
Oct 27, 2017
I'm still really enjoying the game, both solo and co-op. I really feel like they have delivered and the game is in a really solid place right now, at least as far as the quality of it. I still think there are some bugs to work out with wonky pathfinding, and still sometimes ranged units don't seem to fire when it looks they should fire, but overall it is loads better than it used to be. I'm not very concerned with the pace of new content because there is so much in the game already.

While I do think that IE should be free for everyone (with base WH3 game owners being restricted to WH3 races... it's mind boggling that this isn't the tract they took from the start), I don't think it will do anything to boost the sales of the game. We're 10 months after launch, I think that ship has sailed, if you were going to get WH3 you would have by now. If they made a big announcement tomorrow that going forward IE was free to everyone, I don't think it would move the needle. If they want a shot of No Mans Sky-ing this thing, they need a pretty major content release that gets really well received to get any new blood back in.

I feel like the community good will should have been mostly rebuilt by now, I enjoy IE immensely and feel like they have pretty much delivered on the original vision. Yet, it still feels like the community is dumping on the state of the game continuously, as if it was still some kind of raging trash fire. Even most major Youtuber's content has dried up for a while now, and Twitch numbers are back to a dismal state.

My "Wish List" for the state of the game at this stage is pretty short:

  • Fix remaining pathfinding issues
  • Fix ranged unit behaviour
  • I'd really like to be able to toggle Legendary Lords or factions on/off. Ex: I would like the ability to play a campaign without the Champions of Chaos lords. This should be possible for all DLC going forward as sometimes, you just don't want the changes to the campaign.
  • One of the things I was most excited about was the "mini campaigns" they added for co-op to the game. I hope they don't forget about these, and keep supporting them! The shortened play time and more focused "scenario" type starts (ex: Something Rotten campaign) were a lot of fun. WH3 sandbox in general seems ripe for some kind of Scenarios, multiplayer or otherwise. If CA doesn't think it is manageable to support this, maybe a way the community could make their own Scenario Packs would be possible.
  • Also on the "IE for everyone" train, having to wait to buy Game 1 and Game 2 on a sale is IMO really not the way to go. No one should be buying those two games at full price just to get the races in them. CA really needs to make some kind of "catch up faction pack" that is just the race unlocks from the first two games. No waiting for a sale (unless you really want to own the first two games as well, I suppose)... ex: just buy the "Classic Lord Pack" which would have the original 4 WH1 factions for that same price that WH1 goes on sale for.


Oct 27, 2017

Steam says skulls for the skull throne, little do they know that i was all about the GREAT PLAN!

I am enjoying wh3 and i feel like it is in a relatively good spot when compared to wh1 and wh2 at this point in time. Can't wait for some chaos dwarves and some lord packs so that the dark lands become interesting!


Oct 26, 2017
Happy new year!
Hopefully this will be the year when Nagash rises and the father of darkness, mighty Hashut, leads the Chaos Dwarfs to many slaves and souls.


Oct 27, 2017
Happy new year! Lets keep the GREAT PLAN in motion!
Happy new year!
Hopefully this will be the year when Nagash rises and the father of darkness, mighty Hashut, leads the Chaos Dwarfs to many slaves and souls.

I think Nagash will come next year. I think the best way to do Nagash would be to do the campaign pack with at least 4 LL. Add motarchs as LL make Nagash campaign about collecting power and servants allies. I feel like CA won't release 2 "races" in a single year unless they decrease the quality of the models. At least my perception is that wh3 models are a step up when compared to wh1 and wh2. I think workswise it might be easier to do 1 race pack and 2 lord packs at this point.

My 2023 prediction:
  • March/April - Lord pack Cathay VS Nurgle; FLC Tzeentch -> theme Cathay monkey king about changing fate while Nurgle LL is all about accepting stagnancy
  • May/june . Campaign pack - Chaos Dwarves; FLC Greenskiins -> The best hats are coming
  • Octover/November - Lord pack Kislev VS ogre king, FLC Khorne -> Theme is about brewing, kislev witch brews potions while ogre kingdoms bews some meat potions.
My 2023 wishlist:
  • February - Lizardmen VS Lizardmen lord pack - theme-> whom can advance the GREAT PLAN faster?
  • march/april - Lizardmen food DLC -> theme small mamals with hats
  • May June - New type of DLC Lizardmen unit pack -> lets get some of those sauropods dinos like thunderlizard
  • October/november - Evil Lizardmen -> Khuresh!
I'd love to see the thread thoughts on what content do you think is coming and what do you wish for?


