
Oct 27, 2017
I honestly can't stop thinking about this.

The sequels are full of nonsense drivel of the highest orders of dudu, but this one is just in a league of its own.

According to wookiepedia, the Sith Eternal fielded 1080 "Xyston-class Star Destroyers", each housing 72 TIE/dg and a crew of almost 30,000.
So there's lots of these Sith Troopers, who look really fucking cool with their red armor. Just like the entire new Sith Eternal faction, we see them for the first time in this film.

They're all sitting there in those ships. They're ready to kick ass


They also all just die LOL
We're to assume all 1080 ships are destroyed. 32 MILLION people dead, unless they all boarded escape pods or something.

Those 1080 ships have a grand total of 77,760 TIE fighters. If you can pull fricking 1080 star destroyers out of your ass, I won't even begin to entertain the idea of those ships not being at near full TIE capacity.
Even if we pretend that those 1080 star destroyers are really just "sitting ducks"; you're telling me the Resistance fighters could win a battle against ALMOST 78K TIE fighters AND the destroyers' defenses?????
Damn. Wonder if it took them all day??


I'm not even going into how stupid those "navigational issues" are, and how they could not take off without that freaking beacon. Or everything that leads to this battle. Or how it plays out. Or how the star destroyers can't have their shields up. Just the sheer numbers alone can give you restless nights.

Some real dumb shit.

Also the power just went out. Fricking Sheev and his lightning.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
What even are the logistics of this? Like, Space Adidas gets an order for 32 million custom red storm trooper uniforms shipped to Exegol?


The Jackrabbit Always Wins
Oct 25, 2017
New York
15 years later, people who are currently children will defend this movie as a masterpiece.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
Atrocious more like. Pretty weak major space battle, probably the weakest in all the Wars films. Simply cause the lighting. It's hard to see shit. And of course the ridiculous factor. All those Star destroyers. I mean, it's borderline parody


Hasn't made a thread yet. Shame me.
Oct 27, 2017
EP9 is some real dumb shit as a whole, thanks for reminding me, time to try and memory hole it again...

Oh boy it's a shame they never finished the sequel trilogy, EP8 was great and setup a cool dynamic to end it on....oh well.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
It's embarrassing all round, even the resistance turning up and that sea of ships, it's absurd. The battle is also absolute trash at every level even Wedge.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
This film almost retroactively ruined SW for me. Easier to just ignore the ST for me in my head cannon.


Oct 30, 2017
Atrocious more like. Pretty weak major space battle, probably the weakest in all the Wars films. Simply cause the lighting. It's hard to see shit. And of course the ridiculous factor. All those Star destroyers. I mean, it's borderline parody
This is the biggest problem. You wanna do space magic bullshit so you can have a nice ending scene. I hate it but i can respect it for how dumb it is but you have to make the scene look awesome.


Oct 28, 2017
São Paulo - Brazil
Battlestar Galactica gave a several master lessons in how to make a sci-fi battle 15 years ago. Quality > quanity. Clarity > Visual Effects. Emotional attachment > Explosions.

Exagol battle is everything a space battle shouldn't be.


Jan 27, 2018
I watched this recently again and its headache inducing garbage. Even thinking about it for any amount of time quickly makes you realize none of it makes sense. Want to get rid of the horses charging on a star destroyer? Tilt it slightly. The navigational crap is just covering holes on how none of it makes sense. God what nonsense.
Nov 27, 2020
In a series defined by memorable battles and special effects driven set pieces, it sure is a let down to "end" the series on. It can't compare in the least to the trench run, Hoth, Endor or even the battle of Naboo or Starkiller base. It's only really memorable for what a massive splat it made.


Oct 25, 2017
Endgame pulled off massive final battle so much better than SW9. You can tell absolutely no thought went into what they were trying to do with this battle besides trying to look epic

Lube Man

Jan 18, 2021
What even are the logistics of this? Like, Space Adidas gets an order for 32 million custom red storm trooper uniforms shipped to Exegol?
5 year lead time, 6 million every year, last 2 million are delayed and shipped in Quarter 1.

Good thing with this is that they can literally light beam the Star Destroyers to Space Adidias with the Troopers on it, make them wear the gear and light beam back to Exegol without any shipping delays.


Spirit Tamer
Jan 2, 2018
Good thing with this is that they can literally light beam the Star Destroyers to Space Adidias with the Troopers on it, make them wear the gear and light beam back to Exegol without any shipping delays.
The star destroyers share an Empire Prime account tho so next-day shipping is free.


I'm Your Favorite Poster's Favorite Poster
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Yea it is hard to defend this film, and I am a pretty big Star Wars apologist.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The Emperor just raising 1000+ Star Destroyers ("each with Death Star planet destroying weaponry!") out of a planet was just so stupid that nothing else in the movie could save it. Episode 9 was like handing Star Wars to a 6 year old who just got a bunch of toy Star Destroyer toys and asking them to tell a story with their new figures. It would be exactly like if there was a Lord of the Rings sequel trilogy and Saruman rose from the dead to summon 1000 new Barad-dûrs. If that sounds fucking stupid to you, then welcome to the club.

