Feb 4, 2018
Solo actually works as a pretty fun action movie. If they had marketed it as anything other than a Han Solo movie, it would've performed much better at the box office.

Also, my hot take on Solo is that the Lord/Miller version was pure "Star Wars-as-farce" trash. They deserved to get canned and shouldn't have been hired in the first place.


Oct 27, 2017
Up to 61% now! Take that attack of the clones we coming for you now!

It's at 59% again. I hope it's gonna go up a little still. Doesn't seem like there will be a great divide between critical and fan reaction to the movie this time though.

Edit: 62% now.

Surely Solo and TROS will have shown Disney that nostalgia is a well you can run dry.

The reception to this should strengthen the desire to do something challenging and new. I think they can feel the ice cracking underfoot wherever they stand at the point.

I hope that Mandalorian will pull them into the right direction - while it has it's own problems, a nostalgia overload is not one of them. At least when it comes to characters.

Man, I'm really excited for the next Star Wars chapter. It seems like Disney is slowly realizing that the nostalgia route isn't working. Next thing should be a really experimental chapter. Could be really interesting and lead the franchise into a fresh direction.


Nov 6, 2017
If five years someone told you the last star wars film of the ST would have a lower RT score than some of the prequels, what would you say?

I'd ask him the final score after release and not the one that's still in flux with a lot of reviews to come in.

Then I'd tell him I'd also want to see for myself and make up my own damn mind about it.


May 31, 2018
Putting the RottenTomatoes score in the OP title, if the true score, is a dick move for those who have gone on media blackout for this event. So thanks dick.

This must be some sort of conspiracy.

Because all this could ever achieve is having pro-spoiler folk go "OMG SPOILER CULTURE IS TERRIBLE," as if anyone who doesn't want their shit spoiled is part of a hivemind.


Oct 25, 2017
It really does feel like just big budget fan fiction. Going down a checklist of all the things the fans want in Star Wars, in a real fast, slick package.
Is there a consensus? RT isn't loading for me.
yep here it is:



Oct 25, 2017
West Coast, USA
back down to 61% with 100 reviews. Now that we are past 100, the number likely won't fluctuate too much. But the real question is will it settle on a rotten or fresh score (above 60%)

Snake Eater

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017

The fanboy fallout from this will be far more entertainment for years to come than anything any movie could've ever done


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
It really does feel like just big budget fan fiction. Going down a checklist of all the things the fans want in Star Wars, in a real fast, slick package.
No shade at Endgame, but wasn't that the entire third act of the film?

Or is the problem that the entirety of Ep 9 is essentially like the third act of Endgame?


Oct 25, 2017
IV was good, V was great, VI was just ok. VII was good, VIII was great, IX appears to be just ok. It's somehow reassuring to see the ST follow the same pattern as the OT.


Oct 25, 2017
There's more to it than that. Looking at the trajectory of the movies, comparing it to the MCU, multiple movies changing director mid-production. As much as they're making they'll make changes if they stand to make more.

Which I do think is why Star Wars going on hiatus is a good thing. So they can adjust and make changes, so whatever they do in the future will be more solid and won't have production issues. I agree they rushed out these movies, probably to a fault. On the reverse of that though, I have enjoyed everything they have produced, so maybe I'm a bit biased in my opinion of it all.


Oct 25, 2017
This thread is going places. And most people haven't even seen the movie yet. We're in for a hell of a ride.


Nov 15, 2017
no, it didn't. It was going to be just the lst battle of rey against kylo.
Last jedi was supposed to be a path to the final chapter. RJ didn't respect that.

the problem is that they didn't have a drawing for the complete story. RJ was not culprit, but KK was and is culprit for this terrible trilogy.

I won't watch it on the cinema. Soon it'll be another movie at disney plus. I hope this trilogy won't destroy people good will with Star Wars.
I don't understand this. What did The Last Jedi disrespect? The only thing I can think of that was actually dropped from TFA is The Knights of Ren, and they were hardly a presence in TFA.

TFA introduced Snoke as Kylo's master, and TLJ had Kylo killing him to cement his rise to power. TFA had Rey lonely and wondering about her heritage, TLJ answers that by saying that she was nobody, and she'll have to find her own way. because of that. Those are all valid places to take what was set up in TFA. One may not care for those ideas, but that doesn't mean the concepts were brushed aside.

And TLJ ends with a valid set up for a final film, with the Resistance alive but in bad shape against a powerful First Order, but the Galaxy inspired by their actions. Rey, having failed at redeeming Kylo, takes her place as a new Jedi, learning from the mistakes of the old, while Kylo has ascended to Supremacy at the cost of any sort of stability he had. Finn has committed himself to the Resistance's cause, and Poe looks primed to take over leadership of the Resistance. We see hints of Hux being a Starscream-like betrayer when he almost kills and unconscious Ren. The chess pieces are all in place for the final film.

