Oct 25, 2017
Shimabukuro did serve time, and if what I read is true, it's a combination of "not knowing she was under 18" and the prostitute lying about her age. Take that part with a grain of salt of course. But yeah, I imagine his friendship with Oda did help him get back in for Toriko.


Nov 27, 2017
Obviously fuck this guy but the cynic in me is wondering if this'll turn out like another Watsuki situation or the Toriko guy and this scum will just get a slap on the wrist just like them.

Then again I've never heard of him or his work before so hopefully he doesn't have enough clout to be able to get away with it.
Both previous cases were writer/artists with either power or connections. And the Toriko guy served the time and his series at the time was cancelled. In this case it's a writer on a series that was about to but hadn't hit big time yet and it's recognized the artist is a huge part of why the series is a hit. He'll likely see jail time and it's doubtful SJ will let him back as he doesnt have leverage or the more important side of the talent(harder to find good artists then good writers).

I'm surprised they're trying to continue it. I imagine getting the rights to the series must be pretty difficult even with criminal charges? Like he would have to voluntarily give it up, no?
That's The fans suggestions. SJ hasn't said what's going to happen. But the guy could sell the ip to cover his legal fees But it's tainted. I'm sure they'll make sure to setup good things for the artist though.
Shimabukuro did serve time, and if what I read is true, it's a combination of "not knowing she was under 18" and the prostitute lying about her age. Take that part with a grain of salt of course. But yeah, I imagine his friendship with Oda did help him get back in for Toriko.
Plus writer/artist versus writer in this case


Oct 26, 2017
Sometimes I think taking away the monetary rights from the creators when they do shit like this would be the greatest punishment, but then I realize that could easily be abused.


Mar 4, 2019
Shimabukuro did serve time, and if what I read is true, it's a combination of "not knowing she was under 18" and the prostitute lying about her age. Take that part with a grain of salt of course. But yeah, I imagine his friendship with Oda did help him get back in for Toriko.
he had a pattern so yeah
and yeah, Oda sadly did recommend Jump to give him another chance IIRC. Why is Oda pals with folks like these?
Last edited:


Mar 29, 2018
The "I didn't know she was 18" is such a shitty excuse, literally how can you not tell anyone is underage and from what I read, he had a pattern so yeah
and yeah, Oda sadly did recommend Jump to give him another chance IIRC. Why is Oda pals with folks like these?

You can't be serious with this. Are you telling me you can easily tell the difference between a 16 year old and an 18 year old?


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
What the absolute fuck.

I don't know how to word this, I'm not trying to center myself here, but it's like - I'd binged it lately and had been really enjoying it, and meanwhile that kind of person was writing it? It's so gross.


Oct 26, 2017
I've never hired a prostitute before but I don't think people generally stumble upon underage ones without somewhat expecting that that's a possibility that could happen and being fine with it. 🤷


Nov 6, 2017
So it occured on june 18th around 8pm, at the Nakano district/ward, he did it twice in the same area 2~3km apart, by sneaking up and grabing their chest, then riding away.

His action was caught on Security camera, and he has admited to the crime.


女子中学生の胸触る 「少年ジャンプ」漫画原作者の男を逮捕


中学生の胸を触った疑い ジャンプ連載「アクタージュ」自称原作者を逮捕 警視庁(毎日新聞) - Yahoo!ニュース

 路上で女性にわいせつな行為をしたとして、警視庁中野署は8日、東京都中野区野方1、自称漫画原作者、松木達哉容疑者(29)を強制わいせつ容疑で逮捕した。容疑を認めているという。  逮捕容疑は6月18

Looking at past similiar instance, the clostest I think is Tatsuya Yamaguchi from Tokio, who was a member of the band Tokio and was caught sexual harassing(Touching and kissing) a highschool girl at his home, his TV show on NHK "Ranking & Research) was cancel, he apologize on live tv, and Johhny and Associate(The idol company he belong to) "accepted" his resignation and stopped all work and stuff with him.

So I don't see the writer coming back, since he was caught on camera and admit to harassing underage girl.

