Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
Friend posted this on Facebook:

"People that are racist and attack Asians over the coronavirus are idiots. That being said, I understand the anger/confusion people are having towards the Chinese and other Asians. This virus would not have started if Chinese people didn't eat live exotic animals in Wuhan. This virus would have been contained if the Chinese government acted right away. This virus would have been localised if Chinese people didnt break quaritine and travel the world. (Italy started with Chinese couple, Korea started with Chinese international studends breaking quarintine) If I lost a family member due to the irresponsible actions of the Chinese governement and people, I would be pretty mad too. Again, these racists people are complete idots. But racist people have always been racist and they just found a motive for their disgraceful belief. But at the same time, the Chinese are responsible for a lot of this chaos."

For the record, he's Asian.

Your friend is a dense cunt. Make sure to tell him that, too.

I in no way support calling the virus Chinese. I am curious as to how we can battle the Chinese narrative that the US Army planted the virus in China?

Or we don't entertain conspiracy theory nonsense in the slightest.


Oct 25, 2017
I in no way support calling the virus Chinese. I am curious as to how we can battle the Chinese narrative that the US Army planted the virus in China?

I mean, you should be worried about idiot state actors who want to throw stones across the pond, but unless you want to simultaneously say people like Lindsay Graham and John Cornyn are reflective of the entire US Govt, I would sit this one out.


Mar 11, 2019
Not shocked or surprised at things like this. Not even disappointed. I am, however, livid on how this will lead to even more racist rhetoric than before.

The best I can do is explain to people why calling it that is in fact racist. I'll also see if I can support local Asian restaurants and such because I'm sure they're going through hell right now.


Nov 1, 2017
yeah dude guys, if we want to be techinical about this, it came from a fucking wild animal. Maybe call it bat virus?


Nov 4, 2017
I am not advocating at all for this to be called "Chinese Virus" or flu or whatever -- so many horrible implications and slippery slope issues to solely attributing the problem to one country -- however, I'm honestly curious as to one thing: am I misinformed, or is the origin of some of these super-flu bugs not traceable back to ingestion of some of the animals mentioned in this tweet? (i.e. bats specifically). Aren't the so-called "wet meat markets" problematic for disease?
The Huanan market is where the first known outbreak happened, back in Dec. 2019. But there are indications that the disease had been spreading since November so it's looking more and more unlikely that that's the origin of the virus.

I in no way support calling the virus Chinese. I am curious as to how we can battle the Chinese narrative that the US Army planted the virus in China?
It's not a Chinese narrative; it's just something that some random idiot came up with. The official Chinese stance doesn't blame the US at all.

yeah dude guys, if we want to be techinical about this, it came from a fucking wild animal. Maybe call it bat virus?
Why is it necessary to come up with your own pet names? It's recognizably called Covid-19.
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Oct 27, 2017
It sounds so ridiculous that it doesn't need to be battled. It's like Trump bullshit - the people that want to believe it are going to believe it no matter what anyone says, especially the US itself. I have to imagine that reasonable folks smell it as bullshit.
I hear that for those that practice BS monitoring. The problem is that a vast majority of the Chinese population believes any bullshit the CCP spews. They shouldn't be polluting the infosphere with their support of false narratives.
Oct 28, 2017
User Banned (1 month): Dismissing concerns of racism.
I see no real issue with calling it the Wuhan virus considering that is where all the evidence is pointing towards. There are people who object to this labelling, and I think that unfortunately undermines the valid criticisms of labelling it a Chinese virus.


Nov 1, 2017
I see no real issue with calling it the Wuhan virus considering that is where all the evidence is pointing towards. There are people who object to this labelling, and I think that unfortunately undermines the valid criticisms of labelling it a Chinese virus.
It already has a name though. Why again do you want to associate Wuhan and Wuhan people with this thing?


