
The Fallen
Jul 26, 2018
Dominic Cummings played too much Deus Ex and Boris just wants to speedrun coronavirus, just get everyone infected so it rolls over to 0% and warps to the credits or some shit.


Stolen from

This dismal fucking island is having an extremely normal time of it lately.


Game on motherfuckers
Oct 25, 2017
lol, are they going to have a sleepover and invite all their Italian friends to spread chickenpox covid-19?


Oct 27, 2017
I for one am pleased as punch that the official response is to dice roll the survival of friends and family.


Jul 14, 2018
If the british health system can take care of ALL complicated cases at same time it would work... but I doubt it is the case.


The Fallen
Jul 26, 2018
Herd immunity is definitely a good plan. Edit: I'm sorry I've just heard that "kill the animals" got the most donations so the herd will be culled immediately.


Oct 27, 2017
It's sounds like a great idea on paper bit once people start dying & ICU gets overwhelmed, then the public & the papers will turn viciously on Boris.


Oct 25, 2017
Jokes aside - and more to reassure myself I guess - I still trust the judgement of experts providing the advice to central Government.

That doesn't mean that it doesn't feel bloody surreal watching other places tackle it differently but yeah.


Oct 29, 2017
Glasgow, Scotland
Boris and co should rightfully be hounded out of office in a month or twos time if there's any justice. If what is happening elsewhere happens here, and it will. Italy has some right horror stories coming out. If the media can let them off the hook it will be insane.

I watched Question Time last night and the one guy with proper experience was lambasting the government response and trying to impinge on people how bad this is going to get as a result. He was literally shooshed by the host Fiona Bruce. What a fucking disaster the UK has become. I was super disappointed when Pete Wishart of the SNP totally agreed with the UK government position. Legit sickened me a little.
Oct 27, 2017
I just don't understand the measure of essentially letting it take hold, spread and keep escalating. The NHS is stretched by default. That was the case before any of this even happened. We're just going to bide our time while it gets to Italy or Spain's position and expect our services to deal with it on a longer tail?

On paper I get it. I just can't shake the sense of dread about it feeling irresponsible and dangerous.


Oct 27, 2017
The English Wilderness


The Fallen
Jul 26, 2018
I just don't understand the measure of essentially letting it take hold, spread and keep escalating. The NHS is stretched by default. That was the case before any of this even happened. We're just going to bide our time while it gets to Italy or Spain's position and expect our services to deal with it on a longer tail?

On paper I get it. I just can't shake the sense of dread about it feeling irresponsible and dangerous.
Dominic Cummings is a capital-R Rationalist. He is a big eugenics fan. Not so much actual science, unless it agrees with his priors. Boris is immensely lazy and doesn't give a fuck, but in general approves of the death of the lower classes. It's a match made in heaven.


Oct 27, 2017
I guess their plan is that in 9 months time when other countries are still repeatedly going on lockdown trying to prevent new outbreaks while they wait for the vaccine we're still trucking along with reduced transmission rates, and the economy won't be too affected by mostly pensioners dying in the mean time.

Which is pretty awful and probably won't work once the criminally underfunded NHS falls apart.


Oct 27, 2017
This idea is a disaster for my country, Ireland.
We have shared border with Northern Ireland who are going against our ideas for containing the virus.
The open border with free travel both ways is going to cause our cases of COVID-19 to increase with large community outbreaks.


Oct 26, 2017
It's sounds like a great idea on paper bit once people start dying & ICU gets overwhelmed, then the public & the papers will turn viciously on Boris.

I bet they won't, the media and people will give them a free pass, or just keep calm and carry on. The absolute disaster that this will be, will probably galvanise people even more, so that Brexit will be even more of a disaster a few months later. Like we survived this(survive is a relative term lots of people will die but who cares as Boris said, you've gotta get it over and done with) so we can easily survive being completely on our own with no industry farms or anything(that was in a literal government report they think we can survive without any internal food production, we'll import 100 percent from the US I guess).
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The Fallen
Jul 26, 2018
I bet they won't, the media and people will give them a free pass, or just keep calm and carry on. The absolute disaster that this will be, will probably galvanise people even more, so that Brexit will be even more of a disaster a few months later. Like we survived this so we can easily survive being completely on our with no industry farms or anything(that was in a literal government report they think we can survive without any internal food production, we'll import 100 percent from the US I guess).
Can't believe Gordon Brown left an empty treasury that was also full of coronavirus.


Oct 28, 2017
Majority of people in the UK need to get a mild dose of coronavirus for "herd immunity", chief scientific adviser says
Im worried about this plan, and I can't WFH yet as my multinational company was too cheap to purchase enough VPN capacity.
Plus my GF is a civil servant...

'Mild' is still going to be the worst flu of your life, if you don't end up in hospital.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Isn't' the health system already overwhelmed in the UK?


Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
Read this.

Coronavirus: Three reasons why the UK might not look like Italy

Boris Johnson's chief scientific adviser says the UK is four weeks behind Italy, What does that mean?

It's obviously impossible to contain the virus at this point, it can only be delayed. Sadly the reality is that most people are going to get it at some point regardless whether now or later. The key is to keep the lowest strain on health services for as long as possible, so they can continue to support the most vulnerable. Whilst the virus is scattered evenly across the UK without any hot spots that means health services won't be overly stretched. But if clusters start to present like in northern Italy, then that could spell disaster. Which is why the UK has significantly increased the daily testing to help with the modelling, to ensure they can take the right actions in the right places as precisely the right time, and also detect cases early enough to provide early treatment and avoid fatality.

If everything gets shut down now, we're only delaying the inevitable rather than staggering it.

Whether the strategy works remains to be seen. It certainly isn't a populist strategy but then BoJo and co have no reason to pander to populism at this moment given their political position.

But when Wuhan opens for business again we're simply going to see the virus rise again there.

Also OP, I think you're confused. The decisions BoJo and co are making are only in force in England, not "UK". Scotland, Wales and NI are taking their own measures and decisions are made separately - eg banning of mass gatherings in Scotland.