
Oct 25, 2017
Johnson: "More people have been vaccinated here than all the countries of Europe put together"

We're in Europe you dumb fuck, no matter how much you would love to yank us out of the literal geographic region
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Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 31, 2018
They will fudge these vaccine numbers as they are putting it all on the line.


Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
They will fudge these vaccine numbers as they are putting it all on the line.
No they won't.

What they are doing however is only delivering the first jabs for three months whilst many other countries will be holding second doses back for the second jab in the 3-4 week span. So it will be comparing apples to oranges when comparing the UK vaccination numbers to those other countries.

Not that I'm saying the UK strategy there is wrong.


Oct 30, 2017
Exactly cause if that was the case know government in their right mind would be broadcasting the deaths number
You mean the 28 days death number that's resulted in reported figures being about 10,000 deaths less than the death certificate figures?

They'll find a way to spin it.

Edit - Scratch that, 15k lower.


Oct 25, 2017
You mean the 28 days death number that's resulted in reported figures being about 10,000 deaths less than the death certificate figures?

They'll find a way to spin it.

To be fair, I think the 28 day change made sense because previously it looked like too much of a gap and didn't factor in other possible causes - and it brought us in line with the other nations.

The 28 day is a bit of a compromise to make it as accurate as can be, but should be used in conjunction with the other reporting methods such as death certificates/excess deaths.

They'll absolutely try to spin the numbers, but I don't think that means the numbers themselves will be incorrect.


Oct 25, 2017
The 28 day is a bit of a compromise to make it as accurate as can be, but should be used in conjunction with the other reporting methods such as death certificates/excess deaths.

Or, if you're my father in law, the 28 day figure was used to scare people into thinking the pandemic is worse than it is because everyone who dies is actually dying from a non Covid illness and so they needed to make the figures seem more shocking.

I know it doesn't make a lick of sense, but there you go.


Oct 25, 2017
Or, if you're my father in law, the 28 day figure was used to scare people into thinking the pandemic is worse than it is because everyone who dies is actually dying from a non Covid illness and so they needed to make the figures seem more shocking.

I know it doesn't make a lick of sense, but there you go.

lol, i had to reread that several times before I saw your final sentence

Indeed - some of the conspiracy theories make no sense whatsoever


Oct 25, 2017
lol, i had to reread that several times before I saw your final sentence

Indeed - some of the conspiracy theories make no sense whatsoever

He's a QAnon conspiracy theorist who thinks chemtrails have smart dust in them (dust that we swallow that has nanobots that control us), all the COVID stuff was preplanned as part of the great reset and we've all been prepped for this by films such as contagion.
I swear that all of this is true

Deleted member 16516

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
He's a QAnon conspiracy theorist who thinks chemtrails have smart dust in them (dust that we swallow that has nanobots that control us), all the COVID stuff was preplanned as part of the great reset and we've all been prepped for this by films such as contagion.
I swear that all of this is true
Smart dust... sound likes he's been reading one of Iain M. Banks' Culture novels.


Oct 27, 2017
The English Wilderness
He's a QAnon conspiracy theorist who thinks chemtrails have smart dust in them (dust that we swallow that has nanobots that control us), all the COVID stuff was preplanned as part of the great reset and we've all been prepped for this by films such as contagion.
I swear that all of this is true
"They want to inject us with nanomachines to track our lives!" posts Dave, 47, to Facebook from his Samsung mobile.


Oct 28, 2017
Manchester, UK



Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 31, 2018
User Banned (2 Months): Spreading Misinformation About a Public Health Crisis; Prior Related Bans and Accumulated Infractions for Inappropriate and Inflammatory Commentary
so for the first time I bumped into someone whilst walking the dog who I was not sure if they are talking shit..

They reckon (admin in a hospital) that the hospital gets paid more for Covid patients and Doctors etc are under pressure to make sure they select Covid on death cert, he used a guy who had a heart attack and was rushed to hospital and even though he died after 3 days they kept testing to see if he caught Covid whilst in the intensive car unit and because he did they listed that on his death certificat?

this is bollocks right


Oct 25, 2017
so for the first time I bumped into someone whilst walking the dog who I was not sure if they are talking shit..

