
2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
If we're being fair here, even mentioning you're conservative tends to have people call you racist regardless of issue. It went from people just calling you an asshole to just a racist bigot. That is obviously in large part thanks to Trump.

Conservatism in this country is aligned with white nationalism. The demographics of the party show that.
Oct 27, 2017
If we're being fair here, even mentioning you're conservative tends to have people call you racist regardless of issue. It went from people just calling you an asshole to just a racist bigot. That is obviously in large part thanks to Trump.
Not just Trump but everyone in the GOP that supports him and his ilk. The conservatives brought that on themselves by voting in such large pieces of shit.


Oct 26, 2017
If we're being fair here, even mentioning you're conservative tends to have people call you racist regardless of issue. It went from people just calling you an asshole to just a racist bigot. That is obviously in large part thanks to Trump.

Well if they voted for the shitbag they should own it no?


Oct 25, 2017
I'll die of old age before one of those conservatives actually spills out what are those important views that are being oppressed.

I know what they are.


Oct 27, 2017
Anytime I hear or read a statement like that all I can assume is that they aren't comfortable being racist, homophobic, and xenophobic. Essentially, they can't discriminate and marginalize other people.


Oct 27, 2017
I've worked mostly with libertarians (hello Software Industry) in the past, few of my friends or coworkers ever said they were outright conservative. But my experiences seem to align all the same, when they say that they don't feel 'safe' expressing their opinions they usually mean one of a few different things:

A: IThey have a few racist opinions and am scared of being outed as a racist. This starts off as things like 'affirmative action is just the worst mirite' (while ignoring how it actually works' eventually heading down the road of 'Us whites are more oppressed than any minority. Racism has been over for 50 years!'
B. They support Trump's policies and would gladly vote for him again. They don't directly hold racist opinions (and would generally agree that his attitude and comments are terrible) but believe his policies are more important. They often ignore how racially-motivated his policies are. This tends to be the hyper-libertarian people.
C. They don't support Trump at all, but support the conservative party as a whole in spite of what it does to defend Trump.

In almost all of these cases I've rarely seen people actually change. A few of my libertarian-lite friends ended up swinging hard left as a result of Trump and the fallout of his policies, but most of the time people feel unsafe because they're not willing to realize 'maybe i'm voting for the baddies'. As far as I'm concerned it's nigh-impossible to continue voting down the Republican ticket without either being completely ignorant or holding some form of racist or sexist views. Some say they hate what the Republican party has become, but continue voting Republican because voting for a Democrat is anathema no matter what.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Trump sure changed the narrative, boy. Not too many years ago having conservative views would not be seen as auto-racism.

Even if we would've gotten Rubio or Jeb, this whole narrative would be different.

But Trump with his brazen bigotry and white nationalists overtones has changed perceptions immensely. Not to say I'm not aware of the GOP's historical shenanigans--Willie Horton, The Southern Strategy and so on. But Trump really has changed the game.


Oct 27, 2017
Conservatism in this country is aligned with white nationalism. The demographics of the party show that.

Out of curiosity, if Trump wasn't the president and a more old school republican(pro life, small government, taxes, etc) were president, would you feel the same way? Or is it a Trump effect?

Not just Trump but everyone in the GOP that supports him and his ilk. The conservatives brought that on themselves by voting in such large pieces of shit.

Oh I agree. If you are conservative and chose to vote for Trump then you are part of the problem, but what of those conservatives that did not and push against the grain? The repulican party has the majority and can't get shit done. Personally, I disagree with a lot on a lot of fundamental issues with the GOP of old, but I feel like I could at least have a conversation. Now...well. I'm sure you understand.


Oct 27, 2017
Trump sure changed the narrative, boy. Not too many years ago having conservative views would not be seen as auto-racism.

Even if we would've gotten Rubio or Jeb, this whole narrative would be different.

But Trump with his brazen bigotry and white nationalists overtones has changed perceptions immensely. Not to say I'm not aware of the GOP's historical shenanigans--Willie Horton, The Southern Strategy and so on. But Trump really has changed the game.

This is what I was trying to convey, but you did it better lol. If you were a conservative years ago, people might call you an asshole, but it has changed dramatically thanks to Trump.
Oct 25, 2017
If we're being fair here, even mentioning you're conservative tends to have people call you racist regardless of issue. It went from people just calling you an asshole to just a racist bigot. That is obviously in large part thanks to Trump.

