
Oct 27, 2017
This game seems like more division

Im struggling to see any massive changes outside the location.

Its not leaving much to the imagination either with everything basically mapped out and planned out. I don't even feel the incentive to explore my environment or look for points of interest but I suppose they are completely doubling down on the gameplay loop

Start mission, follow waypoints, kill bad guys, get loot

Thats fine and sure to be excellent with friends. The loot is Diablo-esque basically having various percentage performance increases. Standard and addicting for min maxing but ultimately more boring than perks that change gameplay (which is why I still really love Destiny's handling of loot creation)

My takeaway is that Ubisoft once again makes excellent comfort food gaming but doesn't seem to blow me away. Its kind of a "i guess ill play this since ive finished the other games that came out" kind of game. Not even sure If I would buy this over Anthem since at least Anthem tickles me a bit more with its unique traversal options even if it falters in other areas.

One improvement I found was to turn off the waypoint line (go into map and press R3, or L3, I forget which). Makes you pay more attention to the environment and stuff. Give it a try :)
Oct 26, 2017
Anyone else also had the sound just completely going away? It started during a side mission. I stopped hearing the guns and sound all the audio was gone, lol.

Audio wise it's just goddamn bad anyway, for a TC Ubi game I expect much better. Guns don't sound powerful at all, there's zero bass when firing or hearing a grenade explode. At times the audio is just of, with everything (voices, footsteps etc) sounding tinny as hell, like you're in a bathroom.

That being said I didn't expect to enjoy it much but I ended up really enjoying the missions I did with buddies.


Oct 25, 2017
One improvement I found was to turn off the waypoint line (go into map and press R3, or L3, I forget which). Makes you pay more attention to the environment and stuff. Give it a try :)

Yeah also being able to toggle most UI elements on and off is nice

One positive thing is the options available and QOL improvements are noticable


Oct 27, 2017
I'm starting late so what counts as the "end game mission" to get the skin and whatever unlocked for the actual release?
Oct 27, 2017
Yea I just don't think the Division works anymore now that more of these games are hitting the market. The setting is just way too limiting in a genre that needs unique fun abilities and variety in character builds and loot to stay fresh over long periods of time. They also made the gunplay worse which is just one of the things that has seemed to regress from the first game.
I wouldn't judge The Division 2 based on low-level gear/weapons that you see in the beta nor would I judge it based on the High-end/Superior gear from the characters in the endgame mission even though they feel better in comparison.

The gunplay/gameplay gets much better as you acquire gear and start perfecting (min/maxing) builds. Stuff like stability perks/talents can be a significant change in the way weapons feel. We don't know what the Exotic weapons/gear are nor what Gear Sets will be available so the idea that the game doesn't have any fun unique abilities is currently baseless.

Given what became of D1 with regular/Classified gear sets and Exotic gear/weapons there should be plenty of uniqueness to set it apart especially given the seemingly limited setting/tone of game's universe.
Dec 4, 2017
Played the past two nights on Pro, I've seen some major issues. Textures that flat out refuse to load, for example a lot of the cars that I passed on my first night just had octagonal wheels, posters were not loading, billboards, roads and pavements not having any sort of texture except blur, foliage was popping in like crazy. I have even seen the whole map disappear numerous times and had to be guided by a friend I was with, I was just walking around a white void essentially.

Frame rate at least isn't that bad but man are there HUGE issues with LOD systems and things refusing to load for me. Such a shame and I hope they fix this up a lot by release.

Anybody else suffering this severely on Pro?

Yep, game is glitchy af.

I too have had the white void issue, though just on ground textures.

I've also had fires that are just radiating orange squares, low-res textures on close up objects, some severe rubber banding and bizarre black screens where I have have to boot up from scratch again.

Curious whether it's just an issue on Pro or whether base PS4 and Xbox are having similar issues.


"This guy are sick"
Ok, got a chance to do some group missions last night. I like how they are handling the armored enemies. Missions were actually fun. Destroying the armor makes a hell of a difference when dealing with bullet spongy enemies.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 30, 2017
Anyone else also had the sound just completely going away? It started during a side mission. I stopped hearing the guns and sound all the audio was gone, lol.

