
Dec 11, 2019
lol instead of pretending it doesn't exist like Indiana Jones 4, I purposely didn't see SW Episode 9. It never happened for me =)


Oct 27, 2017
*sigh* I just remembered how he was defeated by his inability to just... NOT... zap himself in the face. But, no, he just... he just keeps frying himself.

For a guy who had so much foresight to have clones ready in the event that he "died" the first time, you would think he would know better than to literally kill himself with his own lightning. Lol. All those years of planning and he offs himself, I guess you could say


Yeah, same here. I was kind of on the fence after TLJ, but Rise of Skywalker was so bad that I've just tried to completely purge the ST from my memory. There's so many contrivances in that film, it's kinda pathetic. JJ's films always look great, but oh man are they poorly written and thought out.
Same scenario for me. After TLJ I was kind of confused as to how they could actually follow up on it, but felt like depending on how they nail the series ending it could possibly work. I actually like a lot of JJ's work, but yeah the story in Ep 9 is shockingly bad.


Oct 28, 2017
This is what happens if you let directors that do not know the lore properly come up with convoluted action set pieces that purely serve either the characters and what the script needs them to do or worse are just there to fill the screen. You can't do that in an established universe like StarWars where there are certain established rules to space combat and the world in general.
To be fair, the space combat and especially "slow chase" in TLJ isn't much better. There is so much wrong there as well.

its not slow, the supremacy actually comes in front of the resistance fleet,, they aren't going at the same speed, they deployed TIE fighters, the resistance fleet destroyed them, because the supremacy couldn't prover cover fire, the Raddus had special shields, most of the time, you need a human to be able to disable the control protocols that prevent ships of doing kamikaze things.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
For a guy who had so much foresight to have clones ready in the event that he "died" the first time, you would think he would know better than to literally kill himself with his own lightning. Lol. All those years of planning and he offs himself, I guess you could say


Let's be honest, there is no going back from climaxing.


Oct 27, 2017
lol instead of pretending Indiana Jones 4 doesn't exist I purposely didn't see SW Episode 9. It never happened for me =)
At least Crystal Skull had a semi decent first half that felt like it was in the Indy universe - somewhat at least.
SW Episode 9 starts off with Palpy being back from the dead after having announced his return in Fortnite and then Hyperspace skipping! So it immediately jumps off a cliff in the first 5 minutes.

Indiana Jones 4 =
Fate of Atlantis for me. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is Indy 5


Jul 13, 2019
The really bad thing is that so many part of the sequels could have fit more easily into each other if even the tiniest amount of thought went into it.

Starkiller base is just a deathsat that is the size of a slightly larger moon, inexplicably has an ecosystem and atmosphere and looks like a pokeball. It could have been something better. Imagine if starkiller base was the star forge from KOTOR. Suddenly you have an answer for where all the FO ships come from. And instead of just ripping off a new hope, the race to kill starkiller base would be more about taking away the main factory for the first order's war machine.

The supremacy deadnought in the expanded fiction is supposed to function as a mobile factory. You can even see little slots in the back where star destroyers pop out. That's a neat concept for the bad guys ship. Naturally TLJ uses it as a super duper star destroyer that inexplicably has only like 5 guns on the whole thing.

Deleted member 6173

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The original Palpatine trilogy movies are still the best. There are some good moments in the sequel and prequel Palpatine movies, but that's about it.


Oct 28, 2017
The really bad thing is that so many part of the sequels could have fit more easily into each other if even the tiniest amount of thought went into it.

Starkiller base is just a deathsat that is the size of a slightly larger moon, inexplicably has an ecosystem and atmosphere and looks like a pokeball. It could have been something better. Imagine if starkiller base was the star forge from KOTOR. Suddenly you have an answer for where all the FO ships come from. And instead of just ripping off a new hope, the race to kill starkiller base would be more about taking away the main factory for the first order's war machine.

The supremacy deadnought in the expanded fiction is supposed to function as a mobile factory. You can even see little slots in the back where star destroyers pop out. That's a neat concept for the bad guys ship. Naturally TLJ uses it as a super duper star destroyer that inexplicably has only like 5 guns on the whole thing.




people really are bad at watching movies


Oct 27, 2017
If we're complaining about Star Wars numbers, can we discuss how the number of clones in the prequels never made sense? There were like a few million clones? Fighting across a galaxy with tens or hundreds of thousands of inhabited planets would require billions of soldiers.


