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Oct 27, 2017
Its getting really repetitive here, with the same "debate" coming up every few pages... Icons are part of the presentation of the game, like graphics, music, UI design, etc. I wish people would accept that others put different value on different things and that icon can be a factor in the decision of buying a game. This thread would be that much more enjoyable... (also I don't think most people here are angry about a bad icon, just sad)


Oct 25, 2017
Video Games
Its getting really repetitive here, with the same "debate" coming up every few pages... Icons are part of the presentation of the game, like graphics, music, UI design, etc. I wish people would accept that others put different value on different things and that icon can be a factor in the decision of buying a game. This thread would be that much more enjoyable... (also I don't think most people here are angry about a bad icon, just sad)
it will happen again and again as long as we have people declaring their purchase decision was reverted upon seeing the icon. just how it is.

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
Getting overly defensive over a non-issue there. Again, as stated, my initial post wasn't to troll but understand, and unfortunately it's doubtful that I ever will.

You asked, I answered. I don't think I was unreasonable in my justification, nor did I attack you. After all you questioned me to defend my thought process to help you understand how I reached my conclusion. Did I not?

The issue here is that you called out my specific post out on a question that isn't exactly related. I posted about deciding not to double-dip on the same game, which is a bit different from what I believe you are inferring to be "why would anyone base an initial purchase decision on cover art?" Basically choosing boxart as the top priority in a gaming purchase, right?

I didn't do that. You seem to be unable to accept that as you ignored my response and continued a line of questioning beyond the scope of my original post you quoted.

But let's forget all of that a second. You are curious why anyone would hold icon art so highly that it would override other factors deemed more valuable such as gameplay etc... Now I can't speak for others that may actually place cover art above design factors, but what do you think attracts people to this thread? I wouldn't presume that people are blindly fishing for good icon art and choosing 'buy' purely for superficial reasons -completely unaware- of the content in the games that are posted wouldn't you agree?

Let's go with an example. When Ys VIII was imminent to release, you see a spike in posts of people suddenly coming into this thread curious and hoping for icon art that reasonably fits the same level of passion and care by the developer as they have for playing the game at release. Basically they are clearly excited for the game for reasons external to the boxart(they came to this thread with a built-in interest after all) and hope the digital boxart isn't a dud. In that case, the Ys VIII's icon didn't disappoint anyone really, but what about something that does?

Sonic Mania's icon certainly did annoy many fans! But why did it annoy? If gameplay and design was so 'unimportant' to them, why would they even have interest in the game at all? I would instead consider the disappointment in the icon art stems from a built-in demand to own the game and for the expectations of the quality of the game design to extend to its marketable facets. When that piece of the puzzle is unfulfilled, it is deflating for some. We have entire threads dedicated to people that print custom physical boxart to help some satisfy that deflation after all.

If someone balks about cancelling their purchase plans here, there is no evidence to assume they didn't actually purchase it anyway or on another system. Sometimes people just want to vent their frustrations publicly. Sometimes people make irrational decisions for the sake of emotional vested interests. Sometimes people like a bookshelf lined with consistent spine art on their Blu-Ray's, DVD's, books, or physical game cases and get OCD concerns when they don't match. That seems to now extend to our digital lockers. Some hold those aesthetics slightly higher than others. Our preferences are irrational and often unique. I don't see anyone really discounting the quality or content of these releases with poor icon art, and really if some are willing to hold off on a purchase, is that not instead a marketing failure on behalf of the publisher or developer? Otherwise what use is cover art at all if not to attract attention?

This went long, but you know, it's not a simple answer gauging the personal impulses of a target market. Maybe that helps frame this thread better? I dunno, doesn't really matter. Icon art matters so little to some, but it factors highly for others, maybe publishers and devs should consider that into their decisions.

Edit: one other factor to consider....

This is a difference of scale. You presume that some are refusing purchase due to the art, despite the quality of the content. It's a scorched Earth problem. (Bad icon = no buy, damn the game quality!) In reality, some players might view the art as a tipping point to impulse purchase. This is how I viewed a potential Sonic double-dip and tried to get you to understand. I was hesitant on doing so(do I REALLY need a second copy?)...but if they fix that art for the Plus update, I could be swayed to a yes(they didn't so I passed). Some may be considering the money for other options and the art will tip the scales. That little nudge that gets them to open wallets. Icon art acting as a small tickle in one direction rather than the de-facto burden.
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Oct 25, 2017
Its getting really repetitive here, with the same "debate" coming up every few pages... Icons are part of the presentation of the game, like graphics, music, UI design, etc. I wish people would accept that others put different value on different things and that icon can be a factor in the decision of buying a game. This thread would be that much more enjoyable... (also I don't think most people here are angry about a bad icon, just sad)

