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Oct 27, 2017



Oct 27, 2017
Is anyone else ever incredibly, irrationally, angry at how bad at this they all are? Every time I read a new piece of news about Stone, or Page, or any of the other Little Russian Rascals some part of me is seriously pissed off at how STUPID they all are. Collusion with a hostile foreign government to install a compromised President of the US should be something out of a le Carré novel! It should be byzantine, deep, complicated, and difficult. Something in my very bones screams that it should require carful planning and exquisite execution.

It shouldn't be the fucking PRODUCERS!


Oct 25, 2017
Still waiting on a valid response to this question.
Seriously this shit response disqualifies her from my primary vote.

Waiting to hear what Forma says. I hope she weighs in. Glad Kamala responded quickly, even though Castro beat her.

Anyone who has a shit response like Gillary is not getting my primary vote, period.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Is anyone else ever incredibly, irrationally, angry at how bad at this they all are? Every time I read a new piece of news about Stone, or Page, or any of the other Little Russian Rascals some part of me is seriously pissed off at how STUPID they all are. Collusion with a hostile foreign government to install a compromised President of the US should be something out of a le Carré novel! It should be byzantine, deep, complicated, and difficult. Something in my very bones screams that it should require carful planning and exquisite execution.

It shouldn't be the fucking PRODUCERS!
You should read up on the Watergate scandal.


Oct 27, 2017
I think Northam could have weathered this, if he'd attacked his past self as a racist and could reveal a "moment" that turned him around. He's also hurt by this happening late on a Friday night; he doesn't have a weekday to address it with a proper news conference and his shitty little Twitter soundbites won't cut it. I don't want to hear what he's going to do going forward for the people of Virginia blah blah blah, I want to hear, "I was a racist. I was raised by racists, I attended school with racists, my friends were racists [I thought the person in the KKK getup was a date, but VMI was male-only until 1997, so I guess it's a fellow cadet], etc." But nobody wants to do that, so they offer up "That's not who I am" and it rings hollow. And rehabilitation has to follow punishment. Northam needs to resign.

Is there anyway that Northam could have saved his political career over this? I mean the yearbook is absolutely horrible and completely inexcusable, especially at that age. Nonetheless lets assume, if he by himself came out with his yearbook and said how contrite and ashamed he is of his past and how such past actions led him to learn how prevalent 'casual' racism is and he wants to use his governorship to address systematic discrimination of minorities, would that have saved him? Let's assume he made a complete 180 on race issues since he was in college, would his yearbook still warrant his resignation?
If the above applied, I think this would be a very hard question, do you allow individuals to grow and better their attitudes, or are past 'mistakes' enough to conclusively decide ones character today? Should we reward people who were able to grow as human beings, or is the necessity of growth in certain subjects a disqualifier for political office in of itself?
I also think there is a certain cognitive dissonance in some circles, who believe in the rehabilitation of viloent felons (with truly violent and atrocious crimes), but feel Northam should resign over this (assuming he sincerely completely changed his attitudes ).


Oct 25, 2017
Still waiting on a valid response to this question.
What the fuck you blithering idiots

Has Forma weighed in yet

Also what makes this situation different for Gillary than Franken?

Great screencap though kcp.

Some of these candidates shouldn't run if they don't have a stance against this. One thought I had is that we should listen to how they answer the question of if Trump is a racist, depending on how they answer it that demonstrates the type of people they are trying to court. This may not be different.
Oct 25, 2017
I think Northam could have weathered this, if he'd attacked his past self as a racist and could reveal a "moment" that turned him around. He's also hurt by this happening late on a Friday night; he doesn't have a weekday to address it with a proper news conference and his shitty little Twitter soundbites won't cut it. I don't want to hear what he's going to do going forward for the people of Virginia blah blah blah, I want to hear, "I was a racist. I was raised by racists, I attended school with racists, my friends were racists [I thought the person in the KKK getup was a date, but VMI was male-only until 1997, so I guess it's a fellow cadet], etc." But nobody wants to do that, so they offer up "That's not who I am" and it rings hollow. And rehabilitation has to follow punishment. Northam needs to resign.
Do all of that after you resign. Good night.


Oct 25, 2017
Some of these candidates shouldn't run if they don't have a stance against this. One thought I hand is that we should lesson to how they answer the question of if Trump is a racist, depending on how they answer it demonstrates of the type of people they are trying to court. This may not be different.
Well Booker's response to that question was godawful so.


Oct 25, 2017
Even Hillary could do a better response than Gillibrand's. Lord, what happened to her political instincts? It's a hedge all right, but it's not an issue anyone should be hedging on.


Oct 25, 2017
Which is why I've been saying Gillibrand doesn't come across as progressive. This isn't the first recent statement she's made that's been middle of the road bullshit.
Oct 25, 2017
Not shocked at Gillibrand's hedging. I don't think that her previous political focus on brown and black folks through the conduit of immigration was something she just did to please her constituents.

Not shocked at Booker, either, who is one of the seven black people in America to still think that respectability politics works in the Year of Our Lord 2019.


Oct 25, 2017
Well Booker's response to that question was godawful so.

Yeah if Brooker can't have a strong stance against racist things like this then he may not survive. The primary is going to be more liberal and more diverse, I don't think voters are going tolerate anyone being soft in the face of any racist situations like this.
Oct 25, 2017
Harris is going to win the nomination. She has the combination of Q-Rating and ability to actually navigate the politics of the Democratic base that no one else really has.*

*And that includes the likely entrants into the primary who have not yet done so.
Jan 15, 2019
Harris is going to win the nomination. She has the combination of Q-Rating and ability to actually navigate the politics of the Democratic base that no one else really has.*

*And that includes the likely entrants into the primary who have not yet done so.
I'm inclined to say you're right. She does a better job taking the temperature of the party than anyone else seems to be doing.


Oct 27, 2017
Holy shit, Gillibrand managed to take multiple positions even on this.


Which might explain why she didn't want to be first. I'm somewhat sympathetic.
But if you haven't seen the photos, THEN YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT.

It wouldn't have been hard for her to not say anything, go look at the photos, and then reveal her opinion.

This looks and feels like opportunism. She will shift position at a moment's notice according to which way the wind's blowing. "I haven't seen the photos (lets me off the hook in case I need to take a different position at a later point don't say this part out loud), but none of us should be racist and he must apologize (even though I just said I didn't see anything, so I don't really know what he's apologizing for don't say that either)" *political winds blow the complete opposite direction* "I have seen the photos, and I say he must go!"
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Oct 27, 2017
It's been less than one day and I've entirely relegated Booker into the "he'd make a fine VP choice" grouping in my mind. That's along with most of the other announced candidates, admittedly, but still!
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