
Oct 25, 2017
It appears that Vulcan's suit actor will be taking over for Saber, so it seems the cast will be rotating based on the type of character required. Good stuff, in my opinion, which will hopefully keep the choreography from feeling stale.
He played KyoryuGreen, ZyuohEagle, and Akaninger so seems likely to have been chosen for for sword experience, yeah.


Oct 25, 2017
While I'm not hyped for the writer, it is true he barely wrote anything on Ghost... The preview didn't help at all, for me.

Well, at least the action should be better, at least. And who knows? Going with low expectations, it's easier to be pleasantly surprised


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
no way Saber keeps the effects from the first ep.

And the Villian's plan is so crazy you can't pick up what they are doing just by watching them.
I mean, I don't hate that, this was certainly more interesting than Ghost's first episode. My guess is that this is a Fourze-esque situation where Toei is changing the tone a bit due to Covid. Kamen Rider not only having an actual ED sequence but one with dancing is a big change.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
I'd guess it's just due to the producer. He's the same one that overreacted to parents complaining about Ghost's debut in Drive's movie. I'd guess he wanted to make something that looks very friendly for the parents, so the bright colors, Rider helping kids in the first episode and even dance ending.


Oct 25, 2017
Wow that's a lot of gimmicks I'm not sure I can imagine how the series is moving forward lol. Touma is cool, tho.


Oct 25, 2017
The CGI scene with the giant sword feels like it was produced as a demo before the episode and they had to work it out to include it now lol.

I hope I did sound too cynical though, I enjoyed that, there need to be something very, very terrible beforeI stop watching Kamen Rider.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
A goofier and wackier series then?
There were goofy interactions, but the actual action was pretty serious. It's just it also was very over the top too (CG fantasy world, giant monsters in episode 1). The actual physical choreography was surprisingly fast and agile though in spite of the suit.
Last edited:


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
There were goofy interactions, but the actual action was pretty serious. It's just it also was very over the top too (CG fantasy world, giant monsters in episode 1). The actual physical choreography was surprisingly fast and agile though in spite of the suit.
Reminded me of a mix of Wizard and Zero One in fighting


Oct 25, 2017
There were goofy interactions, but the actual action was pretty serious. It's just it also was very over the top too (CG fantasy world, giant monsters in episode 1). The actual physical choreography was surprisingly fast and agile though in spite of the suit.
Stuff like that is pretty normal in Kamen Rider. They like to do CG stuff like that in the first or second episode every year.
Oct 25, 2017
Mei is giving me Akiko flashbacks. I personally didn't mind Akiko so I can probably stomach Mei even if she stays this way throughout the whole show.

This opening episode of Saber is pretty much exactly what I was expecting it to be. Loud, colourful and jam packed with awful CG as is customary of opening episodes of new shows, I suppose. I can't say I'm fond of how Sentai this feels, right down to the cheeky segment of the monster growing to a giant. So I went in with dismal expectations and this episode doesn't do a whole lot to exceed those expectations, so I can't say I'm particularly enthralled or disappointed either. To be fair though, I can't remember the last time I ever loved the first episode of a Rider show.

Ending theme is pretty decent. Not a fan of the opening though.


Oct 25, 2017
Giant kaijuu fights? Oh shit, this is starting to sound like Wizard! I hope it's more of a serial than Zero-One, but if it's Sentai-esque we might have needless character episodes.


Oct 25, 2017
I like the song for the ED, I'm just not into the idea of the show having end credits or at least on a weekly basis (but it's not the first series in the modern era to do it so I'm not treating it like some kind of sacrilege)...but I'm okay with Saber at the moment, there is a lot to take in for just the first episode. I like Mei being expressive, that's a plus for me...thank god, she's not tied to the Rider and their powers, it's a bit refreshing.

I hope we get a good series overall, I know people bring up Ghost but I'd like to give the writer a second chance, it may become their Agito just like with Inoue (please don't bring back Inoue or Zi-O's writer, I already gave them their second chance).

no way Saber keeps the effects from the first ep.

No way they ever do, I can't think of a series that has ever been consistent in that regard.