Oct 27, 2017
Chaos Dwarves are coming first, the world knows that by now. I think the main thing is, there's gotta be a CoC-style DLC for Norsca and Vampire Counts in the pipes to bring them up to Game 3 standards. And Neferata will have her due. Lord packs will round out Kislev and Cathay in between the larger DLCs.

I'm not sure what they'll do with Daemons of Chaos. I cannot imagine what they could add to their roster given how jam-packed it is post-CoC, so maybe they'll be some of the free lords.

Now, Nagash. I think he'll be the DoC of the Vampires, and able to dominate other undead factions the way Norsca is by Chaos. And I think he'll be paired off against some Skaven lord who machinates the entire Under-Empire for his own ends. I know Skaven have gotten a lot of attention already but some system that finally ties them all together would make a lot of sense imo.

The way they've divided the map into 'theatres' (they've mentioned this in some articles IIRC) it makes sense to give each faction a puppeteer that could oversee their own version of the End Times, tying together the disparate theatres. The endgame events were added very shortly before the release of Immortal Empires so I think it's only a taste of what they have planned.

And Khuresh and Ind are years off. There's too much that could be done everywhere else first.

Vampire Counts dlc in 2023 pls I need this


Oct 27, 2017
Chaos Dwarves are coming first, the world knows that by now. I think the main thing is, there's gotta be a CoC-style DLC for Norsca and Vampire Counts in the pipes to bring them up to Game 3 standards. And Neferata will have her due. Lord packs will round out Kislev and Cathay in between the larger DLCs.

Vampire Counts dlc in 2023 pls I need this
Talking about the vampire counts i'd really like if CA started with mixed lord packs. Vampire counts VS kislev would be, IMO, a much better DLC than Kislev Vs wh3 race.

Now, Nagash. I think he'll be the DoC of the Vampires, and able to dominate other undead factions the way Norsca is by Chaos. And I think he'll be paired off against some Skaven lord who machinates the entire Under-Empire for his own ends. I know Skaven have gotten a lot of attention already but some system that finally ties them all together would make a lot of sense imo.
I think Nagash and Thanquol are too popular to be in the same pack. I think each could easily carry their packs with their popularity alone.

I'm not sure what they'll do with Daemons of Chaos. I cannot imagine what they could add to their roster given how jam-packed it is post-CoC, so maybe they'll be some of the free lords.
I feel like monogod faction have content for at least 1 Lordpack.
- Slaughterbrute
- Wrathmongers
- Skullreapers

- Putrid Blightkings
- Toad Dragon

- Tzeentch gor
- Mutalith Vortex Beast
- Tzeentch gor

- chimera
- pleasure seekers

I imagine CA has the skills to get better units. I know i used some WoC and some end times units but I think those would fit in wh3. I think when CA says it won't have the end times I think CA just means CA won't add the "story" of the end times. I hope we eventually get some of those units.

And Khuresh and Ind are years off. There's too much that could be done everywhere else first.
Pokes GW give me Khuresh and Amazons please!


Happy New Years all! MORATHI COMMANDS IT.
The new starting positions of the DE are loads of fun!

I haven't' tried Malus yet, did CA fix his broken campaign mechanic?


Oct 26, 2017
What part of Malus' mechanics doesn't work? The only thing that I've heard about him ist that he's crazy powerful thanks to his healing in Daemon form.


Oct 27, 2017
What part of Malus' mechanics doesn't work? The only thing that I've heard about him ist that he's crazy powerful thanks to his healing in Daemon form.
The main (campaign) mechanic is that you slowly become posessed by Tzarkhan and need to buy potions from Malekith. Each potion increases the cost of the next one
The idea was that if you get corrupted you get a penalty BUT only when you are corrupted you can use the tzarkhan transformation. As you go through the campaign doing certain objectives the potions eventually become free.

The problem was that the penalty for full corruption was so high (if i remember correctly was a replenishment penalty to ALL armies) that you would only use Tzarkhan if you were going to lose the army of Malus because using tzarkhan basically stopped all your armies from healing. Alongside this I remember the bonuses from not being corrupted by tzarkhan were rather good. like decrease in construction cost; which lead to the previous DE economy to advance much further.

