Out of those nominated, what's your pick for Game Of The Year

  • Control

    Votes: 368 9.8%
  • Death Stranding

    Votes: 784 21.0%
  • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

    Votes: 999 26.7%
  • Resident Evil 2

    Votes: 687 18.4%
  • Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

    Votes: 627 16.8%
  • The Outer Worlds

    Votes: 272 7.3%

  • Total voters

leng jai

Nov 2, 2017
No Luigi's Mansion, A Plague's Tale or Disco Elysium for GOTY, spare me. Everyone whining about Death Stranding but The Outer Worlds winning GOTY would be an embarrassment. What a bland year.

How did A Plague's Tale not even get nominated for best music or art direction?


Oct 27, 2017
Death Stranding having so many nominations is super side eye worthy, especially it having two nominations in a single category is just ridiculous.
The best performance award? It's a game filled with top actors and great performances, what do you want? It's not unusual at the oscars for the same movie to have different actors nominated for the same category. If it helps I think Troy Baker should have been nominated as well. Regarding that category, I really didn't like Faden from Control, even if I enjoyed the game. That performance had zero emotional investment.


Sep 27, 2019
I'm pleasantly shocked that FFXIV is nominated for best RPG. Shadowbringers is the best Final Fantasy release in 20+ years and the game as a whole is one of the best in the entire series.

Too bad it'll lose to Monster Hunter World, but it's nice that it's finally got some mainstream recognition.
This.. but I still have hope for FF XIV to win it.. Shadowbringers expansion is the best RPG story I've played in decades. The OST and the battles are also insanely good.


Oct 25, 2017
A shame Disco Elysium, Pathologic 2, and Devotion are hardly represented but oh well...it is The Game Awards.

Horror is never popular with critics in any medium.

Here's a list of actresses robbed of an Oscar because they were in horror film:

Betty Davis in What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?

Veronica Cartwright in Alien deserved a nomination

Ellen Burstyn lost two times for The Exorcist and Requiem For a Dream

Toni Colette in Hereditary was not even nominated which is a tragedy

And finally we have Shelly Duvall in The Shining. She gave an excellent performance which got her a Razzi award nomination... Her performance is acclaimed now but at that time she was panned which shows how critics can't critique horror films.

Horror games need to be scary, and not everyone can be scared the same way. Some like the dread of horror games, others enjoy the jumpscares, some prefer the fear of the unknown etc...

If the game doesn't scare a critic it then it already lost the acclaim, what it has left is to be fun or have an interesting theme and plot to save it.


Oct 29, 2017
Funny that I like a game on the Best Mobile Game and Best Indie Game more than any on the GOTY list.

Majora's Mask

Oct 26, 2017
Out of the nominees I've only played Smash and Resident Evil 2. Sad that Fire Emblem didn't make the cut but I understand it.

It will still be GOTY in my heart at least.


Oct 27, 2017
Sekiro > RE2 > Control >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Outer Worlds. I have yet to play Smash, Death Stranding or Disco but I really think DMC5 should be up there somewhere.


Oct 27, 2017
The best performance award? It's a game filled with top actors and great performances, what do you want? It's not unusual at the oscars for the same movie to have different actors nominated for the same category. If it helps I think Troy Baker should have been nominated as well. Regarding that category, I really didn't like Faden from Control, even if I enjoyed the game. That performance had zero emotional investment.

I'm totally onboard with Mads' nomination (even if I thought he was a bit underutilized). Also really enjoyed Troy Baker as well. But Reedus was a non entity in that game, very bland. I'm gonna chalk that up to the material he was given, but he don't hang with the rest of the nominations for me.

Outer Wilds, Disco Elysium and Plague Tale deserve goty nods as well. Sekiro is my pick, though all 6 nominations are good to great games.


Oct 25, 2017
Forgot to praise the Metro Exodus nom in Best Action game. Now that´s a modern shooter. It would call it shooter of the year but you can´t beat REmake 2.
The gameplay of Metro Exodus was absolutely dreadful imho. I played on a Pro at launch and it honestly felt broken. Shooting was stilted and it controlled like shit. Graphics were incredible though. I'm amazed it has been nominated.


Alt Account
Sep 26, 2019
Stealth and combat may not be the most important systems in the game but they still play a major role, let's not downplay it. Most of the set pieces are combat focused and stealth is a big part of traversal when BTs are involved (which is actually a lot in the main missions with the scripted timefalls). And honestly even if we weren't talking about the creator of MGS, they're still very shallow systems on their own right. Especially stealth trasforms eldritch encounters in a mundane task incredibly fast, it's a big negative since BTs are a big draw of the world and lore. Combat would be more easily justifiable if it wasn't for some really poor boss encounters/set pieces. Considering how previous games from the same director excelled in boss design, combat and stealth it stings even more.
Downplay what? People are trying to compare DS to MGS, a game with the byline "Stealth Action". Two elements that were literally the entire gameplay focus of the series. You NEED to engage in either one to complete a mission. That's not rhe case with DS. You can avoid BT areas and trek through MULE areas or vice versa. You can even avoid both and trek through the longer, harsher, steeper environment. And its about what you plan to bring along with you in each of those treks. Just going to wing it? Well you're either going to be caught on a mountain you can't climb, a cliff you can't get down, a MULE camp you can't just run past or a BT area you can't avoid. If you're unprepared all of these obstacles can damage or outright ruin your packages. I'm honestly surprised when I read people trying to down play these, especially later on the enemies and amount in deliveries scale with you abilities and I've honestly found myself in a number of unquie situations due to being unprepared. The game's not Souls level hard or anything like that, but the systems definitely lend themselves to some cool encounters. I also think a lot of the people not getting the most out of them are the people to engaging in the multiplayer aspect which honestly plays a massive part.