Sure, that's not what I'm debating. The way they make it seem is as if they're wearing hats that say "I'm a conservative" and being lambasted. If you're simply talking basic policy points, then just discuss them. There's a difference in "Yeah we need a wall to keep people out" and "I don't like the federal government determining minimum wage". One is very much racist, and the other (while going to subject you to comments) is a bit easier to discuss & digest without casual racism.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
The GOP has been the party most home to out-and-out white nationalism since the 70s. But now with the Internet archiving everything and allowing people a glimpse into the philosophical and cultural perspectives of people who are critical of American conservatism and the GOP, the hood has come off, so to speak. The most obvious option would be to work to try and clean up and reclaim the party as something that's actually honorable, to actually fight back, but I see little to no movement on that front (although I would be happy to be proven wrong); as such, you can't blame people for rightfully telling you you're complicit with the worst your side has to offer. Hope the tax cuts are worth it.

Deleted member 15326

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
If someone says they're conservative and feels oppressed, censored, or something along those lines then you know exactly what they mean.

Actual policy is discussed all day every day.


Graphics Engineer
Oct 27, 2017
It's so funny that conservatives can embrace an asshole like Trump but be fearful of supporting said asshole's racist, homophobic and sexist actions. I don't feel bad for them.


Nov 7, 2017
Hong Kong SAR
That's great news. I wouldn't want to hear their bigoted ''opinions'' anyhow...

Twitter is still a great platform, but it risks becoming FaceBook

Deleted member 1698

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017

there are people who get pissed over political views even though they are rational

Which is fine, people get pissed off by lots of things, especially at work. Just take someone elses food out of the fridge and it'll be on. This is still a normal part of everyday life and interacting with people. Do you piss someone off? Do you talk about politics and be the boring guy everyone hates? Or do you try to fit in?

No, this is different. This is people who want to be complete and utter assholes while still being part of society, keeping their jobs and not having any negative consequences whatsoever. Fortunately, the world doesn't work like that ... except at twitter.


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
Out of curiosity, if Trump wasn't the president and a more old school republican(pro life, small government, taxes, etc) were president, would you feel the same way? Or is it a Trump effect?

Yes. They have been dog whistling for ages and all these values have been a front until now. Many in the party have never truly showed any care for anyone in the past 60+ years, their polices are short sighted and continually have a hint of white nationalism. It's just now people are waking up to it.

They have employed things like think tanks, the southern strategy and conjured up some boogie man be it black "welfare" queens or drug user, to Mexicans being called rapist and everything in between to justify their policies.

None of those values have ever 1. Shown to work well anywhere and 2. Have shown to just ruin any progress the country makes.

If you can point to me anywhere in the world where those values have helped to push forward a country of 300 million in the a sustainably great direction. I'd love to see the data.

Most economic gain for the middle class and the poor has been under democratic leadership. To the tune of 2x and 6x in positive wealth.

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
Someone should make a thread concerning whatever the fuck "Conservatism" in America stands for given "change" is an integral part of society.

Deleted member 46641

User requested account closure
Aug 12, 2018
I got banned from twitter for telling some transphobic guy who threatened to slit my throat and then rape it to fuck off. Twitter is a conservative company.
Oct 26, 2017
They're a company that fully enable extremest fascist organisations to spread their toxic beliefs. The idea that progressives hold any meaningful power in the company is fucking hilarious.


Oct 27, 2017
Southern California
Trump sure changed the narrative, boy. Not too many years ago having conservative views would not be seen as auto-racism.

Even if we would've gotten Rubio or Jeb, this whole narrative would be different.

But Trump with his brazen bigotry and white nationalists overtones has changed perceptions immensely. Not to say I'm not aware of the GOP's historical shenanigans--Willie Horton, The Southern Strategy and so on. But Trump really has changed the game.

He just brought it into the light. It was there for decades.

Deleted member 25600

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
If you don't feel safe expressing an opinion, maybe take some time out to reflect on whether you have bad opinions.


Oct 25, 2017
If you don't feel safe expressing an opinion, maybe take some time out to reflect on whether you have bad opinions.
Bingo. I think and publicly share unpopular and controversial opinions all the time, because I recognize that said opinions are benign in the nature of their unpopularity or controversy.

If I'm hiding an opinion, I know that part of it is because it could be a malignant opinion that causes harm to another in some direct or indirect way that I want to rid myself of and haven't found the means to do so yet. And I accept that it's not something for the public.
If it's not that, it's because some asshole thinks I should be strung up from a tree for having it, a benign opinion that can cause immediate personal danger because of someone else's unreasonable response to it.

