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Deleted member 18944

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Her thought process is so trash I was initially really confused as to what she was even saying. Must be hard being super rich and not having the spotlight on you at all times.


Drive-In Mutant
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Has nobody seriously not explained the difference between sex and gender to her?


Oct 25, 2017
Don't think I've ever seen an author of children's books go this mask off.

Like...holy shit.

Fuck every word out of her TERF mouth.


Oct 25, 2017
For those that still somehow don't think she hates trans people, here's a quote from "Silkworm" a book that she wrote.

"'If you go for that door one more time I'm calling the police and I'll testify and be glad to watch you go down for attempted murder. And it won't be fun for you Pippa,' he added. 'Not pre-op.'"

The protagonist threatening a trans woman with prison rape. Isn;t that just great? And this comes after the book insultingly describes how "masculine" she is.


Oct 27, 2017
The mask is fully gone.
She's been making veiled statements and liking posts against trans women for years now, but has never been so blatant, and always walked it back - to the point that people would question if she was actually transphobic or didn't really mean what she said. People don't like hearing these things about someone they once looked up to, and are willing to give them a lot of benefit of the doubt.
I'm quite sure that the "but I have trans friends" part will be referring to a trans man, which TERFs consider to be "confused women" rather than a threat.

I've seen these Rowling threads for awhile on ERA, but at this point, I've got to ask....what exactly is she saying here?
She is against Trans people? doesn't believe in them? Is she saying you are either male or female and that's it? Whatever it is, this is super shitty but I honestly do not understand what she believes can someone please spell it out simply for me?
Also, why can't people just accept others for who they are? What good are you doing with this? Really shitty
She seems to believe that trans women are a threat to women, and women's rights. She thinks that she is a hero protecting women.
She is wrong about all of that, of course.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
Joan Karen Rowling

But yeah I'm done with her, I hope some day soon the rights to HP are bought away from her because she was ruining her own work faster and harder than George Lucas ever did with Star Wars

Every post about the upcoming Harry Potter game in the future should come with a hefty warning about her views at the top of the page
Oct 27, 2017
Although it has been obvious for a while, it is still disappointing to find out the author of one of your favorite childhood books is a gross and hateful human being.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017

She's literally a troll now

Damn Silly

Oct 25, 2017
Rowling, between Covid, BLM protests and it being fucking Pride month, could ye not haud yer weesht for a fucking moment instead of trying to be the centre of attention.

If I didn't know better, I'd be guessing that the K stood for Karen.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
Reading the tweet and interpreting "sex" as "intercourse" made it all the more bizarre. Glad I read a few more posts before I realized what she meant.

Inclusion of others isn't erasing shit.

Shut up, JK. Glad I stopped at Goblet of Fire.


The Fallen
Oct 5, 2018
literally what are TERFs standing to lose by letting trans women into the woman club? How does it "erase" cis women?


Oct 25, 2017
The mask is fully gone.
She's been making veiled statements and liking posts against trans women for years now, but has never been so blatant, and always walked it back - to the point that people would question if she was actually transphobic or didn't really mean what she said. People don't like hearing these things about someone they once looked up to, and are willing to give them a lot of benefit of the doubt.
I'm quite sure that the "but I have trans friends" part will be referring to a trans man, which TERFs consider to be "confused women" rather than a threat.

She seems to believe that trans women are a threat to women, and women's rights. She thinks that she is a hero protecting women.
She is wrong about all of that, of course.

Thanks. That is...just so crazy wtf has she always been this way? For someone who I know says she is all about equality and people being who they are, I do not understand how she believes this as well. I hope she sees the light because this is damaging and neurotic wtf


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
I hate how she seems to get a pass because she wrote an alright book series. This isn't even the first time she's done this shit.


Oct 27, 2017
Annapolis, Maryland
I'll never wrap my head around terfs. Even from a purely self-serving point of view, feminists should want to dismantle the sex and gender binaries. It would be the most effective way of curbing misogyny.

Deleted member 18944

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
People saying her "mask is completely off now" or "she's finally showing her true colors"

y'all been under a rock or something?

mfer been a TERF for a while now. Her mask has been off, her true colors have been known.

Shit isn't new, just unsaid (which I doubt as well but I don't got the receipts rn)


Nov 11, 2017
Trans exclusionary radical feminist.

Which is how you say transphobe in four words. It's pretty impressive.

its sort of impressive how you can ba radical about a thing, but then be so tone deaf hateful with another. Even after its been pointed out to you.

But she just lives in a well insulated bubble id imagine, just spews out, takes nothing in.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017

Weird for a writer you think shed know what empathy means.

What a delusional fuck

But lol she's finally melting down


Oct 25, 2017
"How can it get worse?" I ask, and then she posts again

fuck her, terf garbage


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017

Is this really all because she wants to talk about her periods? Is she seriously dragging an entire discriminated minority because she apparently doesn't have the capacity to expand her vocabulary? Even though she's supposedly a writer?

Also I'd like to know what planet she's from in which mocking trans people is empathetic.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017

Yup, yup, glad to see that they spoke up about this too.

Her shit's in the series. Even as someone who was a fan as a kid, you can't just pretend the books are fine and she only got bad after. There's loads of stuff in them that people just don't even question no matter how much they deserve to be criticized.

So, y'know, don't pin that on Miku.
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