Audio wise it's just goddamn bad anyway, for a TC Ubi game I expect much better. Guns don't sound powerful at all, there's zero bass when firing or hearing a grenade explode. At times the audio is just of, with everything (voices, footsteps etc) sounding tinny as hell, like you're in a bathroom.

That being said I didn't expect to enjoy it much but I ended up really enjoying the missions I did with buddies.

This happened to me because my bluetooth headphones have a microphone. I had to disable the microphone in Windows to get it to always play audio again.


Apr 3, 2018
Ok, got a chance to do some group missions last night. I like how they are handling the armored enemies. Missions were actually fun. Destroying the armor makes a hell of a difference when dealing with bullet spongy enemies.

Yes, I like this way better and hope to have more variety of enemies going forward. At this point massive might as well have some DLC that wakes up the dead like that show the strain and add that to the story as we watch and try to prevent this from going world wide but sequels continue to play from different parts of the world with the addition of trying to communicate with those we have played with before in previous games.

I know the zombie is getting out of hand but this game is perfect for it if done right.


Oct 27, 2017
The bomber drone is worthless. Near impossible to effectively use while in cover during a firefight and it doesn't stealth against anyone but the most basic mobs when using it as a preemptive strike. Not feeling the sniper turret either. Too much active targeting during a fight and the lock on and then fire button presses never seem to be consistent. The exsplosive seeker is the only skill that felt consistent and impactful during the beta. Not sure if skill mods sort some of these issues out. I guess if I could get a bomb drone that flies 2x faster and drops like 9 bombs... that would be fun.


Has got mad skills!!
Oct 27, 2017
After saying I would not play anymore I read about the patch reward for beating the invaded mission so I hopped back on.

That was a real blast - super aggressive enemies and a good challenge. This being without a lot of the optimisation & gear that the end game will bring.

I am now more sold than before.


Oct 27, 2017
As a future C9 OLED owner it's awesome the Division 2 has a separate UI brightness (in nits!) slider. Does any other game offer that?
Oct 26, 2017
Watched a bit of the NX gamer video and he says Ubi has added a endgame mission today? Yesterday we finished two or three main missions. We then got the screen that says end of beta or something.


Oct 27, 2017
This game just seems much uglier to me than the original Division

It's definitely more dense in terms of objects but the textures seem completely washed, shadows have ugly wavy shimmering and the city buildings look extremely bland and something out of the PS3/360 era. Maybe it has more to do with time of day but this game in the daylight is ugly as hell


Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
I haven't seen anyone here mention it, but one thing that struck me instantly about The Division 2's beta is that input latency seems nonexistent.

This is on Xbox One X so I don't know if it's similar on other platforms, but controls overall seem so much more responsive than the original Division.

Really impressive for a 30fps game!


Oct 27, 2017
I prefer the first game's U.I.

i'm really struggling with the menus here. it just feels cluttered and like it throws a bunch of shit at you


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
This game just seems much uglier to me than the original Division

It's definitely more dense in terms of objects but the textures seem completely washed, shadows have ugly wavy shimmering and the city buildings look extremely bland and something out of the PS3/360 era. Maybe it has more to do with time of day but this game in the daylight is ugly as hell

It definitely is. I hopped back on Div 1 for a bit yesterday and it's much more consistent visually than the Div 2 beta IMO. DC just has a lack of atmosphere that snowy NYC had in abundance. That being said, the dark zone in the beta looks much better than the portion of freeroam that they give us to explore. The overgrown foliage in the DZ looks really nice and the lighting is much more atmospheric.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't think I'll be buying it, at least not at launch. The first game wasn't able to hold my attention for more than a month or two and it seems like division 2 is more or less the same with a lot of little improvements. I'm definitely not a fan of the new DZ. Splitting the DZ into 3 zones and limiting it to 12 players each takes away a lot of the suspense and excitement from its first iteration. There seems to be 0 verticality in the DZ that's in the beta. It seems like they really want to force engagements now.