Oct 28, 2017
If we're complaining about Star Wars numbers, can we discuss how the number of clones in the prequels never made sense? There were like a few million clones? Fighting across a galaxy with tens or hundreds of thousands of inhabited planets would require billions of soldiers.

yes, but the meme potential and the aesthetic, tho

The Silver

Oct 28, 2017
*sigh* I just remembered how he was defeated by his inability to just... NOT... zap himself in the face. But, no, he just... he just keeps frying himself.
If you look closely he actually did stop the lightning stream, the energy just keeps coming from Avatar Rey's sabers for....reasons.

Sheev's actual dumbest move was announcing his return cause he signed a contract with Fortnite instead of waiting a day for his fleet to rise up and wipe everyone out before they could plan/prepare. Prequel Sheev would be ashamed of TROS Sheev.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I genuinely struggle to remember parts of the movie.

It's the only Star Wars movie that feels like it was made as a formality.


Jun 9, 2018
Even if someone absolutely hated TLJ at least that movie only removed stuff from the storyline (Rey's Parents, Luke, Snoke, Blue Lightsaber).

TROS added so much stupid shit (Palpatine Res, Rey Palpatine, Star Destroyers R Us, Snoke Clones???, Planet Destroying Ship Attachment, Sith Trooper Daycare) that it's going to be hard for someone to course correct in the future unless they do a time jump.


Apr 29, 2019
I guess we're supposed to assume that every member aboard the Final Order ships are Sith Cultists? I mean, I don't see how they can be clones, given that cloning is pretty well documented in the Star Wars universe at this point, and if they had that kind of tech on Exegol surely they could've cloned Palpy a better body, not to mention how badly those Snoke clones turned out. They're clearly not droids either, for obvious reasons. They're not the First Order, because they're a separate, independent entity up to that point. They aren't just random recruits. So they must be cultists, like the ones we see at the in the stadium of the Palpatine and the All Siths concert, here:


I guess that raises the question of why the planet is filled with a Sith worshipping cult, who apparently live underground and probably eat dirt, because there doesn't seem to be resources or plants of any kind on the planet.

But even so, let's say they are all cultists, and they all explode, and the galaxy is saved. Yay. Except, the First Order still controls things, right? I know the movie tries to say "Oh, the First Order joined up with the Final Order for the big battle at the end", but other than General Pryde, we don't see any of them there. And I find it hard to believe that a galaxy conquering force, and its far superior older brother were defeated in a single battle like that. I know by the end of the film the movie wants us to think that First Order = Final Order, as if they've always been one in the same and are interchangeable, but that's really not the case, anymore than Separatists = Empire, just because Palpatine had a role in both.


Oct 27, 2017
Crazy how Rogue One had the best space battle in the films despite it being a relatively smaller fight (which probably worked in its favor).

Boy that battle was so awesome holy shit

I prefer the Star Wars Story films to the sequels in general, but that's a topic for another day


Oct 28, 2017
I guess we're supposed to assume that every member aboard the Final Order ships are Sith Cultists?

correct, the sith colonized and brainwashed/radicalized everyone in the planet, so they support the "sith cause"

by the way this is not something that palpatine "just did", apparently exegol has a long of time being like this


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
I'll give that battle one thing that's absolutely amazing.

It managed to have a cavalry charge in a spaceship battle and have it make sense in context. That's just the right kind of stupid to be awesome.


Dec 19, 2017
Even if someone absolutely hated TLJ at least that movie only removed stuff from the storyline (Rey's Parents, Luke, Snoke, Blue Lightsaber).

TROS added so much stupid shit (Palpatine Res, Rey Palpatine, Star Destroyers R Us, Snoke Clones???, Planet Destroying Ship Attachment, Sith Trooper Daycare) that it's going to be hard for someone to course correct in the future unless they do a time jump.

Gonna derail the convo a bit but lately I've been thinking about what the next trilogy could be like. Personally I think it's time for the franchise to move beyond the simple Jedi/Sith/Stormtroopers triad. Say what you want about George's prequels but at least they introduced new iconography and mythology into the franchise (I have a soft spot for clankers).

Hot take: time to ditch the stormtroopers and create a new iconic cannon fodder enemy.

KOTOR introduced new things like an advanced ancient alien race. Clone Wars added mysterious Force Wielders into the mix. It's time for the next trilogy to think outside the box and stop repeating the original trilogy's beats and visual language.

