
Oct 25, 2017
They are playing chess. The memo will come out one way or another. This just will make donny look bad. Hes obviously trying to hide something.

Innocent people dont have reasons to hide.


Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Here's what a redacted memo that the white house would approve of looks like

TRUMP [______________________________________] is [___________________________________________________] a very [_____________________________________________________] very [____________________________________] good [____________________________________________________________________________] person, and [____________________________________________________________] INNOCENT [______________________]

Deleted member 29806

User requested account closure
Nov 2, 2017
This is a lose-lose situation for him. Not releasing the memo clearly shows that he fears what it has to say. I can't believe this presidency is still a thing.

I can't believe you people don't finally get it. Nothing that makes him look bad matters as long he is supported by a party with a majority but without any morals in a country with a totally toothless opposition party.

This will be forgotten after the next tweet lowering the bar of 'presidential', unfathomable legislation or another book about the chaos in the white house.


Oct 25, 2017
Now he just made this a way bigger story. The Nunes memo had the FBI and DOJ recommend against releasing it, he released it anyway. The Demo was voted on unanimously by Reps and Dems both, the FBI and DOJ haven't said anything about it having a security risk, and he refuses for the hilariously phony reason of "security concerns".

The transparency of his bias would be funny if it wasn't so childish. This is going to come out no matter what, all he's done is make it look like he's trying to hide something.


Oct 25, 2017
Grave concerns about the security of his position as President of the United States, and the security of his freedom.


▲ Legend ▲
Jan 25, 2018
What is stopping someone from leaking it? I'm sure there's journalists who wouldn't mind helping out.

Novel Mike

Oct 25, 2017
What is stopping someone from leaking it? I'm sure there's journalists who wouldn't mind helping out.
That would give Trump and Nunes and other people like them exactly what they want. They can turn the story back on the democrats and accuse them for being leakers and likely try to go after them for leaking classified information. That is likely what Trump hopes to happen with the refusal to release this memo. I really hope no one falls for such an obvious ruse because now they can very easily paint a picture of 'What is Trump hiding' with him refusing to release the memo. It will put more political pressure on him as long as they don't fuck it up.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
That would give Trump and Nunes and other people like them exactly what they want. They can turn the story back on the democrats and accuse them for being leakers and likely try to go after them for leaking classified information. That is likely what Trump hopes to happen with the refusal to release this memo. I really hope no one falls for such an obvious ruse because now they can very easily paint a picture of 'What is Trump hiding' with him refusing to release the memo. It will put more political pressure on him as long as they don't fuck it up.
What if the Republicans leak it and try to pin it on the Democrats? I mean, if that's what they hope happens what's stopping Nunes from getting a stooge to leak it? Dems don't need to fall for a ruse if the Republicans will trigger the mousetrap and pin it on them anyhow.


Self-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
That would give Trump and Nunes and other people like them exactly what they want. They can turn the story back on the democrats and accuse them for being leakers and likely try to go after them for leaking classified information. That is likely what Trump hopes to happen with the refusal to release this memo. I really hope no one falls for such an obvious ruse because now they can very easily paint a picture of 'What is Trump hiding' with him refusing to release the memo. It will put more political pressure on him as long as they don't fuck it up.
I agree. Dont fuck it up by leaking it.

Just play by the rules and wait to see what recommendations the FBI and DOJ give.


Oct 25, 2017
Donald Trump
The Democrats sent a very political and long response memo which they knew, because of sources and methods (and more), would have to be heavily redacted, whereupon they would blame the White House for lack of transparency. Told them to re-do and send back in proper form!



Oct 27, 2017
Here's the talking point the orange twat is going with.

It contains classified information because it's directly contesting Nunes' memo, which contained classified information. You had no issues releasing that one, despite deep concerns from DOJ and FBI. Why is that, Trump?

Such fucking flagrant bullshit.

Deleted member 2171

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Like, literally all Donald has to do is never be scared of something and let it release and let the chips fall where they may. Don't respond to anyone, don't talk about things unless directly asked, etc.

But he's so thin skinned he telegraphs everything that he knows will harm him like a 4 year old trying to tell you they didn't eat the crayon with crayon all over their face.


Nov 27, 2017
The fact that there are a "Democratic memo" and a "Republican memo" creeps me the fuck out.

Deleted member 3345

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The fact that there are a "Democratic memo" and a "Republican memo" creeps me the fuck out.

That's the entire play, to create a "both sides" narrative bullshit..

trump/nunes & co decided to create a memo and keep the minority dems in the dark. They let out some bullshit, which the dems didn't want to have out there, but felt the responsibility to correct it.