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 17, 2017
Friend posted this on Facebook:

"People that are racist and attack Asians over the coronavirus are idiots. That being said, I understand the anger/confusion people are having towards the Chinese and other Asians. This virus would not have started if Chinese people didn't eat live exotic animals in Wuhan. This virus would have been contained if the Chinese government acted right away. This virus would have been localised if Chinese people didnt break quaritine and travel the world. (Italy started with Chinese couple, Korea started with Chinese international studends breaking quarintine) If I lost a family member due to the irresponsible actions of the Chinese governement and people, I would be pretty mad too. Again, these racists people are complete idots. But racist people have always been racist and they just found a motive for their disgraceful belief. But at the same time, the Chinese are responsible for a lot of this chaos."

For the record, he's Asian.

Someone should tell your friend posting shit like this isn't going to get racists to accept him as one of the "good" Asians.


Oct 27, 2017
Agreed but also kinda hypocritical people are calling an end to those while turning a blind eye to animal factories elsewhere

I mean sure, if you also wanna discuss how viruses are coming from north american animals as well.
Absolutely we need to discuss it all and find a way to help going forward
Mar 29, 2018
carriers of Covid-19 in China were conduits for the virus, not the creators, its clearly racist to blame an entire population, especially now with the increase in hate crimes.
I mean let's not forget that it is wet market culture which enabled the virus to mutate, as far as we know, and that China's government needs to address this. It does need to be flagged up... just not used for generalisations like good. And it's not like that culture is unique/isolated to China. I think they have banned it already?

This man is responsible for exacerbating hostile sentiment against south americans, 2 massacres last year, he just doesnt stop

But yeah of course this, totally true. The sinophobia is gonna fucking EXPLODE in coming years, and he is not helping whatsoever


Oct 25, 2017
Friend posted this on Facebook:

"People that are racist and attack Asians over the coronavirus are idiots. That being said, I understand the anger/confusion people are having towards the Chinese and other Asians. This virus would not have started if Chinese people didn't eat live exotic animals in Wuhan. This virus would have been contained if the Chinese government acted right away. This virus would have been localised if Chinese people didnt break quaritine and travel the world. (Italy started with Chinese couple, Korea started with Chinese international studends breaking quarintine) If I lost a family member due to the irresponsible actions of the Chinese governement and people, I would be pretty mad too. Again, these racists people are complete idots. But racist people have always been racist and they just found a motive for their disgraceful belief. But at the same time, the Chinese are responsible for a lot of this chaos."

For the record, he's Asian.
Cletus isn't going to care what kind of Asian he is when he's fucking bashing his brains in.
Diaspora solidarity is so important right now and you have mfs out here trying to get on the good side of the white supremacists.


Oct 27, 2017
Diaspora solidarity isn't possible on this topic because a lot of complicated, divisive stuff has been happening in the Asian / Chinese community.

for example, I regularly see my own people, Hong Kongers, and Hong Kong media, who are absolutely delighted by Trump's statement because of the way China has been treating Hong Kong.

it sucks because this isn't the first time anti-China sentiment from Republicans and HKers lines up like this, but it's also complicated


Oct 25, 2017
Diaspora solidarity isn't possible on this topic because a lot of complicated, divisive stuff has been happening in the Asian / Chinese community.

for example, I regularly see my own people, Hong Kongers, and Hong Kong media, who are absolutely delighted by Trump's statement because of the way China has been treating Hong Kong.

it sucks but it's also complicated
If you're living in the west as an Asian, in the interests of self preservation, we should band together for this. Not sure if white supremacists will be asking for my nationality before bashing me for being Chinese, or if they'd stop because I was actually from HK or Vietnam. They can barely tell us apart as it is.


