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Oct 27, 2017
I'm okay with independent IO taking the money and I'm okay with waiting till it's on Steam
Totally where I'm at.

I waited for Control to hit Steam. Got the Ultimate Edition for $20, and felt much better about the entire process at the end of the day. So you better believe I'll be doing the same for Hitman 3.


Oct 28, 2017
Waiting is my middle name. Control, Outer Wilds, Hades, Tony Hawk, and now Hitman 3. It's fine. I'll wait.


Oct 30, 2017
Man they just keep fucking up lol. First the episodic shit with Hitman 1 was a bit of a miss. Now VR for this game is PS exclusive and transferring levels is EGS exclusive. Sorry, but it's on you IO Interactive. The Hitman games are great though. Will play when it comes to Steam with VR.


Oct 28, 2017
Australia (GMT+10)
Man they just keep fucking up lol. First the episodic shit with Hitman 1 was a bit of a miss. Now VR for this game is PS exclusive and transferring levels is EGS exclusive. Sorry, but it's on you IO Interactive. The Hitman games are great though. Will play when it comes to Steam with VR.
Transferring levels works on consoles too, but only from same ecosystem.

Also episodic Hitman was amazing, it's such a shame that people were so narrow minded about it.


Oct 28, 2017
Man they just keep fucking up lol. First the episodic shit with Hitman 1 was a bit of a miss. Now VR for this game is PS exclusive and transferring levels is EGS exclusive. Sorry, but it's on you IO Interactive. The Hitman games are great though. Will play when it comes to Steam with VR.

The episodic nature of Hitman 2016 was amazingly amazing! Wish they'd kept goin' with that method.


Oct 28, 2017
Man they just keep fucking up lol. First the episodic shit with Hitman 1 was a bit of a miss. Now VR for this game is PS exclusive and transferring levels is EGS exclusive. Sorry, but it's on you IO Interactive. The Hitman games are great though. Will play when it comes to Steam with VR.

This is more or less where I am. The Hitman games never really grabbed me as much as some of the other stealth games but I still usually buy them, they've been on a roll with bad decisions since leaving Square though so I'm gonna sit this one out, at least until the VR version comes to Steam, as that looks pretty awesome.


Oct 29, 2017
Weird, didn't they imply you'd be able to bring over your hitman 1 and 2 saves/content to EGS ?
or is that something most people expected ?


Oct 28, 2017
Weird, didn't they imply you'd be able to bring over your hitman 1 and 2 saves/content to EGS ?
or is that something most people expected ?

You can bring over your Hitman 1/2 "progression" to 3 for free (i.e. unlocked suits, weapons, items, challenges, mastery levels for each map). But to actually play the maps from Hitman 1/2 in 3 it turns out need to buy an access pass on EGS.


Oct 29, 2017
You can bring over your Hitman 1/2 "progression" to 3 for free (i.e. unlocked weapons, items, challenges, mastery levels for each map). But to actually play the maps from Hitman 1/2 in 3 it turns out need to buy an access pass.
So was the "access pass" stuff only recently brought to light then ? That seems really shady if that's the case, IO could have been clearer either way.


Oct 28, 2017
So was the "access pass" stuff only recently brought to light then ? That seems really shady if that's the case, IO could have been clearer either way.

Yeah up until this announcement it was said the transfer would be free of charge - it still is for consoles, just not PC due to the Steam->EGS exclusivity crap.

The announcement mentions reasons "outside" of the dev's control, so maybe legal issues are to blame, since it doesn't seem like there's any technical reason they couldn't verify you already own Hitman 1/2 on Steam. Still sucks though & I don't blame anyone waiting an extra year for the Steam release.


Oct 26, 2017
The game's VR being Playstation exclusive and EGS exclusive on PC are 2 major red flags that Steam gamers are going to get screwed somehow. I have thought that people will have learnt that lesson by now.

Mr Satan

Oct 25, 2017
In comparison with the original release, is there any graphical upgrade when playing previous Hitman levels in this new game?


Oct 27, 2017
In comparison with the original release, is there any graphical upgrade when playing previous Hitman levels in this new game?
Yep, adjustments in texture quality and models, a little bit of lighting, and the biggest change: screen space reflections. Maybe raytacing in the future when the game gets updated with it.


