
Oct 30, 2017
What may be acceptable in America is not acceptable in other countries. I am explaining why this is not some extreme move by Jack Black or an overreaction. I think many Americans absolutely do not understand what it's like touring internationally. It's not a free for all.
This type of content definitely flies with your everyday Australians. Take a dip in our famous Harold Holt swimming pool.


Oct 30, 2017
California for now
Yeah honestly it's probably a business decision but it's still kind of sucks on Jack's end.

When it comes to this comedy not even the day after somebody posted on the Regular Show subreddit characters who "wouldn't have missed"! And even more violent gifs on like on Hazbin and Helluva Boss.

I think people just want to make light of something because sometimes it is so outrageous you got to laugh! ....otherwise you go crazy.


Oct 25, 2017
Considering racism is alive and well across the globe in countries with free speech or not I'm going to question this. A lot of the most restrictive countries out there are still plainly racist in language, laws, actions and so on.
We can agree to disagree but I'm perfectly happy living in a country where half of what Trump says will put him in jail rather than in power.


Oct 8, 2018
Given the political environment, I wouldn't be surprised if, in addition to business considerations, Black was also concerned about the safety/security of future tour dates.


Oct 25, 2017
We can agree to disagree but I'm perfectly happy living in a country where half of what Trump says will put him in jail rather than in power.

Just saying lacking of freedom of speech doesn't somehow actually stifle racism. If anything it can easily aid it when the racists are the ones in power and stifle free speech against the racist bullshit.

The Boat

Oct 28, 2017
I feel playing it safe is just offering up the usual half assed apology. Ending the tour and all their future plans seems a lot more extreme a reaction.
Extreme on the side of safety. Considering the backlash and the current political climate, I don't think it would be smart to continue the tour, especially for safety reasons.
Also, considering Jack does a lot of movies for children, a half assed apology doesn't seem like a great move.

I highly doubt they "ended" all their future plans. That's not what putting things on hold means. I could be wrong, but I don't think this is the end of Tenacious D. They'll probably stay quiet for a bit and will come back later. Maybe even make a song about it.

Archduke Kong

Feb 2, 2019
Remember what Trevor Moore said about saying certain things about the president? "It's VERY illegal, super illegal, insanely illegal. They'll come to your house!". Innocent joke or not, I wouldn't be surprised if something happened after that we're not privy to. Maybe they're being investigated after that comment, people have been investigated for less (IIRC didn't something like that happen to John Mulaney once? I've heard of at least one comedian before who got investigated for a joke that WASN'T meant as a threat, and KG said the guy "shouldn't have missed").

I also don't know if anything in that statement suggests he's not associating with KG anymore. As a lifelong fan of the D, I could see Jack looking for an excuse to step away from his shock comedy project from when he was younger. But I can't see him being so put off by KG making a joke like that to the point that he cuts him off forever, I think they're just laying low after one of them made a controversial statement.


Oct 28, 2017
New York
Well this seems like a huge overreaction smdh.

I don't think they breakup as a band over this though. It'll cool off in like a week or so.


Oct 25, 2017
Devil World, Toronto
Oct 26, 2017
The situation's delicate, I don't blame Jack Black for taking the stance he did. I'd argue that he and Kyle are still tight, but for appearances' sake, he has to take this route, not only for his career but also just to not rattle the hornet nest.


Oct 25, 2017
I agree you shouldn't joke about someone getting killed publicly like that. You don't know who's watching and if they'll fly off the handle.

Literally any other Trump joke is open to make and has been made. Death is tacky...

...even though Trump wanted us to get over those kids getting killed in Iowa by the next day. 🙄

Trump has literally wished death on people, but one can't wish death on him?

"When they go low, we go high"....except Republicans actually want to kill people 🤷


May 11, 2023
That's horribly disappointing. They were going to be pretty close by me during their Rock D Vote tour this year.


Oct 27, 2017
Destroying a lifelong friendship over something like that makes me think Jack Black is a jerk that cares more about his career.


Oct 25, 2017
Just saying lacking of freedom of speech doesn't somehow actually stifle racism. If anything it can easily aid it when the racists are the ones in power and stifle free speech against the racist bullshit.
I agree it's complicated, especially in authoritatian countries where leadership is suspect. But freedom of speech itself left unchecked is not a good thing. Hate speech should be regulated. It makes for a better society when implemented in good faith.


Mar 19, 2018
Kyle is probably in on what Jack is doing. They just have to wait for it to blow over, like Kathy Griffin did. Jack is smart to distance himself or he'll get a visit from Secret Service, which Kyle will have to deal with.


Nov 28, 2017
Joking about and condoning an assassination attempt on a former president or presidential candidate tends not to be a wise public relations move. Piece of shit or otherwise, joking about it just adds to the political powder keg and puts all your fans at risk at any subsequent shows.

Literally any other joke would have been fine but I don't think people realize how potentially serious the times we are living in right now are.


Mar 23, 2018
Yeah, the vitriol out of the right after the attempt has some pretty unhinged people saying crazy shit. He was probably afraid for his safety. We know it's a joke, but that doesn't matter to some crazy right winger. Some of them are looking for an excuse right now. They fantasize about civil war.


Oct 25, 2017
Kyle is probably in on what Jack is doing. They just have to wait for it to blow over, like Kathy Griffin did. Jack is smart to distance himself or he'll get a visit from Secret Service, which Kyle will have to deal with.
There's no way that Kyle is not in on it. I am really surprised to see people think that there's some betrayal of friendship here. It was a big goof and now they are damage controlling it as they should.