If I wrote episode 7 I would have experimented with a stable New Republic falling apart to terrorism and guerrilla tactics, basically the inverse of the OT, just to provide something different. Not regurgitate the OT in cynically lazy fashion like JJ did.


Dec 11, 2019
At least Crystal Skull had a semi decent first half that felt like it was in the Indy universe - somewhat at least.
SW Episode 9 starts off with Palpy being back from the dead after having announced his return in Fortnite and then Hyperspace skipping! So it immediately jumps off a cliff in the first 5 minutes.

Indiana Jones 4 =
Fate of Atlantis for me. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is Indy 5

One of my friends speaks really highly of the old Lucasarts games. Wish I could go back in time and make kid me play them.


Oct 30, 2017
This is what happens if you let directors that do not know the lore properly come up with convoluted action set pieces that purely serve either the characters and what the script needs them to do or worse are just there to fill the screen. You can't do that in an established universe like StarWars where there are certain established rules to space combat and the world in general.
To be fair, the space combat and especially "slow chase" in TLJ isn't much better. There is so much wrong there as well.
  • Those slow-ass wet paper bag bombers...where you need to get physical possession of a remote to press a big red button to release the bombs?
    Felt contrived and invented just so that Rian could have that shot of Rose's sister dying. And why not use B-Wings or Y-Wings?
  • The ease with which Poe shot all those turrets kaboom. Why did the rebels never do that before during Yavin battle for example?
  • SLOW CHASE between 60km wide Snoke's flagship and the Cruiser. WTF?!
    Why are they all the same speed after the cruiser managed to get more distance between it and the First Order fleet?
    Why did they not send more Tie-Fighters? They sent 3 fighters and that pretty much wrecked the whole ship including the main hangar and bridge. So why no new fighters? They must have had thousands of fighters between the 60km flagship and those 5+ more destroyers. The script tries to explain that away with "if we gain enough of a distance their fighters will have to return to their motherships, cause you know they are SHORT RANGE fighters, just like in ANH, get it?" but how damn short range are those things all of a sudden? They were still in clear visible range. Is Rian Johnson saying TIE Fighters now have a range of less than 100 kilometers? They clearly had a pretty big range in ANH. And why is the First Order all of a sudden caring for individual pilots?
  • Why is the First Order not having one of its destroyers jump ahead, make a U-Turn and intercept the Resistance cruiser? Wouldn't this be the very first ORGANIC plan someone would execute in a scenario like this? TLJ didn't even try to build that scenario up better with "both opponents jumped into a nebula where further jumping is impossible and communications are out".
    At least 2 throwaway lines like that would have made that main plot easier to swallow.
  • They really only have a hyperspace jump tracking device on the leading ship? How convenient for the script! Also the mention that these tracking devices are BRAND NEW. Argh. Like they felt compelled to include that as it pretty much is the equivalent of the invisible car in DIE ANOTHER DAY or transwarp beaming in JJ Trek: Something they probably have to handwave away again in subsequent movies cause it opens up too many holes.
  • After the cruiser's main hangar and bridge are destroyed, they are still able to launch over a dozen pretty big transport ships. Where from? Did Poe miss the existence of a secret hangar? Did they have all their fighters in hangar #1 and all their transports in secret hangar #2? Why do these transports not have a hyperdrive? Even X-Wings have one.
  • Admiral Holdo's maneuver. Can a Calamari Resistance cruiser really not be piloted by an astromech droid or any other remote controlled device? The same movie shows us BB-88 magically being compatible with an AT-ST's wiring. Such odd choices to hinge a sacrifice on when pre-existing knowledge of the SW universe makes suspension of disbelief pretty much impossible for that part of the plot.
  • If kamikaze bombing by hyperspace travel is a thing: Why do battleships not have torpedoes that can do that or have any defense against it? Hyperspace travel has existed for millennia in the StarWars universe and nobody is ever using that as a weapon but at the same time they invent new weapons of war every other year? More like it was not working like this before but the movie was not concerned with logic in world building and wanted to have a cool looking sacrifice for Holdo.

I don't really disagree with any of these points besides the poe piloting thing. Poe is shown to be the best pilot ever so it makes some sense he can do things that others cannot. It fits into the theme of individual heroics aren't going to win the war and it's about being a leader of people.