This leads that if you confederate Malus with other DE faction you can freely use Tzarkhan without the super big penalty his faction has(d?).

I think at its core the idea is great but penalty was,IMO, out of balance. Instead of balancing the decision of Super powerful army VS small campaignwide bonuses it was Small campaign wide bonuses VS Superpowerful army BUT all other armies can't fight. It is not that his mechanic was broken BUT it made sumoning Tzarkhan a bad campaign decision.

With so many changes on DE i wouldn't be suprised if CA changed his mechanic but i haven't looked yet.


Oct 27, 2017
So as a someone who legitimately (gasp!) enjoys the RoC campaign, I decided I wanted to finally give one of the mono demon factions a try. I never took to them too much before (I did complete a Legion of Chaos campaign), but felt that with the new mortal units it would be more appealing. So I went with Kugath and actually I really am liking it with the new units.

But, how do I make any *money* with Kugath? I'm coming up on the first rift openings and the key (for me) was to always have my 2nd army by now. And certainly The Advisor has given me a quest to raise a second army by now. But there just doesn't seem to be any hope of *affording* it, even with two provinces. So I'm faced with kind of two choices:

1) skip the first round of rifts and keep building up. I guess this isn't *terrible* since I usually "miss" the first round anyways as I go to Slaanesh and take one of the prizes.

2) head in with my only army and take my chances on the campaign map. This seems risky, even more than it used to be, what with the new Champions lurking around who have no interest in the rifts.

Anyone bothered with a Kugath (or even any RoC) in 2.3?

Or maybe I've just messed up with Kugath and should have been sacking instead of expanding for the first phase, and then just run a deficit with 2 armies during the rifts?


Oct 26, 2017
I recently played Kugath in IE and money is tight early on. Couple suggestions:
Nurglings are decent if you keep them close to Kugath and get his special skills. Don't make your army too expensive.
One of the plague symptoms gives you 250 gold when the plague spreads, try to get that early.
One of the plague recipes gives you +100% sacking income, that's one of your primary sources of income.
Only invest in settlements that you can protect. All cyclic building are very expensive one-time investments, you can't afford to lose them.


Oct 26, 2017
I purchased games 1 to 3. I finished the prologue in Warhammer 3. Is there any point in playing the campaigns or should I jump into IE ?

Also, since I'm quite enjoying the game, should I get some DLCs or the content available from the base games should be enough for now ? I don't mind missing out on lords, I just don't want to miss on fun gameplay mechanics that are tied to DLCs.


Fight Sephiroth or end video games
Oct 28, 2017
I purchased games 1 to 3. I finished the prologue in Warhammer 3. Is there any point in playing the campaigns or should I jump into IE ?

Also, since I'm quite enjoying the game, should I get some DLCs or the content available from the base games should be enough for now ? I don't mind missing out on lords, I just don't want to miss on fun gameplay mechanics that are tied to DLCs.
You're already sitting on a ton of content with the base games and DLCs. I would suggest going straight into IE, working through the stuff that you have, and picking up what you come across and seems interesting when it goes on sale.


Oct 26, 2017
You're already sitting on a ton of content with the base games and DLCs. I would suggest going straight into IE, working through the stuff that you have, and picking up what you come across and seems interesting when it goes on sale.

Sounds good - will do. Thanks.

Out of curiosity, any lore books you guys recommend ? I'd love to learn more about the universe.


Oct 27, 2017
I purchased games 1 to 3. I finished the prologue in Warhammer 3. Is there any point in playing the campaigns or should I jump into IE ?

Also, since I'm quite enjoying the game, should I get some DLCs or the content available from the base games should be enough for now ? I don't mind missing out on lords, I just don't want to miss on fun gameplay mechanics that are tied to DLCs.
In terms of campaign I would go for immortal empires. RoC has an unique storyline that follows the prologue but the campaign is all about building tall which, IMO, is relatively unsatisfying for a total war game.

I love the game but I would skip the DLC for now. You see the AI has access to all DLC content so you should only buy DLC you are going to use. My recommendation is to try each race once. For those you like and intendo to replay the campaign I would consider the DLC of their race. If you feel like you want something new than the race DLCs give even more races to dabble in.

