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Oct 29, 2017
Happy to see Bloomberg doing well. He's a much better moderate option than geezer Biden or slimey Pete. Bloomberg is also very old but he seems much more "with it" than Joe. I think he would wreck Trump.

Just gonna leave these here:

Bloomberg's sexist remarks fostered company culture that degraded women, lawsuits allege

Mike Bloomberg has on repeated occasions faced and fought allegations that he directed crude and sexist comments to women in his office.
Holy SHIT.. never heard about any of this until now (story is from Dec. 15 of last year)

Fuck this scumbag.

This isn't surprising at all coming from Bloomberg. He is a real piece of shit. For example, this thread:

These clips alone should end his campaign, but alas.

I've posted this image before, but just for clarity:


"These People Are Not Your Friends" the JPEG

Here's another:

Bloomberg is a monster and should not be normalized or praised. He will destroy the party if he is the nomination.

Guts Of Thor

Oct 25, 2017
Don't underestimate Bloomberg, do so at your peril, and I hope the other candidates see it too. He is literally every 'perceived' positive angle the republican base saw in Trump except actually isn't a complete con artist. And he is doing so from a platform that is setting itself squarely against the president while we all talk about simple policy differences. That kind of shit does in fact resonate with people outside a message board, my own family is proof enough of that and they are normally very progressive people. Most the electorate doesn't give a shit about ambition and vast plans only that things will look better the next day, and most would rather not talk politics at all so vast media ads directly targeting trump and while showing a positive message for a single candidate makes him stand out from a field of bickering over the message and soul of a single party.

This is exactly it. Obviously, it helps to have money but he's the only candidate who's taking Trump head on while the others are fighting each other over their platforms. I don't understand how the other candidates don't understand that this election is ALL about Trump.

When Bloomberg becomes the nominee in July, you all can look back at these two posts.

You two are spot on.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, most veterans in this thread would constantly remind people that shit only really matters when voting season begins.

Still, you're right that many weren't expecting Biden to flop out-the-gate.
I didn't expect Bloomberg to suddenly eat literally half Biden's lunch in African American support when literally none of other candidates could touch him, and still are having troubles. Biden is a terrible campaigner but I felt it was his race to lose considering he did next to nothing and still seemed to be getting rewarded for it. Between Bloomberg and Buttigege winning in Iowa, its a one two punch of people eating into his support at the last moment and his own campaign inability to actually challenge it because they haven't bothered to campaign properly from the start.


Oct 25, 2017
That data shows more people are willing to vote for Sanders or like him as an ideologue more. What the person you're talking to is saying, is that they personally like his ideals but think his plans are lacking. 95% of people don't know the actual policy proposals beyond "He supports M4A and the GND!"
I'm not concerned about his personal opinion, but instead the notion that the Democratic Party isn't a leftist party and that will prevent sanders from being dominant as the primary moves along. The data doesn't bear that out.
Oct 25, 2017

Does this sound like to anyone else that she knows the jig is up? Warren :( ...

So my cynical side says that she's just really good at saying the right thing, but the rest of me feels like if she were that skilled at manipulating she'd have gone at the other candidates much more than she has... So my read of this is just that maybe she's just being honest; she has all these plans out here for how to get her goals done, and whether or not she gets to be the one to enact them is a secondary concern to seeing them implemented well.

Super disappointed things this time around played out as they have; the field is weird and not a good place to be if you're more concerned with advancing your overall positions than your personal brand. I don't see how she pulls out of the tailspin without going for blood against the frontrunners, and I don't see how doing that would fit with her general approach.


Oct 25, 2017
If you think about it, this country elects Republicans for president all the time, so the Democrats nominating one in Bloomberg seems like a winning strategy to me!


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I like how Biden's polling was completely unmoved by his rambling old man debate performances only to flop the second people actually started voting.
Hoping something like this happens for Bloomberg too but that's being optimistic.

As much as I dislike the guy, he hasn't made any missteps yet. His ads are potent and widespread, people are ready to vote for him despite even seeing him next to the candidates. Opposite of Biden really.


Oct 27, 2017
Hoping something like this happens for Bloomberg too but that's being optimistic.

As much as I dislike the guy, he hasn't made any missteps yet. His ads are potent and widespread, people are ready to vote for him despite even seeing him next to the candidates. Opposite of Biden really.
As I said, I would imagine that Bloomberg doesn't show up at the debates. Seems like he has a better time getting his message across doing ads and personal events in places like Philadelphia and Texas. Add a few televised town halls and he's golden.

