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Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017
"I don't take responsibility at all," Trump says when asked about the lack of testing availability across the country. He doesn't specify when every American who needs a test can get one. He then pivots to swine flu and criticizes the past administration for "a very big failure"
16:11 - 13 Mar 2020
Oct 27, 2017
A lot of this stuff happens via high frequency trading. Markets were already up today, it's not unsurprising to see a rally into the close. The ideas presented are generally good. The market will react favorably.

He got at least 1200 more DJI points off this conference. It's ok to ask the private sector to assist, and it's good for people generally to know that walmart, target, etc. weren't shutting down.

Still nothing about employment compensation though, unless I missed it.

Fauci is proving to be pretty politically savvy though.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
A lot of this stuff happens via high frequency trading. Markets were already up today, it's not unsurprising to see a rally into the close. The ideas presented are generally good. The market will react favorably.
But there were no actual ideas presented and no timeline for when it would be done. It was just projecting certainty when there is none.


Oct 25, 2017
Wait I was outside grilling my Veggie Burgers.

Did he really say and I quote, "I don't take responsibility at all."?


Oct 27, 2017
It's just so frustrating seeing the market rally to this moron, trying to make sense of something so nonsensical. He should have never become president in the first place. Since 2016 I still feel like we live in an alternate reality where logic no longer matters.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
sometimes you hear something like "I don't take any responsibility in any way" and it's like, oh yes, that's the line that ends up in every campaign ad, movie, and documentary.


Oct 25, 2017
Financial markets value certainty. Assuming everyone does what they say they will do, and there are no external shocks, prices will just keep going up forever.

The crisis in financial markets just passing nicely would be a really great thing. Our banks are in great shape but there's no need to trigger a financial panic just for fun.
By that metric it seems likely that the markets will give up most/all of the gains next week as the situation continues to evolve in uncertain ways.


Oct 25, 2017
Well that is one way to look at it but the other way is saying that his approval base is around 42%. It will never go lower than that regardless of what he does and the other 6-8% needed for him to win an election ( he only need 6% because of the electoral college) will come crawling back to him during election day.

Of course those embarrassed Republicans will come home. They always come home. He'll still need to do something about that low approval rating because at the rate this is going, that pretty economy he inherited won't save him. And he doesn't have a figure like Hillary to bounce off of this time.

sometimes you hear something like "I don't take any responsibility in any way" and it's like, oh yes, that's the line that ends up in every campaign ad, movie, and documentary.

He's like a treasure trove at this point.


Jul 25, 2018
But there were no actual ideas presented and no timeline for when it would be done. It was just projecting certainty when there is none.
There's light at the end of the tunnel. We know this from China and SK in particular, when you look at their numbers with daily new cases dropping. It'll be a bumpy road, there are valid concerns about layoffs and businesses being able to survive, but there is light. A lot more than there was yesterday. The market wants to see fiscal policy and monetary policy, and it got both this week.


Oct 27, 2017
There's light at the end of the tunnel. We know this from China and SK in particular, when you look at their numbers with daily new cases dropping. It'll be a bumpy road, there are valid concerns about layoffs and businesses being able to survive, but there is light. A lot more than there was yesterday. The market wants to see fiscal policy and monetary policy, and it got both this week.
Its a big difference here dude


Oct 30, 2017
sometimes you hear something like "I don't take any responsibility in any way" and it's like, oh yes, that's the line that ends up in every campaign ad, movie, and documentary.
Totally. Between this, '15 cases, soon to be zero' and the hoax comments, Biden could pretty much run on coronavirus attack ads alone.

Amibguous Cad

Oct 25, 2017
The market lost 20% of its value in 2 weeks. Of course there was going to be a rally at some point. Trump's speech likely didn't have anything to do with it.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
There's light at the end of the tunnel. We know this from China and SK in particular, when you look at their numbers with daily new cases dropping. It'll be a bumpy road, there are valid concerns about layoffs and businesses being able to survive, but there is light. A lot more than there was yesterday. The market wants to see fiscal policy and monetary policy, and it got both this week.
well, big difference is they're actually trying to take steps to stop the spread of the virus and we can't even get testing out and we have no timeline for when mass testing will be ready.


Oct 25, 2017
Good luck! I hope you get it!

Thanks, although I am applying to a few positions over the weekend that I'd actually like a lot more (not in Florida! Double the income!), so....

Don't you think he looks tired?


Jupiter IV

Jan 6, 2018
There's light at the end of the tunnel. We know this from China and SK in particular, when you look at their numbers with daily new cases dropping. It'll be a bumpy road, there are valid concerns about layoffs and businesses being able to survive, but there is light. A lot more than there was yesterday. The market wants to see fiscal policy and monetary policy, and it got both this week.

We haven't even hit 50 deaths or 2,000 cases. When we start getting serious numbers people will truly start panicking. We've barely seen anything yet. Look at Italy vs 2 weeks ago. Unless something drastic changes we'll be well into tens of thousands cases and over 1,000 deaths in 2 weeks.


Oct 27, 2017
The way the drive thru thing is set up is fucking stupid, what people going to get a test then go shopping,are you kidding me?


Oct 25, 2017
But there were no actual ideas presented and no timeline for when it would be done. It was just projecting certainty when there is none.
The flow chart that that lady is holding up is the most concrete thing we've gotten in two weeks!

By that metric it seems likely that the markets will give up most/all of the gains next week as the situation continues to evolve in uncertain ways.
Entirely possible.


Nov 30, 2017
Its a big difference here dude

Huge differences.

China and SK had national moral buy-in for the social distancing asked of their societies. The US doesn't. We have the top-down technocratic response correct, but there's not an enforcement mechanism other than trusting people to collectively do the right thing even when it's against their own interests. Here in America, that means that they won't.

So I think that the expectation that we'll hit their trajectories isn't all that great. I also think that, on the other hand, we will advert the worst of the stuff we're seeing out of Italy and certainly the humanitarian disaster that will be the UK.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
The flow chart that that lady is holding up is the most concrete thing we've gotten in two weeks!
but that plan only works if testing is widely available and as of now, there's no timeline for when that will be. that was the most shocking part of the presser -- we actually have no idea when we can do mass tests.

Jupiter IV

Jan 6, 2018
"We have 15, soon to be zero"
"I take no responsibility"
"We only have 40"

So many quotes that will make really great ads


Oct 25, 2017
This pathetic circle jerk will probably see his "how is Trump handling this pandemic" number shoot up 15 points. That's how dumb this country is. From him calling it a hoax just days ago to him wheeling out a bunch of rich CEO's and pumping the markets. One press conference is all it'll take.


Oct 25, 2017
The majority of the fundamental issues related to this virus spreading and its impact on most people have not been addressed here
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