Oct 25, 2017
Diaspora solidarity isn't possible on this topic because a lot of complicated, divisive stuff has been happening in the Asian / Chinese community.

for example, I regularly see my own people, Hong Kongers, and Hong Kong media, who are absolutely delighted by Trump's statement because of the way China has been treating Hong Kong.

it sucks because this isn't the first time anti-China sentiment from Republicans and HKers lines up like this, but it's also complicated

As someone from HK, I can only see Trump's statements as aiding CCP's messaging internally in China. When the leader of the West is so obviously stoking sinophobia, it makes it much easier for their own propaganda to paint the US as the enemy, encourage the nationalism and conspiracy theories, and lap up all the failings the west have in handling the crisis. It is sad to say that CCP is succeeding in its propaganda.


Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (2 Weeks): Rationalizing Xenophobia
I don't why it's 'racist' to identify the virus with the place it originated from? i don't even believe in it's stigmatic potential :/
we had in the previous years:
- MERS "Middle eastern respiratory syndrome" originated in: Middle East
- "Rocky mountain spotted fever" originated in: USA
- Lyme - German measles - Japanese encephalitis - Alkhurma hemorrhagic fever
- Waardenburg - Mediterranean fever, Malta fever, Cyprus fever...........


If I were Biden/on Biden's team, I'd come out with something like this:

Not only is "Chinese virus" a xenophobic term, it's also incorrect, since we already have a name for this virus: Covid-19. If we really want to pick our own name for this virus, "Trump virus" makes more sense, since his incompetence is directly responsible for the outbreak and deaths in the US.

Make it about him.


Nov 3, 2017
I don't why it's 'racist' to identify the virus with the place it originated from? i don't even believe in it's stigmatic potential :/
we had in the previous years:
- MERS "Middle eastern respiratory syndrome" originated in: Middle East
- "Rocky mountain spotted fever" originated in: USA
- Lyme - German measles - Japanese encephalitis - Alkhurma hemorrhagic fever
- Waardenburg - Mediterranean fever, Malta fever, Cyprus fever...........



Oct 26, 2017
If I were Biden/on Biden's team, I'd come out with something like this:

Make it about him.
We're not going to win a branding war against Trump, the GOP and the right wing media machine.
It has a name, and maybe more importantly, most people know it already by "coronavirus", which might not be the most scientifically accurate thing, but it ain't gonna get Asian people murdered and it's not gonna help the GOP deflect blame.


We're not going to win a branding war against Trump, the GOP and the right wing media machine.
It has a name, and maybe more importantly, most people know it already by "coronavirus", which might not be the most scientifically accurate thing, but it ain't gonna get Asian people murdered and it's not gonna help the GOP deflect blame.
No. That's playing the GOP's game, which Democrats are horrifically inept at.

I'm not saying rename it and use that term from now on. I'm saying in their response to this (because they should respond to this IMO), they should say something along the lines of "Trump virus is more adequate than Chinese virus". But of course they should keep using the real name, Covid-19.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't why it's 'racist' to identify the virus with the place it originated from? i don't even believe in it's stigmatic potential :/
we had in the previous years:
- MERS "Middle eastern respiratory syndrome" originated in: Middle East
- "Rocky mountain spotted fever" originated in: USA
- Lyme - German measles - Japanese encephalitis - Alkhurma hemorrhagic fever
- Waardenburg - Mediterranean fever, Malta fever, Cyprus fever...........
We try not to do that anymore, for various reasons. First it can be fucking racist (although I'm sure people are still absolutely dying to defend the practice). Second, it's actually detrimental to health professionals learning about the viruses/diseases because the names don't mean anything.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I don't why it's 'racist' to identify the virus with the place it originated from? i don't even believe in it's stigmatic potential :/
we had in the previous years:
- MERS "Middle eastern respiratory syndrome" originated in: Middle East
- "Rocky mountain spotted fever" originated in: USA
- Lyme - German measles - Japanese encephalitis - Alkhurma hemorrhagic fever
- Waardenburg - Mediterranean fever, Malta fever, Cyprus fever...........

Because it spurs racist sentiment in the general public who then take it out on anyone who in this case looks vaguely Asian.