And looking online, that area, these two aren't his only victem

He first did it in June, but the Nakano district/ward had put out public warning in early July, of a similiar age and description man, riding bicycle and grabbing girl chest and riding away.
Mar 7, 2020
so he was a habitual offender that would stalk and molest young girls, it's just this time, he was finally caught on tape, so police was able to identify and track him down. Hope they throw the book at him.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
The next chapter timer for AA is gone from the English SJ app, so don't expect this week's chapter.
Oct 25, 2017
The next chapter timer for AA is gone from the English SJ app, so don't expect this week's chapter.

It's also gone from the schedule. Yeah, I think Viz has abandoned it like they did with Kenshin Hokkaido Arc.

VIZ: Read Free Shonen Jump Manga - Official & Simul with Japan

The world's most popular manga! Read free or become a member. Start your free trial today!

EDIT: Seems it's planned for Mangaplus. https://mangaplus.shueisha.co.jp/titles/100036 But that could change too.


Oct 26, 2017
Atlanta, GA
The actor from that Judgement game, Pierre Taki, was turned into a social pariah because he did some cocaine (or some similar trifle.) They damn Near scrubbed him from society, if I recall.

On the other hand, these high-profile manga creators continue to get away with much more serious crimes like sexually assaulting or sleeping with minors. All else being equal, this dude shouldn't be allowed to work in that industry ever again.
The politics of drug crimes in this country are fucking gross. Fucking hate it. Pierre Taki deserved better.

These sexual predators, on the other hand, should have the book thrown at them.


Oct 29, 2017
What a monster. Something is very wrong if he doesn't get blacklisted from the industry.

What the absolute fuck.

I don't know how to word this, I'm not trying to center myself here, but it's like - I'd binged it lately and had been really enjoying it, and meanwhile that kind of person was writing it? It's so gross.
No need to feel too bad about it since I was kinda in the same place and started it recently after it was highly recommended by the group at AnimeFeminist on one of their podcasts.

Yep, Watsuki is still writing and drawing his Kenshin sequel in one of Shueisha's other magazines
Fucking what?! Really? Jesus.

I wonder if Mother's Basement will reupload the video where he recommended it.
He seems thoughtful enough to either re-edit it or at the very least put an addendum in the description of that video. I think he's aware to at least not let the video lie or stay completely silent since he did create that other video about enjoying work from problematic & outright monstrous people.

It certainly has poorly aged. Not just the Act-Age recommendation but the Time Paradox Ghostwriter one too. That one has its own controversy and is likely getting cancelled. Not like this, no that's more on the premise and readers reaaally not liking it. To the point that the first collected volume rewrote dialogue.
What was the controversy with Time Paradox? Was it just that readers didn't enjoy it or was there really something sinister behind the scenes?


Oct 29, 2017
Hard pill to swallow but you're probably right.

Actually, I just thought of this now but do fellow mangaka in the same magazines not protest themselves when people like Watsuki are allowed to write again in the same 'zines? Like if my name and blurb was in a copy of Jump next to this guy's name I'd feel sick. Mangaka deal with a lot of shit already from their publishers so they should at least be able to demand that their bosses look for the wealth of other talent out there who aren't pedophiles.


Oct 25, 2017
Something I'm kinda thankful for is that the artist for Act-Age, Shiro Usazaki, seems to be receiving some support and isn't being blacklisted or anything.
Oct 27, 2017
Awful. Just awful. So many victims brcause of this horrible guy.

I feel bad for the artist. She did a really good job with the series and nothing could work if not for her.

The writer however... Fuck thiss asshole. I hope he gets a fitting punishment. He shouldn't be able to get off scot free.

I wish the victims and the artist the best in the future.


Nov 6, 2017
so he was a habitual offender that would stalk and molest young girls, it's just this time, he was finally caught on tape, so police was able to identify and track him down. Hope they throw the book at him.

Yes, checking Gaccom in the area, you can see alot of them are the same description and has been doing it for awhile, it was only the june case where the girl went to the police, and they happen to get the security camera footage

Black shirt man on bicycle assaulting elementary and junior high school girl by grabbing their chest and riding away.