They reckon (admin in a hospital) that the hospital gets paid more for Covid patients and Doctors etc are under pressure to make sure they select Covid on death cert, he used a guy who had a heart attack and was rushed to hospital and even though he died after 3 days they kept testing to see if he caught Covid whilst in the intensive car unit and because he did they listed that on his death certificat?

this is bollocks right

Did you meet my father in law?

Edit - from a quick Google it seems to be true for the US for patients on Medicare but not for the U.K. - I only looked for a couple of minutes though
And even then it still seems to be underreported due to testing limitations


May 7, 2019
so for the first time I bumped into someone whilst walking the dog who I was not sure if they are talking shit..

They reckon (admin in a hospital) that the hospital gets paid more for Covid patients and Doctors etc are under pressure to make sure they select Covid on death cert, he used a guy who had a heart attack and was rushed to hospital and even though he died after 3 days they kept testing to see if he caught Covid whilst in the intensive car unit and because he did they listed that on his death certificat?

this is bollocks right

I heard this shit from a woman I lived with last year, and she was a full on alt-right nutter, so I'd say yes, it's bollocks.


Oct 25, 2017
so for the first time I bumped into someone whilst walking the dog who I was not sure if they are talking shit..

They reckon (admin in a hospital) that the hospital gets paid more for Covid patients and Doctors etc are under pressure to make sure they select Covid on death cert, he used a guy who had a heart attack and was rushed to hospital and even though he died after 3 days they kept testing to see if he caught Covid whilst in the intensive car unit and because he did they listed that on his death certificat?

this is bollocks right
Did you meet my father in law?

Edit - from a quick Google it seems to be true for the US for patients on Medicare but not for the U.K. - I only looked for a couple of minutes though
And even then it still seems to be underreported due to testing limitations
They are alt-right negationist myths. It is not true. Hospitals aint gonna be lying about death reason.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 31, 2018
Thanks, I see them quite often, I am going to call them on it next time.


Oct 25, 2017
so for the first time I bumped into someone whilst walking the dog who I was not sure if they are talking shit..

They reckon (admin in a hospital) that the hospital gets paid more for Covid patients and Doctors etc are under pressure to make sure they select Covid on death cert, he used a guy who had a heart attack and was rushed to hospital and even though he died after 3 days they kept testing to see if he caught Covid whilst in the intensive car unit and because he did they listed that on his death certificat?

this is bollocks right

How on earth were you not sure if they were talking shit or not? WTF does "paid more for covid patients" mean? This is so obviously American conspiracy theory that the morons pedalling it couldn't even be bothered to modify to make sense in the context of the NHS. What is the world made you think there was any realm of possibility where this could be true?


Oct 25, 2017
Also, just got this text and my wife did too from NHS no reply - don't know if everyone has had it already, I'm in Wakefield area

Due to numerous staff absences due to COVID-19 we are currently only able to deal with urgent issues. Please do not ring unless you feel your problem is an emergency. We are continuing to implement the vaccination program and will contact eligible patients when appointments available.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 31, 2018
How on earth were you not sure if they were talking shit or not? WTF does "paid more for covid patients" mean? This is so obviously American conspiracy theory that the morons pedalling it couldn't even be bothered to modify to make sense in the context of the NHS. What is the world made you think it was true?

Bacause I see them quite often on my dog walk and even though we spoke, never to this degree and they said they were admin at a hospital. I don't know how deaths etc get recorded. GP surgeries get paid by how many patients they have in their books, schools get more money the more EAL students they have etc, it did not sound loony tunes to me that hospitals would get paid more for certain types of patients.

Deleted member 44129

User requested account closure
May 29, 2018
Did any of you guys hear applause at 8 tonight where you are, because I just tidied the kitchen, then messed it up again making hotdogs (with AWESOME hotdogs from Denmark and pickles and shit that my Danish mother in law brought over. She lives at our house now until COVID fucks off, I hope I dont regret this), and whil doing all that I finished a whole bottle of wine.

I'm happy I didnt have to be mad about hearing if it happened....But i wonder if it happened. I'm guessing probably one 65 year old Brexiter with a facebook picture in which he shows a poppy or holds up a fish banged a pan pathetically for 10 seconds then went back indoors to watch Mrs Browns Boys on catch-up.


