
Middle fingers up
Nov 8, 2017
I don't believe anyone that says they don't use healing items while playing on supernova difficulty. I'm dying or almost dying at every encounter.


Oct 25, 2017
People complaining about fetch quests spanning the solar system in a game that takes place in a bureaucratic nightmare of a solar system? That's what this game is about and it's great. There are plenty of quests that are "do along the way" kind of quests. The companion quests in particular are built like that on purpose and one of those is undoubtedly the greatest quest in the game and leads to opening up another great quest in the game that really pokes fun of the bureaucratic bullshit in Byzantium.

That's not a great justification for some of the quests being what they are, if you ask me. Having a few that explicitly explore this theme is fine and fun even, like what West of Loathing did or that bank sequence in Blood & Wine. If that was indeed the reasoning behind the errand-like nature of the quest design, I don't think it is successful. I doubt that's the reasoning though. There is little to no self-awareness or meta-commentary. Like in the examples I gave, there's a way to do it that makes you want to engage with the quests while still playing with that theme.


Oct 26, 2017
Why even give the option to get an id badge at the end if they were gonna
spawn allies

I'm very upset right now.

Deleted member 16753

Account closed at user request
Oct 27, 2017
I really enjoyed this up until half way through Monarch.

The repetition got to me by then, and I was getting fed up of all the unhackable doors that suddenly popped up.


Oct 25, 2017
Can I ask a spoiler question in here? I will anyway :D So I'm in the late game I assume and have 2 quests.
1. Get the Hope to Phineas. 2. Wipeout Edgewater.
So saying yes to the 2nd one
has Parvati pipe up and say no Cap I won't do it
but I say to
her 'Trust Me'
I follow through with the quest and far as I could tell there was no way to subvert it. Phineas has nothing to say about it beforehand. The leader in said place has nothing to say about it. Did I miss a step in subverting it? I have a hard save before this and if I say no I just burn a Questline right? Something just feels off with
siding with Phineas but also doing the Board Quests.


Oct 26, 2017
God, the end credits suck!! No subtitles and the dialogue is low and muffled. I can barely hear. Speak up!!

Paviti's side quest was like paywalling cuteness. There was no meat, it was just running from point to point paying bits to further it. It was extremely cute, but in hindsight, man. Reminded me of Dragon Age Inquisition, where several companion quests were a single cutscene.

Idk besides Paviti and Nyoka I didn't care about anyone. Which would be fine if the story wasn't centered around saving the colony. Fuck the colony. 98% of the people inside of it are ass. In other worlds, Fallout New Vegas is still the king.


Oct 27, 2017
There's really no better way to lend validity to your argument than whining about reviews

When the majority of the reviewers are gushing and saying hyperbolic shit like "Obsidian's best game!" and then you actually play through it, you kind of have to wonder what exactly they were fixating on. Part of the glowing praise seems more likely a knee-jerk reaction to Bethesda and simply hungering for something akin to this style of game, which we honestly haven't had since Fallout 4.

The game is decent, but it has numerous balancing issues, and the dialogue system is largely irrelevant aside from just seeing what extra lines you can get. The perks are mostly dull, the enemy variety is horribly lacking, the difficulty is lacking, and the map layouts are lacking. All that's left is the writing, which is above your average AAA game, but it's not the best Obsidian has done. I guess they are getting "bug free" points or something just because it has very little in the way of them for an Obsidian game?

Idk besides Paviti and Nyoka I didn't care about anyone. Which would be fine if the story wasn't centered around saving the colony. Fuck the colony. 98% of the people inside of it are ass. In other worlds, Fallout New Vegas is still the king.

Max had the best dialogue. I think I liked Nyoka the second most.
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Oct 27, 2017
I've only taken one flaw so far, Permanent Concussion, and that was a massive mistake, it gave me -7 to all Mind Attributes permanently. Definitely a downer on this playthrough.


Oct 25, 2017
When the majority of the reviewers are gushing and saying hyperbolic shit like "Obsidian's best game!" and then you actually play through it, you kind of have to wonder what exactly they were fixating on. Part of the glowing praise seems more likely a knee-jerk reaction to Bethesda and simply hungering for something akin to this style of game, which we honestly haven't had since Fallout 4.

The game is decent, but it has numerous balancing issues, and the dialogue system is largely irrelevant aside from just seeing what extra lines you can get. The perks are mostly dull, the enemy variety is horribly lacking, the difficulty is lacking, and the map layouts are lacking. All that's left is the writing, which is above your average AAA game, but it's not the best Obsidian has done. I guess they are getting "bug free" points or something just because it has very little in the way of them for an Obsidian game?

Max had the best dialogue. I think I liked Nyoka the second most.
This is pretty much where I'm at with this. It's ok but it's not omg goty! quality like some were saying imo.

I think Bethesda fucking everything up and fallout 4(again imo) in almost all respects being a worse game than 3 or Skyrim is playing into it.


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
When the majority of the reviewers are gushing and saying hyperbolic shit like "Obsidian's best game!" and then you actually play through it, you kind of have to wonder what exactly they were fixating on. Part of the glowing praise seems more likely a knee-jerk reaction to Bethesda and simply hungering for something akin to this style of game, which we honestly haven't had since Fallout 4.

