

Mar 23, 2020
They wanted to be the Last of Us to play.


the more times i replay it the more music grows for me. Its simply phenomenal

It is very good.

I've actually turned off listen mode, but still have it on easy. I feel like I'm up against it time-wise until Part 2 comes out, so just want to get the story.

Hope everyone is enjoying their first playthrough as well, and all you returnees!


Oct 25, 2017
I hate when people do this. Let people play it how they want without going in and telling how "the real experience" should be.

The reason I'm saying this is because based on my life experience and experiences from others, not playing this way offered worse gameplay.

I was THANKFUL that someone recommended this to me for a first time playthrough. I will never not offer suggestions


Oct 27, 2017
The reason I'm saying this is because based on my life experience and experiences from others, not playing this way offered worse gameplay.

I was THANKFUL that someone recommended this to me for a first time playthrough. I will never not offer suggestions

Then word it like a suggestion and not make it sound like someone is doing something wrong by playing any other way.


May 21, 2020
Spoiler free here: It's a game that is very memorable. It's a unique take on story that you're going to experience like no other. Enjoy.


Master of Balan Wonderworld
Oct 25, 2017
is the DLC bundled in?

The PS4 Remastered edition includes Left Behind, plus the multiplayer DLC, the added Grounded mode etc.

I'm pretty sure it is but for some reason they offer the DLC standalone too? Idk why someone would want to play just the DLC and not the main game tho

Probably for people who played The Last of Us on PS3 and wanted to play Left Behind on PS4 without having to buy the full $60 game again.

Now, the DLC is still $15 and the full game is $20. Just delist Left Behind and make the full game $15 already.


Prophet of Truth
Dec 8, 2017
Finally just started my second playthrough after 6 years.
Just got to the point where
Tess dies

I am still impressed with the environments and the sheer amount of unique assets and different locations ND puts you through in their games.
If part 2 is anything like this (and coming from the monumental Uncharted 4 I expect something similar) we really haven't seen anything from the game.

I suck at stealth though. Playing with listen mode disabled is inconceivable to me.


Oct 27, 2017
New Jersey
Finally just started my second playthrough after 6 years.
Just got to the point where
Tess dies

I am still impressed with the environments and the sheer amount of unique assets and different locations ND puts you through in their games.
If part 2 is anything like this (and coming from the monumental Uncharted 4 I expect something similar) we really haven't seen anything from the game.

I suck at stealth though. Playing with listen mode disabled is inconceivable to me.

I can't believe how bad I am at stealth now. When I played through it years ago I was good. Now I'm just like, well fuck it guess I'm going loud.


Oct 17, 2018
But don't do this for a first time play through because that would be silly.
That's what I did, and I don't think it's silly at all. Imo you don't really need listen mode as long as you have stereo sound (or even less with surround). Yeah, you won't always know where enemies are but that's part of the challenge and fun.
Dec 6, 2017
I'm playing on Survivor and are Clickers still an automatic OHKO without the shiv (which I basically never have) on lower difficulty levels?


Linked the Fire
May 9, 2020
The reason I'm saying this is because based on my life experience and experiences from others, not playing this way offered worse gameplay.

I was THANKFUL that someone recommended this to me for a first time playthrough. I will never not offer suggestions
defiantly prefer listen mode on but can't play below hard difficulty because I feel like I have to much ammo


Oct 25, 2017
Based on Last of Us II previews, hard mode is recommended again. Not sure how no listening - need to read more previews.


Mar 23, 2020
Yea I just realized you can switch difficulties during a playthrough. Really trying to power through this one but I'm losing hope lol

This is why I have it on easy mode lol. Really want to play through it quick enough - but not by rushing it - before Part 2 comes out.

Still early in early game with Tess and Ellie, just past the museum. Taking my time and really enjoying it. Feels a bit clunky at times but then the game is 7 years old. Says it all about the story and characters that I barely notice this, though.

Can't wait to play some more tonight! (Though with current events gaming seems a bit empty...).


