
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Ok so here we go, explanation of that spoiler:

So the kid in the movie is McKenna Jr, whos father is basically the Arnold of the movie. This kid has Aspergers which they mention numerous times, allowing him to figure out how to use their technology and put back together chess boards that have been knocked on the ground.

At one point, Olivia Munn is talking with McKenna Sr about him and says, "You know, some people think your son isn't disabled but is rather the next step in human evolution."

The Ultimate Predator, who is an 11 foot CG monstrosity that looks fucking comical, says that "McKenna is the only warrior among you" referring to the kid and Olivia Munn start shouting that the Predator wants Jr's DNA to inject into himself, because the Predators have been amping themselves up through genetics, because Aspergers makes you the ultimate hunter

Fuck this movie. Fuck this movie so hard.
I legit don't understand how that made it through reshoots.


Nov 11, 2017

i peaced out over the munn stuff, those spoilers, jesus christ really? It would be nice for hollywood to tackle things like that in the spoiler, without making it seem like superpowers.


Oct 27, 2017
On the stinger:

So there are two Predators in this movie. One is actually a really cool looking, practical effects "guy in a suit" Predator, who has stolen something from his people to help humanity survive. The other Predator is 11 feet tall and is completely CG. When some reviews said that the climax reminded them of the terrible CG from "The Mummy Returns" they weren't fucking kidding.

When the big Predator is killed at the end, they discover this capsule and the kid, who is 8, is now working with the army to decode the Predator language. The capsule starts opening and the kid is like "WAIT ITS TRANSLATING!"

This is built up so terribly that I literally thought that a Terminator was about to pop up and the kid was going to say, "THEY CALL IT SKYNET!" or some shit.

The kid then says "They call it....THE PREDATOR KILLER!" and a tiny gauntlet floats out of the capsule. It then slaps onto a nerdy scientist's arm and starts forming around him like Iron Man except it looks like a Predator, only he has giant claws and about 8 shoulder guns that practically reach half way up to the ceiling. It looks so amazingly horrible, I can't even describe it.

The scene, and movie, then ends with McKenna Sr. saying, "I HOPE THEY MAKE THAT IN A 42 LONG!"

Deleted member 46641

User requested account closure
Aug 12, 2018
Just got out of this. This is ASTONISHINGLY terrible.

I need to collect my thoughts but I'll leave you with this:

The Predators are coming to earth because climate change is making humans extinct, and they need to become the ultimate injecting themselves with aspbergers.

Seriously what the fuck? I knew it was going to be bad, but THAT bad? Someone should've been fired for that narrative decision.


Oct 25, 2017
Ok so here we go, explanation of that spoiler:

So the kid in the movie is McKenna Jr, whos father is basically the Arnold of the movie. This kid has Aspergers which they mention numerous times, allowing him to figure out how to use their technology and put back together chess boards that have been knocked on the ground.

At one point, Olivia Munn is talking with McKenna Sr about him and says, "You know, some people think your son isn't disabled but is rather the next step in human evolution."

The Ultimate Predator, who is an 11 foot CG monstrosity that looks fucking comical, says that "McKenna is the only warrior among you" referring to the kid and Olivia Munn start shouting that the Predator wants Jr's DNA to inject into himself, because the Predators have been amping themselves up through genetics, because Aspergers makes you the ultimate hunter

Fuck this movie. Fuck this movie so hard.
This needs its own thread!


Oct 25, 2017
On the stinger:

So there are two Predators in this movie. One is actually a really cool looking, practical effects "guy in a suit" Predator, who has stolen something from his people to help humanity survive. The other Predator is 11 feet tall and is completely CG. When some reviews said that the climax reminded them of the terrible CG from "The Mummy Returns" they weren't fucking kidding.

When the big Predator is killed at the end, they discover this capsule and the kid, who is 8, is now working with the army to decode the Predator language. The capsule starts opening and the kid is like "WAIT ITS TRANSLATING!"

This is built up so terribly that I literally thought that a Terminator was about to pop up and the kid was going to say, "THEY CALL IT SKYNET!" or some shit.