Some people like TLJ and some people don't, but I'm immediately suspicious of anyone who thinks TROS is better than TLJ. TROS is the worst Star Wars has ever been and it's not even close.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I love how they all talk about how difficult it is to find the planet, almost impossible if you don't have those holocrons or whatever they're called.

But somehow they could build thousands of ships, feed millions of people, for years on end and somehow NO ONE KNEW? No slip ups? No empire soliders spilling the beans over drinks?


Where did those people come from?
Is everyone cloned on that planet? Do millions of people just live on an inhospitable planet with no way of escape?

This shit is so frustrating.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
Star Wars has always been bad about numbers. This one seems worse than usual but the fleet sizes/planet populations and anything else that contains a number usually doesn't hold up until scrutiny.


Oct 25, 2017
They should have just said fuck it and gone full on anime and done some Gun Buster shit with Rey obliterating hundreds of ships with a single attack in an insane CG light show.




Feb 13, 2019
Others have said it and I'll say it now: this movie killed my love for Star Wars.

I wasn't a fan of the prequels and the first two sequels were mostly just OK...but this movie actively broke the story of the core trilogy AND wasted some genuinely interesting new characters.


Oct 27, 2017
I feel like one of the most atrocious things about it was that they just literally used increase scale on the Rogue One Imperial-I model and then slapped a cannon in the hangar. Like every surface detail on the ship is identical, just 1.5x the size, including turrets and windows and whatever. They could just as easily and kind of reasonably have made them the same size and claimed they had just salvaged all the missing Star Destroyers from throughout the Galactic Civil War and retrofitted them with hypermatter reactors and the cannons. I suppose it required a bit more work than reusing the footage of an exploding Bird of Prey from Undiscovered Country in Generations at least.


Oct 27, 2017
I still can't believe they managed to make another Star Wars movie as bad as Attack of the Clones. It's wild. The battle at Exegol probably doesn't even reach the top 10 worst parts of the film!


You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
Shit film all around. Wish there could be more said, but it's just top to bottom bad. I was really hoping JJ would pull it altogether but man this was about as bad as it could get. Every aspect of the film is just poorly thought out and poorly executed.

Battlestar Galactica gave a several master lessons in how to make a sci-fi battle 15 years ago. Quality > quanity. Clarity > Visual Effects. Emotional attachment > Explosions.

Exagol battle is everything a space battle shouldn't be.
For all my issues with the film Rogue One was pretty excellent at showing how to do a good modern Star Wars space battle. That was just two Star Destroyers and a couple dozen fighters and like a few rebel frigates and corvettes. Its one major flaw was the lack of emotional connection to those involved. Either in space or on the ground.

Deleted member 10612

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
What saddens me the most is that they got the old guard to show up in these movies and just managed to release shit movie after shit movie.

Such an awesome chance to make good movies wasted. Oh well. What can you do.

Deleted member 12224

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The battle could have had 10 Star Destroyers with Death Star guns and it would've still been dumb.

1000 of them makes it 100x dumber.


Oct 27, 2017

Nothing will ever top this scene. The simplicity of two characters you care about duking it out. But, the people in charge think it's about lots of people blowing up lots of planets.


Oct 27, 2017
There were so many ways they could have taken the series after The Last Jedi and this is what we got. This entire Exegol crap was just ridiculous.


Oct 29, 2017
And we should not forget when the Star Wars theme started playing during the climax like an anime when the protagonist is about to defeating the big baddie. I was laughing so much when it happened

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
I don't get why the battle with the praetorian guards was so much better than the one with the knights of ren.
Nov 27, 2020
The battle could have had 10 Star Destroyers with Death Star guns and it would've still been dumb.

1000 of them makes it 100x dumber.
That's the crazy thing. ROTJ had a relative handful of ships compared to TROS's ending, yet that Battle of Endor feels waaaaaay more engaging and impactful than Exogol. Same goes for Scarif in RO. More ships does not equal more epic.


Oct 25, 2017
TROS is so fucking dumb. I try not to be hyperbolic against it, but there's so much wasted potential, so many stupid narrative decisions and dumb choices... it's incredibly disappointing. It's not like they didn't "stick the landing" - they basically crashed the plane into the airport.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
JJ should have went for the Death Star again instead 😂 I wonder if he really wanted to.


Oct 27, 2017
This is the kind of shit you get when you let your pre-visualization team run wild

modern blockbuster writing seems to have more in common with video game writing now. You have a team devising reems of concept art and set pieces and another team tasked to stitch it all together


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Coming from someone who doesn't enjoy TROS (I have to have that so I don't get accused of defending it or whatever), I can't wait for the day when we just stop discussing it. But we still talk about TLJ like it ruined our childhood so who knows when that will happen.
Oct 25, 2017
Battlestar Galactica gave a several master lessons in how to make a sci-fi battle 15 years ago. Quality > quanity. Clarity > Visual Effects. Emotional attachment > Explosions.

Exagol battle is everything a space battle shouldn't be.

Not even BSG. R1 showed how to masterfully do space battles. Both the Edu station raid and the battle of Scariff are leagues above anything in the ST.

The only decent battle in ST I'd consider is the one at Maz's bar. Everything else is another shade of garbage