Oct 25, 2017

Tara Reade Is Dropped as Client by a Leading #MeToo Lawyer (Published 2020)

The lawyer’s departure came after concerns over the expert witness credentials of Ms. Reade, who has accused Joe Biden of sexual assault.

Tara Reade has accused Joseph R. Biden Jr. of sexual assault. The departure of her lawyer, who says he believes her allegation, comes as her questions are being raised about her credibility as an expert witness.

The lawyer for Tara Reade, the former Senate aide who has accused Joseph R. Biden Jr. of sexual assault, said Friday that he was no longer representing her, just two weeks after taking her on as a client.

The lawyer, Douglas H. Wigdor, has been a leading plaintiff's attorney of the #MeToo era. His firm is best known for bringing discrimination cases against Fox News — and its former star host Bill O'Reilly — and Harvey Weinstein, and his presence at Ms. Reade's side gave her claims added legal heft.

His announced departure came a day after defense lawyers in California said they were reviewing criminal cases in which Ms. Reade served as an expert witness on domestic violence, concerned that she had misrepresented her educational credentials in court.


Oct 27, 2017

A prominent lawyer who began representing Tara Reade, who recently accused former Vice President Joe Biden of sexual assaulting her in 1993, two weeks ago announced on Friday that he is ending his representation of Reade. The announcement follows reports that she misled courts about her education credentials.

Douglas Wigdor, a Republican attorney who's brought several high-profile sexual misconduct lawsuits, has not said why he dropped Reade's case, but told The New York Times on Friday that the decision is "by no means a reflection on whether then-Senator Biden sexually assaulted Ms. Reade." He said he continues to believe Reade's allegations.

"Much of what has been written about Ms. Reade is not probative of whether then-Senator Biden sexually assaulted her, but rather is intended to victim-shame and attack her credibility on unrelated and irrelevant matters," Wigdor, who took on Reade's case just two weeks ago, said in a statement. "We have and will continue to represent survivors regardless of their alleged predator's status or politics."

In March, Reade alleged that Biden digitally penetrated her in a Capitol Hill hallway in 1993 and that she was later pressured to quit her job as a staff assistant in his office. Biden vehemently denies her claims.

Wigdor's announcement came as reporting emerged this week revealing that Reade may have misled courts about her education credentials for nearly 10 years, while she served as an expert witness on domestic violence.

Officials at Antioch University say Reade never graduated from the school, despite her claims that she received a Bachelor's Degree from the university through a "protected program" for victims of domestic violence. A university official told CNN that the "protected program" Reade spoke of never existed.

The New York Times Link


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
What these events do show is Ronan Farrow does his due diligence. He never got involved in this fight.
Oct 25, 2017
Wasn't he working pro bono as well?

She has no credibility now. Its done. I totally understand him jettisoning from her


Mar 16, 2018
This sucks. They completely destroyed this woman and found some unrelated smoking gun to cover up from the obviously true fact that Biden assaulted her. Hard not to feel pretty hopeless in the face of all this.


Oct 25, 2017
If her claims are false, then I feel really bad for actual victims of sexual harassment and assault. This does nothing but harm to their valid stories. :\

Loud Wrong

Feb 24, 2020
This sucks. They completely destroyed this woman and found some unrelated smoking gun to cover up from the obviously true fact that Biden assaulted her. Hard not to feel pretty hopeless in the face of all this.
They destroyed her by pointing out that she's potentially ruined the lives of at least 20 other victims of assault? Are we supposed to sympathize with her?


Oct 25, 2017
A reminder that Wigdor is a proud, public Trumper...and he bailed out after 2 weeks. Crazy turns of events in this case.

I'm assuming someone else will take up this case though, provided it's still credible. The way this thing is going, there's bound to be something else that swings it in the other direction.


Oct 28, 2017
i guess it is over then. sad, i believed her but what she did (if true) is horrible.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Can't really blame the guy at this point. I can't imagine as a lawyer you would want to be associated with someone who is reported to have perjured herself.