That said, I really don't think it'll happen. Maybe if he decides to campaign in South Carolina I might be swayed more. Still, him winning would be so unprecedented. It's not actually happening. I'll believe it when I see it. Probably just some fad of the moment thing.


Oct 25, 2017
When Bloomberg becomes the nominee in July, you all can look back at these two posts.

You two are spot on.

People hate Trump. They want someone to knock the shit out of Trump. Bloomberg has taken the fight directly to Trump.

If I have to choose between Sanders and Bloomberg, I'll choose the former, and I think he can paper over a lot of his problems by going full apeshit anti-Trump. Negative partisanship rules all.
Oct 25, 2017
Hoping something like this happens for Bloomberg too but that's being optimistic.

As much as I dislike the guy, he hasn't made any missteps yet. His ads are potent and widespread, people are ready to vote for him despite even seeing him next to the candidates. Opposite of Biden really.
Warren needs to go out with Bloomberg's head. Make her last mark.

And yeah I don't think the Steyer IA effect will happen to Bloomberg. Canvassers are hearing about him all over the country and people legit want to vote for him. Scary.


People hate Trump. They want someone to knock the shit out of Trump. Bloomberg has taken the fight directly to Trump.

If I have to choose between Sanders and Bloomberg, I'll choose the former, and I think he can paper over a lot of his problems by going full apeshit anti-Trump. Negative partisanship rules all.
I wonder if this stuff is more effective in ads than in debates because the anti Trump stuff gets exhausting in debates when it's 13 people agreeing with each other.

Kamala brought the fight to Trump in debates and people said "meh".
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Oct 25, 2017
Warren needs to go out with Bloomberg's head. Make her last mark.

And yeah I don't think the Steyer IA effect will happen to Bloomberg. Canvassers are hearing about him all over the country and people legit want to vote for him. Scary.

Bloomberg has considerable appeal going for him especially with those that aren't as aware of his bullshit. And some are more than fine overlooking that. He's a very viable "safe" alternative to Bernie for those that aren't onboard Bernie's train.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
AOC popping off right now reminded me when she resuscitated Bernie's campaign after his heart attack.

Pop off sis... POP OFF!


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017

Does this sound like to anyone else that she knows the jig is up? Warren :( ...

I mean, the question is leading in the sense that it's basically "Assume you don't win...", so her answer is obviously going to imply that she knows the jig is up.

I think it's an interesting answer, in the sense that I don't think any other candidate - trailing or front-runner - would say anything even vaguely similar. To Warren, it seems the policies are more important than the person leading, and that is a) not how other people talk about the Presidency, and b) what is needed in a good politician. The greater good (policies) come before the personal gratification.

Chaos Legion

The Wise Ones
Oct 30, 2017
Bloomberg would be the most boring President. I honestly can't even say I remember hearing him speak when I lived in NYC while he was mayor. It'd be refreshing after Trump.


Oct 25, 2017

AP: "Advisers hoped that Secret Service moves in Manchester to secure the area for president would make it harder for Democratic candidates and their supporters to transverse the state's largest city in the hours before the primary's first votes are cast"

Daniel Dale on Twitter

“Trump encourages supporters to go vote in the Democratic primary tomorrow for "the weakest one you think."”

the president is a ratfucker
Oct 25, 2017
Can't wait for Bloomberg to publicly reject Nancy Pelosi's Congressional agenda on campaign finance reform.

Happy to see Bloomberg doing well. He's a much better moderate option than geezer Biden or slimey Pete. Bloomberg is also very old but he seems much more "with it" than Joe. I think he would wreck Trump.
Bloomberg barely gets media coverage on his speeches or public appearances and he's never been in a debate. Folks are literally shaping their entire opinion on him on his ads just like low information voters.
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I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
Couple disclaimers:

I don't want Bloomberg, at all

I would absolutely vote for Bloomberg if he was the nominee


The political/elections nerd in me is insanely curious to see what a Bloomberg-Trump GE would look like, just because Bloomberg could run a billion dollar campaign in every state if he wanted to. It speaks to everything wrong with our political system, but still, from a purely academic standpoint, I'd be very interested. Could see some fascinating results when money is no object and a presidential candidate could actually run a 50-state strategy.


Oct 27, 2017
Happy to see Bloomberg doing well. He's a much better moderate option than geezer Biden or slimey Pete. Bloomberg is also very old but he seems much more "with it" than Joe. I think he would wreck Trump.

