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Oct 27, 2017
Probably military supply. If so, it'll be funny when they cost 10x to replace through DOD contracts vs. HHS ones.
I mean thats obvious but this has being a massive issue for awhile now and no one thought this big supply could help people really?

Anyways I glad they are finally getting something

Deleted member 31104

User requested account closure
Nov 5, 2017
No way in hell they just got this stuff what the fuck was with the holdup?

I imagine a proportion of it is either in additional capacity on bases, in storage or on hospital ships. Each hospital ship (there are two in service) has 80 ICU berths, they're no joke. And frankly I wouldn't put it past the DOD to have a massive cache of medical supplies including equipment


Oct 30, 2017
It's not a derail. It's just you've got some serious liability issues that you're talking about here, and there's not really anything we can do with it.

You need legal representation. They will come for you sooner or later, so the quicker you get out in front of this the better. A decent tax attorney will know what you're looking at and what you should do about it; none of us can give you that.
I get all of that... and I swear to fuck I'll stop talking about it after this post... The hard part is the fear that comes with being in such a bad spot is creating a feedback loop of mental health issues that make it even harder to try and fix it. I don't have 'talk to a lawyer money'. I'd pick getting some health insurance over that, but I can't even go that far because I barely cover my bills as is. I'm sure there is someone that would look at my case, but I don't even have the time or resources to seek that person out. It's all spiraled out of control. I truly appreciate everyone's responses, but I'm going to step back a bit for a few days because I never meant to draw this much attention.


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't even know there was a difference between a ventilator and a respirator. Add it to the pile of terrible facts that reality has forced me to learn these past 4 years.


Oct 25, 2017
No way in hell they just got this stuff what the fuck was with the holdup?

Our President doesn't believe in organized leadership. Everyone under him is in a perpetual zero-sum contest for adulation, leaving them with no reason to ever work together. So yeah, the answer to "Why didn't the military help HHS sooner?" is self evident -- it will hurt their standing in the hunger games

Arm Van Dam

self-requested ban
Mar 30, 2019

Earlier today Governor Cooper announced, via a press release, that all North Carolina restaurants and bars must close in-restaurant seating by 5pm this evening. His mandate will devastate our economy, shutter many small businesses, and leave many people unemployed, especially in the rural areas of our state where food supply is already critical.

After the press release, and shortly before a scheduled press conference, I, along with other Council of State members, was asked to concur with the Governor's decision with no discussion. The Governor held his press conference and made the announcement even after a majority of the Council of State voted not to concur with the Governor. Thus, he does not have the authority to issue this part of his executive order.

While I understand that all actions in a time of crisis are very difficult decisions and have many consequences, some decisions are so serious they require, by law, discussion with, and approval of, other state leaders.
Dan Forest wants people to get sick


Oct 27, 2017
I imagine a proportion of it is either in additional capacity on bases, in storage or on hospital ships. Each hospital ship (there are two in service) has 80 ICU berths, they're no joke. And frankly I wouldn't put it past the DOD to have a massive cache of medical supplies including equipment
The US maintains a national stockpile of medications and supplies for pandemic response and other medical disasters that threaten American society.

I'm assuming that the stockpile has now been freed up to be distributed as needed.


Oct 25, 2017
So who else here has made a grocery run in the last day or so? Just got back from mine and was expecting it to be both barren in terms of stock and packed with people. But no, it was basically like a normal day. Plenty of people wearing gloves and masks, though. Pretty much every restaurant around here that's normally packed was deserted.

How's it been in your area?


Oct 25, 2017
Dammit man why this stuff keeps hitting nursing homes? :(

Because they're the ones hardest hit. For some reason this thing gets far, far worse with age for reasons that aren't the normal "old people" ones as it causes their immune system to go into a downward spiral. Infants and young kids aren't hit very hard by the disease at all.


Oct 25, 2017
So who else here has made a grocery run in the last day or so? Just got back from mine and was expecting it to be both barren in terms of stock and packed with people. But no, it was basically like a normal day. Plenty of people wearing gloves and masks, though. Pretty much every restaurant around here that's normally packed was deserted.
Many grocers and companies have emphasized that supply is flowing just fine and there'd be plenty if people would just breathe and stop panic buying. I'm glad to see that your local store is managing.

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
So who else here has made a grocery run in the last day or so? Just got back from mine and was expecting it to be both barren in terms of stock and packed with people. But no, it was basically like a normal day. Plenty of people wearing gloves and masks, though. Pretty much every restaurant around here that's normally packed was deserted.

How's it been in your area?

