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Oct 27, 2017
Most of the people ITT are operating under the premise of that the woman is the mastermind or disregarding/not mentioning the man who hired her. You can go ahead and count the posts if you want to. Don't make it seem like people are going "oh yeah and fuck the dude too" before anyone bothered to mention it.
Oh please people trying act like he did not pay a huge part in this really? What is going on here?


Oct 25, 2017
Oh please people trying act like he did not pay a huge part in this really? What is going on here?

"Play a huge part" and "be the sole reason this happened at all" are two subtle, but different, interpretations.

Note I've never said if you've felt some sort of ire at the woman that you are not allowed to do so. I think vocalizing anger at her but not the man is the problem.
Oct 25, 2017
Wait wait wait


Why does the thread title have Victim in quotes? Did anyone actually go to the Good Morning America article that the NY Post article was sourcing? Or watch the video where she says "I'm taking all the hits right now... but I don't mind that"??

The NY Post piece is kind of a distortion written by someone who apparently hated what she did. And then the OP takes that piece and makes it seem even worse :D

Not to mention that a very important detail - that a viral marketer dude, Rob Bliss, was also behind the experiment - was crucially excluded to hold the narrative.


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
Oct 27, 2017
I think the narrative of this woman devising this whole thing herself, as it relates to dating culture, is more palatable to people than a man putting her up to it. It makes more sense or fits whatever biases, conscious or unconscious they have about dating culture, tinder, or what the fuck ever.

Also people react before they read. So why not both?
Yea, but again that doesn't really point to ERA members being blatantly misogynistic in regards to this story. (And no I'm not saying ERA doesn't have a misogyny problem, one look at threads like "Please stop calling us Females" is enough to put any question of that to rest)

The way the media has been crafting this narrative is putting her right out in front, because, like you said, it's more palatable and gets the clicks. It's not like articles are titled, "look at these two assholes," and people here are saying, 'what a bitch!'

I just think you're barking up the completely wrong tree in this thread.


Oct 25, 2017
He was sued before for the same thing she's complaining about and she still proudly went along with the idea. Sure, they're both deserving of criticism, but bringing him up to deflect from her negative attention is the wrong move.
And in the original thread, we discussed the company behind the video, so that post isn'tnews.
Here's her quote
"I'm taking all of the hits right now, but I don't mind that," she said. "Because I know who I am and I'm secure in myself.
This is the title ABC7 used: Mystery revealed: Why one woman duped dozens of guys on Tinder
Here's the thread title, taken verbatim from one of the most diresputable tabloids in the country: Tinder Trap Instagram "Model" Natasha Aponte Claiming She is a "Victim" for Misleading 200 Men
The original story isn't even about her quote, it's about the setup, execution and aftermath in general, her quote about 'taking the hits' is a very, very small part of the reporting going on. The NYPost took a scalpel to the interview then posted a single rando on social media making an X-Files joke and suddenly it's this thing that she (and only she) deserves whatever phantom tempest the NYPost and the OP wants you to believe is happening. It's framed as though she's crying victim (nvm that she never uses that word) of social media hounding and tons of Era dudes rush in here, fall for it and are trying to collect their pound of flesh because....well, reasons or something. People aren't reading and aren't taking honest measurements of the situation and getting emotional because that's how we spend our time on the internet I guess.


Oct 25, 2017
Yea, but again that doesn't really point to ERA members being blatantly misogynistic in regards to this story. (And no I'm not saying ERA doesn't have a misogyny problem, one look at threads like "Please stop calling us Females" is enough to put any question of that to rest)

The way the media has been crafting this narrative is putting her right out in front, because, like you said, it's more palatable and gets the clicks. It's not like articles are titled, "look at these two assholes," and people here are saying, 'what a bitch!'

I just think you're barking up the completely wrong tree in this thread.

That's why I specifically used the words "latent misogyny"

And some people in the past threads were most definitely using gendered insults soooo.


Oct 25, 2017
Here's her quote

This is the title ABC7 used: Mystery revealed: Why one woman duped dozens of guys on Tinder
Here's the thread title, taken verbatim from one of the most diresputable tabloids in the country: Tinder Trap Instagram "Model" Natasha Aponte Claiming She is a "Victim" for Misleading 200 Men
The original story isn't even about her quote, it's about the setup, execution and aftermath in general, her quote about 'taking the hits' is a very, very small part of the reporting going on. The NYPost took a scalpel to the interview then posted a single rando on social media making an X-Files joke and suddenly it's this thing that she (and only she) deserves whatever phantom tempest the NYPost and the OP wants you to believe is happening. It's framed as though she's crying victim (nvm that she never uses that word) of social media hounding and tons of Era dudes rush in here, fall for it and are trying to collect their pound of flesh because....well, reasons or something. People aren't reading and aren't taking honest measurements of the situation and getting emotional because that's how we spend our time on the internet I guess.

Oct 28, 2017
You reap what you sow.

Both people responsible are being harrassed and have shut down commenting on their social media accounts even though this was supposed to spur a conversation. One of the guys that showed up is suffering from PTSD. Another one of the people that showed up for the date was assaulted by the security that was hired. Aponte is also getting hits from other women as well as men who think what she did was exceptionally shitty.

The only thing demonstrated here is that there are people that are stupid enough to think they can waste other people's time and use them as pawns and not anticipate a negative reaction or harassment. Should have been the second consideration after conceiving the idea.