Sorry you don't like getting judged, conservatives. I didn't like being afraid someone would drag me behind a moving car until I died because of who I am and what my beliefs are. When the alt-right is getting lynched to death, then we'll talk about how poorly you're being treated.


Oct 25, 2017
There's conservative values like "limited government" and "the free market rules" and then there's American Republican conservative values like "put brown kids in cages" and "Colin Kaepernick is a dirty ni**er" so let's not pretend like you're actually defending the bulk-size makeup of the GOP here.

Not all, just like 95% of American conservatism.

Has the rise of Trumpism somehow eluded you? Did you fail to notice the pigheaded obstructionist congress and racist rhetoric from major conservative outlets during the Obama administration? The modern GOP isn't based on reasonable conservative values and rational policymaking. It's basically a white supremacy movement at this point.

If you invited 100 conservatives to a gay marriage or a first gen immigrant's graduation party, would you honestly be surprised if the response was overwhelmingly hostile?

We're embroiled in a culture war and conservatives happen to be on the wrong side of every important issue.

I don't disagree with any of you, except that I think the GOP hasn't represented conservative values in a long ass time. They represent deplorable bigotry and big business, and that's a huge fucking problem. Because 1. not only are these fuckers in our government but 2. no meaningful portion of our government actual does represent conservative values. And the icing on the cake is that IF somebody dares to speak up and say they are a conservative then they're automatically lumped in with and assumed to support this trash fire that calls itself the Republican Party. Which is why conservatives, actual conservatives, not racists sexist fuckwads, don't feel comfortable saying they have conservative beliefs because when they do they get labeled as bigots by association.


Oct 25, 2017
If we're being fair here, even mentioning you're conservative tends to have people call you racist regardless of issue. It went from people just calling you an asshole to just a racist bigot. That is obviously in large part thanks to Trump.

When your political alignment can be a factor of other things we can say about you, there's a reason conservatism is seen as a disease to anybody with a modicum of compassion.

You have to love money and white people to really be in on the conservative movement, as those are its symbols of greatness. It's a disease.
Oct 27, 2017
I don't know about work, but I'm at a holiday resort in Spain, and there's a guy walking around with a #QAnon t-shirt on all day.

Looked that up, and you Yanks are weird as fuck with your conspiracy theories.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
They allow nazis to have a platform so shouldn't they feel comfortable expressing their "opinions"?

Deleted member 41271

User requested account closure
Mar 21, 2018
If we're being fair here, even mentioning you're conservative tends to have people call you racist regardless of issue. It went from people just calling you an asshole to just a racist bigot. That is obviously in large part thanks to Trump.

Well, if the leader of the party calls for white nationalism, supports Nazis, enacts anti-LGBT laws, is now putting up anti-woman candidates, and puts children into cages, then one has two options.
1. Outspoken criticism, not supporting the dear leader, and leaving the party if neccessary
2. Keep supporting

We are not seeing 1. The conclusion is that, indeed, supporters of said party are either racists themselves, or worse, people that are fine seeing racist, homophobic, and sexist policy hurting the majority of americans.

Republicans did have a choice here. They didn't have to support that. Yet they did.


Oct 25, 2017
I get it.

Sometimes you just want to ban the Muslims or truly believe that the potus can make foreign countries pay for American infrastructure with no cost to the tax payer.

Or maybe you just want to be able to support the most corrupt president and administration in modern history without being judged by people who aren't idiots.


Oct 25, 2017
Must be hard not being able to say the n word, and other descriptions for various minorities without getting a bad look.

Deleted member 4021

Oct 25, 2017
Someone needs to ask this fuck what specific views they are afraid to share and why it would be a good thing for them to share them.
Oct 25, 2017
"We should make sure that everyone feels safe to express themselves within the company, no matter where they come from and what their background is."

so what they're saying is that they want conservatives to feel safe within the space occupied by the company...

doesn't twitter realize that doing anything to accommodate conservatives is just coddling them from the harsh truth that people out in the real world just don't tolerate their existence? i know it feels threatening when someone is surrounded by people who think they are a degenerate who is contributing to the downfall of civilization, but if conservatives keep running away from those valuable opinions it won't prepare them for the "real world" where people definitely hate them. and isn't it basically a violation of my freedom of speech that i would no longer be able to express that view at the twitter offices? if conservatives really have a commitment to free speech, then need to be expose themselves to verbal abuse at all times. and grow some gosh-darned thicker skin!

oh wait, that logic is only supposed to apply to safe spaces for minority groups. oops, what a mistake on my part!

maybe conservatives distaste for safe spaces for minorities is a result of a projection of their own desires to be free of criticism?


Oct 25, 2017