
Oct 31, 2017
Extremely dumb question, how do I get the second mission to pop up? I've done Grand Washington, a control point and a few side missions, also went back to both bases plus when and got an extra safe house but it still hasn't popped up. Trying to avoid doing too much side stuff in the beta as going to have to do it again on release anyway.


Oct 28, 2017
Anyone tried the hard version of the Endgame mission?

Wondering if it's just more hours and damage on the enemies.


Oct 25, 2017
Have they said that loot drop rates are intentionally overtuned for the endgame mission? Seemed like way too many yellow drops which made them feel not special at all? Is that what D1 loot at endgame was like?


Oct 27, 2017
I played some 4 hours of it, all solo, and to me this feels pretty much like The Division all over again, with minimal changes. Without comparing them side by side, I don't think that it looks much better either (granted, the first game was gorgeous for its time). It reminded me of everything that I loved and hated about the first game, and since that one completely drained me by the time I was done with it, I think that with these 4 hours I just about had my fill of The Division 2. I don't have much desire to repeat that journey.

This about sums up my thoughts after playing the beta for a similar duration. I think I had my fill of the mechanics and systems over the 100-odd hours I spent in the first game and there's just not enough new or different about the follow up to get me invested.

I think the change in setting has exposed some of the limitations of the graphics tech and art direction and robbed the game of a lot of the oppressive, world-gone-to-shit atmosphere that made the snow- and trash-strewn streets of the original so engrossing.

After that the story, characters and mission structure are all the game has left engage me with and these seem as bland and uninteresting as the first game.


Oct 29, 2017
Have they said that loot drop rates are intentionally overtuned for the endgame mission? Seemed like way too many yellow drops which made them feel not special at all? Is that what D1 loot at endgame was like?
That's how it is in the Division 1 but the difference here is you can transfer a max stat roll from one piece to another, making what would normally be trash potentially useful.


Oct 25, 2017
Played for about an hour and a half tonight. Had a good time, it feels exactly the same as the last game, though I did have to re-learn the controls since it's been a while.


Oct 27, 2017
How do I access the end game stuff? The text is so tiny on my tv I can rely read it do I have to meet level cap first?


Oct 25, 2017
I don't understand how the game is so messed up on basic things, I would've thought that they would've mastered these things from the first game since it's basically the same engine?


Oct 28, 2017
How do I access the end game stuff? The text is so tiny on my tv I can rely read it do I have to meet level cap first?
Finish the last mission (Jefferson trade center) then log in then there should be text saying stuff about Endgame.

You can pick one of three specializations and you can only run 1 mission.


Oct 28, 2017
Is it possible to invite friends to do the end game mission? The option to invite was greyed out for me.

Deleted member 1594

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
Just finished a rather long story mission. Even fast traveled to a few places after that. Then the game crashed on me. When I booted it back up, I was sent to the start of that story mission again as if I'd never completed it.

Well, that's enough of this beta for me. Back to RE2.


Oct 25, 2017
I always get disconnected with a Delta 1 error whenever I try to matchmake so I had to solo the endgame mission. Most of the time I was just camping the entranceway while sniping away. Anyone that managed to get close to me with get a shotgun to the face and the game seems way too forgiving with being away to dodge away from suicidal drones.


Oct 25, 2017
If I'm just playing two player, does the end game mission scale to make that doable? It doesn't require four, does it?


Oct 25, 2017
If I'm just playing two player, does the end game mission scale to make that doable? It doesn't require four, does it?
I could be wrong but it doesn't seem like it scales depending on player count. I played most of the first game solo, and this seems way more difficult. But I may have just lost a step since its been a while.


Oct 27, 2017


Beta Rewards
  • When you participate in the beta, you get an exclusive weapon skin and a special reward when you complete the endgame mission.
Beta Progress will not carry over
  • To ensure that all players start the game on the same level and enjoy a fair gaming experience, the progress achieved during the Beta will not transfer to the live server.

Private Beta Email Invites
  • Players who pre-ordered and redeemed their code will receive an email confirming their Beta access starting February 6th at 9 am GMT, when pre-load is made available.
  • Some selected players who registered on thedivisiongame.com/beta can also start to receive their Beta access by email starting February 6th at 9 am GMT.
  • The process is different for every platform, so just follow the instructions in the email you get.