They put a limit on 10 people in stores at a time here in Portugal, so now there's a line outside to buy supplies....
Oct 25, 2017

Jeffrey Stein on Twitter

“.@SenWarren's conditions for bailouts: 1- Payrolls must be maintained; 2- Companies must enact $15/hr min wage by 1 year after emergency ends; 3- Prohibition on buybacks, dividends, executive bonuses for min. 3 years; 4- Companies must turn 1 board seat over to workers”

Oct 25, 2017
In my area, you can't get beans, rice, sanitizer, or disinfectant wipes, but everything else seems okay.

Toilet paper and paper towels are hard to come by at supermarkets, but easy to come by at drug stores.

Jeffrey Stein on Twitter

“.@SenWarren's conditions for bailouts: 1- Payrolls must be maintained; 2- Companies must enact $15/hr min wage by 1 year after emergency ends; 3- Prohibition on buybacks, dividends, executive bonuses for min. 3 years; 4- Companies must turn 1 board seat over to workers”


This is it.


Oct 25, 2017
Many grocers and companies have emphasized that supply is flowing just fine and there'd be plenty if people would just breathe and stop panic buying. I'm glad to see that your local store is managing.
Yeah, the obvious panic buy items (hand sanitizer, soap, toilet paper, bottled water etc.) were all long gone but no problem with any food items.
They put a limit on 10 people in stores at a time here in Portugal, so now there's a line outside to buy supplies....
Damn. Really hope it doesn't get this bad here in my town. 😔


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017

Jeffrey Stein on Twitter

“.@SenWarren's conditions for bailouts: 1- Payrolls must be maintained; 2- Companies must enact $15/hr min wage by 1 year after emergency ends; 3- Prohibition on buybacks, dividends, executive bonuses for min. 3 years; 4- Companies must turn 1 board seat over to workers”


That's great. Doubt it happens, though. There might be some form of string attached, but the republicans would never let that much stand.


Oct 27, 2017
Because they're the ones hardest hit. For some reason this thing gets far, far worse with age for reasons that aren't the normal "old people" ones as it causes their immune system to go into a downward spiral. Infants and young kids aren't hit very hard by the disease at all.
Yeah thats why it pisses me off so much to see that "Boomer Remover " gross shit ughhhhh


Oct 25, 2017
Because they're the ones hardest hit. For some reason this thing gets far, far worse with age for reasons that aren't the normal "old people" ones as it causes their immune system to go into a downward spiral. Infants and young kids aren't hit very hard by the disease at all.
Similar to how Spanish flu effected the 15-34 age group.

Arm Van Dam

self-requested ban
Mar 30, 2019

Statement from Governor's Office on Lt. Governor's response to recent action to protect the health and safety of North Carolinians. #ncpol


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
you know... I hate that he has a point, but he has a point. Ugh.

(his later tweets are way too hyperbolic, but this does feel like Pelosi really fucked up here as we're going to get our TrumpBucks)


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, the obvious panic buy items (hand sanitizer, soap, toilet paper, bottled water etc.) were all long gone but no problem with any food items.

Damn. Really hope it doesn't get this bad here in my town. 😔

I went to a local chain grocery store a few days ago and while I was there they were out of onions and potatoes. I had never seen that before. I was able to get pretty much everything else I was looking for, with some obvious shortages.


Oct 27, 2017
So who else here has made a grocery run in the last day or so? Just got back from mine and was expecting it to be both barren in terms of stock and packed with people. But no, it was basically like a normal day. Plenty of people wearing gloves and masks, though. Pretty much every restaurant around here that's normally packed was deserted.

How's it been in your area?
Restaurants are empty and the grocery store earlier wasn't packed, kinda like a normal day with gloves and masks.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It has been test ballooned over on fox (see Tucker Carlson). I just don't see the current GOP being able to get out of their own way to push it.

Plutocracy is what funds the entire GOP machine. They need the racists and the fundies for the votes, but they need big business for the money. Welfare for whites won't work unless big business finds some other party to go to, and they can't go to the Democrats.

Maybe we can get big business to push for a multiparty system...

Edit: also, I forgot what I was supposed to request a thread title change to. Any help?


Oct 25, 2017
I get all of that... and I swear to fuck I'll stop talking about it after this post... The hard part is the fear that comes with being in such a bad spot is creating a feedback loop of mental health issues that make it even harder to try and fix it. I don't have 'talk to a lawyer money'. I'd pick getting some health insurance over that, but I can't even go that far because I barely cover my bills as is. I'm sure there is someone that would look at my case, but I don't even have the time or resources to seek that person out. It's all spiraled out of control. I truly appreciate everyone's responses, but I'm going to step back a bit for a few days because I never meant to draw this much attention.

I totally understand, because I'm the same way. I can get most of my problems out of the way before they are a problem but once I'm behind on one I get REALLY behind. I have fought off constant anxiety about my MA thesis for over 2 years now and am only getting back on track, weirdly enough, due to working from home during this situation.