I'll break out the world's smallest violin for two assholes that made a bed they don't want to lie in. Fuck em.

Francois Dillinger

Jul 30, 2018
It's framed as though she's crying victim (nvm that she never uses that word) of social media hounding and tons of Era dudes rush in here, fall for it and are trying to collect their pound of flesh because....well, reasons or something

Most of these posts are just saying she's deserves the criticism. The use of the word victim doesn't matter when the phrasing in context still reads the same way.

And you know the reason, because people disapprove of the prank and her crucial participation in it. If you're gonna hint that's it's purely for sexist reasons then just say it.

They're both deserving of criticism. If you want people to be upset at the man behind it, you can bring it up without caping for her and acting like she's innocent in it all.


Oct 25, 2017
Most of these posts are just saying she's deserves the criticism. The use of the word victim doesn't matter when the phrasing in context still reads the same way.

And you know the reason, because people disapprove of the prank and her crucial participation in it. If you're gonna hint that's it's purely for sexist reasons then just say it. Mm
I'm saying it's because of their baggage that's being manipulated in the OP so they want to run the football to the endzone to feel good about themselves on behalf of the 2-3 people who were materially, negatively impacted by what happened.
Whether that baggage contains a 16 oz bottle of Diet Misogyny or the full Autumn 2018 Incel Fashion Catalog is an exercise for the reader.


Oct 27, 2017
You reap what you sow.

Both people responsible are being harrassed and have shut down commenting on their social media accounts even though this was supposed to spur a conversation. One of the guys that showed up is suffering from PTSD. Another one of the people that showed up for the date was assaulted by the security that was hired. Aponte is also getting hits from other women as well as men who think what she did was exceptionally shitty.

The only thing demonstrated here is that there are people that are stupid enough to think they can waste other people's time and use them as pawns and not anticipate a negative reaction or harassment. Should have been the second consideration after conceiving the idea.

I'll break out the world's smallest violin for two assholes that made a bed they don't want to lie in. Fuck em.

Curious about the source as well.

The guy had PTSD before hand, or is now suffering from it after the 'stunt'?

Francois Dillinger

Jul 30, 2018
I'm saying it's because of their baggage that's being manipulated in the OP so they want to run the football to the endzone to feel good about themselves on behalf of the 2-3 people who were materially, negatively impacted by what happened.
Whether that baggage contains a 16 oz bottle of Diet Misogyny or the full Autumn 2018 Incel Fashion Catalog is an exercise for the reader.

Or people don't like the stunt as a whole because it's tasteless and shitty. The original presentation of it was horrible.

You don't have to be a misogynist or a fucking incel to disapprove of what they did, that's ridiculous.


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
I looked at Rob Bliss's Twitter account. He's getting almost 100% negative responses to this. Perhaps that shouldn't surprise me, but what does still surprise me is the vehemence, the sheer outrage. We're getting just a tiny hint of that on ERA, but from the replies on his Twitter feed anyone would think he'd organised a baby-strangling competition.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, I didn't post that but if that one post is enough for you to paint anybody that doesn't like this as an incel or a misogynist, that says more about you than anything.

With no mention of harrasment in the article I'm going to say she is panicking that her 15 minutes are almost up
"She's making up the harassment" is the subtext here. No mention of Bliss.
No mention of Bliss
Claiming she's a victim though... lol
Again falling for the NYPost's bullshit. No mention of Bliss
Social experiment: kicking crutches. Will people fall?

You on that one Aponte?
Equating what happened with assaulting a person on crutches. No mention of Bliss

I could go on but I don't feel like going past the second page. It's not just the one post.
And I never once said it's impossible to disapprove of what happened without being some level of misogynist, while we're discussing a general inability to honestly measure the words of others.
But the willful illiteracy that is not being walked back is suspect as fuck.


Oct 25, 2017
but from the replies on his Twitter feed anyone would think he'd organised a baby-strangling competition.


I get dating is hard and feeling are an awful thing to play with.
But having high standards for a first date (and especially one that turned into a "vapordate" for a dumbass publicity video) is hardly worth the time/effort/life/drama. Hell, some people still tried for the prize.

First dates often suck. This one had a stupid gimmick.

I doubt I'd rage online over other bad dates I've had. Move it on.

Cow Mengde

Oct 26, 2017
Did she run a "awful people contest" at the place or something? Because otherwise is extremely stupid to state everyone who went to it is a "awful person". How is that a point that makes sense in any way?

Did you watch the actual video? It's stated right there the point is to show how people treat each other on apps like this.

Let's not forget the full blown misogyny in this very thread attacking the girl while the guy gets off scott free.


Oct 27, 2017
Uhhhhh... if you watch their actual video, it's pretty apparent that they made this to show how shitty dating apps are FOR MEN. She was playing the character of a petty woman turning down men for petty things, like what happens all day every day online, just making it public so we can actually have a visual representation of what's happening.

Now, they could've done this whole thing with paid male actors instead of real guys, but it would've definitely gotten less attention.

People that still think this was devised to show how desperate men are are completely missing the point.

Watch the video.


Oct 25, 2017
It's hilarious that this event is supposed to teach men that they're being too picky and capricious. Most men operate on Tinder by swiping right on anyone that is remotely acceptable.....they're not sitting around nitpicking the finer details of every woman they see.
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