The game is decent, but it has numerous balancing issues, and the dialogue system is largely irrelevant aside from just seeing what extra lines you can get. The perks are mostly dull, the enemy variety is horribly lacking, the difficulty is lacking, and the map layouts are lacking. All that's left is the writing, which is above your average AAA game, but it's not the best Obsidian has done. I guess they are getting "bug free" points or something just because it has very little in the way of them for an Obsidian game?

100% agree with this summary


Oct 27, 2017
I keep seeing comparisons to Mass Effect 1/2 which are amongst my favorite games of all time. What gives TOW that vibe beyond having multiple planets to visit?


Oct 24, 2019
When the majority of the reviewers are gushing and saying hyperbolic shit like "Obsidian's best game!" and then you actually play through it, you kind of have to wonder what exactly they were fixating on. Part of the glowing praise seems more likely a knee-jerk reaction to Bethesda and simply hungering for something akin to this style of game, which we honestly haven't had since Fallout 4.

The game is decent, but it has numerous balancing issues, and the dialogue system is largely irrelevant aside from just seeing what extra lines you can get. The perks are mostly dull, the enemy variety is horribly lacking, the difficulty is lacking, and the map layouts are lacking. All that's left is the writing, which is above your average AAA game, but it's not the best Obsidian has done. I guess they are getting "bug free" points or something just because it has very little in the way of them for an Obsidian game?

Max had the best dialogue. I think I liked Nyoka the second most.
Totally agree the game has major issues with it's entire reviews even seemed to mention them? Not the ones I read anyway.

Deleted member 18400

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I won't lie I didn't have much interest in this game as I hate Fallout.

However, having played like 4 hours I'm really digging it. The game is pretty and I love the color and art design. The combat is a little floaty and the game drops frames a lot on my One S, but I'm having a great time with it so far! Pleasantly surprised by how much it doesn't feel like Fallout so far.


PR guy at The Amplifier Group
Nov 29, 2017
God, the end credits suck!! No subtitles and the dialogue is low and muffled. I can barely hear. Speak up!!

Paviti's side quest was like paywalling cuteness. There was no meat, it was just running from point to point paying bits to further it. It was extremely cute, but in hindsight, man. Reminded me of Dragon Age Inquisition, where several companion quests were a single cutscene.

Idk besides Paviti and Nyoka I didn't care about anyone. Which would be fine if the story wasn't centered around saving the colony. Fuck the colony. 98% of the people inside of it are ass. In other worlds, Fallout New Vegas is still the king.

Probably one of my biggest disappointments with the game so far. There's so much potential with all of the companions, and each of their specific questlines feels so superficial.
Aug 13, 2019
Why even give the option to get an id badge at the end if they were gonna
spawn allies

I'm very upset right now.
Probably to give the player options? I like that I wasn't once forced to fire a single shot in the last level. The only time I pulled the trigger was to kill a character, whose name I forgot, because I wanted to. Otherwise, the final fight was relatively bloodless on my part. Of course, you could choose to join in the fighting if you want.


Oct 27, 2017
The more I play the less I'm impressed tbh. It's a good first try, but it needs a lot of work. It clearly needs a bigger budget and more interesting quests and environments.


Oct 25, 2017
I strolled through Tartarus and let my allies do the fighting. Don't recall firing a single bullet.

The final showdown was weak simply because there was a lack of proper buildup for Sophia. I think I had only one interaction with her before reaching the end. While I enjoyed being able to pocket the Chairman, I think both characters would've been better served had their places in the finale been swapped.


Oct 26, 2017
So I can't get Felix's side quest to unlock even though I've used him since I recruited him up to the point where I'm almost done with Monarch. Anyone have any other pointers for the unlock other than what is found online of it opening up after travelling with you for a certain point of time?


Oct 30, 2017
Are there any attributes checks that needs "very high" in perception? I'm trying to create a character, but it's annoying that you can only have 3 average and 3 high. I know there are a lot of perception dialogue checks and i don't want to have some locked away. I'm trying to make a "dialogue build", because i really hate when dialogue options are locked.

And if i make my perception "very high" then i will miss out on intelligence or charm.

Anyone else who have made a "dialogue build"?

Skill checks are based on your actual skills, not your attributes. The starting attributes just give you whatever bonus (like carrying capacity from strength) and determine your starting skills. You'll just want to spec into the dialogue skill tree when leveling.


Oct 29, 2017
I've only been able to put in like 10 or so hours but it's my favorite game of the year.

Its not perfect but it's a great first attempt at a new IP

Deleted member 18400

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017

People keep saying it's the new Fallout, but it's really not. You simply need to play for a few hours to notice it.

I mean I get why people would say that also. Many of the mechanics are ripped straight from Fallout.

But the colors and vibrant planets and the cool cities...also the weight limit isn't as annoying as it is in Fallout. You can carry a lot of shit in this game without it being a hindrance. Also I feel like I run out of ammo less often. So even the mechanics it does share seem less Falout-ish and more their own thing.


