Bob White

Oct 27, 2017
Worth repeating: This was not done only by PR. One of the two people taking part in this AMA, the one who answered to a "Cease this faggotry"-meme with "That could be from one of our games..." is part of THQ Nordics 7-member Board and Management. His is one of the highest positioned people in the whole company.



One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Yup, they knew what they were doing. Trying to do a lame mea culpa now. Nobody buying it.

They really decided to do it and there's enough evidence to show they knew the site was a nasty shithole. Still can't actually believe it.

That's horrible and a really bad look for the company. Did they really reveal the whole e3 lineup or was that fake? I'm sad to see that they did this on a disgusting website.....


Oct 25, 2017
I can't believe this is real

Even 8channers probably wouldn't try to advertise themselves and their company like this


Oct 25, 2017
I'm generally inclined to call outright stupidity as a reason over malicious intent, but even then, this would be a huge failure of basic due diligence which will entirely reasonably cost those people their jobs. Dimwits.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Why would THQ even advertise to 8ch? They're not buying those games, they only like early access.

Close this thread, it is done.


Oct 29, 2017
Also "upper brass" here. The actions of my employees reflect me personally as a manager. If I hired someone like Mark, I'm responsible for his actions. Luckily in my line of work, we won't be doing any AMA's or having anyone but me doing social media for our company, but if I did hire a marketing person like Mark, and he fucked up this big, I'd be looking for someone to take over my position...which would be difficult, but that would be putting the well being of the company before my own needs.

You know what... I agree with you. People higher up should have promoted culture/values that would make something like this impossible to happen (i.e. I couldn't fathom something like this happening at my company). Which does still leave some leway on management because "Mark" could have been a bad actor and gone rogue so to speak. Guarding and being responsible for intentionally bad actors is insanely difficult.

But if it is a case that he's gone rogue then there should be legal action against him because there's very real material damage happening to the company here.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
TIL 4Chan banned discussion on GamerGate (I would not have expected that)
TIL 8Chan is a site made of people considered too extreme for 4Chan (I didn't even realize it was possible to be too extreme for 4Chan)
TIL companies think we are all fucking morons (because what else would explain THQN's behavior during this whole ordeal)


Oct 27, 2017
Actually, this comes from Reinhard, not Philipp. Meaning, there were TWO GUYS at THQ Nordics Austrian PR Office who thought this was a good idea. And just in case anyone can't decipher the picture.
Reinhard is not "PR".

He is the development director. He is basically responsible for all Nordic's product development, and the most senior public-facing official of the company.

"Cease Your Faggotry" is the new THQ Nordic slogan, innit?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
This is so fucking crazy and fucked up. Goddamnit why did they have to buy up all those IPs?
Oct 28, 2017
First time I hear of 8chan. Is it 4chan but twice as bad? Excuse the ignorance.

Its where people emigrated to when the rules got tightened over at 4chan, largely because of the shutting down of Gamergate discussion, and when the transfer from Moot to Hiroyuki Nishimura happened. People were afraid Nishimura would sell out the site like he apparently did with an imageboard he ran in Japan, and so the worst elements of 4chan emigrated over there.

Basically, its 4chan with zero rules, compared to what little rules 4chan actually has. CP and all other manner of shit is allowed.


Oct 26, 2017
Worth repeating: This was not done only by PR. One of the two people taking part in this AMA, the one who answered to a "Cease this faggotry"-meme with "That could be from one of our games..." is part of THQ Nordics 7-member Board and Management. His is one of the highest positioned people in the whole company.
Quoted for new page, because yeah...
First time I hear of 8chan. Is it 4chan but twice as bad? Excuse the ignorance.
That sums it up pretty well actually lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Eeeeeeeesh - fucking disturbing, and profoundly stupid. Straight to the cesspool instead of even considering more viable outlets?


Oct 25, 2017
By the by, the 8Chan tweet from THQ Nordic has at last been deleted.

Only took them ~4 hours and ~2 hours after the apology.

Good thing we have screenshots of everything now. They ain't gonna just shove this under the rug.

Nah it should have been deleted. Not because they should hide their fuck up but because they shouldn't be have a link to the site on their public facing twitter that's promoting their games.

Quad Lasers

Oct 26, 2017
"You already have your big titty lolitas lol!"

"oh god i'm sorry i didn't know about all the bad stuff"

This is the fattest load of bullshit.