The haters keep the thread bumped, thus unwittingly supporting my noble cause

In this way, even those who don't care about icons end up saving them :3


Oct 25, 2017
it will happen again and again as long as we have people declaring their purchase decision was reverted upon seeing the icon. just how it is.
But what do people expect how one could act when an icon is disliked? Tape part of the screen? Until Nintendo re-introduces management features their previous systems had (customizing placements, folders) currently the only feasible way to not have a disliked icon stare prominently at the owner is to not buy/play the associated game. And they state as much.

While I fully understand the whole issue seems exaggerated to some, design is also a matter of taste which is completely personal. And all the distracting drive bys not contributing to the topic at hand but reacting to reactions to it only make me make more use of the ignore feature.


Apr 7, 2018
New alarm.



Deleted member 42221

User requested account closure
Apr 16, 2018
Bomb Chicken meets all the theoretical requirements of a good switch icon. It has a logo and a striking image.

But I think it's the worst Switch icon for one particular reason.


Deleted member 26156

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
I see nothing wrong with it besides the watermark, which is on Nintendo Life, not the Bomb Chicken guys... unless you're saying the icon on the Switch has that watermark ala Okami.

Deleted member 42221

User requested account closure
Apr 16, 2018
Oh the Nintendo life isn't in the final thing.

It's that the characters in the bottom right and left have questionable designs that is a mix of cliches, stereotypes, and just a weird bit of aesthetic incoherency. This game goes for a Oddworld but brighter pixel art vibe with a lot of machinery and fake advertisements, so I don't even know why that stuff's there TBH.


Oct 25, 2017
Video Games
Oh the Nintendo life isn't in the final thing.

It's that the characters in the bottom right and left have questionable designs that is a mix of cliches, stereotypes, and just a weird bit of aesthetic incoherency. This game goes for a Oddworld but brighter pixel art vibe with a lot of machinery and fake advertisements, so I don't even know why that stuff's there TBH.
oooh the blackface-style enemies


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Could be worse..


(In fairness the icon is correct elsewhere, they just missed the one this particular screen uses)


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
On the left, the website icon for "Crush Your Enemies!" On the right, the one you see on your Switch.



Oct 25, 2017
Oh good, Switch is now getting the 'close up of an angry man with his mouth open' icons. Bring on Clash of Clans!

Deleted member 3017

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I feel like if you release a game on Switch, you should know a little something about your audience. And I don't really care if you think the fuss over icons is silly. Many of the most passionate Switch users clearly care about them. And I doubt it's very hard to create an icon with the title of your game as a part of it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm honestly surprised that the awful Sonic Mania icon stuck around after the big update.


Oct 27, 2017
There's no disappointment, as stated I was just trying to understand why a mere digital icon would be a prevailing factor in a game purchasing decision over (seemingly) much more important things such as gameplay, graphics and the like?

I can't speak for other people but here is my explenation why the icon is important to me and can influence my purchase decisions a lot. But to understand that I have to explain how I personaly play games (which can be very different for other people). When i decide to play video games I don't realy think "I want to play that game so I will start my switch and play it" for me its more like that "I want to play some video games, lets start my switch and look through the Icons to see what I want to play". And the Icon will influence 2 things. First its very likely when I go through the List, the Games with good covers will just stand out (I have over 60 Switch games by now a bad icon will make it very likely I will just overlook it then). The other thing is even if I don't overlook it the icon will at least influence a little bit how I remember how much fun the gameplay was when i played it the last time and so makes it less likely I will play it. And for me that means the icon will have a big influence how often I play a game. If a game is at least in general fun (of course I won't play a bad game just because of a good icon), the icon could decide if a game will have total playtime of 5 hourse or 30 hours.

And because I know I play games in that way the icon will have at least some influence on my decision to buy a game. Because I know it will change how much fun and how much play time i will get out of a game at the end.


Oct 27, 2017
Dead Cells looks great. I know very little about the game outside of what I've heard on the Bombcast. Looking forward to giving it a go.
Oct 25, 2017
Quick question.

I know Team Meat will update the icon for Super Meat Boy. Has Sega said anything about the Sonic Mania icon?

Sorry if it has been answered before. Those are the only two games in my collection that have icons without logos.
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