It has a name, COVID19 , just fucking use that.


Oct 25, 2017
The fact people are unironically using the Spanish Flu is depressing. Apparently high school grade history is just too much for America.


Associate Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Trump is a racist piece of shit. I'm so tired of the constant jumping through hoops to rationalize racist behavior. Being racist is more that spouting racial epithets. It's a mindset and a philosophy that comes in all flavors.

Trump knew damn well what he was saying, and what what he was saying was implying. He's not as clever or slick as he thinks he is. But that goes without saying.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 31, 2017
I don't why it's 'racist' to identify the virus with the place it originated from? i don't even believe in it's stigmatic potential :/
we had in the previous years:
- MERS "Middle eastern respiratory syndrome" originated in: Middle East
- "Rocky mountain spotted fever" originated in: USA
- Lyme - German measles - Japanese encephalitis - Alkhurma hemorrhagic fever
- Waardenburg - Mediterranean fever, Malta fever, Cyprus fever...........

COVID-19 is already a pandemic. There's no point in calling it with the name of its origin place, because you can actually catch it from practically anywhere now. From anybody. It's now a world flu.

Maybe a case can be made if the disease still only endemic (or persistently endemic) on its origin area as to act as warning so travelers can be cautious or prepare themselves with proper vaccines/prophylaxis medication beforehand. But that's it.


Nov 1, 2017
It's not even a dog whistle guys. Anyway, I know some of yall are pretty smart and want to rationalize things, and I can easily make a case for alternative nomenclature too. But most people are not very smart and I experienced many not smart things growing up in this country. No more fuel for the fire please.


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
One of the managers at work today made it point to loudly say the "WUHAN" virus had come, as we had our first case in Lancaster, PA.

I guess when you're a racist it makes you feel better about the pandemic to blame Chinese people. Clearly America is the best and we totally handled the outbreak right way and aren't a grossly incompetent country run by a worthless leader. That would mean actually self reflecting and not just lashing out when you're afraid.


Dec 26, 2019
Huanan / Wuhan virus.
Pretty good name for a sports team "Wuhan Virus"

On a serious note I think it is important that China tried to cover up the virus and is largely at fault for the situation right now. If they took the measures they do now immediately things at least might have turned out better. My father is stuck there and they've been on lockdown for quite a while now, you can't leave your block and only one person gets to leave the house once on a weekly basis.

I have more problems with the camps and slavery tough. Would 100% support any action taken against China as long as it's motivated by the right thing: human rights.

Deleted member 23381

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Ingraining this bullshit us vs them mentality among his base is the best chance he has at a re election and he knows it. It worked for him before, it'll probably work again.

China is not trying to pick a fight with America, America is trying to pick a fight with China.

Lmao please, both countries are constantly trying to pick fights with each other and the rest of the world.
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Apr 17, 2019
Official White House statement:

Nathan McDermott @natemcdermott

Trump only started calling the "Chinese Virus" within the last two days.

Between January and March 15th, he referred to it as the "coronavirus", at least on Twitter anyway, 41 times.

Since March 16th he hasn't called it the "coronavirus" once.

I note this, not because it's the most important thing in the world right now, but because when he and others act like they've always called it that it's clearly not true.

At some point, for his own calculations, he decided it'd be better it call it something else.

2:57 PM - Mar 18, 2020

Nick Confessore @nickconfessore

Somewhat surprising to me that they didn't pivot to this messaging a little sooner. …

3:34 PM - Mar 18, 2020

What the actual fuck.
God damn America the virus is literally kicking your people in the ass because your own gov incompetence despite weeks to jump in front of it. This is so transparently bullshit and the fact that so many people actually still follow this orange shitstain lead is so frustrating to watch, my god.

It's getting worse and worse

I really must've missed a universal update or something, didn't know comedians are now allowed carte blanche to be openly racist in the interest of having fun...
That number of favorites is just despair inducing to see too