I can understand disliking The Last Jedi. I think it's a messy film, despite really loving it overall. But I think to say that it didn't respect what TFA brought up and that it didn't set the scene for a finale is, in my opinion, just factually incorrect, regardless of whether one liked what it did or not.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I'd say pacing is the bigger problem.

Pacing is part of it. But poor pacing can be forgiven if the characters are likeable. Mando is nothing and Baby Yoda is literally just a puppet designed to sell toys. Each episode's supporting cast is somehow worse than those two, and they're in every episode. What is there to care about or get invested in? How many times is the "OH NO, BABY YODA MIGHT GET SHOT/CAPTURED (before Mando saves him at the last second)" card going to be played?

De Amigo

Dec 19, 2017
lol, how did I miss this? I'll talk about film making as much as I like. It's both a passion and an actual career for me. How is yours going?

And unlike yourself, I don't pretend to be a fount of knowledge and moral arbiter on all things.

I know it must be a sad feeling, seeing a film you've stanned so hard for being tossed aside. But that's life. Stop taking this shit so seriously. Maybe you should go back to stanning Ubisoft games.

But hey, lets be happy, it will make billions for daddy Disney. And we can all shine in that reflected glory.


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
Pacing is part of it. But poor pacing can be forgiven if the characters are likeable. Mando is nothing and Baby Yoda is literally just a puppet designed to sell toys. Each episode's supporting cast is somehow worse than those two, and they're in every episode. What is there to care about or get invested in? How many times is the "OH NO, BABY YODA MIGHT GET SHOT/CAPTURED (before Mando saves him at the last second)" card going to be played?
I mean I liked most of the supporting cast but agree there's no enough there on mando.

Clone Wars and Rebels showed he can work well though so I give him the benefit of the doubt.


Oct 27, 2017
61% now! ...hey, it's something lol.

There is absolutely no possible way it's as bad as that. Just no way.
This is why I hate the focus on aggregated numbers. You cannot compare films by their RT or MC score. In isolation it can be used to gauge a general consensus at a certain point in time but comparing scores unless the gap sizeable doesn't say much.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
No shade at Endgame, but wasn't that the entire third act of the film?

Or is the problem that the entirety of Ep 9 is essentially like the third act of Endgame?
Endgame had the big nonsense CGI battle to end all big nonsense CGI battles, and there was too much dopamine in my brain to not think it was the raddest shit ever at the time.


User requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Soooo...the last jedi probably took the story in a way J.J didn't know how to course correct from? Which i dont get, i know its controversial but i liked the force awakens, as did critics, i wonder what went wrong here. I bet there is a very interesting story to be told here
Oct 27, 2017
But story and characters are by far the worst part of the Mandalorian.
Yes, a story about one of a people nearly wiped out by genocide, forced to hide underground and accept shitty dangerous jobs in order to survive, constantly being harassed for who and what they are. I see a lot of value in that, personally, particularly what my ancestors endured.

Anyways, this is a review thread for TROS, let's try to keep the focus there.
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Deleted member 17402

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I really dislike when it comes to this point in any discussion related to Star Wars, and it's the insistence from people who don't care about the details or what actually happens in these movies that others shouldn't give a shit about them either - that people should just toss their brain out and enjoy these movies just because they're fun to watch. Apparently it's very difficult for some people to acknowledge that people care about what happens in these movies beyond the visual spectacle.

It's as if you're wrong for *gasp* caring about this franchise and what happens in it. It's some dumb shit to tell other people what they should care about when it comes to these movies and how much they should be invested in the series.


Oct 28, 2017
User banned (1 day): Personal attack towards another member.
Pardon me, jackass, but could you please take the review out of the title of the next movie thread you feel compelled to make? Thanks, dude.


Oct 25, 2017
Pacing is part of it. But poor pacing can be forgiven if the characters are likeable. Mando is nothing and Baby Yoda is literally just a puppet designed to sell toys. Each episode's supporting cast is somehow worse than those two, and they're in every episode. What is there to care about or get invested in? How many times is the "OH NO, BABY YODA MIGHT GET SHOT/CAPTURED (before Mando saves him at the last second)" card going to be played?
Mandalorian is a paper thin mess. It's a fun mess, so I think that's why fans seem to love it so much after TLJ which was less fun but kind of a mess in very different ways.


Oct 27, 2017
I can say some things with zero specificity:

Say what you will about The Last Jedi, it's at least a far more cohesive and better edited film than this one.