Oct 26, 2017
Yea I just realized you can switch difficulties during a playthrough. Really trying to power through this one but I'm losing hope lol

What are you struggling with? Remember, there's no need to kill everything. Narratively it makes more sense to sneak past lots of the encounters.

I'm playing through on Hard at the moment but I wouldn't recommend it if you've Played before. I should have gone survivor.

I basically have max inventory the whole time which wrecks the immersion a fair bit.


Oct 26, 2017
Clickers aren't that bad, if there is just a single clicker you can easily kill them with a brick (equip brick and melee them). If there are multiple clickers just throw something to make noise and they will rush to that position, then throw a molotov cocktail.

To be honest, I don't really like the one-hit-kill mechanic. Imo it kind of makes the game less thrilling / immersive. You see some dangerous enemies, you fight... and then you just die. And then you try again. And again. At that point you aren't scared anymore, and it feels just like a typical video game. It would be much more thrilling / scary if you just barely survived a fight.


Oct 27, 2017
Finished chapter 9 yesterday. I played in 2013 (launch) so I hardly remembered anything beside the major events. It's still as good as day one and totally feels current gen top level. Stunning.


Oct 25, 2017
I replayed it when Remastered came out and even beat Grounded mode. That was a real challenge, that and Survivor mode are the only way to get real survival gameplay, resource management was key. Now I've just started my first run in 6 years and I'm just going through it for the story. Still looks really good on a Pro downsampled to 1080p. I still remember the opening shot for shot.
Dec 6, 2017
What are you struggling with? Remember, there's no need to kill everything. Narratively it makes more sense to sneak past lots of the encounters.

I'm playing through on Hard at the moment but I wouldn't recommend it if you've Played before. I should have gone survivor.

I basically have max inventory the whole time which wrecks the immersion a fair bit.

Well I'm a pretty weird case in terms of what constitutes immersion to me. When a game takes control away from me, that's at the top of my list of immersion breaking and TLoU infuriates me with its near-constant interruptions. When it's not funneling me from cutscene to cutscene, I do love the environmental storytelling and atmosphere but I just think the gameplay is frustrating in that it has so much promise yet devolves into repetitive Clicker OHKOs and melee button mashing too often. The fact the game has a "restart encounter" option speaks volumes to me. I was playing on Survivor and the resources are so limited that yes, it's tense and I really liked that, but it too often devolves into tedious trial and error of pressing reset on your current combat arena because you whiffed one shot and alerted several clickers and other Infected. I vastly prefer the human enemies. The repetition of retrying combat arenas over and over and having to ultra-slow-sneak past Clickers again and again nearly made me rage quit. I put it down to Hard and now I find it slightly too easy weirdly enough. I don't know, I just can't in a groove with this game and I find its slightly-updated Manhunt gameplay surprisingly archaic and stiff for a 2013 title.

Right now I view it as a subpar stealth game with mediocre TPS elements carried by its flashy window dressing. I'm sure I'm opening myself up to 'the game can be played like this and you suck' posts but that's my honest opinion right now and I love learning new gameplay mechanics and a hefty challenge. I've really tried with this game but I just don't see it and I can't say I have much of an interest in the characters either. Again, I do think the atmosphere and environmental storytelling are really good but I wish they would've let those strengths carry the story a bit more than constantly interrupting the flow with yet another Captain Obvious moment of a cutscene.

I have a hard time dropping games once I've invested a decent amount of time into them so I'm just venting I guess because I do see the parts that keep me playing like I said. It's always harder to be down on a game with great graphics, overall aesthetics and high production values but I'm not sure I'd rather this higher than a 6/10 right now despite all that.


Jan 14, 2019
San Jose, Costa Rica
Played it back in 2015 or 2016.

I actually waited more than 1 year before
once I reached the part where you have to turn on a generator in a basement. That was the definition of anti-fun for me

I overall liked the game but the pop-in in the outdoors and rendering distance was sometimes distracting (grass, shadows, objects) and felt weird for the level of IQ and polish I expect from a Naughty Dog game, a REMASTERED one at that. Also, the overall minute to minute gameplay with each infected encounter wasn't great to me.