Oct 27, 2017
My mother in law, here in France, has more health conditions than I can list (depression, thyroid problems, internal prolapses, Central and chronic pain and she's currently bed-bound with severe shingles) but most obviously in terms of covid, she's 67 and has emphysema.

My father in law is nearly 84 but in good health. We have a house that's cut in two, but we cook for them every day, we're in and out of their house all the time, so is our three year old.

They've got no idea when either of them is likely to get a vaccination. Her Dr is useless and stubborn, but so many of the GPs here in the sticks are older and not taking on new patients.

In many ways the French healthcare system is superb, but it's a bureaucratic slow piece of utter shite in so many other ways and when it's not working, it really doesn't fucking work.
Oct 30, 2017
Did any of you guys hear applause at 8 tonight where you are, because I just tidied the kitchen, then messed it up again making hotdogs (with AWESOME hotdogs from Denmark and pickles and shit that my Danish mother in law brought over. She lives at our house now until COVID fucks off, I hope I dont regret this), and whil doing all that I finished a whole bottle of wine.

I'm happy I didnt have to be mad about hearing if it happened....But i wonder if it happened. I'm guessing probably one 65 year old Brexiter with a facebook picture in which he shows a poppy or holds up a fish banged a pan pathetically for 10 seconds then went back indoors to watch Mrs Browns Boys on catch-up.

Absolutely bugger all around here; mind, it feels about -5c outside so might play into it.

More telling though was they skipped the weather on Channel 4 news to cover it, and it was fucking pathetic. Across the whole country they showed 3 people in London, a couple in Merseyside, and like 4 people somewhere in Scotland with one playing the bagpipes. Behind those people on their massive streets = not a fucking soul.


Oct 25, 2017
Sheffield, UK
Did any of you guys hear applause at 8 tonight where you are, because I just tidied the kitchen, then messed it up again making hotdogs (with AWESOME hotdogs from Denmark and pickles and shit that my Danish mother in law brought over. She lives at our house now until COVID fucks off, I hope I dont regret this), and whil doing all that I finished a whole bottle of wine.

I'm happy I didnt have to be mad about hearing if it happened....But i wonder if it happened. I'm guessing probably one 65 year old Brexiter with a facebook picture in which he shows a poppy or holds up a fish banged a pan pathetically for 10 seconds then went back indoors to watch Mrs Browns Boys on catch-up.
My parents went out and clapped. I think they were the only ones, daft buggers.

edit: they aren't Brexit cunts but they sure are poppy cunts.


Oct 25, 2017

don't want to give them any credit because they do fuck all, but reading the article I can understand why a government wouldn't want to put the effort/budget into the promotion and distribution of this scheme. They're BT Wifi vouchers, not BT Broadband, so entirely dependant on how close you are to a coffee shop or a BT customer with public wifi enabled.


May 9, 2020
don't want to give them any credit because they do fuck all, but reading the article I can understand why a government wouldn't want to put the effort/budget into the promotion and distribution of this scheme. They're BT Wifi vouchers, not BT Broadband, so entirely dependant on how close you are to a coffee shop or a BT customer with public wifi enabled.
That was the initial offering, later they would get bt basic later. The government weren't happy with 70% so took 0%

We offered to prioritise getting these families connected, and suggested the Department identify families needing help to get online and to fund them to join the service for six or 12 months…The Department declined this route, wanting something faster."

Mr Allera added: "We regret this decision, as had the Department of Education taken this approach then, many of these families would have affordable and unlimited broadband by now."


Oct 25, 2017
I get the cynicism, but I wish people would showcase that without spouting vitriol on social media towards the lady.

I don't think there was ever anything sinister behind it. Just a nice idea which feels a bit tone deaf to a lot of people at present.


Oct 27, 2017

I hate that that rhetoric just assumes we should all meekly accept the yearly culling of the elderly due to flu too. 'Oh it's just flu season, their lives didn't matter and they were over 60 too!'
Kirstie *spit* Allsop did the same with children the other day - she said more kids die of car crashes so we should just move on.


Apr 27, 2018

I hate that that rhetoric just assumes we should all meekly accept the yearly culling of the elderly due to flu too. 'Oh it's just flu season, their lives didn't matter and they were over 60 too!'
Remember at the start of the pandemic how every death was quickly followed by..they had underlying health conditions though! Like piss off, that doesn't make it better.