the government.


Oct 27, 2017
The next time trump has his daily press briefing of lies I'm completely certain that he will bring up Feinstein and place the blame entirely on her. And seeing how effective he is at gaslighting that's also what the media will run away with.
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