This whole thing has turned into such a fucking mess. There is no good outcomes anymore. Just varying degrees of bad.


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
I will always err on the side of caution for accusers, but i'm disappointed in Tara. She only damages victims coming forward doing this for whatever reason she did.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn, that first post.
This whole situation has certainly been quite a rollercoaster. What she lied about is pretty significant.


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
Wait, what did I miss? What was the latest revelation?

Tara Reade appears to have lied under oath about her education, defense lawyers seek to get convictions overturned in cases where she testified This... is kind of not good. Edit: NYT Article about it Edit: Reade's lawyer has dropped her as a client...


Prophet of Truth
Mar 17, 2020
Wait, what did I miss? What was the latest revelation?

She committed perjury twenty times

Tara Reade appears to have lied under oath about her education, defense lawyers seek to get convictions overturned in cases where she testified This... is kind of not good. Edit: NYT Article about it Edit: Reade's lawyer has dropped her as a client...


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
This sucks. They completely destroyed this woman and found some unrelated smoking gun to cover up from the obviously true fact that Biden assaulted her. Hard not to feel pretty hopeless in the face of all this.
Perjury is pretty fucking serious. It casts doubt on all the cases she testified for. At best, guilty abusers have a chance to walk free as their cases are investigated. At worst, innocent people may have lost a significant chunk of their life due to Reade's lie.

I don't know how I feel about Reade's account after this. This is a shitty situation. But this absolutely needed to come out and you should not blame journalists for investigating it.
Oct 30, 2017
User Banned (1 Day): Trolling
Misleading courts about education credentials is problematic.
Joe Biden just does it to impress regular people.


Oct 25, 2017
Jeez. This situation is so bad. I always give the benefit of the doubt to accusers, but at this point I'm in "I have no idea what happened" territory.


Oct 25, 2017
Wait, what did I miss? What was the latest revelation?
She lied about getting her college degree. She never got one and then she just said she got a "secret" one from the chancellor. The chancellor said it never happened.

So yeah, she has a strong history of lying. Her credibility is gone.


Oct 30, 2017
The Bydo Empire Strikes Again!

It all seriousness, if the lawyer dropped her, something may be going on in terms of the strength of the case.


Jul 17, 2019
Why would you lie about your education in court? It's not like she was looking for a job there...
Oct 25, 2017
"Are we supposed to sympathize with her?"

Yes, because even though the lawyer is dropping her case he still maintains that she was victimized by Biden?
This matter of academic credentials is not the smoking gun people are making it out to be.

Academic credentials and perjury.

Why would you lie about your education in court? It's not like she was looking for a job there...

Expert witnesses are often compensated for their time.


Oct 28, 2017
Some of you are far too easily baited.

Anyway, her lawyer dropping when working pro bono is fairly big.

Seriously - just use the ignore feature.

And agreed, this is very relevant in multiple angles. The plausibility that she's telling the truth and now the lives of many victims are no endangered because she lied about her credentials as an expert witness.

Loud Wrong

Feb 24, 2020
"Are we supposed to sympathize with her?"

Yes, because even though the lawyer is dropping her case he still maintains that she was victimized by Biden?
This matter of academic credentials is not the smoking gun people are making it out to be.
She deliberately harmed the cases of at least 20 other victims with her fraud. And you're right, this story alone isn't the smoking gun. It's just one piece in an ever-growing pattern of behavior being put forward by credible news sources.


Mar 16, 2018
Rather than responding to everyone quoting me I will just say: it doesn't matter what she did. She could be guilty of a bunch of heinous crimes and it would not change the fact that I believe that Biden assaulted her. The amount of debate around her moral character and her own actions has been legitimately stomach churning to watch play out. Believing women isn't a conditional thing that we can drop when it's suddenly politically convenient.

Anyway that's my final word I'm not gonna argue with anyone about it. The whole situation has just been very sad.