
Oct 25, 2017
Its stupid that its paid but at the same time I feel like the Punishment Training/Replays are the bigger deal that'll help more people in the long run. If youre at the point where you're looking at the frame data seriously then you should know where its available at that point
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Alt account
Aug 29, 2019
7,850 I'm legit struggling to think of a FG that not only tells you what moves are punishable but ALSO what to punish with...and in real-time in replays...that is legitimately groundbreaking stuff and had to be a huge amount of work to implement.

It's the sort of thing that would help beginners way more than any overlong tutorial ever would and keeps them playing the game online against other beginners instead of going through a hypothetical, unrealistically in depth story mode.

Throwing them $4 for the level of detail, care, and thought they put into this is nothing, imo.
The thing is that people wouldn't complain for that.
The complaint is about frame data being the paid DLC bit (unlike every other fighting game). Replay tip is free.


Oct 25, 2017
Totally. I've always thought the importance of tutorials has been vastly overstated, because that's not how people learn. Giving character specific punishment recommendations on *real matches* is going to be so much more important to players. It's much more actionable to see "you should have punished with d/f+2,1 here" than to go through some school lecture tutorial talking about punishment as a concept.

Genuinely surprised to see people react so negatively to this when a single character DLC costs more. This is so much more value than one character, imo.

The world was not worthy of TTT2. That game was so good, its failure is such a tragedy.
Exactly. Honestly, people complaining about frame data being paid and not celebrating the free punishment/replay features is indicative of the backwards approach many take to learning fighting games.

Learning what you can punish comes first, is by far the most important aspect starting out and doesnt require frame data knowledge, just a bit of experimentation. After that optimizing your punishments(this gets closer to frame data knowledge). Only after you pass those checkpoints should you be trying to gain an extensive understanding of frame data.

The thing is that people wouldn't complain for that.
The complaint is about frame data being the paid DLC bit (unlike every other fighting game). Replay tip is free.

Read the above. If one is at the point where they need frame data then sure complain away. I don't see the point considering there are tons of free ways to get frame data(phone/cpu apps, the internet), but still go ahead. But if you have not gotten through those first steps(and the free punishment tools get you there) then frame data will do little to help you anyway.


Alt account
Aug 29, 2019
Exactly. Honestly, people complaining about frame data being paid, and not celebrating the free punishment/replay features is indicative of the backwards approach many take to learning fighting games.

Learning what you can punish comes first, is by far the most important aspect starting out and doesnt require frame data knowledge, just a bit of experimentation. After that optimizing your punishments(this gets closer to frame data knowledge). Only after you pass those checkpoints should you be trying to gain an extensive understanding of frame data.

Read the above. If one is at the point where they need frame data then sure complain away. I don't see the point considering there are tons of free ways to get frame data(phone/cpu apps, the internet), but still go ahead. But if you have not gotten through those first steps(and the free punishment tools get you there) then frame data will do little to help you anyway.
Someone taking the time to check their replays and analyzing them are about as much casuals as people taking an interest into framedata.
The difference is the latter has always been a free feature in every fighting game (outside of Bamco ones given their refusal over the years to add this).

Should other features being free be celebrated? Sure. That doesn't mean the refusal to integrate a very basic feature for free for years shouldn't be criticized.
The only new thing in the genre from all those features is the replay tip system. The rest existed before for free in other fighting games (not all, but Tekken consistently had really basic training mode features compared to the competition).


Feb 1, 2018
I hate to say this ,but sounds like they could finally show Frame Data because Harada left his role as director.

Harada is a legend and he built this series, but he made a mistake purposefully hiding Frame data from players.


Oct 28, 2017
Someone taking the time to check their replays and analyzing them are about as much casuals as people taking an interest into framedata.
The difference is the latter has always been a free feature in every fighting game (outside of Bamco ones given their refusal over the years to add this).