Gaccom site of the area


Mar 7, 2020
What happened with High score girl?

The early chapters has the author drawing alot of SNK, and other video game IPs. The problem was...the author didn't get permission from those companies to use their character, and the publisher also didn't get permission, so iirc it was SNK that sued the publisher, so they had to suspend the manga for a while. Once they got a liscensing agreement, they started publishing it again.

The one with New Life+ young again in another world was...the novel was successful, so they got a manga series. Once the series started getting popular, the publisher announced that they are starting production on an anime series. But then old tweets from the author was discovered where he was a Japan imperialist and war crime denier. Claiming that China deserved to be invaded in WW2, and that things like the Rape of Nanjing didn't happen and if it did, it was because the Japanese army was acting in self defense. Once those tweets was discovered...the author doubled down on those claims. So the Voice actors for the anime show quit in protest, then the studio that was working on the anime also dropped the project, and the novel and manga publisher suspended the series for about 6 month, where the author finally issued a public apology for his behaviour and they restarted the manga again.

But those are different from the Act Age situation, where the creator is currently under arrest and is awaiting trial. So I'm not sure how it will play out.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
What was the controversy with Time Paradox? Was it just that readers didn't enjoy it or was there really something sinister behind the scenes?

Going by what others in the thread said, readers just really didn't like that the story was basically about plagiarism? To the point of apparently changing things in the first volume release, though I don't know how you avoid the basic premise...

Honestly I've felt like it was going to be canceled for its entire run, given its ridiculous pace, and I wonder if it's been due to that.


Oct 26, 2017
Black shirt man on bicycle assaulting elementary and junior high school girl by grabbing their chest and riding away.

Gaccom site of the area


This guy is sick, just what the hell?
Oct 25, 2017

Holy shit.


Nov 6, 2017
This guy is sick, just what the hell?

Yep and don't forget the stage play thing, there's no specific source that I know of, except the tweet

But according to 5ch, and some of the people auditioning
He was basicly "harassing" the highschool girls that are auditioning for the stage play, asking their personal information, and saying if they spend the night with him, he'll gurantee them a the lead role, and he want to "investigate" them one by one.

But more and more is coming out, and there was talk of the artist and might be harassed, but so far that doesn't seem to be happening, the company and other manga artist seem to be on her side and helping her.

But at least the online taiwan and Japan community that like anime and comic, seem to say he is wrong and not forgiven, and wish the artist can get a new writer or her own serie too.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I live in a giant bucket.
I knew it was inevitable he'd be a serial harasser...

Yep and don't forget the stage play thing, there's no specific source that I know of, except the tweet

But according to 5ch, and some of the people auditioning
He was basicly "harassing" the highschool girls that are auditioning for the stage play, asking their personal information, and saying if they spend the night with him, he'll gurantee them a the lead role, and he want to "investigate" them one by one.

This crossed my mind yesterday, but it's unavoidable how this incident paints this series into a gross new light; namely, grooming young girls for sex. Despite the series' relative abstinence from fanservice, you can't help but wonder if Act-Age was an outlet to broadcast his fantasies...

Much as this may be a heartbreaking loss for the magazine (especially considering its aforementioned miracle in tasteful female representation), my thoughts ultimately lie with the victims and Ms. Usazaki.


Nov 27, 2017
Oct 26, 2017
RIP to one of my favorite characters in Jump Yonagi. You were too good for your creator.

Anyway Act-Age while nicely written is helped big time by the artist and how she brought life to the characters. I feel bad for the artist and the ones affected by this.

Fucking hate the author. He should rot in jail.

Also retroactively, the story is a bit ehh now because Kuroyama, a 35 year old legendary director, is grooming a 16 year old actor. I feel that this shouldn't deter one from reading the work though as the Usazaki's work on it also needs to be seen. Her art is magic!


Oct 25, 2017
As for the manga, can't they keep it running with another writer? If it's popular, which I don't know.

In any case Shueisha needs to clean the house.


Oct 25, 2017
Artist may have some bad blood with the author and may not have had to want to attach her name to the project anymore.

