Nov 2, 2017
I've played everything except the endgame content.

- technical problems ("endless" texture loading on PS4 Pro, connection issues, stuck in a column and had to restart the game, teleporting NPCs)
- weather effects
- awkward story moment (main character doesn't speak)
- enemies and HQ talk too much

+/- overwhelming menus (- design/ + because it looks more like a proper RPG then the other loot-shooters out there)
+/- Ubisoft formula (a lot to do, a lot of repetition)
+/- loading times (- initial loading times x2, charakter select screen and main game and we cant't skip the logo screens/ + no loading times between the open world, side missions, base of operation, ...)

+ streets and buildings are crammed with details
+ light effects
+ civilians on the streets and settlements
+ cover system
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Oct 25, 2017
Have they said that loot drop rates are intentionally overtuned for the endgame mission? Seemed like way too many yellow drops which made them feel not special at all? Is that what D1 loot at endgame was like?

Nah, yellows aren't special at all. A big part of the reason for this is the variance in rolls between yellows. You're often looking for a specific collection of affixes and you want high rolls on your affixes (assuming they're not all mod slots). You might get a lot of yellows but most of those yellows, like rares in a game like Path of Exile or Diablo, are going to be trash that you either sell for cash or turn into materials.

It's easy to get yellows. It's hard to get the RIGHT yellows.


Oct 29, 2017
Maybe I just suck, but I'm finding this hard as hell playing solo. I can't beat that boss on one of the first few main missions.

As for the game itself, if someone told me this was still the first game I would have believed them, feels identical to me. The texture loading issues are horrible though.


Nov 3, 2017
Completed the end game mission last night paired with a buddy who I played the first game with. We both loved it, relentless AI, flanking, rushing us, was so much fun. Come March 12th this will be my life for a year!


Nov 7, 2017
Maintenance started a short time ago, servers offline for 3 hours approx

Once you finish the final main mission, you can then go to the character select screen and should see the 3 specs to pick from
Ok, thanks.
I finished the missions hours (of gameplay) ago and didn't notice anyhing in the menu, I'll check again when I can log in again.


Oct 25, 2017
Ok, thanks.
I finished the missions hours (of gameplay) ago and didn't notice anyhing in the menu, I'll check again when I can log in again.

It went live yesterday at 17.00 CEST, and I think you might have to log in on your first character once to get it to trigger. So if you completed the missions earlier, you might have to do that.


Oct 27, 2017
In theory, this should be right up my alley, but, just like Div1, it doesn't quite seem to come together for me.
There isn't enough franctic action, or enough loot to scratch my looter itch, and it doesn't really work as a strategic shooter, because of the trappings of it being a looter.
Each encounter feels very similar in terms of your approach, the enemies are very similar (one of the problems with having non alien/fantasy enemies, lack of variety) the inclusion of armour on some enemies helps somewhat, but there is no tactical feedback as to where they are armoured, or when they have lost said armour.
I like the gunplay, it feels good to play, but i just wonder if there is enough variety in the loot and encounters to keep it from getting stale (for me)
Oct 26, 2017
So I want to unlock some skills and stuff and that is in the White House, right? But where in the Base of operations do I do this? It's quite big there, haha.

Deleted member 46948

Account closed at user request
Aug 22, 2018
Maybe I just suck, but I'm finding this hard as hell playing solo. I can't beat that boss on one of the first few main missions.

The skills are so much more useful this time around. Try lobbing the turret in a strategic place, it will take a lot of pressure off of you. The seeker mine takes about half of the boss' health by itself, while the armor drone will replenish your armor in combat.


Oct 24, 2018
In theory, this should be right up my alley, but, just like Div1, it doesn't quite seem to come together for me.
There isn't enough franctic action, or enough loot to scratch my looter itch, and it doesn't really work as a strategic shooter, because of the trappings of it being a looter.
Each encounter feels very similar in terms of your approach, the enemies are very similar (one of the problems with having non alien/fantasy enemies, lack of variety) the inclusion of armour on some enemies helps somewhat, but there is no tactical feedback as to where they are armoured, or when they have lost said armour.
I like the gunplay, it feels good to play, but i just wonder if there is enough variety in the loot and encounters to keep it from getting stale (for me)
That is not true.when you shoot off on armor from elites or yellow health bosses they react when armor flies off. Also most of the enemies work differently plus those Black Tusk enemies require a different tactic


Oct 29, 2017
The skills are so much more useful this time around. Try lobbing the turret in a strategic place, it will take a lot of pressure off of you. The seeker mine takes about half of the boss' health by itself, while the armor drone will replenish your armor in combat.
Will give this a go. Good to know they're relevant now. Appreciate it.