Truth be told if you do a single campaign that lasts 10 hours with each race you already have content for more than 100 hours. It is a lot of time. There is a chance you will get tired of the game before touching the DLC. Also in wh2 each DLC usually tried to increase the quality of the previous ones I think it is fair to expect wh3 DLC to also improve. You can use istheranydeal to follow the DLC so you buy them in sales which usually occur every 2-3 months in official steam retailers.

Curt Baboon

Mar 13, 2018
I just finished a Realms of Chaos campaign with Skarbrand and it was actually pretty fun despite hearing people weren't into that mode on release. Just like the Prologue, I was really impressed with the production value around every aspect of it and I think a lot of the Realms themselves had a fun premise.

I do agree that it doesn't really prepare you for how you're actually supposed to play these games since expanding and painting the map isn't really that encouraged, and there's definitely a point where you're just going to be waiting for one of the portals to open up without anything else to really do (which is somewhat mitigated by playing as Skarbrand since I was just running roughshot on everyone in between Ursun's roars for fun), but it was definitely a fun experience for something you'll probably only play once.

Immortal Empires is where it's at, though. Obviously.


Oct 27, 2017
Thus the bulwark against chaos falls...

Playing this game with a 4090 gives such pretty graphcis compared to my 1070 that is bonkers.
I am enjoying belakor again. my Fav chaos Campaign alongside Skarbrand.

However i am still waiting for a full on CHAOS united front faction. Let me bring EVERYTHING under 1 banner. Let the world BURN!
Oct 27, 2017

Grandfather Nurgle has blessed Lustria with pox and disease!
The Change Starting Settlement mod is great, try it when you don't like that starting location of a particular LL.

oooo that sounds like a perfect idea, was just thinking about what to play next

edit: there's apparently also now a mod that makes all major settlements dark fortresses (though the economy gets nerfed a bit) => looks like it might be time for Uncle Festus to make his long-planned trip to Lustria. I hear the weather's absolutely miserable this time of the year, though the snacks (adherents to the great plan) should be OK

Loan Wolf

Nov 9, 2017
Hope the SFO rework on Bretonnia gives them more flavour and immersion, vanilla Bretonnia feels bland in its current state

Curt Baboon

Mar 13, 2018
Maybe this SFO mod will finally make me give Kugath a shot. I love the look of the Nurgle units but I got turned off from trying him out due to his current state in the vanilla game.
Oct 27, 2017
Haven't tried this yet, but this mod for Bretonnia seems pretty good.

IIRC there's not a whole lot in the tabletop to draw from for them, unless going into weirder places like Warmaster or WHRPG (the latter of which has of course been used for Elves etc.) Then again who knows what GW is cooking for the Old World.


Fight Sephiroth or end video games
Oct 28, 2017
SFO 1.0's out at some point today, for anyone looking for a reason to hop back in


Oct 27, 2017
watching the Venris SFO stream. So much stuff!

Once released the Dark Canadians will ride again


Oct 25, 2017
Nice I'll check that out. I don't necessarily love the longer battles but the campaign/mechanic changes are always interesting.


Oct 26, 2017
Is auto-resolve still skewed against the skaven? I want to play one of their campaigns, but I don't want to play eeeeevery battle :-/.


Oct 27, 2017
Is auto-resolve still skewed against the skaven? I want to play one of their campaigns, but I don't want to play eeeeevery battle :-/.
Yes and no. It basically depends on how you build your armies.
The way autoresolve works is that ranged units use a lot of ammo if there is enough expandable, SEM or melee units to tank the enemy damage. As such AR will usually wipe yoru expandable units, SEM or melee until your ranged units have used enough ammo to wipe enemy. This means that as long as you bring an army of slaves an elite ranged army can and will win most AR battles by sacrificing the slave army.

This means however that if you employ a monster army you are going to heavily suffer in the AR. If you also use a stormvermins and clanrat army you will also suffer for the AR.