It's easy to seem "with it" when your sum total of interaction with Americans is "I'm Mike Bloomberg and I approve this message." Trump seems pretty "with it" in his commercials too!

Same with my grandfather who is a lifelong Democrat but HATES Bernie.

Hope we can count on your lifelong Democrat grandpa to vote Bernie in the general, though.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean if Bernie was such a weak nominee, I feel as if we'd see it reflected in the general election polling. The quinnipac poll doesn't suggest that there exists a meaningful anti-Bernie bloc in America that would vote for another candidate. There are a decent amount of white college graduates that would vote Pete but not Bernie, but Pete has horrible numbers with every other demographic. I guess Amy Klobuchar could potentially be better and has a lot of room to go because of low name recognition / awareness, but she also has not been attacked yet.


Oct 27, 2017
Couple disclaimers:

I don't want Bloomberg, at all

I would absolutely vote for Bloomberg if he was the nominee


The political/elections nerd in me is insanely curious to see what a Bloomberg-Trump GE would look like, just because Bloomberg could run a billion dollar campaign in every state if he wanted to. It speaks to everything wrong with our political system, but still, from a purely academic standpoint, I'd be very interested. Could see some fascinating results when money is no object and a presidential candidate could actually run a 50-state strategy.
Imagine if Bollier, Winter, Doug Jones, and Mike Espy had about $120-150 Million to play with between them. Alabama, Mississippi, Kansas and Montana ads can't cost as much as all the ads in other states. Imagine in Georgia, South Carolina, Maine, Iowa, Alaska... Texas...

Money talks. That said, Bloomberg isn't winning*.

*Probably. We'll see after tomorrow. If Biden dropped that fast after a fourth in Iowa, how will he look like after finishing fourth in NH for a second consecutive time?


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I mean if Bernie was such a weak nominee, I feel as if we'd see it reflected in the general election polling. The quinnipac poll doesn't suggest that there exists a meaningful anti-Bernie bloc in America that would vote for another candidate. There are a decent amount of white college graduates that would vote Pete but not Bernie, but Pete has horrible numbers with every other demographic. I guess Amy Klobuchar could potentially be better and has a lot of room to go because of low name recognition / awareness, but she also has not been attacked yet.
Bernie is weak among older voters and that's the most reliable voting block. He would have had this nomination wrapped up by now if he didn't struggle so badly with old people.

Seems like he is just banking on old white folks to mostly be for Republicans and the rest of the field go for him mostly. He is banking hard on young people and minorities. That's why his running mate has to be appealing to older voters.
Oct 27, 2017
Ah, there's been some catching up on Bloomberg now. Still, Warren or Sanders (should they be apparent winners) each would gladly accept Bloomberg's resources and help for the general election.

We'll see what the first exit polls for NH say shortly after midnight.


Oct 25, 2017
If Biden dropped that fast after a fourth in Iowa, how will he look like after finishing fourth in NH for a second consecutive time?
Latest NH polls seem to indicate he might even come in 5th LMAO

I'd prefer Biden over Bloombito because I know he'd pass a left agenda and fill his Cabinet with qualified people. Bloombito, I don't trust him to do that at all.


Oct 25, 2017
So this thing basically might come down to when Warren, Pete, and Amy drop out

Also biden should drop if he loses SC


Oct 27, 2017
Imagine if Bollier, Winter, Doug Jones, and Mike Espy had about $120-150 Million to play with between them. Alabama, Mississippi, Kansas and Montana ads can't cost as much as all the ads in other states. Imagine in Georgia, South Carolina, Maine, Iowa, Alaska... Texas...

Money talks. That said, Bloomberg isn't winning*.

*Probably. We'll see after tomorrow. If Biden dropped that fast after a fourth in Iowa, how will he look like after finishing fourth in NH for a second consecutive time?

I don't see why Bloomberg can't do this while not being the nominee. Sure, he won't get preferential rates. But he can still advertise. I also wonder where all this money was in 2016.

edit: okay that was a triple negative. I'm not not not sorry.


Oct 25, 2017
Bernie is weak among older voters and that's the most reliable voting block. He would have had this nomination wrapped up by now if he didn't struggle so badly with old people.
Counterpoint: old people vote reliably, and they tend to stick with a party come hell or high water. Old people who've voted Democratic forever will vote for Bernie.
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