The kid then says "They call it....THE PREDATOR KILLER!" and a tiny gauntlet floats out of the capsule. It then slaps onto a nerdy scientist's arm and starts forming around him like Iron Man except it looks like a Predator, only he has giant claws and about 8 shoulder guns that practically reach half way up to the ceiling. It looks so amazingly horrible, I can't even describe it.

The scene, and movie, then ends with McKenna Sr. saying, "I HOPE THEY MAKE THAT IN A 42 LONG!"

Any interest I had to watch this movie to kill time just took a plunge into a nice and cozy blackhole.


Oct 25, 2017
Ok so here we go, explanation of that spoiler:

So the kid in the movie is McKenna Jr, whos father is basically the Arnold of the movie. This kid has Aspergers which they mention numerous times, allowing him to figure out how to use their technology and put back together chess boards that have been knocked on the ground.

At one point, Olivia Munn is talking with McKenna Sr about him and says, "You know, some people think your son isn't disabled but is rather the next step in human evolution."

The Ultimate Predator, who is an 11 foot CG monstrosity that looks fucking comical, says that "McKenna is the only warrior among you" referring to the kid and Olivia Munn start shouting that the Predator wants Jr's DNA to inject into himself, because the Predators have been amping themselves up through genetics, because Aspergers makes you the ultimate hunter

Fuck this movie. Fuck this movie so hard.
I have to see this movie now. You won, shane black!


Dec 25, 2017
Ok so here we go, explanation of that spoiler:

So the kid in the movie is McKenna Jr, whos father is basically the Arnold of the movie. This kid has Aspergers which they mention numerous times, allowing him to figure out how to use their technology and put back together chess boards that have been knocked on the ground.

At one point, Olivia Munn is talking with McKenna Sr about him and says, "You know, some people think your son isn't disabled but is rather the next step in human evolution."

The Ultimate Predator, who is an 11 foot CG monstrosity that looks fucking comical, says that "McKenna is the only warrior among you" referring to the kid and Olivia Munn start shouting that the Predator wants Jr's DNA to inject into himself, because the Predators have been amping themselves up through genetics, because Aspergers makes you the ultimate hunter

Fuck this movie. Fuck this movie so hard.
That's fucking amazing. Definitely need to watch this now.


Oct 25, 2017
Man fuck. Munn and Shane Black with stupid predator twist had me hyped.

They should let me pitch a predator movie.


It's Christmas.

And there are 5 ongoing stories, like Love Actucally.

But then the predator is on Earth hunting down some unknown alien speicies and goes through all 5 stories.

Hell have one subplot be a family fighting (inlaws on both sides disliking each other), fighting off the predator and alien using home alone traps, until they realize the predator is protecting them. He gets up, gives the kid their present, and goes back to fighting the movie's new alien speicies.


Predator Actucally.

Thats what we need.


Oct 27, 2017
On the stinger:

So there are two Predators in this movie. One is actually a really cool looking, practical effects "guy in a suit" Predator, who has stolen something from his people to help humanity survive. The other Predator is 11 feet tall and is completely CG. When some reviews said that the climax reminded them of the terrible CG from "The Mummy Returns" they weren't fucking kidding.

When the big Predator is killed at the end, they discover this capsule and the kid, who is 8, is now working with the army to decode the Predator language. The capsule starts opening and the kid is like "WAIT ITS TRANSLATING!"

This is built up so terribly that I literally thought that a Terminator was about to pop up and the kid was going to say, "THEY CALL IT SKYNET!" or some shit.

The kid then says "They call it....THE PREDATOR KILLER!" and a tiny gauntlet floats out of the capsule. It then slaps onto a nerdy scientist's arm and starts forming around him like Iron Man except it looks like a Predator, only he has giant claws and about 8 shoulder guns that practically reach half way up to the ceiling. It looks so amazingly horrible, I can't even describe it.

The scene, and movie, then ends with McKenna Sr. saying, "I HOPE THEY MAKE THAT IN A 42 LONG!"

Wait, you just made this whole movie sound fucking awesome.


Oct 27, 2017
Does the regular predator die quickly or help the humans?


