
Oct 26, 2017
We're having some local elections in the UK today. 5 areas - Bromley, Gosport, Swindon, Watford and Woking - are running mandatory ID checks before you can vote as a pilot scheme.

There hasn't been much promotion of the scheme and different areas allow different forms of ID.



ad nauseum.

None of the five English boroughs taking part in a controversial trial of compulsory voter ID in local elections on Thursday has experienced a single instance of polling station impersonation in the past decade.


Demanding a rethink of the policy in March, a group of 40 charities and academics said Electoral Commission figures showed there were only 28 allegations of impersonation out of almost 45 million votes in 2017, and one conviction.


The Minister for the Constitution said that it was about combating the "perception of electoral fraud".

Translation: "perception" = "these people who don't look and sound British are allowed into the polling station just like me! I bet they're immigrant scroungers voting for benefits."


Wrong About Chicken
Oct 26, 2017
Aren't a lot of the arguments for it being racist in America due to how hard it is to get ID in certain parts of America?
That isn't really a problem in the UK as even government ID can all be done online/via mail without ever having to physically visit somewhere.
Oct 31, 2017
The point is that voter suppression always helps the right, and the governments own statistics show that voter fraud is so vanishingly rare as to be irrelevant


Oct 26, 2017
Where does the article discuss racism? What's your evidence for it having a racial angle?

I understand why it definitely does in America but I'm wondering what you're pulling this from or is it just the OPs take as well.

Same question to the OP, actually.

Why is it "definitely" if it was America but a mystery if it's the UK? Other countries have plenty of history with racism.


Wrong About Chicken
Oct 26, 2017
The point is that voter suppression always helps the right, and the governments own statistics show that voter fraud is so vanishingly rare as to be irrelevant
Ironically though in this case many of the people being turned away are right voting elderly voters.


Oct 27, 2017
Saddens me to see UK ape the tactics of American conservatives. I thought y'all were better than that but increasingly over the last year or so it's become more apparent how off base I've been.

John Caboose

Oct 26, 2017
In Sweden you have to identify yourself with ID or have someone with ID vouch for your identity. About 85% of people who are eligible to vote in Sweden do so.


Oct 28, 2017
Making it more difficult for people to exercise their democratic rights for the sake of fixing a problem that doesn't actually exist is fucking disgusting. The only way to make a scheme like this in any sense fair would be to introduce mandatory ID laws, and send everyone a valid ID for free... Which would be super shitty for its own reasons, of course, and a fucking huge waste of money besides. And that's not even getting into the fact that I wouldn't trust this government to actually get those IDs to everyone who's eligible to vote, not for a fucking second. Theresa May is a fucking monster, and her 'hostile to migrants' policies have destroyed thousands of lives, through unjust detentions alone:

EDIT: Since a buncha people seem to be trying to make the argument that the only posters in this thread vehemently against this are American, I'd like to clarify that I'm very much British, have lived in Britain for my whole life, and still think this is a shite idea.
Last edited:


Oct 30, 2017
Photo ID voting has been mandatory like forever in The Netherlands. Never had a problem with it, photo ID's are easily attainable.


Oct 31, 2017
Where does the article discuss racism? What's your evidence for it having a racial angle?

I understand why it definitely does in America but I'm wondering what you're pulling this from or is it just the OPs take as well.

Same question to the OP, actually.
It's done for the perception of voter fraud. Noone cares about voter fraud, this isn't a major percieved issue. The only reason this exist is to disenfranchise voters least likely to have ID's Considering this government is currently under a massive scandal involving windrush which consists of british citizens unable to prove their citizenship due to the government destroying their landing certificates this idea almost certainly does nopt come from a good place. Hence good old voter ID racism.


Oct 27, 2017
It's done for the perception of voter fraud. Noone cares about voter fraud, this isn't a major percieved issue. The only reason this exist is to disenfranchise voters least likely to have ID's Considering this government is currently under a massive scandal involving windrush which consists of british citizens unable to prove their citizenship due to the government destroying their landing certificates this idea almost certainly does nopt come from a good place. Hence good old voter ID racism.

There certainly are elements of voter fraud in some areas but AFAIK it's the postal vote system that gets abused



Nov 3, 2017
Photo ID voting has been mandatory like forever in The Netherlands. Never had a problem with it, photo ID's are easily attainable.
As someone who knows people who literally can't afford to get an id, nah, this is a problem. Why should someone lose their right to vote?

The system works fine already here, we didn't need to introduce this, and even a single person being turned away is a failure.


Oct 30, 2017
As someone who knows people who literally can't afford to get an id, nah, this is a problem. Why should someone lose their right to vote?

The system works fine already here, we didn't need to introduce this, and even a single person being turned away is a failure.

I can only speak for The Netherlands, never been a problem over here, never stories of huge disenfranchised groups of people. Has been semi-mandatory for 20 years now. Everybody has to be able to show their photo ID, and must present it to police when they ask for it.