Oct 27, 2017
Kind of bullshit but not quite as bad as I thought at first. Since I already got Hitman 1 for free on EGS it essentially comes down to buying Hitman 2 again but at 80% off, so probably like 10 to 20 dollars depending on how they price it. I can live with that since I like the developer and don't want to wait a year to play it on Steam. It sucks that boardroom bullshit kept that from delivering on what they said they would though.
Oct 25, 2017
So I don't know whether I'd grab H2 in Epic and am instead going back to the H2 content that was added after I stopped playing.

- Haven seems like one of the best levels, but I really need to dig in more. Sucks that it came out late enough to never get many alternate missions.
- H2 got a bunch of alternate Special Assignment missions? What was the perception on this? Is there a specific order for the plot?


Oct 27, 2017
I wonder if this is a WB Games issue? I noticed IOI are listed as the publishers for Hitman 1 on EGS, but presumably WB still has the rights to Hitman 2, so maybe they're raising a stink about H2 content being given away "for free," just like how they pulled their stuff from GeForce Now.

So I don't know whether I'd grab H2 in Epic and am instead going back to the H2 content that was added after I stopped playing.

- Haven seems like one of the best levels, but I really need to dig in more. Sucks that it came out late enough to never get many alternate missions.
- H2 got a bunch of alternate Special Assignment missions? What was the perception on this? Is there a specific order for the plot?
Haven is amazing. Unraveling the story is a lot of fun and they really nail the resort feel.

As for the special assignments, they're pretty much universally derided because they don't add much new. In fact, a little datamining reveals the sound files for the first special assignments pack are labeled with "ET," so they were likely originally supposed to be elusive targets. There just isn't much dialogue and the mission areas are pretty small, though it is interesting to explore some of the locations at different times than usual. Still, I was expecting something more like The Icon.

Anyway, the first two in Santa Fortuna and Mumbai can be played in any order, but you should definitely do Miami -> Whittleton Creek for the second pack because those two have a connected story.


Oct 27, 2017
Current status on access to all of the WOA content:



Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
- H2 got a bunch of alternate Special Assignment missions? What was the perception on this? Is there a specific order for the plot?
They're literally rebranded Elusive Targets. The overview cinematics still even have the elusive target icons in them. Some small things are changed, but they're largely identical to the main missions.

They're not that great to be honest. The Mumbai and Whittleton Creek ones are amongst the most absurdly easy missions of the entire game, while the Santa Fortuna one is all kinds of frustrating bullshit.


Oct 27, 2017
They're literally rebranded Elusive Targets. The overview cinematics still even have the elusive target icons in them. Some small things are changed, but they're largely identical to the main missions.

They're not that great to be honest. The Mumbai and Whittleton Creek ones are amongst the most absurdly easy missions of the entire game, while the Santa Fortuna one is all kinds of frustrating bullshit.

I'm still surprised IOI did this (just to add more supposed value to the expansion pass?). Hitman 2's ET were already pretty lacking in number, plus the number of returning Hitman (2016)/Season 1 targets just encouraged players to more focus on re-running Legacy maps for better ET preparation.

IOI can make games.

They can not package them to save their fucking lives.

It's pretty silly given how this is meant to be the final instalment of the trilogy that should capture everything. Don't know if it's tied to the file structure of map content and content transfers from each instalment to the next.

Wait so I don't have Patient Zero, am I not getting any H1 content

Excellent question, I think you're fine on most platforms. Think this will help:

HITMAN 1 GOTY Access Pass
Locations and missions currently available in the HITMAN 1 GOTY Edition: ICA Facility, Paris, Sapienza, Marrakesh, Bangkok, Colorado, Hokkaido, 3x GOTY Escalations and rewards and 4x Patient Zero campaign missions

How to get it
– Consoles: If you have previously downloaded the HITMAN 1 Legacy Pack, HITMAN 1 GOTY Legacy Pack or HITMAN 1 GOTY Upgrade for HITMAN 2, you will be able to download it for no additional cost. (Yes, that's a free upgrade to the GOTY Edition if you only own the Standard Edition of H1!). The price for this Access Pass will be listed as 'free' when you look for it in the store.
– Disc: If you own a version of H1 on disc, you must follow the process in the Legacy Pack FAQ to access that content in HITMAN 2 – and then redeem this Access Pass.
– PC (Epic): If you pre-purchase or purchase HITMAN 3 on EGS within the first 10 days of launch, you will be granted the HITMAN 1 GOTY Access Pass for no additional charge. In addition, if you own or redeemed a free copy of HITMAN – The Complete First Season on EGS when it was available for free, you will be able to download this Access Pass at any time after purchasing HITMAN 3.



Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Hopefully with Sweeney recognising the blowback, the situation will be resolved for the better.

I'll be interested to see what the actual reasoning for all of this is, but IOI definitely deserve the blame for the way they've handled it.


Nov 16, 2017
It definitely sucks, and not even just for importing levels to Hitman 3. What's to say there won't be a Hitman '4' on Steam as well where EGS saves of 3 won't import?

It puts a spanner in the works of the entire 'import the games you own for free' philosophy and is an absolutely terrible move from Epic (I assume, but I mean... come on.) in terms of optics/consumer practices.

EDIT: Good to see they're 'looking into it' and hopefully it can be resolved. Sure seems pretty simple, just tie everything to the IOI account, but hey, IANAL, so.


Oct 27, 2017
It definitely sucks, and not even just for importing levels to Hitman 3. What's to say there won't be a Hitman '4' on Steam as well where EGS saves of 3 won't import?

It puts a spanner in the works of the entire 'import the games you own for free' philosophy and is an absolutely terrible move from Epic (I assume, but I mean... come on.) in terms of optics/consumer practices.
We know there wont be a Hitman 4 in this sense. This was supposed to be season 3, and final season, of the only Hitman game in the market (2016), but after Hitman 2016 was not a huge success, they made it not episodic and separate games.

But the very base idea of this "trilogy", is that it's one game, three seasons.

Whatever Hitman 4 is, will probably be a leap forward.


Nov 16, 2017
We know there wont be a Hitman 4 in this sense. This was supposed to be season 3 of the only Hitman game in the market, but after Hitman 2016 was not a huge success, they made it not episodic and separate games.

But the very base idea of this trilogy, is that it's one game, three seasons.
It's why I used inverted commas, they could start a new game that still works on developing from the same engine. If they're 100% moving on after this then maybe that's a moot point, but the principle stands.


Oct 27, 2017
What a mess. So even if this isn't sorted by launch can I at least sync my item unlocks from H1 + H2 for use in H3 via the IO account creation? Not really sure how that works. My H1 and H2 progress is on Steam btw.


May 16, 2020
I haven't even played 2 yet (just picked up the gold edition for £6.99 - I love PC gaming), so I will just wait for the 3rd to hit Steam now.


Nov 2, 2017
Really hope they sort this out, was really looking forward to Hitman 3 and I generally don't have much of an issue with EGS (Besides it being so damn slow to launch compared to steam). This all just seems like such a strange self-own.


Oct 28, 2017
Perhaps Epic wouldn't allow IOI to use Steam licenses for the EGS version of Hitman 3? They are in the business of selling more on their own store after all.

I also wouldn't give Valve a pass here as I don't think it would be all that shocking for them to not want to play ball with an EGS timed exclusive. That said this tends to be the issue most crossplay games run into in that most storefronts want to be involved with whatever transactions are tied to your game so I can't imagine Epic was stoked about the idea of honoring Steam purchases for a EGS timed exclusive.

I will say, ioi isn't totally blameless here either as they were the ones who promised a solution to an unlikely to be solved problem. While there are games that have solved this issue (Epic's own Rocket League comes to mind; though part of their solution was discontinuing the Steam version) they're few and far between so ioi would've been better off initially stating that your Steam purchases of previous Hitman titles would not carry over to Hitman 3 purchased through EGS.

Most likely the best solution here would've been for ioi to make complete versions of the first two Hitman games available for free through EGS and then enable the ability for the EGS versions to load Steam save files.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
What a shitshow. IO better pray to God that 007 does well, because if not, Papa Spencer and Uncle Nadella will be knocking on their door.

As if that was bad thing. At least it would guarantee that their future games won't be epic exclusive or have ps5 exclusive content like now.
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