Oct 27, 2017
Skill checks are based on your actual skills, not your attributes. The starting attributes just give you whatever bonus (like carrying capacity from strength) and determine your starting skills. You'll just want to spec into the dialogue skill tree when leveling.

There are a handful of [Attribute] checks in the dialogue.

I mean I get why people would say that also. Many of the mechanics are ripped straight from Fallout.

But the colors and vibrant planets and the cool cities...also the weight limit isn't as annoying as it is in Fallout. You can carry a lot of shit in this game without it being a hindrance. Also I feel like I run out of ammo less often. So even the mechanics it does share seem less Falout-ish and more their own thing.

Been a while since I've played any of the Fallout games, but I don't remember needing so much money in them to upgrade weapons. In this game, you can carry around a bunch of weapons and armors, but their resell value is extremely low. If you aren't selling the excessive weapons and armors, you're just breaking them down to repair your weapons that lose durability way too fast. Also, besides consumables weighing little and the ammo weighing nothing, you kind of need to take the carrying perks to actually carry all that much anyway.
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Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
I must admit, my high opinion of the game has lowered a bit the more I play. I would say the most apparent improvements over something like New Vegas are certain aspects of the character system, such as increasing skills unlocking new abilities instead of just being purely passive or just being skill checks for dialogue or perks like in Fallout, and I find the player character dialogue options to be an improvement, allowing you to flesh out your personality more than you could in the likes of previous Obsidian games where a lot of dialogue options amounted to just asking questions.

Besides that, New Vegas still proves to be the better game. This game just feels pretty mindless and I find it's ultimately due to its lack of difficulty. No amount of investment in my character seems to matter to me when I'm kind of just flying through the game with no challenge set before me (not to mention, these perks are pretty bad, like almost Fallout 3 bad). The game pours bits on you, ammo and healing hypos are fucking everywhere, I kind of just talk my way through the entire game because dialogue is overly generous with easy speech checks between three different speech skills. I'm just flying through it with no thought at all, and it's starting to become a little bored is all, and I suppose it's no surprise I'm feeling all of this on Monarch just like everyone else, the cracks just start to show at that point in the game.

Game is still great, and my enthusiasm for the game early in tells me the got something good going here. They've recaptured the basic essence of Fallout and Mass Effect. Just need to work on making it a bit more compelling.
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Oct 25, 2017
When the majority of the reviewers are gushing and saying hyperbolic shit like "Obsidian's best game!" and then you actually play through it, you kind of have to wonder what exactly they were fixating on. Part of the glowing praise seems more likely a knee-jerk reaction to Bethesda and simply hungering for something akin to this style of game, which we honestly haven't had since Fallout 4.

The game is decent, but it has numerous balancing issues, and the dialogue system is largely irrelevant aside from just seeing what extra lines you can get. The perks are mostly dull, the enemy variety is horribly lacking, the difficulty is lacking, and the map layouts are lacking. All that's left is the writing, which is above your average AAA game, but it's not the best Obsidian has done. I guess they are getting "bug free" points or something just because it has very little in the way of them for an Obsidian game?
Yup, I'm honestly bit angry and feel lied to, but I guess that's what you get for listening to the hype machine.


Oct 27, 2017
oh i know that feeling, i had it when playing BOTW.

That is a game that I have actively been avoiding. Really liked the aesthetic, but everything about the game itself screams "stay away!". Anyway, I enjoyed my single playthrough with this game well enough I suppose, but it doesn't have enough variety to warrant more than a single replay, if even that. I got all the way to Groundbreaker a second time before having to quit.


Dec 18, 2017
Skill checks are based on your actual skills, not your attributes. The starting attributes just give you whatever bonus (like carrying capacity from strength) and determine your starting skills. You'll just want to spec into the dialogue skill tree when leveling.

Are you sure? Because i read on Reddit that there are lots of perception checks. Right now i'm thinking about making a build with "high" attributes in intelligence, perception and charm and then average in the other attributes. But i'm just a bit nervous that i need "very high" in the perception attribute. It's so annoying...


Oct 27, 2017
Well, I realized that I'm mindlessly going from point A to point B to complete quests without caring much. The dialogue and writing, while above average, are not mindblowing or anything and are not enough to carry the game any further. I give up. Thank god for Game Pass.
This was an OK effort from Obsidian I guess. They can do much much better though. I hope their next game delivers.


Oct 25, 2017
Started last night and put in a few hours

Really enjoy the clever updating of this formula. It feels so familiar but very clean and streamlined in smart ways

I get just enough new gear, weapons, and customization options on top of some great voice acting, choices, and writing.

Fun game in the first handful of hours. I hope it retains this charm throughout!


Oct 27, 2017
New York, NY
I keep seeing comparisons to Mass Effect 1/2 which are amongst my favorite games of all time. What gives TOW that vibe beyond having multiple planets to visit?
You're in charge of a ship with a talking AI, companions accompany you two at a time and have stuff to say. Locations are similarly self-contained and some of the mission design feels like it would be at home in Mass Effect, which can be both good and bad. From a presentation standpoint it's mostly Fallout and it's not as ambitious as the original ME trilogy, but there's definitely BioWare influence in there.