TBH, 40 euro's for an photo ID seems reasonable to me. And it is easily attainable. You can make an appointment for a time that semi-suits you and pick one up 1 or 2 weeks later. Also photo ID's that aren't valid anymore (up to, I believe 5 years), are valid for voting.

European ID, drivers license or passport are valid ID's and everyone has one of those.


Nov 3, 2017
European ID, drivers license or passport are valid ID's and everyone has one of those.
But they don't. And the people who don't are much more likely to be poorer/younger.

Like, I can kinda see your argument as to why it isn't a big deal, even though I disagree, but I can't see you making any argument as to how this change is at all positive, whilst the easy argument as to why it's negative is that some people are going to lose their right to vote.
Oct 29, 2017
Why is it "definitely" if it was America but a mystery if it's the UK? Other countries have plenty of history with racism.
In America, efforts to target this are targeted at minority-heavy areas and it's largely minorites who do not have easy access to photo ID.

I'm asking for similar evidence, not denying racism exists in the UK.

It's done for the perception of voter fraud. Noone cares about voter fraud, this isn't a major percieved issue. The only reason this exist is to disenfranchise voters least likely to have ID's Considering this government is currently under a massive scandal involving windrush which consists of british citizens unable to prove their citizenship due to the government destroying their landing certificates this idea almost certainly does nopt come from a good place. Hence good old voter ID racism.
That's an interesting point about the Windrush scandal.

That being said, is there large amounts of evidence that minorites within the UK are severely less likely to have photo ID?

You are correct though, in a sense but last general election social media was ablaze with people claiming all kinds of a shit about voter fraud but I do agree that most people don't even think about it.

Deleted member 4452

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
We have voter id laws here in Quebec too, but our medicare card counts as photo id.

If the UK is genuinely concerned about voter fraud, they should provide photo id based on something everyone should have, like a NHS card with photo. Basing it on passport or driver's license targets the poor.


Oct 30, 2017
But they don't. And the people who don't are much more likely to be poorer/younger.

Like, I can kinda see your argument as to why it isn't a big deal, even though I disagree, but I can't see you making any argument as to how this change is at all positive, whilst the easy argument as to why it's negative is that some people are going to lose their right to vote.

Are you Dutch or are you talking about the British situation? (Because I am talking about the Dutch situation, since I don't know the ins and outs of that system.)


Oct 25, 2017
What's up with the Anglosphere's (or at least, UK&USA) problem with voter IDs. It's handy as shit, as proving your identity at the polls is basically as strenuous as getting carded while buying alcohol. The only difference is that they scan the bar code at the polls here while cashiers can just look at it.


Oct 30, 2017
What's up with the Anglosphere's (or at least, UK&USA) problem with voter IDs. It's handy as shit, as proving your identity at the polls is basically as strenuous as getting carded while buying alcohol. The only difference is that they scan the bar code at the polls here while cashiers can just look at it.

Yeah also that, shop holders have to ID everyone they think might be 25 or below. Always a compliment when you get a bit older and they still ask it ;)


Oct 25, 2017
What's up with the Anglosphere's (or at least, UK&USA) problem with voter IDs. It's handy as shit, as proving your identity at the polls is basically as strenuous as getting carded while buying alcohol. The only difference is that they scan the bar code at the polls here while cashiers can just look at it.
Because voter fruad isn't a issue, it hurts the elderly and minority voters


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Will tariffs be imposed on this imported racism?


Oct 25, 2017
Voter ID is mandatory to vote in Canada and, afaik, France

I really don't see the issue but I can understand frustrated people who aren't used to it and feeling angry at the turns of events.

I doesn't look like how it's done in the US where it seems to specifically target poor/black zones where ID cards "dispensers" are few and far between


Nov 3, 2017
Are you Dutch or are you talking about the British situation? (Because I am talking about the Dutch situation, since I don't know the ins and outs of that system.)

I just can't see a single positive to this system, what with voter fraud not actually being an issue.


Oct 31, 2017
What's up with the Anglosphere's (or at least, UK&USA) problem with voter IDs. It's handy as shit, as proving your identity at the polls is basically as strenuous as getting carded while buying alcohol. The only difference is that they scan the bar code at the polls here while cashiers can just look at it.
Alcohol is a product you don't need voting is a right. Now imagine if they were to ask for your ID when you went to buy a bottle of water. The reason why in person voter ID fraud is rare is because you have register your detailed citizen information before you vote and they tell you exactly where to vote. The chances that someone goes through all that just to vote in your name is minimal and for someone to be able to do that on a large scale with a number of voters is even less so. Compare that with the number of people unable to vote because at that specific moment they don't have an ID. It's not like you can come back a week later once you have your ID to go vote.

Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
What's up with the Anglosphere's (or at least, UK&USA) problem with voter IDs. It's handy as shit, as proving your identity at the polls is basically as strenuous as getting carded while buying alcohol. The only difference is that they scan the bar code at the polls here while cashiers can just look at it.

Because in the US there are large swaths of people who don't have an official ID that can be used for voting, and while they enact voting regulations they do things in parallel like cutting the hours to government offices (Which are already stretched thin and have limited hours) which makes it more difficult to obtain such an ID.

Oh, and it just so happens that the states who enact voter ID laws and restrict the access to facilities to get an ID just happen to be republican controlled and the people who don't have easy access to voter identification happen to be poor black voters.

So there is obvious implications for a party creating roadblocks for an issue that doesn't exist because it prevents a specific voting block from having ease of voting like other groups of voters, and the inherent implications of making it difficult for blacks to vote in general which ties into the racist history of our nation.

If the people who were advocating for voter ID also were lobbying for a free state ID that gets sent to every household, and assistance to those who don't have the information for such an ID, then I would be more willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. But the people who advocate for such things and enact them literally make it harder to get ID's for a specific group of people.


Oct 25, 2017
Where does the article discuss racism? What's your evidence for it having a racial angle?

I understand why it definitely does in America but I'm wondering what you're pulling this from or is it just the OPs take as well.

Same question to the OP, actually.
There is very negligible voter fraud as the statistics point out, so why did the Tories implement this? UK has racism, not sure why you're divorcing our country from the racial conversation.
Oct 27, 2017
But they don't. And the people who don't are much more likely to be poorer/younger.

I'm not sure about that. Maybe if you're young, still live with your parents, and don't drink, you can get away without any ID, but I don't think you could survive without it if you live independently. Not being able to open a bank account would pretty much lock you out of society - you'd struggle to even find a job that would be willing to pay you cash-in-hand.

That's a separate issue to requiring ID to vote, which is stupid because it's just inserting a layer of bureaucracy that even its advocates admit is entirely unnecessary, as the amount of voter fraud is vanishingly small. And even the argument that it's to improve the 'perception' of voter fraud is nonsense, as not only is that reasoning spurious in itself, they've not even done any sort of study or survey to determine what the public perception of voter fraud even is!


Oct 27, 2017
Voting without showing your ID sounds alien to me.
It's mandatory in most European countries if I'm not mistaken.
Oct 26, 2017
User Banned (Permanent): Long history of trolling and trying to antagonise others.
Whinge whinge whinge. How about taking some personal responsibility and ensuring that you have the proper documents when you turn up to vote?


Oct 31, 2017
Whinge whinge whinge. How about taking some personal responsibility and ensuring that you have the proper documents when you turn up to vote?
A yes personal responsibility the good old response to an issue that is scientifically proven to be neglible. What's the next problem that is scientifically proven to have a minimal effect that we need to solve?


Wrong About Chicken
Oct 26, 2017
Just to point out that the UK scheme also makes provisions for if you don't have ID like a passport or driving licence and allows you to provide a combination of something like a bank card and bank statement/utility bill.

And as I said before, getting ID in the UK is nowhere near as difficult as in the US and doesn't require you to visit a government office at any point, the entire process can be done from your own home or post office.

Deleted member 2171

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
What's up with the Anglosphere's (or at least, UK&USA) problem with voter IDs. It's handy as shit, as proving your identity at the polls is basically as strenuous as getting carded while buying alcohol. The only difference is that they scan the bar code at the polls here while cashiers can just look at it.

Because the IDs are made more expensive, the documents to get the IDs are made more expensive, the offices to get the IDs are closed and the ones remaining are open only during working hours, etc. It's just Jim Crow 5.0. Hell, here in Omaha they just closed our ID center and moved it out to a place that the bus system doesn't even go to. It's always shady shit and 95% of the time it's being done by GOP controlled states and counties.

Also, what are the poll workers comparing your photo to? They don't have access to the photo database, and your name is already on a voter roll. It's near impossible to hijack someone else's vote because if someone rolls up and uses your name, it's either going to raise a red flag if you already voted and someone tries to use your name, or will raise a red flag when you come in and someone has already used your name. There's zero fucking need for photo ID for voting. Voter fraud is not an issue and does not need to be solved.


Oct 25, 2017
Alcohol is a product you don't need voting is a right. Now imagine if they were to ask for your ID when you went to buy a bottle of water. The reason why in person voter ID fraud is rare is because you have register your detailed citizen information before you vote and they tell you exactly where to vote. The chances that someone goes through all that just to vote in your name is minimal and for someone to be able to do that on a large scale with a number of voters is even less so. Compare that with the number of people unable to vote because at that specific moment they don't have an ID. It's not like you can come back a week later once you have your ID to go vote.

But I don't have to register anything. I just get a letter in the mail with the address of the polling station and instructions (including how to get a free voting ID if you happen to need one).