So who else here has made a grocery run in the last day or so? Just got back from mine and was expecting it to be both barren in terms of stock and packed with people. But no, it was basically like a normal day. Plenty of people wearing gloves and masks, though. Pretty much every restaurant around here that's normally packed was deserted.

How's it been in your area?

Went to two places with the grandmother yesterday. One is a major grocer. Most stuff was fine, but obviously toilet paper, cleaning supplies, bread, and eggs were decimated. Second place was a large but local meat market where they raise and butcher their own animals. Had to wait in line to get in due to the state's 100 people gathering rule, and the deli side was a nightmare but getting in, grabbing frozen stuff, and getting out was no issue. They were totally out of chicken thighs, though.

If I recall my Wikipedia-ing correctly, young people's healthier immune systems worked against them during the Spanish flu. Their bodies fought too intensely and produced some lethal autoimmune response (some kind of storm?).

Cytokine storm.



Oct 27, 2017
So who else here has made a grocery run in the last day or so? Just got back from mine and was expecting it to be both barren in terms of stock and packed with people. But no, it was basically like a normal day. Plenty of people wearing gloves and masks, though. Pretty much every restaurant around here that's normally packed was deserted.

How's it been in your area?
I'm trying to limit my grocery trips so I've only gone once since Thursday, but when I went certain sections were pretty wiped out -- you'd think paper towels, toilet paper, eggs, and beans never existed before lol. Carrots too, strangely. But it was otherwise fairly normal with a moderate, maybe less than normal crowd.

Our local bodega-type stores are actually in much better shape; you wouldn't think there was anything different happening.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
This thing really has Trump shook.

For the good of the country, he and Pence should resign. Let someone else handle this.


Oct 25, 2017
Plutocracy is what funds the entire GOP machine. They need the racists and the fundies for the votes, but they need big business for the money. Welfare for whites won't work unless big business finds some other party to go to, and they can't go to the Democrats.

Maybe we can get big business to push for a multiparty system...

The GOP's consistent through-line throughout its entire existence is that it's been the party of Big Business. Many other things have varied, that one's never changed. Even in the Civil War days, due to the North being industrialized.

Arm Van Dam

self-requested ban
Mar 30, 2019

Candace Owens has gone to war against conservatives who are starting to suggest government responses to the coronavirus pandemic.

"I would recommend just accepting there is a new virus, & like all viruses, some people will die" …

In a Periscope live video Monday night, Owens described the global pandemic as a "social experiment" in which some conservatives set aside their purported small-government values amid "mass hysteria."

"Anyone telling you that we just need more government, more government, more government to fix this is completely out of touch with reality," Owens said. "I watch the news because I'm on the news a lot. I know people that follow me probably consume the news. The majority of Americans do not consume the news. The majority of Americans are not reacting in a way that you think that they should be acting because you're fearful. And if you believe in freedom, freedom doesn't suddenly stop when you get scared."

Owens said that people who think others needed to be compelled to practice social distancing are living in a "media reality," adding that even during World War II, people still gathered in bars while bombs were being dropped overhead.

"There's nothing that Donald Trump can do, OK? He can make you feel better by showing you aerial images of New York City, and no one's walking in Times Square. He can make you feel better, but the majority of Americans are not changing their lifestyles, OK?" Owens said.

Owens' broadcast had been viewed more than 430,000 times at the time of this article, according to Periscope.

Owens continued her crusade against Republicans' policy responses to the coronavirus Tuesday. When someone responded to her Periscope stream that "Life comes before Liberty in the Declaration of Independence," Owens wrote back, "Life does not mean 'you get to live forever'. It means you have a right to life. A virus is not taking away your right to life."

When a self-described fan asked Owens in a tweet what she thought should be done in response to the coronavirus, Owens suggested business continue as usual: "I would recommend just accepting there is a new virus, & like all viruses, some people will die &like all viruses, if you are old, you need to be especially careful & are welcome to quarantine yourself. Otherwise— business as usual. 750 million infected from flu, every year."

"Conservatives have really lost the thread with this one," Owens wrote in response to the closure of businesses and large gathering places in major cities. "All the Left had to do was find something they were afraid of to prove that they too would give up all of their liberties for state control which is increasing every day. I continue to disagree with all of it."
Oct 27, 2017
you know... I hate that he has a point, but he has a point. Ugh.

(his later tweets are way too hyperbolic, but this does feel like Pelosi really fucked up here as we're going to get our TrumpBucks)

He called it a hoax. He let HHS workers get in contact with it, then bring it into the country. He insisted on repatriation and screwed that up too. Then let it into the country from other travelers.

Then an immediate measure was needed, after weeks of hedging and days of selfish market manipulation attempts and mockery from the Senate, which stalled the efforts.

There is no outflanking. There is just a narrative that people are especially attracted to.


Oct 28, 2017
Can (or will) the Senate continue to confirm judges while this crisis continues? Or is that shit on hold for now?
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