Oct 27, 2017
So friend invites? I go to Ubisofts club site, and there is no option to import friends from my PSN list. It just says "check your friends" and nobody shows up. This is really annoying.


Oct 27, 2017
For me it's exactly the opposite. Division 2 is a boring grindfest whereas Anthem is at least exciting and fresh.

Easy to argue there's common gameplay + visual bugs, sponginess in the endgame on Hard difficulty, and perhaps not enough change from the first game, but a grindfest of what exactly in a beta limited to smaller areas of main/side mission availability and gear/loot progression? This tells us you haven't even played it.

Is that something that is present in the beta?

Yes, they'll stagger or stop and animate surprise when armour pieces come off. Black Tusks appearing in the endgame 'invaded' Jefferson Hall mission will move to outflank you far more aggressively than the other factions.
Oct 26, 2017
Are mods like silencers and scopes only found during missions and exploration? Because I can't seem to find any at the trader in BOO. (White House)


Oct 27, 2017
In theory, this should be right up my alley, but, just like Div1, it doesn't quite seem to come together for me.
There isn't enough franctic action, or enough loot to scratch my looter itch, and it doesn't really work as a strategic shooter, because of the trappings of it being a looter.
Each encounter feels very similar in terms of your approach, the enemies are very similar (one of the problems with having non alien/fantasy enemies, lack of variety) the inclusion of armour on some enemies helps somewhat, but there is no tactical feedback as to where they are armoured, or when they have lost said armour.
I like the gunplay, it feels good to play, but i just wonder if there is enough variety in the loot and encounters to keep it from getting stale (for me)

Just quick one to say you're incorrect with thearmour comment. It's very clear when they're wearing armour and it clearly shatters when you destroy it. The increased damage after such is also very evident.


Oct 28, 2017
Am i the only one who thinks the first one looked and performed better on a standard PS4 than this one on the pro? Like wth massive?


Oct 27, 2017
I'm enjoying the gameplay quite a bit, but I feel like the atmosphere really took a hit. Snowy NYC was son oppressive and bleak compared to the more muggy DC, and it feels a lot harder to focus on certain parts of the environment with the new color scheme.

Also, the pop-in is ROUGH. And the way the brightness tries to mimic a camera adjusting to light is a death sentence in certain areas


Oct 25, 2017
This game seems like more division

Im struggling to see any massive changes outside the location.

Its not leaving much to the imagination either with everything basically mapped out and planned out. I don't even feel the incentive to explore my environment or look for points of interest but I suppose they are completely doubling down on the gameplay loop

Start mission, follow waypoints, kill bad guys, get loot

Thats fine and sure to be excellent with friends. The loot is Diablo-esque basically having various percentage performance increases. Standard and addicting for min maxing but ultimately more boring than perks that change gameplay (which is why I still really love Destiny's handling of loot creation)

My takeaway is that Ubisoft once again makes excellent comfort food gaming but doesn't seem to blow me away. Its kind of a "i guess ill play this since ive finished the other games that came out" kind of game. Not even sure If I would buy this over Anthem since at least Anthem tickles me a bit more with its unique traversal options even if it falters in other areas.


Oct 25, 2017
Just did the eng game mission with 3 randos and it was super fun. Challenging but not frustrating. I went with the demolition specialist but I did not find any ammo for the grenade launcher lol. Game run like a dream on my PC too. Really surprised by that.

The loot is Diablo-esque basically having various percentage performance increases. Standard and addicting for min maxing but ultimately more boring than perks that change gameplay (which is why I still really love Destiny's handling of loot creation)

But the loot has perks (talent) though.