It's crazy that this is Usazaki's debut work and it's almost entirely unusable now. I don't think she ever want to be associated with a guy like that again. Fuck Tatsuya Masaki.

I have championed Act-Age for years to my friends, to know that the writer is an unforgivable scum is more than heartbreaking :/
Oct 26, 2017
It's crazy that this is Usazaki's debut work and it's almost entirely unusable now. I don't think she ever want to be associated with a guy like that again. Fuck Tatsuya Masaki.

I have championed Act-Age for years to my friends, to know that the writer is an unforgivable scum is more than heartbreaking :/
I'm still heartbroken over this. I love Yonagi as a lead. It has strong female characters. Usazaki's work on them brings them alive in a way that I can't imagine anyone else drawing Yonagi and co. Then we get to the writer and find out he is a scum and his work and the characters are already tainted. Kuroyama's relationship with Yonagi is now creepy. His relationship with his assistant too. Then me thinking he wrote the child actress character makes me feel bad for her.

While it may feel bad to recommend the manga to others because of the author, I am still conflicted because I don't want Yonagi to be forgotten. And the manga as I have said as much the work of Usazaki as it is that trash's. Fuck the author.

Deleted member 2840

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm still heartbroken over this. I love Yonagi as a lead. It has strong female characters. Usazaki's work on them brings them alive in a way that I can't imagine anyone else drawing Yonagi and co. Then we get to the writer and find out he is a scum and his work and the characters are already tainted. Kuroyama's relationship with Yonagi is now creepy. His relationship with his assistant too. Then me thinking he wrote the child actress character makes me feel bad for her.

While it may feel bad to recommend the manga to others because of the author, I am still conflicted because I don't want Yonagi to be forgotten. And the manga as I have said as much the work of Usazaki as it is that trash's. Fuck the author.
If I can be sure that he won't get 1 cent from it, I'll still recommend it to other people(after warning them that they'll never get an actual ending).
It was truly a gem of a manga, and as you said I don't want Yonagi to be forgotten.
Oct 26, 2017
If I can be sure that he won't get 1 cent from it, I'll still recommend it to other people(after warning them that they'll never get an actual ending).
It was truly a gem of a manga, and as you said I don't want Yonagi to be forgotten.
This is why recommending it is a dilemma. I don't want to give money to this scumbug. Of course there is always a way to recommend someone to read it without giving the author a cent.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
If I can be sure that he won't get 1 cent from it, I'll still recommend it to other people(after warning them that they'll never get an actual ending).
It was truly a gem of a manga, and as you said I don't want Yonagi to be forgotten.
unless he willfully relinquishes all rights to shueisha and the artist it wont happen, even after being arrested he will probably still get money from backlog sales.

Deleted member 2840

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
This is why recommending it is a dilemma. I don't want to give money to this scumbug. Of course there is always a way to recommend someone to read it without giving the author a cent.
unless he willfully relinquishes all rights to shueisha and the artist it wont happen, even after being arrested he will probably still get money from backlog sales.
Eh I can't see Jump ever reprinting the series, the current volumes will probably become collector stuff. If there's no way to legally, officially read a series(as they'll probably yank it out of official digital readers too) it becomes easier to recommend other ways of reading.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm still heartbroken over this. I love Yonagi as a lead. It has strong female characters. Usazaki's work on them brings them alive in a way that I can't imagine anyone else drawing Yonagi and co. Then we get to the writer and find out he is a scum and his work and the characters are already tainted. Kuroyama's relationship with Yonagi is now creepy. His relationship with his assistant too. Then me thinking he wrote the child actress character makes me feel bad for her.

While it may feel bad to recommend the manga to others because of the author, I am still conflicted because I don't want Yonagi to be forgotten. And the manga as I have said as much the work of Usazaki as it is that trash's. Fuck the author.

I think there's not much to do but take the hard pill. Yonagi was by far the best female protagonist Jump had in years and I don't want her to be discarded, but as you said she was as both Usazaki's and that trash's. Maybe in a few years Usazaki want to reclaim her, or reboot Act Age on her own, and I will support her then., but I understand if she wants to forget her entirely. And for that, for the time being I can't recommend the manga anymore.