I could watch someone else replay it on YouTube, and I'm thinking of maybe doing that for part 2. I did like it, dont get me wrong, but it stressed me out and the gameplay wasn't incredible. The story was the big thing to me.

(In comparison, I find the minute to minute gameplay in Uncharted incredible fun, like an Indiana Jones power fantasy)


Oct 27, 2017
Glad you're enjoying it. I don't think I could really play a game like that right now with what's going on (it's been the same with movies/TV, which is why I'm working my way through Hayao Miyazaki's films on HBO Max), but I loved it when I played it on PS3. Didn't do any of the MP, but got all the SP trophies and enjoyed my repeat playthroughs on the higher/est difficulties. I'm both excited and hesitant about TLOU2.


Oct 25, 2017
Played til you meet Bill. What's surprised me most so far is how natural the context sensitive melee combat feels. If you're punching someone close to a container or wall, Joel'll use it to get an easy finisher and it makes the combat more natural. It's been 7 years and I don't think I've played any games that have adapted this. There are some games with wall attacks but here it doesn't require a seperate input. I don't really remember if it was like this in the later Uncharted games.

Otherwise I just have a lot of Grounded mode flashbacks of really hard checkpoints, like one of the early Clicker encounters in the skyscraper. Remember that taking me so many tries to clear.

Fancy Clown

Oct 25, 2017
Played til you meet Bill. What's surprised me most so far is how natural the context sensitive melee combat feels. If you're punching someone close to a container or wall, Joel'll use it to get an easy finisher and it makes the combat more natural. It's been 7 years and I don't think I've played any games that have adapted this. There are some games with wall attacks but here it doesn't require a seperate input. I don't really remember if it was like this in the later Uncharted games.

Otherwise I just have a lot of Grounded mode flashbacks of really hard checkpoints, like one of the early Clicker encounters in the skyscraper. Remember that taking me so many tries to clear.

yeah it took me a while to "readjust" to the graphics and animations just because I didn't fully appreciate *how* much of a jump Uncharted 4 is, but the one thing that immediately still impressed me was all the contextual melee stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
Well I'm a pretty weird case in terms of what constitutes immersion to me. When a game takes control away from me, that's at the top of my list of immersion breaking and TLoU infuriates me with its near-constant interruptions. When it's not funneling me from cutscene to cutscene, I do love the environmental storytelling and atmosphere but I just think the gameplay is frustrating in that it has so much promise yet devolves into repetitive Clicker OHKOs and melee button mashing too often. The fact the game has a "restart encounter" option speaks volumes to me. I was playing on Survivor and the resources are so limited that yes, it's tense and I really liked that, but it too often devolves into tedious trial and error of pressing reset on your current combat arena because you whiffed one shot and alerted several clickers and other Infected. I vastly prefer the human enemies. The repetition of retrying combat arenas over and over and having to ultra-slow-sneak past Clickers again and again nearly made me rage quit. I put it down to Hard and now I find it slightly too easy weirdly enough. I don't know, I just can't in a groove with this game and I find its slightly-updated Manhunt gameplay surprisingly archaic and stiff for a 2013 title.

Right now I view it as a subpar stealth game with mediocre TPS elements carried by its flashy window dressing. I'm sure I'm opening myself up to 'the game can be played like this and you suck' posts but that's my honest opinion right now and I love learning new gameplay mechanics and a hefty challenge. I've really tried with this game but I just don't see it and I can't say I have much of an interest in the characters either. Again, I do think the atmosphere and environmental storytelling are really good but I wish they would've let those strengths carry the story a bit more than constantly interrupting the flow with yet another Captain Obvious moment of a cutscene.