Oct 28, 2017
I have the game preordered already so i guess that's the reason i only played like 30 minutes and then went back to play apex legends.
I wasn't having fun. But the responsiveness of the controls was really impressive


Dec 27, 2017


Beta Rewards
  • When you participate in the beta, you get an exclusive weapon skin and a special reward when you complete the endgame mission.
Beta Progress will not carry over
  • To ensure that all players start the game on the same level and enjoy a fair gaming experience, the progress achieved during the Beta will not transfer to the live server.

Private Beta Email Invites
  • Players who pre-ordered and redeemed their code will receive an email confirming their Beta access starting February 6th at 9 am GMT, when pre-load is made available.
  • Some selected players who registered on can also start to receive their Beta access by email starting February 6th at 9 am GMT.
  • The process is different for every platform, so just follow the instructions in the email you get.

Private Beta Friends Invites
  • All Private Beta players will be able to invite up to 3 of their Uplay friends to join them in the Private Beta. Friends invites will be available on starting February 6th at 5pm GMT.
  • Players joining the Private Beta through a friend invite will not have access to this feature.

What can I do in the Beta?

Number of Agents, Character Customization, Level Cap
  • You are limited to one character during the testing phase. At character creation, you are able to cycle through pre-sets of customization features to randomize your Agent.

Beta Start
  • You will not start the Beta at the real start of the game, but a bit further down the road. You will be level 1 when you start and you can level up to Level 7.

Beta Activities
  • You start the Beta in the middle of the map and you need to establish your Base of Operations first: Take back the White House. Once that is done you can start exploring the map and visit the first Settlement. After that you can complete 2 Main Missions, 5 Side Missions and explore the Open World for dynamic activities and the collectibles.
  • You can also explore the Dark Zone. An intro mission that is PVE only introduces you to the Dark Zone mechanics without exposing you to PVP. When you return to the Dark Zone after completing that mission, you will face other players.
  • When you want to experience organized PVP you can join Skirmish, that is a 4v4 Team deathmatch mode. You can join Skirmish as soon as you unlock the Base of operations.

Peak into the Endgame

Invaded Main Mission
  • As part of the Beta, you will also experience endgame content in form of an Invaded Mission. This will be the Jefferson Trade Center and it will become available on Friday. But to access the invaded version of the mission, you first need to complete it in your normal "beta campaign".
  • Please note that this end game mission will be available starting on February 8 at 5 PM CET.

Test out the Specializations
  • Once you have completed the Jefferson Trade Center mission in your normal "beta campaign" (and it is already Friday) you can log out and select one of three endgame characters.
  • Each of them has one of three endgame specializations and this way you can also try them out and find what really fits your gameplay. From that point on you can log back in and play the invaded version of the Jefferson Trade Center and fight the Black Tusks.



The Dark Zone
  • Dark Zone East will be available during the Beta. It is the largest of all three Dark Zones, players utilize long sight lines in over-grown governmental parks.

Unlock the Dark Zone
  • You will acquire the DZ East introduction mission from Senait Ezera - the new Dark Zone NPC in the Base of Operations—after completing Jefferson Trade Center. Completing this intro-mission unlocks full access to the Dark Zone and its features.

  • During the Beta you also have access to organized PVP in Skirmish. This is a 4v4 Team Deathmatch. You can join Skirmish as soon as you unlock the Base of Operations.
  • This version of the game is not final and elements are subject to change.


If you have never played PVP / Dark Zone in The Division... Here is a little tip.



[Hidden content]

Thanks to JokerUnique on The Division subreddit for the information listed, he made this beta OT extremely easy.​



Nov 3, 2017
Main disappointment, playing on the pro, aside from the weird lighting and performance is the hugely underwhelming skills and their associated graphical effects. Even the end game specials have the lamest explosions, deffo worst than the first game which is bizarre.