The regular Predator breaks out of a government lab in a pretty decent escape scene, it then runs into the Ultimate Predator who proceeds to punch his face in and rip his head off within 5 seconds of their encounter.

Deleted member 32679

User requested account closure
Nov 12, 2017

The regular Predator breaks out of a government lab in a pretty decent escape scene, it then runs into the Ultimate Predator who proceeds to punch his face in and rip his head off within 5 seconds of their encounter.
That's just disappointing. That predator looks way cooler than that tall ass fool.

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
I'm so tired of the comedy approach to a movie that should be somewhat serious. An alien hunter comes to Earth to skin people alive and scalp them and yet we just keep getting this bullshit.

And now predator wants aspergers. Like are you fucking kidding me.


Fight Sephiroth or end video games
Oct 28, 2017
I really hoped, I disbelieved the negative reviews, I thought I could find a lot to like in a decisive film, but those spoilers...


Oct 27, 2017
Also, I have to mention the Predator Dog

One of the soldiers just non-chalantly walks up to the Predator Dog and shoots it in the brain. Instead of killing it, it makes the Predator Dog love the soldiers instead. At one point, they're playing fetch with it WITH A GRENADE. This comes into play later when the Predator Dog pukes up the grenade in front of Olivia Munn who uses it to blow up her government captor.

The movie also cannot decide if the Predators are bullet proof or not.

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
Also, I have to mention the Predator Dog

One of the soldiers just non-chalantly walks up to the Predator Dog and shoots it in the brain. Instead of killing it, it makes the Predator Dog love the soldiers instead. At one point, they're playing fetch with it WITH A GRENADE. This comes into play later when the Predator Dog pukes up the grenade in front of Olivia Munn who uses it to blow up her government captor.

The movie also cannot decide if the Predators are bullet proof or not.


I have to see this piece of shit just for the laughs. Once it's in the "free movies" section on Xfinity I'll give it a go.


Oct 25, 2017
Also, I have to mention the Predator Dog

One of the soldiers just non-chalantly walks up to the Predator Dog and shoots it in the brain. Instead of killing it, it makes the Predator Dog love the soldiers instead. At one point, they're playing fetch with it WITH A GRENADE. This comes into play later when the Predator Dog pukes up the grenade in front of Olivia Munn who uses it to blow up her government captor.

The movie also cannot decide if the Predators are bullet proof or not.

Dumbest movie of the year? Surely it has to the be the dumbest big budget franchise movie of the year.


Oct 29, 2017
BWoog isn't lying. I saw it tonight as well. That ending still leaves a sorry taste in my mouth. On the whole I was enjoying the comedy and cast throughout. It really got bad in the last act. Straight up dreadful.


Oct 25, 2017
Ok so here we go, explanation of that spoiler:

So the kid in the movie is McKenna Jr, whos father is basically the Arnold of the movie. This kid has Aspergers which they mention numerous times, allowing him to figure out how to use their technology and put back together chess boards that have been knocked on the ground.

At one point, Olivia Munn is talking with McKenna Sr about him and says, "You know, some people think your son isn't disabled but is rather the next step in human evolution."

The Ultimate Predator, who is an 11 foot CG monstrosity that looks fucking comical, says that "McKenna is the only warrior among you" referring to the kid and Olivia Munn start shouting that the Predator wants Jr's DNA to inject into himself, because the Predators have been amping themselves up through genetics, because Aspergers makes you the ultimate hunter

Fuck this movie. Fuck this movie so hard.


Oct 25, 2017
He's not BWoog isn't lying. I saw it tonight as well. That ending still leaves a sorry taste in my mouth. On the whole I was enjoying the comedy and cast throughout. It really got bad in the last act. Straight up dreadful.

Welp. Thanks, BWoog, for the spoilers. I'll spend my money on A Simple Favor instead.


Oct 27, 2017
Oh man, I forgot about the scene where

The kid is basically hacking into the Predator mask, but its Halloween and he doesn't like the costume his mom got for him.

So instead he tapes the giant fucking helmet to his head and is Trick R Treating in it. It looks hilarious.

Also forgot to mention his Dad steals Predator tech at the beginning of the movie, and swallows the tech that allows Predators to become camouflaged. He shits it out later in the movie to use it.