Should other features being free be celebrated? Sure. That doesn't mean the refusal to integrate a very basic feature for free for years shouldn't be criticized.
The only new thing in the genre from all those features is the replay tip system. The rest existed before for free in other fighting games (not all, but Tekken consistently had really basic training mode features compared to the competition).
Which game has a tool to teach you punishes per character?


Oct 25, 2017
Someone taking the time to check their replays and analyzing them are about as much casuals as people taking an interest into framedata.
The difference is the latter has always been a free feature in every fighting game (outside of Bamco ones given their refusal over the years to add this).

Should other features being free be celebrated? Sure. That doesn't mean the refusal to integrate a very basic feature for free for years shouldn't be criticized.
The only new thing in the genre from all those features is the replay tip system. The rest existed before for free in other fighting games (not all, but Tekken consistently had really basic training mode features compared to the competition).
Hey, Like I said, complain away. I understand why they are charging for it and why it is a bit scummy considering their previous stances on including frame data. Just stating a fact that frame data is not the end all be all and by far the least important part of this update.

Which game has a tool to teach you punishes per character?
I'm still struggling to think of one. It's legit groundbreaking stuff for Fighting Games. A shame it will be overshadowed by people complaining about the frame data.

Anything of substance to add or...?


Jun 19, 2018
Exactly. Honestly, people complaining about frame data being paid and not celebrating the free punishment/replay features is indicative of the backwards approach many take to learning fighting games.

There's only one thing to blame about this overshadowing all the good things they're adding, and it's Bamco choice to make it a paid DLC.

Anything of substance to add or...?
Other than finding the deflection of blaming this on "backwards approach to learning fighting games" hilarious, no, not really.
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Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017

Interesting response..

Harada's twitter game is like a poor man's Kamiya.


Oct 26, 2017
Fake Europe
I'm still struggling to think of one. It's legit groundbreaking stuff for Fighting Games. A shame it will be overshadowed by people complaining about the frame data.

Guilty Gear Xrd has something similar. T7 version seems to be way better though. Also it is totally on Bandai Namco that people are upset at them for charging money for a feature every other company is willing to give you for free.


Oct 25, 2017

There's only one thing to blame about this overshadowing all the good things they're adding, and it's Bamco choice to make it a paid DLC.

Other than finding the deflection of blaming this on "backwards approach to learning fighting games" hilarious, no, not really.
Guilty Gear Xrd has something similar. T7 version seems to be way better though. Also it is totally on Bandai Namco that people are upset at them for charging money for a feature every other company is willing to give you for free.
I'll reiterate. It is on them and people have every right to be upset about it. I feel my point still stands that for learning(high or low level play) the game, frame data is way less important of a feature than the other free stuff. Especially considering it's so readily available for free in other places, and at an arguably more detailed level.

I'll join the hate bandwagon if they make us pay for it again in T8. Which they wont.
Oct 25, 2017
Dear Tekken 7. Please add Team Battle as paid dlc or anything. I am not a fan of how they are positioning Tekken lately. As less of a party game and more of a hardcore fighter. I'm sure it's a nice feature to have and probably a good way to get better at the game. But honestly, what's the point if you can't have the same amount of fun with your friends as you could in previous titles.


Oct 25, 2017
Paid frame data is something. A basic fucking feature that has been long overdue and should have been in at launch being a paid addition, just wtf.


Oct 27, 2017
Just from the PR response, it seems like Namco would have been better off giving the frame data away for free and charging for the punishment training and replay functionality. Which is silly, because the stuff they're giving away for free is so much more important.


Oct 25, 2017
Very torn, we are getting advanced data for a price. It's something I'd like to see as the casual players won't care for it, but everyone playing it on the daily this is a must have.


Oct 25, 2017
Just from the PR response, it seems like Namco would have been better off giving the frame data away for free and charging for the punishment training and replay functionality. Which is silly, because the stuff they're giving away for free is so much more important.