Oct 25, 2017
Just did the eng game mission with 3 randos and it was super fun. Challenging but not frustrating. I went with the demolition specialist but I did not find any ammo for the grenade launcher lol. Game run like a dream on my PC too. Really surprised by that.

But the loot has perks (talent) though.

Didnt find any in my first session. Could you post some examples of the more interesting loot available?
Oct 27, 2017
This game seems like more division

Im struggling to see any massive changes outside the location.

Its not leaving much to the imagination either with everything basically mapped out and planned out. I don't even feel the incentive to explore my environment or look for points of interest but I suppose they are completely doubling down on the gameplay loop

Start mission, follow waypoints, kill bad guys, get loot

Thats fine and sure to be excellent with friends. The loot is Diablo-esque basically having various percentage performance increases. Standard and addicting for min maxing but ultimately more boring than perks that change gameplay (which is why I still really love Destiny's handling of loot creation)

My takeaway is that Ubisoft once again makes excellent comfort food gaming but doesn't seem to blow me away. Its kind of a "i guess ill play this since ive finished the other games that came out" kind of game. Not even sure If I would buy this over Anthem since at least Anthem tickles me a bit more with its unique traversal options even if it falters in other areas.
I'm pretty sure I saw a preview/interview with the developers which said both Exotic gear/weapons and specialized gear sets are returning so there's that at least and I'd be shocked if it weren't so to begin with.

Ultimately with The Division it's more about the synergy between gear/weapons/perks/attributes/gear sets/talents, etc.

Just curious, did you play around with the regular and Classified gear sets in the first Division?
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Oct 25, 2017
I'm pretty sure I saw a preview/interview with the developers which said both Exotic gear/weapons and specialized gear sets are returning so there's that at least and I'd be shocked if it weren't so to begin with.

Ultimately with The Division it's more about the synergy between gear/weapons/perks/attributes/gear sets/talents, etc.

Just curious, did you play around with the regular and Classified gear sets in the first Division?

I dont think I got far into the end game before all my friends moved on

Plus I wasn't part of the wave of people that came back to division 1 when it had basically a resurgence and massive changes.

However I did hear about it and how much praise it got near the end of life of the first game.

Could you maybe explain how those gear sets work and what they brought to the table gameplay wise?
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Oct 26, 2017
Wth seriously wth???????????????????????
This is the 4th time I am redownloading the beta now since Wednesday.

Why does the game download shut down and erstart from scratch, especially after putting the PS4 to rest mode or shutting it down?
Is it a bug of the new firmware beta?
Oct 27, 2017
I dont think I got far into the end game before all my friends moved on

Plus I was part of the wave of people that came back to division 1 when it had basically a resurgence and massive changes.

However I did hear about it and how much praise it got near the end of life of the first game.

Could you maybe explain how those gear sets work and what they brought to the table gameplay wise?
I don't really have time to create a post that would go into that much detail but this has all the info you need and seems to be at least up to date with the 1.8 update... https://thedivision.fandom.com/wiki/Gear_Sets

Just click on the 4-piece and 6-piece (Classified) gear set bonuses to get a better idea of what they offer.

The Exotic Ninja backpack also played a big role in builds as it allowed you to mix and match different gear sets and get bonuses while having one less piece of a gear set you would normally need to activate a bonus (just like that ring in Diablo...the name escapes me).

The full Classified sets were where it was at though and they clearly dominated from a build perspective. Striker, Reclaimer, and probably Lone Star were my personal favorites.

The game changed dramatically from where it was with say the 1.3 version.
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Oct 25, 2017
Didnt find any in my first session. Could you post some examples of the more interesting loot available?





They have some pretty interesting talents I think.


Oct 26, 2017
Only tried the one, so I guess I don't know if there are more. It was a redone version of one of the main missions though, it said it was 'Invaded'. I think there was some slight differences to the objectives and stuff so it wasn't the exact same thing over again, but definitely reusing the same area assets with tougher enemies and stuff.