The rest of it I agree with but I think the answer to each of them is to be cool. The bomber scene was dope and a straight homage to sw being ww2 dog fighting. The holdo maneuver of course is BS and falls a part on inspection but it's such a cool shot. Most if not all of these dumb but cool things also contribute to the character story being told.


Oct 25, 2017
I guess that raises the question of why the planet is filled with a Sith worshipping cult, who apparently live underground and probably eat dirt, because there doesn't seem to be resources or plants of any kind on the planet.

While seeing the film I just assumed the spectators were some force thing Palpatine was doing to make things more dramatic and stroke his ego, but no, then the *lore* came and just had to explain it so apparently there's just this massive Sith cult that all exploded when Palpatine died? Lmao


Legendary Duelist
Oct 25, 2017
Costa Rica
Even if someone absolutely hated TLJ at least that movie only removed stuff from the storyline (Rey's Parents, Luke, Snoke, Blue Lightsaber).

TROS added so much stupid shit (Palpatine Res, Rey Palpatine, Star Destroyers R Us, Snoke Clones???, Planet Destroying Ship Attachment, Sith Trooper Daycare) that it's going to be hard for someone to course correct in the future unless they do a time jump.

Filoni is already hard at work with his Star Wars era unfucking powers.

Mando Season 2 at least explores a bit of Snoke's origins


Oct 28, 2017
While seeing the film I just assumed the spectators were some force thing Palpatine was doing to make things more dramatic and stroke his ego, but no, then the *lore* came and just had to explain it so apparently there's just this massive Sith cult that all exploded when Palpatine died? Lmao

Like Zordon dying at the end of Power Rangers in Space, and killing every baddy out there an purifying the big bads in the process


No Fear, Only Math
Oct 25, 2017
I don't get why the battle with the praetorian guards was so much better than the one with the knights of ren.

all of the fights in the last jedi were better than any of the fights in rise of skywalker because there were character motivations behind them and stakes involved.

same goes for the force awakens honestly. for all the crap that film gets about being a retread of a new hope, at least it wasn't this 100% pure fanwank about the force and was much more centralized on people.


Apr 29, 2019
While seeing the film I just assumed the spectators were some force thing Palpatine was doing to make things more dramatic and stroke his ego, but no, then the *lore* came and just had to explain it so apparently there's just this massive Sith cult that all exploded when Palpatine died? Lmao

When I first saw the film, I thought they were some sort of Sith or dark side equivalent to Force Ghosts (as canon breaking as that may be). Some sort of demonic legion, or physical manifeston of the dark supporting old Palps. Alas, the truth was just as dumb, but not nearly as cool.


The Walnut King
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.

they have used mounts before, what was the problem this time?
Because it just added to the nonsense stupidity of the whole movie. Riding on horses on the hull of a ship that's taking off into orbit. Why not just land closer to the part they needed to be at and blow it up?

It just felt like one of those times where JJ said "this would be fun" and went for it


Oct 28, 2017
Why not just land closer to the part they needed to be at and blow it up?

this has very strong "why they didnt use the Eagles to fly to Mordor" vibes

they landed as close as they could, and the distance wasn't reachable in time by foot.

do you need the movie to spell it out for you?

hell, it may have been said in the film but i really dont remembert, lol

feels like something Finn would shout.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
all of the fights in the last jedi were better than any of the fights in rise of skywalker because there were character motivations behind them and stakes involved.
A lack of tension too, like when Rey confronts Palpatine, you know she's isn't going to become empress and kill him willingly, in TLJ you're unsure how Rey will act, whether she'll join Kylo, after facing her parents were nobodies. I don't believe Rey would join Ren, but in the moment you're unsure and it could end on a cliffhanger. In my opinion that's good storytelling.


Oct 27, 2017
I hated Exogol because of all the stated reasons, but it was also logically inconsistent. Ok, so Palps has a giant fleet. How did he create all that? He survived death? Ok how? How is he operating this fleet? It's just bananas level of nonsense made even worse by the fact that existing Star Wars lore could've answered some of these ideas with the Star Forge or cloning. Yet neither of those are mentioned in favor of having more Macguffins than necessary.