Neither of these things should be paid. Tekken basically got away with murder completely lacking any kind of tutorial and still not having something as basic as vs against the cpu.


Oct 27, 2017

It's a fair point. If you look back to T5, they've removed handicap, removed team battle, and removed any kind of casual 2P mode like ball mode. There's far fewer ways for people of different skill levels to play and have fun. I'd really like to see team battle back to help with that.

Jaded Alyx

Oct 25, 2017
It's a fair point. If you look back to T5, they've removed handicap, removed team battle, and removed any kind of casual 2P mode like ball mode. There's far fewer ways for people of different skill levels to play and have fun. I'd really like to see team battle back to help with that.
ok but when was tekken ever a "party game" and not a "hardcore fighter" ?


Nov 16, 2017
Re: better than a tutorial
If tips really is just about block punishing, well, that's just a drop in a bucket for what makes the game difrcult

How about telling people what their Oki options are

Or wall options

Or options vs mix-ups

Or options vs frame traps

Or vs poke pressure

All of these are things that cause people to lose more than just not block punishing + many more that you can reasonably expect to see in your average Tekken match

If we're not going to provide a holistic explanation of the game, why not do it in a granular way ?

Games like Uniel etc will outright tell you what your options are in some of these situations, and drill you on them, albeit through tutorial. They obviously don't cover everything but provide a good foundation for approaching these games period.

I'm not sold on the tips and replay stuff and I'm pretty sure this will be a thing thats brought up whenever people ask Namco to do better, whether people end up liking it or not. But w/e


Oct 25, 2017
Ah yes the game that we didn't think would get support after one season is releasing some of the best training tools yet in a fighting game, and if you want you can pay a measily $4 to get frame data which you can get anywhere else online for free if you don't wanna pay and people gotta bitch.

This is why we can't have nice things.


Jun 19, 2018
I'll reiterate. It is on them and people have every right to be upset about it. I feel my point still stands that for learning(high or low level play) the game, frame data is way less important of a feature than the other free stuff. Especially considering it's so readily available for free in other places, and at an arguably more detailed level.
I fail to see how it being less(than replay) or more important(than punish guide imo, it's easy to test punishes with record feature already, it's framedata on safe moves that you need to look up) has anything to do with people complaining about turning a free training mode feature in every other fighting game that has it into a paid DLC!


Oct 25, 2017
Oh no! four dollars! What will people do?!

The price doesn't matter making a basic feature that should be the standard in the genre already a paid addition is ridiculous especially when its not even better than what other games offer. Neither does the frame data add details on the move list like NRS does in their games to quickly look up info about frame data nor does it even display as much information as DoA does in regards to on screen information about moves


Oct 25, 2017
It certainly shouldn't be a paid feature IMO. The wait for Tekken Force goes on as well.


Oct 25, 2017
I fail to see how it being less(than replay) or more important(than punish guide imo, it's easy to test punishes with record feature already, it's framedata on safe moves that you need to look up) has anything to do with people complaining about turning a free training mode feature in every other fighting game that has it into a paid DLC!
Like I said, complain away. I will not stop you!

Ah yes the game that we didn't think would get support after one season is releasing some of the best training tools yet in a fighting game, and if you want you can pay a measily $4 to get frame data which you can get anywhere else online for free if you don't wanna pay and people gotta bitch.

This is why we can't have nice things.
It's a sight to behold.


Oct 25, 2017
Charging for what should be a basic feature included in the base game is really shitty.
Don't know why people are defending this.
Mar 29, 2018
I'm not a big fighting game player, but I'll be buying this if the tip system et Al is good enough.

Fighting games have needed this for over a decade.

Charging for what should be a basic feature included in the base game is really shitty.
Don't know why people are defending this.
It's not a basic feature though. It's an elite feature that'll be used by elite players.

All the features which will actually be useful for more average players - replays and reactive tips - is free.


Nov 30, 2017
That's an awesome update. Sure would have been great if it were free, but I'll gladly pay for this kind of ongoing dev support on a game I've owned for years.