I think games like Spider-Man or Uncharted have pretty servicable but shallow stealth. Like a I said DS isn't MGS level but it's still good and it fits the world well. They're disembodied floating ghosts, not highly trained KBG operatives. I also agree that the boss fights aren't the best Kojima has designed, nothing he's done since MGS3 has, but I think the designs are pretty cool especially with how they alter that environment and they make a really nice change of pace in my opinion.

I don't need MGS tier stealth but the BT sections lack anything that is actually engaging about stealth gameplay at all. They become super simple and are very hard to "fail", as they're easy to shake off even with a giant stack of luggage.

That definitely isn't my only issue with the game though. I personally just wanted death stranding to be harsher in general about not planning a route out properly. The game instead ends up being pretty easy, you can autoorganize your cargo all the time and there's little reason not to, having a massive weight load isn't very detrimental in general as you can still skyrim climb up mostly everything. The moment the game gives you a harsher environment where stamina stands out more you get incredibly strong ziplines to set up a network and skip around everything.

It's just a game that felt all over the place to me. There is something genuinely engaging at the core of it all, that I specifically felt a lot in chapter 3, but the game starts to stray from that later on in ways that I didn't enjoy, and the ending chunk in general is by far the weakest part of the game which ends things on a sour note.

If someone loves the game then I'd get it, since there is something appealing in the general A to B traversal. But it didn't go far enough for me personally, and everything that isn't the pure traversal actively kind of sucks to me.

Not sure what difficulty you played on, I played on hard (I assume you did as well) but I definitely noticed that with a lighter load BT could be shaken off easily but if I was carrying a tonne it was near impossible. Not to mention vehicles are basically a certainty to get caught by BTs. So weight without question played a noticeable impact in the encounters I experienced.

Again the stealth isn't MGS level but I feel you're seriously downplaying the level of engagement in it. You actively have to pay attention to the sensor and move around BTs if you want to avoid them, often times leading you down longer paths that are going to expose you to timefall for longer and ruin you packages. Other times you're down a blind ally and are going to run into them so it's either sprint away or engage them.

Auto-organzing is fine. I can honestly see the mass amount of people that would have been insanely pissed off had the game forced you to individually orientate and stack each package. People are already pissed off because you need to press L2 and R2 to balance yourself. Auto organzing is a welcome quality of life addition.

Also don't agree with Skyrim climbing with a mass amount of packages. On multiple occasions I've overstretched and fallen. Not to mention weighing up the various skeletons and the trade off and benefits each have.

In terms if ziplines and the rest, I actually think the game does a good job of initially introducing difficulty for the player that they manually need to overcome and then rewarding them tools to make them easier after. Ian from Easy Allies actually complained about the difficulty in that regard. Said the game gave you a bunch of cool stuff to over come obstacles but then immediately put 2 new obstacles in the way that made it harder and negated the cool tools you just got. So not everyone sees it the same way.

Going off on tangent here anyway. My point was that yeah the stealth and combat are not the deepest of the games systems, they aren't really supposed to be anyway. But nearly every other systems is pretty dense in all honesty.
Last edited:


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
No Luigi's Mansion, A Plague's Tale or Disco Elysium for GOTY, spare me. Everyone whining about Death Stranding but The Outer Worlds winning GOTY would be an embarrassment. What a bland year.

How did A Plague's Tale not even get nominated for best music or art direction?
Is Luigi's Mansion really that good?


Oct 27, 2017
I know Death Stranding is going to win because TGA lacks the balls to give it to the real winner that is Resident evil 2 imo.


Oct 26, 2017
lol as expected geoff is trying really hard to make kojima win something
MHWIB being only in 1 category and it's best RPG, wasn't it the same for MHW?


PR guy at The Amplifier Group
Nov 29, 2017
Geoff said that games can be elegible whenever, judges just have to vote for them.

I guess that makes even less sense to me, but whatever. As far as mobile games go, would be nice to have more games on there that are exclusively mobile. I love me some Sayonara Wild Hearts, but I would never really consider that a mobile title.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
Kudos to them for not having NBA 2K in the best sports game nominations.

But this is the first time in a while where looking at those GOTY choices where nothing really jumped out at me.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
im stuck on a category and dunno who to pick

best performance

ive narrowed it down to Ashly Burch as Parvati, Matthew Porretta as Dr. Darling, and Norman Reedus as Sam Porter

i really liked all of their acting


Apr 15, 2018
Glad to see The Outer Worlds in the GOTY nominees where it deserves. Also, it's no surprise that Disco Elysium fanboys on every forum are butthurt about that.


The cutest v-tuber
Oct 25, 2017
Just beat death stranding. God damn did Tommy Lee Jenkins get fuckin robbed. Thought Norman was good and Mads was amazing. But Tommy Lee acted his ass off and just elevated that ending.


Oct 27, 2017
Just beat death stranding. God damn did Tommy Lee Jenkins get fuckin robbed. Thought Norman was good and Mads was amazing. But Tommy Lee acted his ass off and just elevated that ending.

Honestly, might be a hot take but I believe while Tommy showed incredible talent the scene to me was a bit too much. It reminded me how originally Troy grieving his daughter in TLOU was much more gut wrenching and Neil Druckmann asked him to redo the scene because it thought it was too much and in the end it ended being much more subtle and realistic imo.

For instance Mads has a more emotional and subtle scene imo.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly, might be a hot take but I believe while Tommy showed incredible talent the scene to me was a bit too much. It reminded me how originally Troy grieving his daughter in TLOU was much more gut wrenching and Neil Druckmann asked him to redo the scene because it thought it was too much and in the end it ended being much more subtle and realistic imo.

For instance Mads has a more emotional and subtle scene imo.

I think the Tommie Earl Jenkins scene is amazing, but Mads had a lot more to work with.