Deleted member 2802

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
Ok so here we go, explanation of that spoiler:

So the kid in the movie is McKenna Jr, whos father is basically the Arnold of the movie. This kid has Aspergers which they mention numerous times, allowing him to figure out how to use their technology and put back together chess boards that have been knocked on the ground.

At one point, Olivia Munn is talking with McKenna Sr about him and says, "You know, some people think your son isn't disabled but is rather the next step in human evolution."

The Ultimate Predator, who is an 11 foot CG monstrosity that looks fucking comical, says that "McKenna is the only warrior among you" referring to the kid and Olivia Munn start shouting that the Predator wants Jr's DNA to inject into himself, because the Predators have been amping themselves up through genetics, because Aspergers makes you the ultimate hunter

Fuck this movie. Fuck this movie so hard.
Why can't they just make a movie about hunting and hunted like the first one.


Oct 29, 2017
Oh man, I forgot about the scene where

The kid is basically hacking into the Predator mask, but its Halloween and he doesn't like the costume his mom got for him.

So instead he tapes the giant fucking helmet to his head and is Trick R Treating in it. It looks hilarious.

Also forgot to mention his Dad steals Predator tech at the beginning of the movie, and swallows the tech that allows Predators to become camouflaged. He shits it out later in the movie to use it.

You forgot to mention the mask has automatic defenses. When the kid is trick or treating someone doesn't come to the door and instead throws something at him from the balcony. Which the mask has a small gun that pops out and kills a bunch of people when the mask blows up the fucking house.[/spoilers]


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I want to stress that not only are these spoilers true, but these absurdities aside the movie just isn't good.

However, the comedy with the ensemble casts can be a real blast - it stands out, because it's actually the one bit that feels natural.

This movie was fucking bizarre, and not in a good way.


Oct 25, 2017
Ok so here we go, explanation of that spoiler:

So the kid in the movie is McKenna Jr, whos father is basically the Arnold of the movie. This kid has Aspergers which they mention numerous times, allowing him to figure out how to use their technology and put back together chess boards that have been knocked on the ground.

At one point, Olivia Munn is talking with McKenna Sr about him and says, "You know, some people think your son isn't disabled but is rather the next step in human evolution."

The Ultimate Predator, who is an 11 foot CG monstrosity that looks fucking comical, says that "McKenna is the only warrior among you" referring to the kid and Olivia Munn start shouting that the Predator wants Jr's DNA to inject into himself, because the Predators have been amping themselves up through genetics, because Aspergers makes you the ultimate hunter

Fuck this movie. Fuck this movie so hard.

I legit cannot believe what I'm reading.


This is someone's fever dream.
Nov 27, 2017
Sat through the hall H presentation and the clips I saw were pretty bad so it's no surprise this is a struggling movie

But anyway, I'm in since I have the amc program so let's watch this train wreck

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
Ok so here we go, explanation of that spoiler:

So the kid in the movie is McKenna Jr, whos father is basically the Arnold of the movie. This kid has Aspergers which they mention numerous times, allowing him to figure out how to use their technology and put back together chess boards that have been knocked on the ground.

At one point, Olivia Munn is talking with McKenna Sr about him and says, "You know, some people think your son isn't disabled but is rather the next step in human evolution."

The Ultimate Predator, who is an 11 foot CG monstrosity that looks fucking comical, says that "McKenna is the only warrior among you" referring to the kid and Olivia Munn start shouting that the Predator wants Jr's DNA to inject into himself, because the Predators have been amping themselves up through genetics, because Aspergers makes you the ultimate hunter

Fuck this movie. Fuck this movie so hard.



Oct 25, 2017
You forgot to mention the mask has automatic defenses. When the kid is trick or treating someone doesn't come to the door and instead throws something at him from the balcony. Which the mask has a small gun that pops out and kills a bunch of people when the mask blows up the fucking house.[/spoilers]
This has to be meant as dark comedy right? Right? Because it sounds hilarious


Oct 25, 2017
I have this Friday off from work and I'm debating if I should see the matinee showing of this damn trainwreck or just stay home and play Spider-Man.