
Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
Mods need to start banning any moron posting about WW3


Oct 27, 2017
Can we take bets on the powerpoint options Trump's is being given? I got 10 bucks saying the last slide has a big bomb with "Nuke 'em" on it. Of course he'll choose it and all the advisors will say "We didn't think he'd pick that!"

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
My freedom was being threatened by a guy no one in the US heard about he got killed?
Imagine thinking countries should just go all in on violating national sovereignty to kill people they deem as bad. I mean the US already does that in the drone era but lmfao
Oct 27, 2017
So what would be the resolution then?

Iran doesn't want war, and neither does the United States. Some people mentioned Iran launching at mostly empty bases. While trump doing this is to take eyes off impeachment and give him political cover for 2020, let's not forget Iran is having all sorts of issues internally as well. Best way to make people forget about their problems
At home, is to have a bigger threat externally.

Iran has killed 100's of protestors a couple of months ago



Oct 30, 2017
Like I said, Iran is practically uninvadable. Peppering population sites with ballistics is going to make everything Trump has done in his time so far that has hurt the US' global image look like childsplay. Allies are not going to flock to America's side here.
And I know we're small anyway but the majority of danish supporting troops that are stationed in that area, are at the base that was attacked, so I doubt we're eager to join it.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
We killed a thug general of theirs, they got pissed off, and they launched a bigger attack at our base.

They have always wanted us dead. Whether you choose to believe it or not.
This is astonishing rationale, Trump killed the one guy that could start a war, in a region where US do not belong, in a country that is still recovering from thier illegal war!

Iraqi and Iranian civilians are going to perish because of this trigger happy think skinned leader of yours.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
Is this from now or is this old?

It's seems so crazy to me that the US can start a war by being an aggressor without ever having to go through the congress agreeing to it, and the decision to do that or not comes down to one man.

This is so fucked...man, fuck Trump.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Like I said, Iran is practically uninvadable. Peppering population sites with ballistics is going to make everything Trump has done in his time so far that has hurt the US' global image look like childsplay. Allies are not going to flock to America's side here.

Oh definitely & if he ever even attempts to launch ICBM's America's allies will be fucking furious.


Aug 22, 2018
Hey, we've got actual posters from Iran on this site. Maybe cool it with the "we're gonna roll Iran" posts, people who love to make those?

Follow-up, I would also add some of the histrionic "hundreds of thousands will die", "Trump just kicked off WW3" posts seem to be catastrophising the worst case scenarios just for the sake of being able to be more angry at Trump.


May 1, 2018
We killed a thug general of theirs, they got pissed off, and they launched a bigger attack at our base.

They have always wanted us dead. Whether you choose to believe it or not.

We destabilized most of the middle east and have been actively trying to start a war with them for almost a decade. How can you blame them for wanting us dead?

Murdering their general is proof that we're an active threat to their people.
Nov 30, 2017
Election year, Feds propping up markets, negative yielding bonds, and spiting Obama. This was inevitable.

Now enjoy watching thousands more American troops lose their life over rich people and their greed and pettiness.


Oct 29, 2017
Those men and women help fight for our right to live in such freedom. Man, fuck you for thinking otherwise.

I can't with this comment. Yes, it was necessary for the US to inject itself in a possible war with Iran to protect the golden sacred American Freedom that is under active threat by the Iranians apparently.


Oct 25, 2017
Fuck Trump. This and whatever comes after this is fully on him.

Also lol at the American soldiers fighting for freedom, when was the last time when US army was actually doing that? WWII?

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
Iran doesn't want war, and neither does the United States. Some people mentioned Iran launching at mostly empty bases. While trump doing this is to take eyes off impeachment and give him political cover for 2020, let's not forget Iran is having all sorts of issues internally as well. Best way to make people forget about their problems
At home, is to have a bigger threat externally.

So this is Falklands 2.0, both sides gonna start shit to make themselves look good to the war mongering psychos in their country...


Oct 25, 2017
What, that is considered standard??? Oh man, that's insane.

Each individual rocket's payload is not that large. It's used to shoot at fortified positions and large concentrations of personnel. Terrifying to be on the receiving end but the missiles Iran used against the base had considerably more payload, but less of them.