Oct 28, 2017
I fail to see how it being less(than replay) or more important(than punish guide imo, it's easy to test punishes with record feature already, it's framedata on safe moves that you need to look up) has anything to do with people complaining about turning a free training mode feature in every other fighting game that has it into a paid DLC!
Saying it's free in other fighting games is wack. You paid for any game. In Tekken 7 the value was the 36 available characters at launch compared to other fighting games. And again the value of the season pass is still considerably higher than other of its kind. Of the several features that were announced, only one is paid and not to be included in the base game.


Jun 19, 2018
Oh no! four dollars! What will people do?!
How much should a record feature cost? $6 seems appropriate, maybe $2 for moves lists, that's not too important, everyone can just Google it but not less than $3 for damage counter, a tool that display information the game already keep tracks of is a lot of work, and $3 isn't much, people would look silly complaining about it.
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Oct 28, 2017
You know, it only being $4 doesn't take away the fact that they are still charging for something that nearly every other decent fighting game not only has on launch, you have to pay for it nearly three years later. Its stupid, and yes if it was any other company like Capcom or Arc Systems Works, everyone would be up in arms. Tekken stans are fucking weird.


Oct 25, 2017
You know, it only being $4 doesn't take away the fact that they are still charging for something that nearly every other decent fighting game not only has on launch, you have to pay for it nearly three years later. Its stupid, and yes if it was any other company like Capcom or Arc Systems Works, everyone would be up in arms. Tekken stans are fucking weird.
Because literally nobody cares. If you're that hardcore about the game you were gonna buy the season pass to begin with, so frame data being paid or free doesn't change a thing. The weird thing is that it's the other stuff they're gonna release for free that should have been paid, not the opposite, but again, nobody is gonna buy this thing standalone when they're either gonna buy the whole sp or just use tekkenbot/an app as they've always had. It's just a bad look for bamco, doesn't change a thing for actual Tekken players.
Personally, making a better tekkenbot was good enough, but the free "enhanced" replay features are actually amazing so I'm pretty happy about this update.

And yes, frame data should have been there since several Tekkens ago, but Harada has always been against it, so yeah, it's cool he finally changed his mind.
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Oct 26, 2017
Fake Europe
Saying it's free in other fighting games is wack. You paid for any game. In Tekken 7 the value was the 36 available characters at launch compared to other fighting games. And again the value of the season pass is still considerably higher than other of its kind. Of the several features that were announced, only one is paid and not to be included in the base game.

I can't breathe.


Jun 19, 2018
Saying it's free in other fighting games is wack. You paid for any game. In Tekken 7 the value was the 36 available characters at launch compared to other fighting games. And again the value of the season pass is still considerably higher than other of its kind. Of the several features that were announced, only one is paid and not to be included in the base game.
Lol ok, it has only been free in every fighting game that added it post release too.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Can't wait until a fighting game comes out bare bones with no training mode and then they have it as day 1 DLC for the "meager" price of 4 dollars and the same people come in to defend the practice because it happened to their favorite game... but then shit on another game for doing the same thing.

You already know that if SFV didn't put out its frame data update for free there would be a METRIC ton of shit hurled at the game. And rightfully so because you shouldn't charge for basic functionality like training mode data options.

This is really more of Harada's own antiquated (and losing) crusade against frame data. He should change his motto from "don't ask me for shit" to "don't ask me for free shit". Clearly he will put highly demanded features in the game despite his personal bias... just behind a paywall.


Nov 28, 2017
How are people even defending this? Might as well cut out more stuff in the next game and sell it separately. Seems the bar has been set real low for peoples expectations of basic feature.


Oct 25, 2017
As clearly evident by this thread, Tekken Twitter and all the talk about it on FGs social media, clearly, no one, literally.
I'm talking about the actual repercussions of this decision for actual tekken players, not twitter/forum whiners.
Does Bamco look greedy? Hell yeah. Does it matter to a tekken player? No.