Oct 28, 2017
I hated Exogol because of all the stated reasons, but it was also logically inconsistent. Ok, so Palps has a giant fleet. How did he create all that? He survived death? Ok how? How is he operating this fleet? It's just bananas level of nonsense made even worse by the fact that existing Star Wars lore could've answered some of these ideas with the Star Forge or cloning. Yet neither of those are mentioned in favor of having more Macguffins than necessary.

i think the problem is that people seem to think that Palpatine created or conquered exegol after he was killed or something.

but "anciente secret villain hideout" is like one of the oldest tropes in the book.

Exegol already existed even before Episode 1


Oct 27, 2017
i think the problem is that people seem to think that Palpatine created or conquered exegol after he was killed or something.

but "anciente secret villain hideout" is like one of the oldest tropes in the book.

Exegol already existed even before Episode 1

That's fine, you just need a throw away line in dialogue. Hell, the scene already exists between Palps and Kylo. Just spend the time there instead of "they can fly? They can fly!"


Oct 28, 2017
That's fine, you just need a throw away line in dialogue. Hell, the scene already exists between Palps and Kylo. Just spend the time there instead of "they can fly? They can fly!"

they certainly wasting more time explaining other things.

but i think they do mention that exegol is the "secret ancient sith planet of legend" so yeah


Oct 30, 2017
If you look closely he actually did stop the lightning stream, the energy just keeps coming from Avatar Rey's sabers for....reasons.

Sheev's actual dumbest move was announcing his return cause he signed a contract with Fortnite instead of waiting a day for his fleet to rise up and wipe everyone out before they could plan/prepare. Prequel Sheev would be ashamed of TROS Sheev.
*Rey goes to kill him*

Palpatine: "My plan is for you to kill me so that my spirit will inhabit you!"

Like, if he had said nothing, he would have won.


Nov 13, 2017
this has very strong "why they didnt use the Eagles to fly to Mordor" vibes

they landed as close as they could, and the distance wasn't reachable in time by foot.

do you need the movie to spell it out for you?

hell, it may have been said in the film but i really dont remembert, lol

feels like something Finn would shout.

It still seems more like "this would make a cool scene" than something that was feasible, though.

And they won because they designed a cannon to be able to fire on the bridge of it's own ship.

Still not as stupid as randomly finding a knife that when held at the exact right spot at the exact right angle if the death star throne room is intact shows you where something is. Also it killed Rey's parents.


Oct 25, 2017
When I first saw the film, I thought they were some sort of Sith or dark side equivalent to Force Ghosts (as canon breaking as that may be). Some sort of demonic legion, or physical manifeston of the dark supporting old Palps. Alas, the truth was just as dumb, but not nearly as cool.

wait, what? They were *real*?

Fucking hell.

When I watched this car crash of a movie I legit thought they were symbolic or, as you said, Force Ghost equivalents or whatever. But no, apparently they were all actual Sith Cultists all gathered and cheering in some sort of arena.



Oct 25, 2017
One of the most mind numbingly stupid blockbusters of the past few years. I felt nothing watching it. Just a meaningless sequence of scenes.


Oct 27, 2017
I fucking HAAAATE this film. Yes, it's the absolute worst in the entire saga. Even AOTC has redeemable qualities and not just the memes we got out of it.

That being said, I will always be ready to disect and deconstruct RoS. It's FASCINATINGLY bad.


Oct 25, 2017
this has very strong "why they didnt use the Eagles to fly to Mordor" vibes

they landed as close as they could, and the distance wasn't reachable in time by foot.

do you need the movie to spell it out for you?

hell, it may have been said in the film but i really dont remembert, lol

feels like something Finn would shout.

It looked fucking dumb is what it boils down to whatever the in universe explanation.

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Kinda telling that the sequel trilogy didn't have even one space battle as cool as what we got in Rogue One.


Oct 25, 2017
Everything about episode 9 is just super stupid and silly from the constant McGuffin chasing, the "this dagger looks exactly like the landscape when held sideways only at a certain point on land" to the fact that the Emperor's ships can't apparently just ... go up... by themselves to a bunch of fucking space horses being used to board a destroyer and the ship not just wiggling sideways a bit to throw them all off.

Its all so dumb its funny, you could spend more time discussing how dumb everything in the movie was than the actual run time of the movie.


Art Director for Videogames
Oct 25, 2017
In a series defined by memorable battles and special effects driven set pieces, it sure is a let down to "end" the series on. It can't compare in the least to the trench run, Hoth, Endor or even the battle of Naboo or Starkiller base. It's only really memorable for what a massive splat it made.

Oh no, battle of Naboo was way worse