Aug 17, 2018
I think people forget how bad it got for Kathy Griffin.

You know who didn't forget? Pretty much everybody in the entertainment industry, especially managers and PR folks. I'm sure KG and Jack got an absolute earful after getting off stage. As tongue-in-cheek as this joke was, you can literally lose your entire career over it. I'm not saying it's deserved, but it can definitely happen.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 30, 2017

Also, Trump fans are deranged and dangerous people; just ask Trump. Jack also likely doesn't want a target on his back.

This was my first thought with the tour cancelation. Some psycho is undoubtedly thinking about revenge. I'd be worried not just about myself but also my family's safety as well.


Jan 31, 2021
this is what i was going to say.

trump and co making jokes about Pelosi's husband, perfectly fine. make the slightest joke as a dem and lose you career.

It's because the civil war the far right fantasizes about in reality is just them committing violence against their perceived cultural enemies

Their culture is inherently violent so there's no pushback when they indulge it


Oct 25, 2017
There's no way that Kyle is not in on it. I am really surprised to see people think that there's some betrayal of friendship here. It was a big goof and now they are damage controlling it as they should.
Yeah it feels like their agents probably stepped in and coordinated some damage control. Someone earlier in the thread even mentioned they knew both personally, and that this is a whole bunch of nothing. I'm inclined to believe it.


Mar 19, 2018
There's no way that Kyle is not in on it. I am really surprised to see people think that there's some betrayal of friendship here. It was a big goof and now they are damage controlling it as they should.

100%. Anything being said or posted isn't coming from them, it's all management, PR and probably some extra crisis management types


Art Director for Videogames
Oct 25, 2017
mmmm, yeah, I wouldn't be happy at all if my band mate and bff said that in a public venue like this so I get it


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
This is a money move and a keep my family safe move.

There is already misinformation around saying HE said it and we all know how unhinged that base is. On top of that the money he gets from Tenacious D has to be absolutely peanuts compared to all of his family friendly kid facing VO work. Companies want to work with noncontroversial people that they don't have to explain shit for versus somebody who agreed with what his buddy said and he probably agrees with.

It's a blower but I absolutely get it.


The Fallen
Jul 28, 2018
Anderson Cooper did the same thing Jack Black is doing now, literally just cut Kathy completely out of his life

Haven't really liked him much since then
If you want to maintain your career, you have no other choice. Anderson Cooper is not about to die on a hill defending Kathy Griffin.

If Jack Black acts like it's nothing and "We're still BFFs no matter what he said", he forfeits his movie career.

Ultra-safe, middle of the road, we want to make the safest movie possible Nintendo would drop him from SMBM2 like a stone.

It's not hard. Do not joke about harming the president. Regardless of who it is or what they've done.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Is the right wing going to pretend that Kyle Gass or Tenacious D is some mega popular music act for liberals now, like they did with Kathy Griffin?

I don't really think about Jack Black ever but I think it's fine to distance yourself from world leader assassination talk. FOr his career it makes plenty of sense, Kathy Griffin had the kinda weirdo art comedy piece of Trump's severed head, and it did seriously kill her career for ~5 years, and if you're not a bajillionaire then these kinda D-list celebrities need work, and they don't want to be passed over on the next Jungle Cruise 3 or whatever, because Jungle Cruise doesn't want heat for one of the side characters being "pro-assassination" or w/e.


Oct 25, 2017
I think people forget how bad it got for Kathy Griffin.
I thought you were making a KG=Kathy Griffin joke I completely forgot.

As for them breakibg up or stopping the tour, there's a good chance there's just relationship stuff between them were not privy too, like if they had previously talked about not being political during the show or anything along those lines and Kyle disrespected that for the joke. Either way imo its unfortunate but makes sense to step back from that and not enflame things when it does nothing but likely hurt their careers to take meaningless pot shots. Like if there was substantive criticism or something I'd be like wtf.


Oct 25, 2017
I agree it's complicated, especially in authoritatian countries where leadership is suspect. But freedom of speech itself left unchecked is not a good thing. Hate speech should be regulated. It makes for a better society when implemented in good faith.

Limiting of free speech is a favorite tool of authoritarians, bigots and the usual worst of the worst for a reason. Just found it odd acting like there is a lack of freedom of speech as some check on racism. And to be clear I don't think being able to say everything and anything freedom of speech is ok either.


Jan 6, 2018
United Kingdom
Destroying a lifelong friendship over something like that makes me think Jack Black is a jerk that cares more about his career.

Given the depth of their friendship, I highly doubt this is the end of their relationship, or even the band.

We live in a day and age where yahoo's will go to target and smash crates of bud light because they put rainbow flags in some of their marketing and the right wing media space egged them on to get violent.

Seems to me a way of taking the limelight off of themselves while it all blows over, more than an end to a decades long personal and professional relationship.

Archduke Kong

Feb 2, 2019
There's no way that Kyle is not in on it. I am really surprised to see people think that there's some betrayal of friendship here. It was a big goof and now they are damage controlling it as they should.

Knowing the two of them, KG probably joked about it back stage and made JB laugh, and then got a little careless when he was on stage. Kyle has less of a public career to worry about than Jack, especially now that Jack's THE "video game movie voice over guy", so I can see him not thinking it's a big deal to say. If they split up over this, I'd be very surprised, but there's a good possibility Kyle just put Tenacious D on Project 2025's list of political enemies they want to "deal with", didn't he?