Oct 25, 2017
Saber 1

Solid start. I really like Toma and Mei's actors already. Happy that there's less full screen overlay stuff in combat, that was always one of my least favorite aspects of Zero-One and Ex-Aid. The Saber suit looks really great in motion and the suit actor moves like a red Super Sentai character in a good way.

Also yeah this is going to be very CG heavy. They have that new virtual stage/green screen replacement tech and they're going to get their money's worth.


Oct 25, 2017
Is there anywhere I can go to read or watch more about this? Seems interesting.
From last page:
I think they might actually be using this "live z studio" that they advertised a few months ago which allows them to apply lighting and check the scenes with digital backgrounds in real time.

Toei Zukun Lab| LiveZ デモムービー

過去から現在、そして未来へ‬‪デジタルの力によって進化していく激動の時代をサムライが渡り歩く...!?‬‪東映 ツークン研究所がバーチャルプロダクション機能の一つとして開発中の"LiveZ studio"(ライブズ スタジオ)を活用した作例ムービー!‬‪------------------------------...

Saber's actor also mentioned in an interview that he has shot many green screen scenes and it feels weird to act without any kind of physical background.
Oct 25, 2017
Hiya thread passing by to say y'all should check out Dogengers too, it's fucking great and almost Akibaranger adjacent on its vibes and low budget 4th wall breaks






Oct 27, 2017
Caught up on Ultraman Z. As my first Ultraman show (outside of the Netflix one), it's been fun. The most recent episode surprisingly brought the feels.

Also some of the stuff Gamma Future does is weird as fuck and I love it

Hiya thread passing by to say y'all should check out Dogengers too, it's fucking great and almost Akibaranger adjacent on its vibes and low budget 4th wall breaks





This absolutely has my attention, thanks for sharing!


Oct 25, 2017
This might be the season where I'm feeling Sentai and Ultraman, not Kamen Rider.

Saber was... badly paced with hamfisted dialog and characterization. It's odd how much more impressive Zero-One's premier was. And the Sentai feeling was strong. Why would you want to make your better performing brand look like its worse-performing sibling?


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Going from Zero One to Saber, and overall I dig Saber. The pacing wasn't great, but the first episode was still fun, and show the potential. I like the characters, and at least the sword fighting looks good with Saber. The fantasy world looks good too, but the budget is going to take a hit somewhere ha ha.


Oct 26, 2017
Maybe they're playing up the Sentai aspect and then all of a sudden shit gets super dark and Riders start dropping like flies.


Oct 25, 2017
Hiya thread passing by to say y'all should check out Dogengers too, it's fucking great and almost Akibaranger adjacent on its vibes and low budget 4th wall breaks





I'm interested, definitely will check it out.
This might be the season where I'm feeling Sentai and Ultraman, not Kamen Rider.

Saber was... badly paced with hamfisted dialog and characterization. It's odd how much more impressive Zero-One's premier was. And the Sentai feeling was strong. Why would you want to make your better performing brand look like its worse-performing sibling?
of all the aspects to ape off Sentai, they couldn't take idea of a consistent female warrior, instead it had to be an ending dance.

Deleted member 6056

Oct 25, 2017
Everyone here remembering to watch kamen rider, kamen rider kuuga and heisei generations on Tubi?

They get enough views maybe well see more brought on their service. Kamen Rider Ichigo is trending atm on there so its doin its best for now.


Oct 25, 2017
Everyone here remembering to watch kamen rider, kamen rider kuuga and heisei generations on Tubi?

They get enough views maybe well see more brought on their service. Kamen Rider Ichigo is trending atm on there so its doin its best for now.
Yep! Watched kuuga as pluto was airing it (that seems like years ago), and watched heisei generations on YouTube. Gonna pass on OG Rider though. That one is too long.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Got a better look at Espada via the ending dance, and think I actually really like it, especially with that white side.




Oct 25, 2017
I don't really get Sentai vibes from Saber. A lot of that stuff is things that Rider just tends to do in early episodes before becoming more traditional.

You have the dance, but eh. Rider never having them was kinda weird in the first place considering how much the target audience seems to like them.