Oct 26, 2017
Performance goes to complete shit when in a group of 4 doing missions after a while. It starts out fine, but towards the end of a mission it just goes down to single digits, even pausing and not being able to control your character. This is on "X". I played the same missions solo and they were perfectly fine, but with 4 players it is an utter shit show. Again, this happens only after a while, so it may be related to the memory leak that some have mentioned, but damn I never seen a game drop this low ever and I have been gaming forever.

With that said, a squad of 4 is hell of a great time. I joined a group and the leader had placed the Mission on hard and damn was it hard. We were all level 5 with the exception of me being level 6 and we wiped so many times, but it was so much fun. Each time we wiped, we re-strategized and finally got through it. It was the last portions of the mission where the frame rate went to complete shit, but still was a ton of fun.

After saying I was not impressed and felt it was more of the same, I really changed my tune. There are a lot of differences in a good way, knocking armor off of big bosses then taking them down etc. I put 10 hours so far into the beta. lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Go into the beta, downloading now. Wasn't a huge fan of the first game after it turned out to be an MMO-lite loot shooter instead of a an RPG like it was originally billed as, so my hopes aren't high for this one.


Oct 25, 2017
Go into the beta, downloading now. Wasn't a huge fan of the first game after it turned out to be an MMO-lite loot shooter instead of a an RPG like it was originally billed as, so my hopes aren't high for this one.

Whats the difference between the two (MMO-lite vs RPG)?
Last edited:


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I got the the boss of the mission in the hotel to save the girl, and my whole team got slaughtered. We couldn't damage the boss. I quit after that.

Having not played anything of this franchise before, here's what I think of the game so far. The movement and shooting feel very satisfying, and that's great. But I don't know about the design of the game. Granted, this is all I've played of the franchise so far so my perspective is incomplete, but as I was making my way through the hotel, I kept thinking that what I was doing wasn't as fun as it should be. Also, I didn't like how visually busy everything was in the hotel. It made it hard to discern what was important to look at and what was just environmental items. It doesn't help that the game's UI is kind of a mess.

I don't know that I'm going to buy the game. I doubt I will buy it on launch, at least. I might get it if it goes on sale at the end of the year. We'll see. I'll have to watch more videos of the game; I'm still conflicted on it. It could go either way.


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
my final verdict of this Beta: technically underwhelming rushed game to take 60 bucks from the playerbase again.

this game is a prime example of a cashgrab, they sell you essentially the same game but worse.

hard pass and preorder cancelled, maybe someday for 20 bucks when there is nothing else to play

Deleted member 46948

Account closed at user request
Aug 22, 2018
my final verdict of this Beta: technically underwhelming rushed game to take 60 bucks from the playerbase again.

this game is a prime example of a cashgrab, they sell you essentially the same game but worse.

hard pass and preorder cancelled

Your impressions couldn't be more different from mine.
I'm impressed with how much they changed the systems around, the changes to loot, the mission structure, the general aesthetic.

Deleted member 1003

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Nope, I didn't like it. The shooting felt awful with more enemy bullet sponges. It just feels so boring to play.

The only thing I appreciated was the ability to choose the size of the game's font and subtitles. Then the quarter master immediatey filled my screen with tiny skill boxes that I can't tell what they mean.


Nov 3, 2017
my final verdict of this Beta: technically underwhelming rushed game to take 60 bucks from the playerbase again.

this game is a prime example of a cashgrab, they sell you essentially the same game but worse.

hard pass and preorder cancelled, maybe someday for 20 bucks when there is nothing else to play

Yeah, no


Oct 27, 2017
Buffalo, NY
well, one thing Anthem and Division 2 have in common is atrocious UIs and menus.

* Not sure if I like the change in Division 2 where weapon attachments are unlocks, rather than loot with randomized stats. Finding the perfect roll for a magazine or grip was part of the gameplay loop I thought.

* Also, on PS4 Pro the textures often take forever to load in many areas.

* And had a side quest bug out right at the end. Opened a door to check on some hostages or something and then ....nothing. Can't interact with them and the final mission objective won't go away. Saw many people on Reddit with the same issue.