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julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
its sort of impressive how you can ba radical about a thing, but then be so tone deaf hateful with another. Even after its been pointed out to you.

But she just lives in a well insulated bubble id imagine, just spews out, takes nothing in.

This particular case of dissonance comes from a real place of conservative ideological stagnation of a once progressive thinking that allows them to think that they're being progressive while also accommodating their transphobia. You can read more about it in this article which i think does a good job of explaining where it comes from.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017

See the fun thing is she gets to define that if not trans people

Goat Mimicry

Oct 25, 2017
Imagine being so hateful that a billion fucking dollars can't distract you from spending your day shitting on a highly marginalized group of people over Twitter.

What an abhorrent person.


Oct 27, 2017
So if I got this straight, she's saying Trans-women aren't "real" women because they were born with different generals?


Oct 28, 2017
She has more in common with the villains she writes than her heroes.

Be better you fucking disappointing sack of hate.
Oct 25, 2017
Harry Potter aint the wave no more unless Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint, in character, make a video telling JK to shut up


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I really wish we would drop the F from the acronym. Feminists believe in equality for all women. TERs don't.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Everything going on in the world right now, and you take time out of your day to post shit like this. What be a piece of shit.

I'm pretty sure she wasn't even back on Twitter at all pre-quarantine. Seems to be the reason why she has the time to post this shit, that and/or she doesn't feel pressure from anyone/any company she works with to keep the mask on now that she doesn't have a movie out anytime soon.

The book's just being used as cover, too, with all the RTing of kids' drawings. Which makes me more surprised that she threw out "fuck" here, honestly; mask was always gonna come off like this eventually but I thought she'd be a bit more careful about appearing child-appropriate with her bigotry after the last time.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The shitty TERF really is going full fucking TERF now isn't she. No holds barred on her fucking bigotry and hate.

Eat shit and die Rowling you scum.

Common Knowledge

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Someone heavily involved with the HP franchise, like Daniel Radcliffe or Emma Watson, needs to make a video just telling her to shut the fuck up already.


Sep 18, 2018
This whole thing with her is utterly bizarre to me. Even regardless of the disconnect between what she writes and this, like, just... why?


Oct 25, 2017
Harry Potter aint the wave no more unless Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint, in character, make a video telling JK to shut up
HP is over and done, and all those famous people have moved on with their lives and families. JK is the only one who hasn't moved on, and appears to have become worse instead of achieving growth.

I have doubts that parents would even want to bring their kids into the mix to read works created by someone who's an openly hateful bigot.

there are plenty of other modern remixed fairy tales they can dig into that aren't hurt by association with a TERF.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
i fucking dare her to try marching with us lmfao. she's not welcome. she will never be welcome.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017


More TERF stuff

Literally all she does is read Terf stuff and ignore everything else


Oct 27, 2017

She literally cannot stop dehumanizing them. What the hell is her problem? Why do TERF bastards feel the need to erase the Trans community? They insult and marginalize a community in the name of feminism, which an absolute perversion of the movement, and stands against everything real feminists have ever fought for.

Rowling has a freaking gall to say she isn't hateful, when she threatens people with lawyers the second they call out her transphobia. She uses her wealth and reach to signal boost hate, and crush any other voices. She is a garbage person, whose hatefulness needs to be brought up whenever possible. Make Warner Brothers have to denounce her, make this the conversation every time she spews some new useless HP factoid up, or there is a new game or film to promote.


Oct 26, 2017
Trans women are vulnerable in a way that's almost like being a woman' sure is a way to present this.

She's really going hard to make sure she gets cancelled when all focus was already elsewhere.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
HP is over and done, and all those famous people have moved on with their lives and families. JK is the only one who hasn't moved on, and appears to have become worse instead of achieving growth.

I have doubts that parents would even want to bring their kids into the mix to read works created by someone who's an openly hateful bigot.

They've still been involved with various HP things over the years, and it would not be surprising to see Cursed Child get a movie or something that gets the actors back. Like your point stands in general, but I wouldn't say they've exactly permanently distanced themselves from it or anything, and it would be good to see them speak up about her.

Beyond the passive-aggressive t-shirt thing Watson did (which I think was from a while ago, wasn't it), I don't any of them have really said anything about her to begin with...

EDIT: Ah, I see what you were getting for more with what you added. Never mind!

Deleted member 3815

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
So do we take the Minecraft approach to Harry Potter?

Unfortunately that is not possible as the book isn't free from Rowling's Bias and still is problematic in other areas

Harry Potter is not a good series.

What is the cause for this white feminism infested with terfs?

They fear that their "safe" space are being invaded by what they see as "men in drags".

white feminism is very toxic and is not only laden with Trans phobia but also racism as well. So if you're a trans and not white...too bad no feminism for you. And what's worse they are empowered by white men.


Also, there are trans men who were born into a female body and menstruate. So...not sure what her point is.

TREF don't see Trans men as men.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
I'd love to see a recommended reading list of solid YA/kids books that aren't written by such a terrible person. If she wants to be unrepentant, then she should face the fiscal consequences of that.

I think a lot of parents have defaulted to Harry Potter because it's the big "thing" and it's easy enough to read. It needs to be replaced in the public consciousness, and soon.

Hopefully Universal's Harry Potter areas also start floundering (just rebrand the butterbeer because that stuff was good). I couldn't in good conscience visit those these days. Doubt I'll be picking up the new game, either.


Apr 28, 2018
Friendly reminder that if you want to read a Harry Potter book in 2020, buying it from a used bookstore is the way to go. She won't see a dime from the sale and you'll be supporting a small business.


Alt account
May 19, 2020
Her latest tweet....she's trying to spin this into "by opposing my views, you are discriminating lesbians"

What a disgusting vile piece of shit.


Oct 25, 2017

Just keep digging that hole, bitch. Your weird brand of transphobia might be cool in the UK but everyone else is sick of your shtick and eventually the UK will be too.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I'd love to see a recommended reading list of solid YA/kids books that aren't written by such a terrible person. If she wants to be unrepentant, then she should face the fiscal consequences of that.

I think a lot of parents have defaulted to Harry Potter because it's the big "thing" and it's easy enough to read. It needs to be replaced in the public consciousness, and soon.

Hopefully Universal's Harry Potter areas also start floundering (just rebrand the butterbeer because that stuff was good). I couldn't in good conscience visit those these days. Doubt I'll be picking up the new game, either.

I know I've seen that the author of the Animorphs series is a very supportive parent to a trans child, and that's on top of the fact that the core message of those books lands so much better than "harry becomes a cop"
Oct 25, 2017
Isn't all her tweets just one big Straw Man Argument?

Like, no is saying that sex doesn't exist or anything like that, what the fuck is she even talking about?


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
I never got into Harry Potter but it must be godtier with how fond people are of it. Really sucks because I don't think I'm gonna ever get into it knowing what kind of person she is.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
What the actual fuck is she talking about? She seems to be conflating gender and sex all while making this straw man point that other trans and non-binary people existing somehow makes her... Less able to identify as a woman?

Does she understand that the movement for trans equality/acceptance isn't about people like her? She's going out of her way to interject herself in a discussion she has zero stake in.


Oct 25, 2017
I never got into Harry Potter but it must be godtier with how fond people are of it

Public perception of it has cratered a lot in the last decade or so as people woke up to its terrible politics and plothole-ridden writing, as well as the shitty stage play and new movies that Rowling insists on pumping out because she doesn't have enough money already.
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