Skaven have so many ways to play that it really depends on how you play them to suffer the AR weirdness. Personally Pirates of the Vampire Coast, bretonnia and most of the demon factions are the ones that have very skewed AR which basically forces you to take the fight even with 100% certainty of an easy win.
Oct 27, 2017
Fun campaign I'm playing: Volkmar, but switch start position to Brass Keep. I enjoy getting to play as Empire and not having to deal with the elector count system => I'm making deals with everyone and taking out the trash (Chaos, Beastmen, Orcs, Vampires & Drycha etc) so the others can thrive and survive (+ thinking about expeditions to catch the books)

Eventually it of course has started to snowball as I got the chance to confederate Marienburg etc., but I really liked the idea of having just one army go around, deal with problems and liberate lands that were taken over by heathens. Having just that one base of operations where I ride out from makes it even better.


Mar 13, 2019
I have been trying out SFO Grimhammer for the first time and I have been having fun. It won`t be my default way to play the game, but it adds a good amount of variety to campaigns I have already played.

It`s also finally February, so it will hopefully not be too long before we get news on when the next DLC drops. Based on a comment from a CA staff member on Reddit though it seems like we shouldn`t expect any news early in the month. I might be overreacting, but the long wait for news does make me a bit worried about the DLC release schedule going forward. It seems like they are taking a long time to lock down their plans. I was hoping that we would get back to the WH2 release schedule after they released IE and had managed to fix the worst issues with WH3, but it seems like that won`t be the case. For now at least.

Here is the comment from CA_Evangelos (I think they are a community manager):

" It is, indeed, February! And we are, indeed, back in action here at CA and working with the team to decide what we're ready to dive into this month vs. what needs more time to simmer before sharing with the community. I know everyone has a different idea of they hope to hear—be it a bug fix, announcement, confirmation of long-held dreams, or something else—but it will help everyone (including the reddit community) to give the CA team the room to plan what, when, and where they share new information throughout the month. "
Last edited:
Oct 27, 2017
Here is the comment from CA_Evangelos (I think they are a community manager):

" It is, indeed, February! And we are, indeed, back in action here at CA and working with the team to decide what we're ready to dive into this month vs. what needs more time to simmer before sharing with the community. I know everyone has a different idea of they hope to hear—be it a bug fix, announcement, confirmation of long-held dreams, or something else—but it will help everyone (including the reddit community) to give the CA team the room to plan what, when, and where they share new information throughout the month. "

Certainly sounds like they have everything in order, considering when back in October they said they were (and I quote)

...while we're close, we're still in the process of finalising the whats and whens of WARHAMMER III's next few months, and we're going to delve deeper into the specifics of all that in our next State of the Game, which we will have with you before the end of the year. So not long to wait!

which then turned into this when they weren't able to deliver that State of the Game by the end of the year:

So, early next year, we'll be locking in the final pieces of the WARHAMMER development puzzle. Doing so means we'll be able to show you what's on the way to this amazing world. And while you already seem to know some of what's coming aboard the infernal hype train in the year to come, we still have plenty of twists and turns in store for 2023 and beyond, which we'll look to explore in a proper State of the Game post early on in 2023! (Looking at around February!)

...and now it realistically sounds like they still don't have their plans laid out and are managing expectations for what/when they can/will announce/do/release this month. It's only been 3 full months since October, so totally unreasonable to expect that they'd be able to say something like "hey, small patch this month, bigger after that, more info in March" or something to that effect at the very least.

Peak 2013 Nintendo WiiU "please understand"-energy.


Oct 25, 2017
It's depressing how much game 3 fucked up, after the masterpiece that was 2 with the DLC. The fact we're this far on with only one piece of DLC, the realm of chaos campaign still being terrible, and the game still having bizarre flaws in the AI and how it plays is so sad. This was suppossed to be this amazing crowning piece of gaming.


Mar 13, 2019
Certainly sounds like they have everything in order, considering when back in October they said they were (and I quote)

which then turned into this when they weren't able to deliver that State of the Game by the end of the year:

...and now it realistically sounds like they still don't have their plans laid out and are managing expectations for what/when they can/will announce/do/release this month. It's only been 3 full months since October, so totally unreasonable to expect that they'd be able to say something like "hey, small patch this month, bigger after that, more info in March" or something to that effect at the very least.

Peak 2013 Nintendo WiiU "please understand"-energy.

Yeah. Not having the roadmap ready almost six months since their last big release is kinda worrying. I wonder if it`s the after effects of the rocky release of WH3 or if there are some managment/staff related issues at CA. I don`t want to be too doomy and gloomy though. The game is in a really good state right now and I still expect the DLC to turn out great, but the wait is kinda excruciating.