
Oct 27, 2017
heres a choice quote from Eurogamer:
"The story will eventually speak for itself in the full context of the game, but as for the extended gameplay section we've played, it shows that in terms of gorgeous, terrifying spectacle and scrappy, panicked survival, The Last of Us is still unrivalled."


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't read any negative stuff so far.

The Last of Us: Part II - Final Impressions

Eirik shares his likes and dislikes after taking one last look at Naughty Dog's upcoming post-apocalyptic adventure.
Stupid Enemies
While it's very immersive and impressive to hear enemies call out to each other and outflank me in smart ways, they still aren't the sharpest tools in the shed in specific circumstances. Both they and your partners are so much smarter than they were in the original, but the immersion will still get some nasty cracks the few times your partner messes up and decides to run or take cover right in the sightline of an enemy who must have been struck by a sudden case of temporary blindness. They also don't react to their environment as cleverly as they could; would you really go over to that spot where your friends' bodies were piled up?

Too Easy
Stupid enemies make the game quite easy at times, but those who are looking for a challenge should take note of another thing as well. I played on 'normal' difficulty my first time around, and that made exploring a bit boring at times because I'd already reached max capacity for most of the resources I found. A weird thing to complain about when this is one of the many fabulous ways Naughty Dog has made the game more accessible, but I recommend playing the game on hard or higher if you're an experienced player who prefers slitting throats instead of pretending to be The Terminator. Rifling through drawers and searching vehicles was much more engaging the second time around for me when I played on 'hard', as that both lead to fewer resources in the world and more challenging enemies.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
Been telling myself I'm not gonna get it for two reasons. Don't want that kind of bleakness right now, and I found the original's shooting to be bad. Gotta admit the Easy Allies video has me thinknig...maybe down the road.


Oct 28, 2017
From Metro:

"The Last Of Us Part 2 isn't open world but there are large open-ended areas and the hospital is a particularly big one for combat. All you're trying to do is get to an elevator at the back of the ground floor but it's entirely up to you how you get there. You'll need to be stealthy whatever you do, but whether that means killing people in secret or simply avoiding them is your choice."

Exactly what I wanted to hear. Cannot wait.

s y

Nov 8, 2017
shame about listen mode. Was hoping I could turn it off.

Love how big the game sounds.


Oct 25, 2017
Cologne, GERMANY
Really like this one

Enemy encounters are frequent, but it's credit to Naughty Dog that each one feels different to the last. Whether that be down to the variety in enemy type, items at your disposal, or your chosen playstyle, every fight feels dynamic. You can go in with a plan, but have to think quickly on your feet as Ellie's cover is blown or a new threat enters the scene. The combat of The Last of Us Part 2 is constantly rotating between heart-pounding tension and brutal butchery and forms a circle of violence that is wholly unpleasant, but necessary for the story it is trying to tell.
From IGN


The Flagpole is Wider
Oct 25, 2017
From Metro:

"The Last Of Us Part 2 isn't open world but there are large open-ended areas and the hospital is a particularly big one for combat. All you're trying to do is get to an elevator at the back of the ground floor but it's entirely up to you how you get there. You'll need to be stealthy whatever you do, but whether that means killing people in secret or simply avoiding them is your choice."

Exactly what I wanted to hear. Cannot wait.

That is fantastic, wish they would have let us done that in the first game as well.

There was plently of moments in that game were I wanted to just stealth through but couldn't.


Being sued right now, please help me find a lawyer
Oct 25, 2017
This all sounds amazing.


Oct 27, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
Ok so, some previews talk about better Ai, then few others said enemies are stupid and easy to exploit. I guess i need to hear from Era early impressions if the game really is easier than first one on harder difficulties.


Oct 25, 2017
Here's ours. Our reviewer has finished the entire game on Survival (hardest available) difficulty and talks about how that affects gameplay for this preview. No spoilers.


We Cranked The Last of Us 2 to ‘Survivor’ Difficulty, It Left None - PowerUp!

Thanks to insanely early review code, I have a full Survivor playthrough of The Last of Us 2 under my belt. Naughty Dog's much anticipated much-delayed offering is done. It's dusted. I can lay down my DualShock and wonder what's causing these weird buttock pains. I'm guessing it was the hanging...
This preview makes it sound like the best classic stealth (ie observing patrols, carefully timing your evasion) in years


Aug 11, 2019
I played on normal in TLOU and will do the same in TLOU2, I ain't every good at video games so that will be hard enough for me. I didn't use that vision shit in the first game and won't in this game either, which I guess helps with difficulty. People said FF7:R was easy on normal and I still found it hard enough haha, I might on PS5 play at higher difficulty though for TLOU2 but besides that, the game sounds great!

Fancy Clown

Oct 25, 2017
Not sure if I'll do hard or survivor yet. Survivor is my preferred difficulty in the first game, but if it's significantly harder here I might just stick with hard.

Really like this one

From IGN

Interesting that enemy encounters are really frequent. After Uncharted 4 and The Lost Legacy, I assumed ND was de-emphasizing combat in their games in relation to the other elements, but it sounds like it's the biggest core of the game here. I'm not surprised it's so dynamic, I'm replaying the first currently and that one has a lot fewer options and much smaller levels and I'm still finding encounters to play out completely differently compared to the last times I've gone through the game.


Oct 27, 2017
Tbh listen mode not being switchable means the game is designed around using it this time. The first game felt too easy when you used listen mode, and kinda annoying when you turned it off.


Oct 25, 2017
This's a very limited preview. Only allowed to talk about the portion we saw at E3 and the latest state of play, so no story spoiler.
Oct 27, 2017
How is the UI text size and the like? Some games have really tiny text which I guess is because developers are using big ass 4k tvs. Not everyone has that.

Sorry, if it's in the previews already but I dont wanna read any yet.
The Verge says one of the many accessibility options is being able to make the UI larger, you can also use the touchpad to zoom in on the screen like a smartphone.