Private Beta Friends Invites
  • All Private Beta players will be able to invite up to 3 of their Uplay friends to join them in the Private Beta. Friends invites will be available on thedivisiongame.com/beta starting February 6th at 5pm GMT.
  • Players joining the Private Beta through a friend invite will not have access to this feature.

What can I do in the Beta?

Number of Agents, Character Customization, Level Cap
  • You are limited to one character during the testing phase. At character creation, you are able to cycle through pre-sets of customization features to randomize your Agent.

Beta Start
  • You will not start the Beta at the real start of the game, but a bit further down the road. You will be level 1 when you start and you can level up to Level 7.

Beta Activities
  • You start the Beta in the middle of the map and you need to establish your Base of Operations first: Take back the White House. Once that is done you can start exploring the map and visit the first Settlement. After that you can complete 2 Main Missions, 5 Side Missions and explore the Open World for dynamic activities and the collectibles.
  • You can also explore the Dark Zone. An intro mission that is PVE only introduces you to the Dark Zone mechanics without exposing you to PVP. When you return to the Dark Zone after completing that mission, you will face other players.
  • When you want to experience organized PVP you can join Skirmish, that is a 4v4 Team deathmatch mode. You can join Skirmish as soon as you unlock the Base of operations.

Peak into the Endgame

Invaded Main Mission
  • As part of the Beta, you will also experience endgame content in form of an Invaded Mission. This will be the Jefferson Trade Center and it will become available on Friday. But to access the invaded version of the mission, you first need to complete it in your normal "beta campaign".
  • Please note that this end game mission will be available starting on February 8 at 5 PM CET.

Test out the Specializations
  • Once you have completed the Jefferson Trade Center mission in your normal "beta campaign" (and it is already Friday) you can log out and select one of three endgame characters.
  • Each of them has one of three endgame specializations and this way you can also try them out and find what really fits your gameplay. From that point on you can log back in and play the invaded version of the Jefferson Trade Center and fight the Black Tusks.



The Dark Zone
  • Dark Zone East will be available during the Beta. It is the largest of all three Dark Zones, players utilize long sight lines in over-grown governmental parks.

Unlock the Dark Zone
  • You will acquire the DZ East introduction mission from Senait Ezera - the new Dark Zone NPC in the Base of Operations—after completing Jefferson Trade Center. Completing this intro-mission unlocks full access to the Dark Zone and its features.

  • During the Beta you also have access to organized PVP in Skirmish. This is a 4v4 Team Deathmatch. You can join Skirmish as soon as you unlock the Base of Operations.
  • This version of the game is not final and elements are subject to change.


If you have never played PVP / Dark Zone in The Division... Here is a little tip.



[Hidden content]

Thanks to JokerUnique on The Division subreddit for the information listed, he made this beta OT extremely easy.​

replying for discord


Nov 26, 2017
I love the gunplay but i really wish they could ease a player into it a bit more friendly like.
Theres so many sub menus and options it kinda makes me anxious that im missing something and takes away the enjoyment a little.


Nov 7, 2017
Mike 01 for me too.

I also have a question: how do I access endgame missions and specialisations? Is it a dark zone content?


Oct 25, 2017

Mostly the same game technically with some added bells and whistles for vegetation? Though going by the posts here, on PS4 it seems to look/run worse than the first game.


Oct 25, 2017
Mike 01 for me too.

I also have a question: how do I access endgame missions and specialisations? Is it a dark zone content?
Maintenance started a short time ago, servers offline for 3 hours approx

Once you finish the final main mission, you can then go to the character select screen and should see the 3 specs to pick from


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Had no problems whatsoever, im on ps4 pro and everythings been fine, Glad ive already pre ordered the gold edition.

Can I take your copy of the beta 'cause nobody else has had the same experience on the Pro, it's the most broken version there is.

My PS4 still hasn't finished downloading the beta.

Hopefully you won't have to then have to apply the patch, because that's another 90 minutes in my experience (and making room for it to apply). Ah, servers are down now anyway, not missing out at least.


Oct 27, 2017
Ok guys..This is it (Michael Jackson)...One more time... No more codes after this:


Codes can be redeemed at thedivisiongame.com/redeem

Wish you a nice weekend.


Oct 25, 2017
Dang - was just about to start it up for the first time. So maintenance for about another 1h40m?