
Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018

Just for reference.

...And to remind the "After sleeping on it" -crowd what it looks like :P
That window was a good precursor for Tesla's stock price today. lol
Nov 16, 2017
I don't mind it. I'm not going to buy it but I wasn't going to buy any truck. I can dig the futuristic look. If you want a regular truck, buy a Ford. This is for people that want something unique, attention-grabbing, and cool. So many companies have concept cars but choose to dial it down for their production model. It's a nice change to see a company push a radical design as a production model.


Oct 25, 2017
Is thinking it looks cool as fuck but having absolute zero interest in actually owning or driving one a strange position?

like, in a vacuum they nail what they were going for and I think from a design perspective, that's cool and admirable.

But from a day to day practicality standpoint I can't imagine ever not feeling completely out of place in that thing. It's like the next gen Hummer.


Nov 6, 2017
This thing is hideous, but if it gets people to buy it instead of gas guzzlers I'm all for it.


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Apr 19, 2018
I don't mind it. I'm not going to buy it but I wasn't going to buy any truck. I can dig the futuristic look. If you want a regular truck, buy a Ford. This is for people that want something unique, attention-grabbing, and cool. So many companies have concept cars but choose to dial it down for their production model. It's a nice change to see a company push a radical design as a production model.
The demographic of people who want something like a truck, but different, has proven to be an extremely small one.


Nov 6, 2017
Is thinking it looks cool as fuck but having absolute zero interest in actually owning or driving one a strange position?

like, in a vacuum they nail what they were going for and I think from a design perspective, that's cool and admirable.

But from a day to day practicality standpoint I can't imagine ever not feeling completely out of place in that thing. It's like the next gen Hummer.

That totally makes sense. It's almost like character design or something in a game. Just because it looks cool for the stylistic approach it's going for, doesn't make it practical in the real world.
Oct 25, 2017
I think most of the automotive industry is just recycling the same visual tricks infinitely and cars/trucks 95% of the time look drab and unoriginal, so I actually appreciate that he's going in a different direction in regards to the look. A little funny from some angles but I appreciate what he's going for and I wish more companies would be willing to break the mold like that. It's fresh. And I'm happy for getting more gasless options out there. I'd rather have this than some typical looking gas guzzler for sure. And the price isn't bad. On board for the 80s future.
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Oct 27, 2017
As a truck guy, I'm ready to go electric, but it needs to be a regular, badass looking truck. I don't want it to look like this doorstop-looking thing, nor do I want it to look wimpy like that other brand's. I want an F150 or Tacoma or Silverado, etc. in electric.

Truck guys want their trucks to look like TRUCKS - I don't get who this is going to appeal to other than just being some rich person's toy.
Absolutely agree. I want my next truck to look like a truck. Not like the tumbler and a delorean had a kid.

I live out of my truck for work half the year. I will have access to 20+ amp power. I want to continue to do so and this would be the logical next step but not like this. I guess I'll continue to wait on what Ford and hopefully GM have coming down the pipe.


Mar 18, 2018
Imagine actually driving this monstrosity down a street with other human beings and other cars.

And I say that as someone whose mother had a Fiet Multipla.
Oct 31, 2017
I want my next truck to be electric, have great range, and great towing capacity. "Looking like a truck" is not why I have a pickup truck in the first place -- I have a pickup truck to tow a horse trailer and haul hay & feed around. Cybertruck will do everything I need, and at a far better price and capability than Rivian or Bollinger are offering. And as of yet we have no idea how Ford & Chevrolet's EV truck offerings will stack up.
So for now, Cybertruck is the clear winner.


Nov 6, 2017

mmm it definitely sticks out more. The H2 definitely fit the modern design philosophy, it was just fucking huge and a status symbol. This thing looks like something out of a scifi 80s movie, which is exactly what they're going for, but it would certainly be a sight to see.


Oct 25, 2017
I want my next truck to be electric, have great range, and great towing capacity. "Looking like a truck" is not why I have a pickup truck in the first place -- I have a pickup truck to tow a horse trailer and haul hay & feed around. Cybertruck will do everything I need, and at a far better price and capability than Rivian or Bollinger are offering. And as of yet we have no idea how Ford & Chevrolet's EV truck offerings will stack up.
So for now, Cybertruck is the clear winner.
your gonna hook up a trailer with horses or hay bales to a cybertruck?

thats going to look so fucking dumb.

also check out Atlis trucks, they start at 45k


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
I want my next truck to be electric, have great range, and great towing capacity. "Looking like a truck" is not why I have a pickup truck in the first place -- I have a pickup truck to tow a horse trailer and haul hay & feed around. Cybertruck will do everything I need, and at a far better price and capability than Rivian or Bollinger are offering. And as of yet we have no idea how Ford & Chevrolet's EV truck offerings will stack up.
So for now, Cybertruck is the clear winner.
Sure we do, Ford has already shown off the electric F150. And since it looks good, you can be seen in it. Win/win


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
your gonna hook up a trailer with horses or hay bales to a cybertruck?

thats going to look so fucking dumb.

also check out Atlis trucks, they start at 45k
The day I see one of these hauling some hay, I'm gonna have to pull over, I'll be laughing so hard.

Darren Lamb

Dec 1, 2017
I thought it was ridiculous but I'm sort of into it now. I don't have a need for one but I'm surprised at the price and feature set

Not a normal truck guy though


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Apr 19, 2018
I picture rolling up to tractor supply with one of these and being all, "hey Earl, go ahead and load that into my Cybertruck and spacepod trailer over there" *tips LED cowboy hat*


Oct 27, 2017
Look, I may very well be wrong, and if I am, I'll have no problem admitting it. But pseudo-truck historically have not sold at all. Look at the current Honda Ridgeline - that only slightly deviated from the norm, and it barely sells. Every other pseudo-truck or truck variant in the US has seen the same fate. Every single one. Maybe this will be different, because Tesla is basically the Apple of cars and people will buy their shit regardless, but I think Tesla far overshot the mark on this one.

If Tesla is shooting for the demographic that doesn't want a truck, but wants something like one, that demo has proven to be a small one.

What makes a truck a truck in American eyes? To my non-US eyes the Honda Ridgeline and say a Ford F-150 functionally peform the same role -- carrying and towing. Or is there more to it?
Oct 31, 2017
I dunno, Atlis seems too good to be true, especially for a company with zero track record. I filed that in the "I'll believe it when I see it" category.


Oct 30, 2017
If you're saying that this looks like shit and you at any point in your life have ever owned:
a) A Hummer
b) A Fiat
c) Any Kia that's not a Soul
d) A Hummer
Yall should not be talking at all. This thing looks amazing in comparison.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
If you're saying that this looks like shit and you at any point in your life have ever owned:
a) A Hummer
b) A Fiat
c) Any Kia that's not a Soul
d) A Hummer
Yall should not be talking at all. This thing looks amazing in comparison.
That's a negative from me, so I guess I check out lol


Oct 25, 2017
If you're saying that this looks like shit and you at any point in your life have ever owned:
a) A Hummer
b) A Fiat
c) Any Kia that's not a Soul
d) A Hummer
Yall should not be talking at all. This thing looks amazing in comparison.
i own a Kia sedona. and you know what? it looks like a minivan, because.. and bear with me here, its a minivan.


Oct 25, 2017
I love this car if for no other reason than it's design being so polarizing that it's causing people to get upset at people for liking it