I have a hard time dropping games once I've invested a decent amount of time into them so I'm just venting I guess because I do see the parts that keep me playing like I said. It's always harder to be down on a game with great graphics, overall aesthetics and high production values but I'm not sure I'd rather this higher than a 6/10 right now despite all that.
Pretty interesting because from what I've seen, more people actually like fighting the infected more because of unpredictability.
It sounds like it's just not really the type of game for you overall though if you aren't into the cycle of mixing story and then gameplay and back to story....and if you don't like the characters.


"This guy are sick"
Nov 27, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Nice. I've actually been debating doing the hardest mode playthrough before 2 comes out. Beat the second hardest a few years back and was telling myself to come back and finish at some point. Now might be the time.


Jul 21, 2018
Well I'm a pretty weird case in terms of what constitutes immersion to me. When a game takes control away from me, that's at the top of my list of immersion breaking and TLoU infuriates me with its near-constant interruptions. When it's not funneling me from cutscene to cutscene, I do love the environmental storytelling and atmosphere but I just think the gameplay is frustrating in that it has so much promise yet devolves into repetitive Clicker OHKOs and melee button mashing too often. The fact the game has a "restart encounter" option speaks volumes to me. I was playing on Survivor and the resources are so limited that yes, it's tense and I really liked that, but it too often devolves into tedious trial and error of pressing reset on your current combat arena because you whiffed one shot and alerted several clickers and other Infected. I vastly prefer the human enemies. The repetition of retrying combat arenas over and over and having to ultra-slow-sneak past Clickers again and again nearly made me rage quit. I put it down to Hard and now I find it slightly too easy weirdly enough. I don't know, I just can't in a groove with this game and I find its slightly-updated Manhunt gameplay surprisingly archaic and stiff for a 2013 title.

Right now I view it as a subpar stealth game with mediocre TPS elements carried by its flashy window dressing. I'm sure I'm opening myself up to 'the game can be played like this and you suck' posts but that's my honest opinion right now and I love learning new gameplay mechanics and a hefty challenge. I've really tried with this game but I just don't see it and I can't say I have much of an interest in the characters either. Again, I do think the atmosphere and environmental storytelling are really good but I wish they would've let those strengths carry the story a bit more than constantly interrupting the flow with yet another Captain Obvious moment of a cutscene.

I have a hard time dropping games once I've invested a decent amount of time into them so I'm just venting I guess because I do see the parts that keep me playing like I said. It's always harder to be down on a game with great graphics, overall aesthetics and high production values but I'm not sure I'd rather this higher than a 6/10 right now despite all that.
Just sounds like the game isn't for you tbh , I've played it like 5 times on different difficulties and honestly never realized that there was or really needed the restart encounter function

Fancy Clown

Oct 25, 2017
One of the best parts of The Last of Us's combat encounters is that they're at their most fun when they go wrong. The frantic improvisation is the point. It's cool they have a restart encounter function, but blowing all my resources on what should have been a minor scuffle is part of the fun.


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
Revisiting the game 7 years later the only thing I don't really care for is the very obviously "game-y" moments, like walking into an area that's clearly an arena for an incoming shootout, and I guess some of the ladder/platforming bits. But nothing terrible by any means. I hope they tone that stuff down or make it more dynamic in TLOU 2.


Oct 25, 2017
Revisiting the game 7 years later the only thing I don't really care for is the very obviously "game-y" moments, like walking into an area that's clearly an arena for an incoming shootout, and I guess some of the ladder/platforming bits. But nothing terrible by any means. I hope they tone that stuff down or make it more dynamic in TLOU 2.

They acknowledged that was an issue with the original. For PII they've said they've designed the world where you shouldn't be able to notice a difference between exploration spaces and combat spaces. Everything should just look like a natural place.

Fancy Clown

Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, they've said that both of those things were the major pieces of criticism they took to heart for Part 2 actually.


Linked the Fire
May 9, 2020
can you guys share some links or recommend some playlist of your favorite last of us 1 letsplays. it's really hard for me to search without getting spoiled from stuff like autofill and bad thumbnails