There shouldn't been ANY memo in the first place.

Deleted member 2171

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Doesn't Trump have to specify the exact secuirty risk to Congress within 5 days?

I don't think a blanket statement will suffice. This memo will be released in due time.

Not fussed.

1. Shows he' hiding somwthing.

2. Nunes memo blew up in their faces already.

3. Congress could overrule this (probably won't since every Republican is complicit)

4. It's going to leak.

IIRC technically it can be read into the record at this point, which publically releases it officially with no chance for the White House to do anything. The most famous example of this is the Pentagon Papers being read into the record by Senator Mike Gravel.. btw, which was linked to you guessed it, Watergate.


User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
The fact that there are a "Democratic memo" and a "Republican memo" creeps me the fuck out.

Right?! Or that this schoolyard shit is being paid for by the tax payers. And while they fuck around with this shit DACA, infrastructure and VA overhaul is ignored. Let Mueller do his fucking job and stop obstructing assholes.


Oct 27, 2017
To be fair, Trump isn't exactly making up that there are concerns here:

The White House included a letter signed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray that says they have identified portions of the Democratic memo that would raise national security or law enforcement concerns if released publicly.


Oct 27, 2017
New York, NY
The FBI had public objections to the GOP memo as well. For those that argued in favor of transparency over security concerns then, in the WH, media and public, the same should apply here.


Oct 27, 2017
The FBI had public objections to the GOP memo as well. For those that argued in favor of transparency over security concerns then, in the WH, media and public, the same should apply here.

Iirc their statement on the Republican memo was that it was fundamentally inaccurate due to omissions. They didn't say any of its content would "raise national security or law enforcement concerns if released publicly" as they are here.

The Dem memo probably goes too far in saying what other justification they used for pegging Carter Page as a foreign agent, stuff that would reveal informants, methods, other targets, etc.


Dec 2, 2017
To be fair, Trump isn't exactly making up that there are concerns here:

The issue is that he ignored those concerns when he decided to release the Nunes memo. He then went about grandstanding about how they (he) caught the Dems red-handed in making up everything about the Russian investigation and that everything was a hoax, despite the fact that the memo didn't say any of that. It just suggested that the Dems may have been less than forthcoming about how they applied for FISA warrants and continued pushing the narrative that the Dems fully funded the Steele Dossier so that also can't be credible.

So security concerns aren't important for a memo he THINKS (and I emphasize thinks because remember, he didn't actually read the memo) absolves him of any wrong-doing meanwhile he claims to suddenly have grave concerns about security threats when the counter-memo is on his desk.

He lost his benefit of the doubt on this particular issue weeks ago.


Oct 28, 2017


Oct 28, 2017
IIRC technically it can be read into the record at this point, which publically releases it officially with no chance for the White House to do anything. The most famous example of this is the Pentagon Papers being read into the record by Senator Mike Gravel.. btw, which was linked to you guessed it, Watergate.

It doens't work that way. Gravel had to exploit a loophole to get it into the public record, which was only available to him thanks to him being chair of some subcommittee. Dems aren't chairs or anything right now.


Oct 27, 2017
Guys -- the FBI did not voice security concerns about the Nunes memo once they actually read it. Their statement, in its entirety, was:

"With regard to the House Intelligence Committee's memorandum, the FBI was provided a limited opportunity to review this memo the day before the committee voted to release it," the statement said. "As expressed during our initial review, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo's accuracy."

That's a significant difference from the statement they signed regarding the Democrat memo saying they "identified portions of the Democratic memo that would raise national security or law enforcement concerns if released publicly."

This makes sense; the Nunes memo didn't actually say anything we didn't already know. To refute it, the Dem memo most likely indicates other information used on the application (to prove the dossier wasn't the sole/main piece of evidence), which presumably has not all been disclosed to this point, and which likely refers to contacts between him and other targets obtained via other surveillance etc.

Like it or not, this is legitimate.
Oct 25, 2017
That would give Trump and Nunes and other people like them exactly what they want. They can turn the story back on the democrats and accuse them for being leakers and likely try to go after them for leaking classified information. That is likely what Trump hopes to happen with the refusal to release this memo. I really hope no one falls for such an obvious ruse because now they can very easily paint a picture of 'What is Trump hiding' with him refusing to release the memo. It will put more political pressure on him as long as they don't fuck it up.
I feel like this strategy would work better if the white house wasn't drowning in leaks as is