Oct 27, 2017
Welp. I just bought the game and submitted my preorder code to ubisoft. Now to see if I get a beta code

Edit: code got
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Oct 27, 2017
I like the way they implemented weapons mods this time and i can't stop saying that the world feels alive and full of side missions and activities. I see some people complaining about the game loop and how it has you follow a line, kill enemies and complete missions. Aren't most of the games like that though?

oh and look what i found...

I loved Showstopper in Division but it felt underpowered in most circumstances. This time though, oh boy, it really is powerful!
Haven't checked the Dark Zone yet, i'm having fun playing solo through the side missions and free roam stuff.
Oct 27, 2017
I won't have time to play the end game stuff this weekend, I'm working to much. Anyone have any good vids of the endgame?

I loved Showstopper in Division but it felt underpowered in most circumstances. This time though, oh boy, it really is powerful!
Haven't checked the Dark Zone yet, i'm having fun playing solo through the side missions and free roam stuff.

Showstopper with the Striker build, I loved it!


Oct 27, 2017
Played the past two nights on Pro, I've seen some major issues. Textures that flat out refuse to load, for example a lot of the cars that I passed on my first night just had octagonal wheels, posters were not loading, billboards, roads and pavements not having any sort of texture except blur, foliage was popping in like crazy. I have even seen the whole map disappear numerous times and had to be guided by a friend I was with, I was just walking around a white void essentially.

Frame rate at least isn't that bad but man are there HUGE issues with LOD systems and things refusing to load for me. Such a shame and I hope they fix this up a lot by release.

Anybody else suffering this severely on Pro?


Oct 29, 2017
For me it's exactly the opposite. Division 2 is a boring grindfest whereas Anthem is at least exciting and fresh.
Yea I just don't think the Division works anymore now that more of these games are hitting the market. The setting is just way too limiting in a genre that needs unique fun abilities and variety in character builds and loot to stay fresh over long periods of time. They also made the gunplay worse which is just one of the things that has seemed to regress from the first game.
Oct 27, 2017
I like the way they implemented weapons mods this time and i can't stop saying that the world feels alive and full of side missions and activities. I see some people complaining about the game loop and how it has you follow a line, kill enemies and complete missions. Aren't most of the games like that though?

oh and look what i found...

I loved Showstopper in Division but it felt underpowered in most circumstances. This time though, oh boy, it really is powerful!
Haven't checked the Dark Zone yet, i'm having fun playing solo through the side missions and free roam stuff.
Showstopper in D1 shined with full Classified sets like Lone Star and Striker. I got the imitation version in the beta which just seemed like the normal one from D1 without the added bonuses the gear sets gave it, decent but nothing special.


Oct 27, 2017
Showstopper in D1 shined with full Classified sets like Lone Star and Striker. I got the imitation version in the beta which just seemed like the normal one from D1 without the added bonuses the gear sets gave it, decent but nothing special.

Yup the one i got is just a *green* type and is not named Showstopper but i found it good.
I don't think i ever used a complete Striker set in D1 but i am sure i had 2-3 parts on all the time.


Oct 27, 2017
Yea I just don't think the Division works anymore now that more of these games are hitting the market. The setting is just way too limiting in a genre that needs unique fun abilities and variety in character builds and loot to stay fresh over long periods of time. They also made the gunplay worse which is just one of the things that has seemed to regress from the first game.

I disagree, there aren't a lot of games like this, I'm talking about loot shooters with a dungeon crawl feel to it, I think there is space for both D2 and Anthem.


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
Played the past two nights on Pro, I've seen some major issues. Textures that flat out refuse to load, for example a lot of the cars that I passed on my first night just had octagonal wheels, posters were not loading, billboards, roads and pavements not having any sort of texture except blur, foliage was popping in like crazy. I have even seen the whole map disappear numerous times and had to be guided by a friend I was with, I was just walking around a white void essentially.

Frame rate at least isn't that bad but man are there HUGE issues with LOD systems and things refusing to load for me. Such a shame and I hope they fix this up a lot by release.

Anybody else suffering this severely on Pro?

game is technically really underwhelming on the Pro...there is also screentearing, often it feels like sub 30FPS and the lighting is really flat.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
How do I answer incoming back up request?
I go to the social area, I see it but can't move over towards it to answer it ? On Xbox if that matters