In reality, they have to justify the development of any new kind of content two years after launch and since this sp had less characters, this is probably just a way to increase the perceived value of the sp. I just find it weird they've chosen this specific thing to paywall over the others, because this is exactly how you get bad PR while offering an amazing improvement to the game.


Oct 28, 2017
You know, it only being $4 doesn't take away the fact that they are still charging for something that nearly every other decent fighting game not only has on launch, you have to pay for it nearly three years later. Its stupid, and yes if it was any other company like Capcom or Arc Systems Works, everyone would be up in arms. Tekken stans are fucking weird.
What's weird is that people are still coming up with this excuse that "if it was X or Y there would be a stick-up" for years now. You're still trying to frame it as if the other fighting games that got merked was because they released at a bad time and Tekken 7 profited from Street Fighter V getting blown out.

It bears repeating: most of the features that we've seen today are to be included in the base game. Some of these features carries a lot of potential and offers a more interesting path for beginners to improve than other fighting games if done right. It is absolutely a good thing that Tekken 7 is still delivering on features instead of just being a constant stream of character in order to improve the health of the game.

Season Pass 3 features included in the base game:

- Huge rebalance for every character
- New moves for every character
- Play stats display
- Punishment tool that teaches you punishes against characters
- Replay system you can save
- Tips system telling you what you could have done better during replays

Season Pass 3 *paid* feature:

- Frame data (simple color coded and detailed with numbers)

No one adds shit for free. Pretending DOA has frame data it is also hiding all the faults the game has and all the monetization it has going around. Comparing all the features that Tekken provides against most fighting games then Tekken is clearly up there for what you're getting without handing out the money. People are just trying to complain focusing on one thing while trying to sidestep everything else the game provides at the same time. Again, you're not just getting the frame data with the update. You're just paying for it while getting all the other things included in the base game without forking anything.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I honestly have not heard of a fighting game that added additional training mode/repay functionality and put it behind a paywall in an update. This practice was done back in the SF4 and earlier days when updates were packaged in with expansions but we are past those days now. Games don't have disc expansions now and your previous copy doesn't become obsolete.


Alt account
Aug 29, 2019
What's weird is that people are still coming up with this excuse that "if it was X or Y there would be a stick-up" for years now. You're still trying to frame it as if the other fighting games that got merked was because they released at a bad time and Tekken 7 profited from Street Fighter V getting blown out.

It bears repeating: most of the features that we've seen today are to be included in the base game. Some of these features carries a lot of potential and offers a more interesting path for beginners to improve than other fighting games if done right. It is absolutely a good thing that Tekken 7 is still delivering on features instead of just being a constant stream of character in order to improve the health of the game.

Season Pass 3 features included in the base game:

- Huge rebalance for every character
- New moves for every character
- Play stats display
- Punishment tool that teaches you punishes against characters
- Replay system you can save
- Tips system telling you what you could have done better during replays

Season Pass 3 *paid* feature:

- Frame data (simple color coded and detailed with numbers)

No one adds shit for free. Pretending DOA has frame data it is also hiding all the faults the game has and all the monetization it has going around. Comparing all the features that Tekken provides against most fighting games then Tekken is clearly up there for what you're getting without handing out the money. People are just trying to complain focusing on one thing while trying to sidestep everything else the game provides at the same time. Again, you're not just getting the frame data with the update. You're just paying for it while getting all the other things included in the base game without forking anything.
Most fighting games have frame data in their training modes, it's not "pretending" anything. Same for the replay system...
Most fighting games rebalance their game often, and some also do "huge rebalance" every year.

As said before, there's no issue saying it's cool that Tekken is bringing to their game basic features other games have since a decade, it's an issue when you pretend it's mindblowing and that the new feature means you can't criticize putting a basic feature behind paid DLC (be it 4$ or 10$).